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Kate's First Kiss (The Misadventures of Price-Field)

The early morning sun illuminated the room with a warm glow, stirring the two young women on the bed out of their slumber. The bed sheets tumbled from their shoulders as they turned, revealing their naked bodies slowly as their limps shook them loose. Chloe rubbed her eyes as she opened them first, looking over at Max who lay on her side with her head against the pillow still clinging to sleep. She exhaled delicately, a smile on her lips as she gazed at her back and the smooth flesh presented to her. “What time is it?” She asked the brunette.

Max sluggishly lifted her head and glanced at the clock on her desk nearby. “Too early” she groaned, falling back to the pillow refusing to move. Chloe lay back following suit, reclining beside her with her boobs on display.

Which was how they were found when Kate came knocking on Max’s door looking for her. It turned out it wasn’t as early as max thought and her clock needed new batteries as the young Christian found her dorm room open and gently called her name. “Max? Are you awake? I was hoping to talk to…” she froze when she walked in dressed in her pajamas, a white top and rolled up tortoise bottoms, her blonde hair tied up. She froze in shock when she found Max still in bed, naked, and with another girl. Her eyes widened even further when she spotted the scattered clothes and sex toys on the floor. The insinuation was clear.

The lesbian lovers heard her come in, waking up in time to see her frozen in the dorm room staring at them. Max turned equally pale when she saw her, shooting up in her bed seeing the clothes and the toys and how naked she was. “Kate!” She squeaked, grabbing her bed sheet covering herself up. “Hey. I…” she stammered, looking behind her finding Chloe sitting up from the mattress. She didn’t bother to hide her modesty as she gave the shell shocked woman a smile and a wave. “Oh, um…this is my friend Chloe.”

Kate didn’t say anything. She couldn’t think of what to say. So she covered her eyes and hurried back out the door. Max called after her but the girl was gone before she could stop her. Chloe chuckled in amusement as Max buried her face in her pillow. “Too much action for Arcadia Bay?” Chloe joked as Max groaned.


Fortunately, Max found Kate in her own room when she went to find her, having first whipped on her pajamas try and be presentable. She didn’t have time to put her clothes on if she wanted to explain things to her friend. Though as she reached Kates door she suddenly pondered how am I going to explain this?

Kate wasn’t oblivious to Max’s sexuality, that much she was sure, though they never actually talked about it. Kate was no prude either, she knew about sex and what goes into it. But she was still from a conservative family. Max could only imagine how freaked out she was when she found her and Chloe together. And she couldn’t fathom how freaked she become if she explained what brought her and Chloe back to her room.

The day before they had run into Chloe’s old friend Steph and the three of them really hit it off. Hit it off to the point they had sex in Chloe’s truck and drove back to the dormitory naked. Max had to convince Chloe to put some clothes back on because the blue haired prankster really wanted to see peoples reactions to strolling through the halls in her birthday suit. They walked Steph to her room where she just ended up talking the pair of them back out of their clothes so they could fuck privately for a couple of hours. It was actually several hours and Max continued to use her powers to snap her, Chloe, and sometimes Steph back in time to keep going. The young woman got worn out in the end and they left her passed out on her bed. Max could tell Chloe liked her a lot, even joked that she might want to adopt the girl. Chloe laughed but didn’t dismiss the idea of bringing a pet into their bedroom. It had gotten dark by then and Max didn’t want to send Chloe out at night, or see her go home. So the girl agreed to a sleepover. It took them another two hours before they actually fell asleep from exhaustion.

Max wasn’t as used to days full of Dabauchery like Chloe was. The ex-Blackwell student was certainly a bad influence. But she loved her anyway. She liked Kate too, which was why it was important to talk to her as soon as she could. She swallowed her nerves and knocked on the door, waiting a few moments before knocking again. “Kate? It’s Max. Can I come in?” She called softly.

She was relieved when she detected the sound of shuffling before the door slowly opened. Max gently pushed it open and found a red faced Kate standing awkwardly by the door. “Hey” the blonde said quietly, walking back into her room letting Max follow. They took a seat on her sofa in awkward silence. “I’m sorry I walked in on you…both of you” Kate apologized.

