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Juliet finds the Truth (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

Max wasn't sure when it happened, or how, but somehow Juliet knew.

She was waiting for her inside her dorm room when the photographer came home that afternoon. She found her sitting in her chair at her deck tapping her foot, turning in her direction when she heard her come in. How long had she been sitting there? "How did you get in here?" Max asked in shock.

"You forgot to lock your door" she answered crossing her arms. "You're lucky I'm not Victoria, or Taylor. Or maybe you wish I was?" The shy girl looked confused as she quickly scanned the room, checking everything was in place. "We're you snooping?" She asked noticing some of her stuff had moved.

"Maybe" the reporter shrugged, fixing her inquisitive gaze on her. "Do you have something to hide?"

"You should go."

Juliet stood up and made to leave, reaching the door but halting looking at Max. The two shared a look and Max sensed there was something she needed to be worried about. "We need to talk" the sly journalism student said quietly closing the door and latching it so they wouldn't be disturbed. Max took a nervous breath watching her friend with unease. "I know your secret" she said.

Max's heart skipped a beat. "What?" She asked, forcing her expression to remain neutral hiding her panic.

"I know your secret" Juliet repeated. "I thought I was mad, or crazy, but something just seemed off about you. At first I ignored it, but I was told to follow my gut to the truth no matter what. My gut told me you we're hiding something, and I was right."

"Juliet, I don't know what you think I'm hiding, but you've got it all…"

"We had sex" she interrupted.

Max froze, feeling astonished and bewildered. What? When did we… her eyes widened as she suddenly remembered the night she spent with her and Dana, the sleepover that lead to the three of them having sex. That wasn't a secret. That was a fun…

Oh… it suddenly dawned on Max what was bad about the situation. I thought I erased that timeline. Used my powers and… did I?

"Do you remember that night Max?" Juliet pressed, her dark green eyes trained on her.

Max flushed red recalling that night in perfect detail, how the reporters curves melded perfectly with Dana's as they kissed, sandwiching the shy photographer between them to finger her until she screamed. She even took a photo of that night to remember it. I thought I had erased it. "Yeah, I do" she replied feeling embarrassed.

"Really?" She asked looking surprised. "Because I don't."

Now Max was even more perplexed. Huh?

"I don't recall us ever hooking up. I remember a sleepover at Dana's place, but I don't remember you ever showing up."

Shit, I did erase it Max realized. But then how did…

"All I remember of that night was watching a steamy movie with my best friend, a bit of friendly flirting and maybe a kiss or two, but we never did anything that far. You were never there. At least, I thought you weren't." She paused to reach into her bag, pulling out a bracelet she wore on her ankle. Max remembered she used to wear it all the time whenever she dressed in skirts and wanted to show off her legs. "Then I found this. It fell out your bag when Trevor knocked it over with that skateboard. I help your pick up your stuff and found it on the floor. When did you get it?"

"Um" Max wavered, the memory of Juliet hooking it around Max's ankle while she sucked on her toes flashing through her mind. I meant to return it, she recalled after realizing she was still wearing it after the rewind.

"I thought I lost it at the sleep over and looked everywhere. I was going to just confront you but my gut…my gut told me to look into it. This wasn't the first time strange things have happened around you Max. Things moving out of place, you just knowing things that are about to happen. I got lucky when your door was unlocked and had to look around." She stopped to return back to Max's desk, opening a drawer which made the owner p's breath hitch. "That's when I found this" she explained, pulling out one of the dozen Polaroids she kept in there.

Max stared at the photograph in question, the damning evidence of their intimate sleepover held in Juliet's hand. The photo showed the three of them naked in a loving embrace, Max holding up the camera laughing as Dana sucked on one of their nipples with Juliet nibbling on her neck. "Juliet" she whispered taking a cautious step forward. "I can explain…"

"At first I thought I'd been rufied," she interrupted pacing the room, circling Max. "That I'd been drugged and that's why I don't remember this. But that would mean Dana was in on it and she wouldn't do that. And I didn't believe you would either. But then I realized something, which I only learnt today examining this photograph." She threw the Polaroid at the photographer, who caught it frantically while the reporter pulled out her phone. "I googled it to double check, but did you know your camera leaves a watermark on the back?"

Max found herself too stunned to register the question before she heard it. It what? She looked down at the photograph, briefly considering jumping through it to escape this conversation before flipping it over. "Holy shit" she muttered seeing the watermark. She'd had that camera for years but never noticed this feature, reading the exact date and time the picture had been taken.

"I saw that and realized something" Juliet continued, this time holding up her phone. "I took this picture the night of the sleepover." Max looked up to see the image of Juliet and Dana taking a selfie, the hashtag "girls night in" stamped in the corner. Juliet pointed to the time stamp recorded on her phone. "I took it around the exact same time as you took yours. Explain how that's possible?"

Max was shocked, stunned and astonished. Where all my photographs dated? So many ideas to use with that knowledge. The time lapse of photos. Her artist mind was over the moon, but the rest of her saw the error in her situation. She knows.

Juliet could sense the discomfort in Max's demeanor, evidence she was on the money with her suspicions. I spent all afternoon wondering how this was possible, what it meant, but then an answer hit me. I thought it was crazy, but it all adds up." She stepped forward and fixed Max with an intense glare. "Max…are you a time traveler?"

She knows!

Max only had one move, convince her she was crazy. "What! That's crazy! Time travel? How would I even..?"