“I’m sorry you had to see that” Max found herself saying, though she knew she didn’t have anything to apologize for. “I know it was a shock…”

“It was” Kate agreed, unable to look at her. “I was hoping to talk, about school. But if you were busy…”

“No, I can talk. We can talk” Max said, turning to Kate wondering what was wrong. She knew she was having a hard time lately and wanted to be there for her.

“What about your…friend” she asked, the word not feeling appropriate in her mind.

“Chloe? She’ll be fine” Max told her. She left her in her bed still dozing. She hoped she wouldn’t cause too much trouble while she was gone. She looked at Kate. She could tell she was uncomfortable around her now. She didn’t like that she felt this way. They were friends after all. “Kate, if my relationship with Chloe bothers you, you can tell me.”

“I shouldn’t bother me” she said shamefully. “You have every right to be with whoever you want” she acknowledged.

“I know, but still…I don’t want things to become weird between us” she said. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

Kate wrapped her arms around herself, shifting in her seat as she forced herself to look at her. “I don’t want to lose you either Max” she replied. “I was just surprised. I didn’t know you had a…a lover.”

Max held back the chuckle she wanted to let out. Lover? That’s one word for it she thought. “I’m not sure what Chloe is right now” she told her. “Girlfriend definitely. But I don’t know how serious it is.”

“But you had sex with her.”

Max blushed, her turn to become uncomfortable. “Yes, I have. A few times” she confessed. She looked at Kate, who had her eyes to the floor. “If it’ll help, I could ask Chloe not to visit the dorms again. She’s not meant to be here anyway, so…”

“Max” Kate interrupted, her voice cracking a little from emotion. Max looked at her and realized she was struggling to keep composed. She couldn’t tell what it was: anger, shame, contempt? But then she looked at her and she saw a tear fall down her cheek. “It’s not…you haven’t done anything wrong. But I think I have” she said quietly.

Max shuffled closer, asking her “what do you mean?”

“When I saw you, in bed with her…I was embarrassed. Shocked. Mortified” she explained. Then she added “but most of all, I was jealous.”


“Of her. I was jealous because…” she stopped, unable to say it out loud. Unable to confess her greatest sin.

But Max was smart enough to put it together. Kate was jealous because she wished it was her in bed with Max. “Kate, I…” Max stammered, but Kate spun around and put her hand over Max’s mouth before she could say anything.

“I can’t explain it, and I didn’t even want to say anything. But I…I care about you Max, in a way I shouldn’t. If the people at my church knew…if my parents knew…please just forget I said anything” she begged, turning away unable to look at her, unwilling to let her see the shame. “I think you should go. Your friend is waiting for you.”

Max sat frozen in her seat for a long while. She had no idea Kate had felt this way. She stared at the back of Kates head in shock. For a moment she considered doing as she was asked, like she normally would. But instead she scooted closer and put her hand on Kates cheek, gently turning her head to look at her. Kate resisted but Max managed to catch her gaze. “I’m not going anywhere” she said. “Not until I know you’re okay.” Kate stared at her, reluctantly turning back to sit with Max as she stroked her cheek softly. Unsure what to say next, Max suggested “if you don’t want to talk about it, we could just sit and…”

Suddenly Kate leaned in and surprised Max with a kiss on the mouth, something that shocked both of them. Kate froze in mortified horror when she realized what she had done, staring at Max seeking forgiveness. But Max took her by surprise by cupping her face and gently kissing her back.

The kiss lasted barely a moment before Kate pushed Max away. “Stop! What are you…what are we doing?” She stammered, turning pale as she jumped to her feet.

Max shook of the shock and took a breath. What was she doing? “I’m sorry, I just…you kissed me” she stammered, staring up at her as she began to pace uncomfortably. “I’m sorry, maybe I should go” she said, standing up and moving to the door.

A conflicted Kate stood still for a moment before rushing to stop her, catching her hands nervously. “Wait. I…” she whispered, her lips quivering with unease. Max stopped immediately, waiting for Kate to elaborate.

When she didn’t she stepped closer, taking her hands softly. “Why did you kiss me?” She asked.

Kate averted her gaze, a blush rising in her cheeks. “I don’t…I don’t know” she confessed, her voice quiet like a mouse.

Max had an idea, but she didn’t want to push her into admiring it. But now she knew, she was more worried about her. But she was also starting to see her friend in a new light. She never considered approaching Kate as anything more than a friend, given her background and upbringing. But now…the possibilities scared her as much as they terrified Kate. Yet she still found herself stepping closer, leaning in to tease her lips with hers.

This time Kate pulled away before she could make contact. “We can’t” she whispered.

“Why not?” She asked softly, curiously. “Why didn’t you tell me how you felt?”

“Because it’s wrong” she shivered. “Because it’s a sin. Because…” she finally lifted her eyes to look at Max nervously. “Because I didn’t think you would…want me” she confessed.

Max’s heart fluttered as she wiped a tear from Kate’s cheek. “I didn’t realize it until now, but I like you too” Max confessed. Now that she said it, it seemed so obvious. She always had a soft spot for her.

Kates eyes dilated a little hearing her say that, a shallow gasp escaping her lips. “But…what about your…your friend…” she asked.

“You mean Chloe? We’re still figuring things out” she told her. She couldn’t imagine breaking things off with Chloe, but then she was curious if she could share it with a Kate too. Right now she couldn’t think that far ahead. She was just thinking about right now, this moment. “What about us?” She asked. Kate didn’t answer, her gaze dropping to their hands, their fingers interlacing together. Max watched her lips purse together, the way they do when she’s really worried. “Do you still want me to leave?” Max asked her.

Kate hesitated before looking up at her, releasing a shaky breath. There was a long pause before she quietly replied “no. Please don’t.”

So Max didn’t. Instead she stepped back into the room, following Kate across the carpeted floor, their bare feet padding in sync. Kate nearly tripled over but Max caught her, her arms wrapping around her waist, their faces coming closer. They stared into each other’s eyes, the conflict growing to desire as a Kate subconsciously led her past the sofa and brought her to the bed. She paused when the back of her legs brushed the mattress, inhaling nervously looking up at Max. Looking for guidance.

Max brought her hands up to hold her, her fingers stroking her neck, arm around her waist, her body drawing up to hers. “Tell me when to stop” she whispered, reaching up to undo her blonde hair. Kate shivered when it fell over her shoulders, her arms wrapping around Max’s neck leaning closer. This time when Max leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t pull away. Instead she pulled her closer and they fell backwards onto the bed.

Max lowered her gently, kissing Kate softly taking it slow with the young woman. She lay back and let her fall atop of her, feeling safe in her embrace, her knees coming up to hook around her hips pulling her closer, their lips melding together. Their eyes were closed leaving their hands the only way to see as they began to nervously explore. Max was reluctant to, despite how much she craved to touch her, keeping her arms either side of the blonde holding herself up discovering how much strength it took in guys to keep this pose while kissing their girlfriends. She didn’t want to move too fast for the inexperienced girl though, letting Kate explore her at her own pace, sensually melting into the kiss that continued to connect them. Kate grew in confidence as her hands moved down her chest, her palms pressing awkwardly against her small breasts fondling them through her pajamas before brushing up her back, her fingers accidentally slipping under the fabric to touch her skin. Max sighed from the touch, deepening the kiss falling ever further for her dorm mate.

The kiss broke when both girls paused for breath, panting heavily as their bodies tingled with desire. They opened their eyes and stared at one another, their cheeks turning red. “I’ve wanted this for so long” Kate found herself confessing, embarrassment turning her bright red. Max smiled, pecking her lips in affection, biting her lip as she watched Kate blush even brighter. “We shouldn’t be doing this” she repeated.

“It’s okay” Max assured her.

“It’s not. We…you have a girlfriend” she said, finally plucking the courage to use the word.

Max sighed, glancing over her shoulder to the door. “Chloe and I will be okay” she told her, not feeling guilty in the least about making out with Kate while Chloe lay in her bed across the hall. She was fortunate they had that kind of relationship. “Will we be okay?” She asked her, worried they might’ve ruined their friendship.

Kate didn’t have an answer yet, but she put on a brave face and pecked Max on the lips. She hoped they would be. But she still looked nervously at her door. “Are you sure she won’t mind that we did this?” She asked, referring to Chloe.

Max couldn’t think of anyway to reassure her other then something risky. So risky she didn’t want to suggest it. “I could ask her” she said anyway, nervously proposing “we could ask her.”

Kate turned pale at the suggestion. Of course it was a bad idea. Max shouldn’t have said anything. Yet to her utter surprise Kate didn’t dismiss the suggestion. She seemed to be gaining confidence the longer she was in Max’s arms, biting her bottom lip considering it. “Okay” she said, shocking them both. “If you’re sure.”

“Are you sure?” Max asked her cautiously.

Kate shook her head. “No. But I…want this” she replied.

Max nodded. She supposed they should do it before they changed their mind. She climbed off Kates bed and helped her to her feet, taking her hand tightly and slowly leading her towards the door. She paused at the exit to ask if she was sure, that she wanted to ask her now. Kate nodded, following Max out of her room and across the hallway to Max’s dorm room, holding her hand for the entire journey.

Chloe was still in Max’s bed when the girls returned. She was still naked, but she was also awake. She grinned in delight when Max stepped inside. Her eyebrows raised when she found she’d brought her friend with her. “Hey. I was starting to wonder where you’d gotten to” she said. “I was going to come looking.”

“With clothes on I hope” Max chuckled, seeing Kate avert her eyes uncomfortably, squeezing her hand. “Sorry if we worried you.”

“Well, you’re back now” she smiled, climbing out of bed and giving Max a kiss. She looked at Kate curiously, glancing down at their hands. “I see you made up” she said quietly, flashing Max a smirk as if she knew what this was.

Max looked up at Chloe. Suddenly she wasn’t sure what she was doing. She gave Kate a reassuring smile before addressing her girlfriend. “We talked. Things have gotten…complicated.”

Chloe raised her eyebrow again, looking at Kate. Admiring her. “Have you come to steal Max from me?” She asked teasingly.

Kate turned red, almost hiding behind Max as Chloe circled her. She couldn’t bring her eyes up to look at the tall young woman. “No, I…” she stammered, losing her voice from unease.

Chloe broke into a wide grin as she stroked her blonde hair. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. We’re not exclusive” she explained, lifting her chin so the girl could look her in the eye. “I’m sure we can share” she whispered, leaning closer to her.

Kate pulled back before the seductive beauty could kiss her and Max quickly stepped in telling Chloe “it’s not like that. She’s not here to…it’s all still new” she whispered to her, apologetically stroking her cheek. “I didn’t bring her here to meet you, not like that” she explained.

Chloe briefly pouted before nodding, the easy going type of girl she was. “Okay. Shame. She’s gorgeous” she whispered to her, giving Max her approval. “You two do look adorable together” she remarked, stepping away from Kate and turning a Max so the blonde and brunette faced each other. “I’ve been meaning to have a shower, so I could leave you two to it” she suggested, stepping away giving them the room.

“Are you sure?” Max asked her, sensing the disappointment in her girlfriend.

Chloe appreciated the concern but she pecked her on the lips assuring her “it’s fine. I guess we should’ve expected some exclusive lovers. Maybe another time, unless you’re willing to let me watch” she joked.

Max blushed, turning back to Kate who was watching the small exchange silently. When Chloe made her remark Kate nervously suggested “you don’t have to go. You could stay.”

Chloe paused, inquisitively looking at Max who told Kate “she doesn’t have to. You don’t have to do anything with her.”

“I don’t” she agreed. But she then added “but if she wants to stay with you and…whatever, I don’t think I’ll mind. I don’t want to mess things up between you” she whispered.

Max’s heart fluttered again. Kate was clearly uncomfortable around all this but she was willing to push past it so Max would be happy. Chloe jumped at the opportunity, dropping what she was doing and preparing a chair to sit and watch in. Max looked at Kate, who now kept her eyes on Max as she blushed nervously. She mouthed a thank you before leaning in to kiss the blonde tenderly.

Chloe watched the pair of them kiss, a small part of her a little jealous. They did look adorable together. All the more reason to remind them she was here and not going anywhere. She crept up behind Max, surprising her with an embrace that briefly interrupted their kiss. “Since you agreed to let me stay, the least I can do is help you out of your clothes” she whispered, lifting her top over her head. Kate stared in wonder as Max’s breasts were revealed. With Chloe she couldn’t bring herself to look at her. But with Max she found herself entranced. Chloe noticed, resting her head on Max’s shoulder encouraging Kate to “give them a squeeze. She won’t mind.”

Max nodded, so Kate nervously reached up and placed her palms against her chest. She inhaled when she felt them, and Max moaned softly in response. “You’re really pretty” Kate said.

“So are you” she replied, stroking her cheek. She blushed a little more, doubting her sincerity. Max wanted her to see how beautiful she was, running her hands through her blonde hair and over her shoulders as she gave her a passionate kiss. When Chloe reached down to hook her thumbs into her pajamas bottoms she stopped her. She wanted Kate to take them off when she was ready. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable watching from the bed?” She asked the punk girl.

Chloe smiled, giving her cheek a final peck before retreating to the bed and sitting against the headboard, her hand falling between her thighs to gently tease her sex while she watched them.

Max and Kate made out intimately, their kiss slow and sensual while Kate got used to exploring Max’s half naked body. Every so often Max’s hands would slip under the girls pajamas to test the waters, catching glimpses of her flesh with each pass. Over time her nerves faded and Kate was more willing to indulge in the possibilities with her friend as they drifted closer to the bed. Max paused by the edge, letting Kate make the next move, whatever it was. Her next move became a gentle push against her midriff coaxing the brunette onto the mattress before hesitantly taking hold of her bottoms to slowly pull them down her legs. Both Max and Chloe watched eagerly as Kate removed the final layer from her body and left Max naked and waiting for her.

But Kate remained standing, silently staring at Max in all her beauty. She was nervous, in awe, excited and terrified. But when Max went to sit up she shook her head, asking her to wait. Max waited. Her patience was rewarded when Kate finally became comfortable enough to remove her own pajamas, slowly pulling her white top off and then pushing her blue bottoms down and stepping out of them. She stood in nervous silence in front of Max, her slim body on display, her arms fidgeting by her sides not wanting to cover herself. She looked at Max biting her bottom lip, wanting her approval.

Max was stunned. She really was pretty. Gorgeous. She stared at Kate for a long while, her eyes full of affection when they met Kates. She reached out for her, waiting for her to take her hand, their fingers linking together as she gently brought the beautiful blonde to join her, embracing her as she fell on top of her in a steamy and passionate kiss. Their hands never let each other go.

Chloe got very aroused watching the two of them make out on the bed, both of them forgetting she was even there as they mashed their lips together and rubbed their naked bodies together. She sat back enjoying the show, casually rubbing herself as she watched Max take carful control over the inexperienced young woman, guiding her through what was obviously her first lesbian encounter if not her first time full stop. She couldn’t help but look at her girlfriend with a little pride. She’d come a long way since they started formally hooking up.

Kate began to loose herself as she made out with Max, giving in to her forbidden desires at long last. She kept tensing when Max touched her, shivering when her fingers stroked up her back or thighs, her breasts pressed against hers. Her body became warm and tingly as she started to experience sensations she’d never felt before, her belly fluttering with excitement as her lips continued to move with hers. The only time she stopped was when Max’s knee brushed against her moist womanhood, inhaling in shock almost waking her out of the lustful daze. Max caught her hesitation, stroking her cheek whispering “it’s okay. How does it feel?”

“I don’t know” she whispered, her hips hovering over hers, their clits on the verge of rubbing together. She felt compelled to grind against her, reluctant to do so. So Max took her hips and helped her along, lifting her hips to grind her pussy against hers. Kate moaned, her fingers tightening around Max’s hand. “Oh Lord, please forgive me” she mumbled under her breath, falling against her lover giving into temptation, their bodies rocking together vigorously.

They rocked and rubbed together passionately, intimately, so vigorously even Chloe was getting jealous. Her arousal reached new heights, fingering herself so hard she made herself cum, her raspy moans interrupting the young lovers as they looked at her. Kate blushed bright red while Max and Chloe giggled. While Chloe pulled her knees up to recover from her orgasm Max rolled Kate onto the mattress, lowering her onto her back peppering her with kisses. “Tell me when to stop” she whispered, slowly crawling down her body running her hands over her flesh, planting kisses down her body. When Kate tensed from nerves Max held her gaze, her eyes projecting assurance as she kissed her nipples, watching her squirm discovering how sensitive and hard they had become. But then Max lowered to her stomach, dropping down to the floor so she could coax her legs apart and admire her pussy. Kates eyes widened, sitting up on her elbows watching the brunette as she hovered over her sex. Max looked up at her, waiting for her to say something. When she didn’t, she leaned in and gently began kissing her lips.

The sound Kate made made both the young women watching her smile. It was a blend between a moan and a whimper, reluctant desire given a voice. It was so adorable Chloe started falling in love with her, beginning to understand why Max wanted to keep her to herself. Suddenly the blue haired punk couldn’t keep her hands to herself as she scooted closer to settle behind the blonde, admiring her closely as she panted and whimpered, her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly. “Try to relax” she suggested, noting the tension in her shoulders when she placed her hands upon them. Kate jumped at her touch, turning her head to find the bold young woman giving her a wide smile. “Just let it go. You’ll enjoy yourself more, I promise you” she whispered, her mouth drifting ever so casually towards her lips.

“Chloe” Max warned, pausing in her oral ministrations to look up at her girlfriend as she hovered over the nervous young woman.

Chloe flashed her a look as Kate sighed heavily, craving the return of Max’s tongue. “Relax Max, I’m not going to steal her from you” she promised, innocently removing her hands from the uncomfortable blonde. Max narrowed her eyes before seeing the rising desperation in Kates eyes as her hips quivered, her pussy pulsing in need for her to continue. She returned to eating her out, steadying her shaking thighs with her arms as she licked at her with her tongue. Chloe fell onto an elbow watching Kate struggle to stay composed, her eyelids fluttering between open and closed while her mouth remained open. Well, maybe I’ll just steal a piece of her the pink thought as she snuck her hand behind the girls back and pinched her right nipple between her fingers. Kate’s eyes rolled into her head as she moaned from sensory overload.

Between Max’s tongue and Chloe’s fingers Kate found herself tumbling through a spiral of emotions both good and bad, riding a rollercoaster of pleasure she wasn’t ready for. Her body shook with tension and relaxed in a seemingly endless cycle causing her to writhe on the bed, her legs kicking out and folding around Max’s face each time her tongue thrust into her. She stared into the girls eyes in disbelief and wonder, her hand catching hers squeezing it tightly. After a few more licks Kate’s other hand shot forward to grab her head, her fingers catching a fistful of hair pulling her deeper between her legs as they bent at the knees, her toes curling around her ears. Without her elbows to support her she fell back against the mattress, her head landing on Chloe’s stomach as she continued to toy with her nipple and admire her from above. She enjoyed the faces Kate pulled as her expression contorted with pleasure.

“Oh my…oh Lord, oh fuck” Kate moaned, her breathing becoming irregular as her body grew warmer. She couldn’t explain what was happening. She kept tensing and relaxing, rising and falling, like she was riding a wave on the ocean. “Max! I don’t…oh my lord, what’s happening” she panted.

“I think her cherry is ready to pop” Chloe laughed, her mouth forming a wide grin as she watched the blonde become undone. “Don’t fight it. Trust me…you don’t want to resist what’s coming” she told her, cradling the girl about to experience her first real climax. Max felt it approaching too, measuring the movements of her walls as they wrapped around her tongue, the way her thighs crushed her head, the way her body trembled. She wanted to see it more clearly but she knew her place now was down here helping her ride the orgasm to completion.

Kate lost herself to the pleasure, shuddering uncontrollably clutching Max’s hair, panting rapidly and heavily. Her head tossed side to side, her hands curling in Max’s hair, the bed sheets, even reaching behind to grab palmfuls of Chloe’s flesh. She was holding onto whatever she could. She tried to hold on. She failed, succumbing to the wave and prayed for forgiveness.

Her body lifted as her back arched, her legs straightening, her mouth unleashing a stifled wail as she was rocked by her first and very powerful orgasm. Max felt the fluids of her body pour out over her face as she held her hips steady, watching the blonde climax, Chloe’s proud expression hovering over her. It took her a full minute to cum, then another two to come down from it, leaving her trembling and panting covered in sweat. Her chest rose and fell with her breathing as she tried to open her eyes, her pupils dilated and foggy. Chloe giggled stroking her face, stealing a peck on her forehead whispering to the girl “welcome to the club.”

Max pulled herself out from between Kates legs and climbed up to her face, drawing her delirious expression back to her with a soft caress across her face. “Kate, are you okay?” She asked her, worried they might’ve overdone it.

But Kates eyes found her and she pulled herself up to kiss the girl passionately. It was so powerful it didn’t seem like she was herself. “Oh lord Max, that was…oh Max” she panted, stammering between kisses as she wrapped herself into Max’s embrace, sitting up to press herself against her body. After a moment of steamy intimacy Kate whispered in Max’s ear “I love you. Lord forgive me, I love you Max.”

Max wasn’t sure if that was an honest confession or if her friend was still delirious from the orgasm. Whatever it became she simply embraced her and worshiped her, climbing back onto the bed to make out with her as she feverishly nuzzled against her.

Chloe let them fondle each other a moment before impatiently laying down behind Max and pulling her shoulder to roll the brunette to look at her. Max blinked apologetically as her girlfriend ran her impatient fingers over her body while Kate explored her chest by herself, her lips finding her breast sucking on her nipple. Chloe planted a kiss on Max’s lips before quietly saying “I’ve decided you have my blessing to adopt her. You two are adorable.”

Max blushed, looking at Kate who she was glad had followed her into her bedroom. “Nothing will change between us Chloe” she told the blue haired young woman.

“I know” she nodded sweetly. She liked it when Max worried over their relationship. But she still reached down and slipped her hand between Max’s thighs telling her “but just in case, let me remind you why you’re my girlfriend.”

With Kate kissing her on one side and Chloe fingering her on the other, Max discovered what it meant to be the succulent meat in a sandwich as she divided her attention between her two lovers on her bed, loving both of them equally and completely.


It was approaching mid afternoon when the three of them finally stirred on the bed again. Max woke up first, her body trapped between the sexy body of Chloe and the snuggled form of Kate as she rubbed her eyes. She couldn’t recall when they fell asleep again. She looked to Kate and found her snuggled against her with her back to her, her head resting on her arm, her snoring sounding like a purring kitten. Behind her she found Chloe also stirring awake, her leg hooked over Max’s hip and her arm around her waist. She opened her eyes and found Max watching her, her lips curling into a smile as she greeted her good morning. “I’m pretty sure we’ve spent the whole day in bed” she groan, falling back to the pillow hearing her stomach growl. They hadn’t eaten since yesterday.

Chloe rolled over and checked the watch on the bedside table. “Shit, we have. I should sneak in here more often. I wonder how many more of your dorm-mates we can seduce” she joked.

“Victoria’s right down the hall if your interested” Max quipped, half distracted by her other friend who she just watched sleep.

Chloe sat up and stretched, looking down at the two of them trying not to feel jealous. “I guess we’ll need to start defining rules to this thing we have going, won’t we” she remarked as she climbed out of bed. “I mean, if I’m not allowed to have sex with all your friends…”

“It was her first time. I didn’t want to overwhelm her” she explained, looking up and her girlfriend with a shrug. “And she’s not like the others. I like her.”

Chloe felt the weight behind that word like. She reminded feeling the same whenever she referred to Rachel as someone she liked. “Alright, I’m going to have a shower” she said, putting on some clothes so she wasn’t walking through the dormitory naked. She flashed Max a smile before she left, leaning over to give her a kiss suggesting in a sultry voice “perhaps when you’re ready you can join me and we can go over those new rules.”

Max laughed, telling her she’ll consider it, watching her stride out of her room swaying her hips suggestively. She once she was gone she rolled back to watch Kate, a quiet sigh passing through her nose as she pondered where this left their relationship. But it wasn’t until she realized Kate wasn’t asleep when she got her answer. She lifted her head and heard her mumbling, not snoring, as her body subtly trembled. “Kate?” She said softly, putting her hand on her shoulder as she leaned over to check on her.

Kate noticeably shivered under Max’s touch, her head turning back to look at her. Max saw her eyes were red, like she’d been crying while she’d been asleep, and she was clutching her silver cross which Ajax didn’t even realize she’d been wearing all this time. Kate turned red, looking embarrassed and ashamed as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed, hyper aware of how naked they both were.

“Are you okay?” Max asked again as Kate struggled to hold her gaze.

“I don’t know” she admitted quietly.

Max gulped as she nervously asked “are we okay?”

Kate looked up at her with a conflicted expression. “I don’t know” she repeated. Looked at her cross, and then at the unholy act she took part in. She seemed to go pale. “I don’t know what came over me” she muttered.

Max sat up, looking at her friend worried she might’ve made a big mistake. “Kate, please talk to me. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I don’t know” she repeated, almost in a trance.

Max gingerly took Kates hand, almost expecting her to pull it away. “What we did, what happened…it wasn’t a mistake, was it?”

Kate’s bottom lip trembled as she, again, repeated “I don’t know.”

Max nodded, turning away pulling the bedsheets a little tighter around her. Kate did the same, shame and guilt etched all over her face. “Do you want to go back to your room?” Max asked her.

This time Kate seemed have a clearer answer. “No. I…no” she said. But when she said it, it was in a way that gave Max the impression she was afraid to go back. Like she was returning to reality. To the life that told her what she did was wrong.

Max didn’t know exactly what Kate was going through. Maybe it was simply second thoughts. Maybe the cold reality has hit her and she just regretted what she did. But worst case scenario seemed to be she was having a crisis of faith. And Max knew her faith meant a lot to her. Maybe it was a mistake bringing her into this…whatever this was. But to Max it felt right. She finally saw what Kate had been hiding from her, how she felt about her. And now she knew how she felt to Kate too. Which was why shape came to a decision right then and there.

With soft words she convinced Kate to lie back down and rest, to stay as long as she needed. Kate reluctantly agreed, falling back to the mattress hugging the pillow tightly. Max made sure she was settled first before leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. “I love you too” she whispered to her, not expecting a response as she climbed out of bed and put her pajamas back on before walking out of her room.

She walked straight for the showers where Chloe was bathing, stepping into the cubicle with her and immediately launching into a steamy kiss with her. The girl was happy to see her, and even happier to accommodate her when Max aggressively mashed her lips with hers and fingered her cunt. She had Chloe panting in moments before tearing her soaking clothes off so she could grind her naked body to hers, guiding her hand between her legs to return the favor. They kissed and fucked standing up under the running water, Max taking the dominant role for once pinning Chloe against the wall, desperate to get her off and to get off with her. Chloe got turned on by Max’s dominance, approaching her orgasm quickly finger banging her girlfriend to share the climax. Max made sure they climaxed together, hugging her girlfriend tight so she couldn’t see the tears in her eyes and she triggered her powers.

Time bent around them as they orgasmed, echoes of a timeline being erased and afterimages of girls coming and going flashing through the cubicle until both young women slumped against each other panting heavily. “Holy shit Max” Chloe gasped, looking up at the shower head that stopped pouring water over them. They dripped onto the cold floor, their bodies peeling off each other as they caught their breath. Chloe looked around the room. She could tell this was earlier in the morning by the sunlight coming though the tiny windows. She looked at Max and saw the tears mixing with the water. “You didn’t fuck me into oblivion just for my pleasure, did you” she said.

Max shook her head, holding back the sobs as she buried her face in Chloe’s chest.

“I take it Kate won’t be joining us again” Chloe deduced, judging the time zone to be before the blonde girl stumbled upon them together in Max’s room. If she got her math right, she should be walking in to find the place empty before leaving confused, unaware of what Max got up to last night.

Max swallowed a sniffle as she told Chloe “never. She can never come back.” Chloe was kind enough not to ask anymore, leaving Max to wallow in her sadness and the sacrifice she made. It turned out she really did love Kate, enough to alter time and space to ensure she was happy.

While Max wept for a love she could never have, Chloe looked around the cubicle and realized Max’s rewind has left them both without clothes to change into. Which meant they would have to return to Max’s room completely naked. She mentioned this to Max, and all she could to is sigh.

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