"I don't know, but you can can't you?" Juliet snapped. "You've been acting strange for days. All the strange things. Victoria getting soaked outside the dorms. All those times Alyssa narrowly avoided disaster. How you know things you shouldn't have. Kate… I even overheard you and warren talking about quantum theories about it." She finally took a breath, a wild look in her face like she was desperate to make sense. She grabbed Max by the shoulders tightly, asking her again "Max…if you really are my friend, you have to tell me…can you time travel?"

She stared back at the reporter, realizing now she wasn't asking because she was chasing a story or to make a headline and expose her. She needed to know she was right, had to know she wasn't crazy. Max hesitated as she stood there under the girls intense gaze, guilt and fear spiraling through her. She wanted to tell her so badly but she couldn't. She just couldn't bring herself to do it.

As Juliet stood there a sickening feeling fell over her, like she'd been wrong and she had just lost it. Max could see the fear in her eyes, fear that she was crazy. She needed to do something. Fix it! Go back in time again and fix it.

Taking a deep breath Max brought up her hands, giving the illusion she intended to take hold of Juliet's arms and talk to her. But as her hand came up she began pushing against the time-stream, using her powers to rewind again.

Juliet however sensed something amiss, looking down at Max's raised hands and suddenly grasping them tightly. "Wait!" Max cried out as she grabbed them, her mind going blank as her powers suddenly flared. In the brief instant she lost control of her powers and the two girls suddenly stood in the middle of her dorm room floating in a void of conflicting realities. Their hair drifting up like static as they stared at the shimmering images around them, voices and memories phasing in and out of them. Juliet stared in shock and awe as memories of a timeline that no longer existed came flooding back, reminding her of the sexy sleepover she shared with Max that night. Max saw it too, reliving the whole experience in a single moment before the pair of student let go of each other.

"What was that?" Juliet asked, her heart pounding in her chest panting rapidly stumbling away from Max. The room was back to normal and as far as Max could tell they hadn't time traveled anywhere or when. Her nose was bleeding but she didn't feel disorientated.

She ran over to Juliet to steady her, locking her gaze with hers. "Are you okay?" She asked worried. The reporter nodded, staring back warily. Max swallowed back her fear. She had no other choice. "You were right. I can…control time. I don't know how or why but I can rewind events so they never happened. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you…"

Juliet stared at the girl she knew and Max Caulfield, for the first time seeing more than the awkwardly shy girl behind a camera, and suddenly threw herself at her interrupting her with a desperate kiss.

Max stumbled back in shock as the girl made out with her, her eyes wide staring back at her as she broke the kiss. "Shit!" She said, her expression frozen as she realized what she just did. "I'm sorry, I just… holy shit! You…we really did…" Juliet was lost for words as she paced the room, her mind spinning frantically with thoughts and ideas. "I don't believe it. Does anyone else know? About you?"

Max shook her head, impulsively lying. She didn't have the time to explain Chloe and her history with her, choosing to focus on fixing the situation here. "I don't think anyone would believe me" she told her. "I thought I was going crazy. But the more I used my powers…I still don't understand how they work. I didn't even know what I did just then."

"It's okay" Juliet muttered, hopping on her feet. She felt like she was suddenly on a caffeine high multiplied by a sugar rush, the shock spending her adrenaline through the roof. "It's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay" Max started to get worried the more she repeated it, stepping forward to grab her arm. "I'm fine" she said, taking a few deep breaths trying to calm down. "It's just…all this time, all this…it's incredible, crazy, amazing, scary…" she was rambling, too pumped up. She needed to anchor back to sanity, calm down, de-stress. "I need something to… something to help slow me down. Help me relax, stop me stressing, keep me from…"

Now it was Max's turn to lunge into a kiss, silencing the rambling reporter before she spiraled into madness. She held tightly to her head holding their lips together, forcing Juliet to make out with her and breath through her nose. It did the trick, calming her down enough to hold a conversation with the photographer when she let go. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Wow. That was…"

"You told me once nothing helped eliminate your stress than…well…" Max's cheeks blushed.

Juliet knew exactly what she meant. And thanks to the flashback they both experienced she remembered actually saying it to her. She put her hands upon Max's neck looking straight into her eyes. "I'm really stressed out right now Max. I need you."

The young woman was happy to help as the pair of them embraced into a steamy desperate make out session, stumbling across the dorm room tripping over their own feet onto the bed by the wall. The two girls got themselves tangled up in one another, fumbling for each other's clothing hastily trying to pry them off while touching every patch of skin they exposed. Tongues darted out into grinding mouths dueling for control and fabric flew in all directions. Raspy breaths led to glutton all moans and gasps opened the way to shrieks. Their bodies tingled as they pressed against each other, sensitive areas becoming moist or erect.

Max felt like her friendship with Juliet had been destroyed in this moment, replaced by something far more passionate and heated, something so electric she felt lightning shooting from her lovers fingertips. "Shit, should we be doing this?" She asked as they briefly detached to gasp for air.

"I don't want to stop" Juliet replied lustfully, yanking Max's bra from her chest. "Do you?"

Max gazed at her for a moment, examining her body while still unbuckling the girls jeans. "No" she admitted biting her bottom lip. Juliet lifted her chin and roughly kissed her, rolling them over so she could lift her hips and help herself out of her pants.

Time became rather irrelevant as the half naked lovers humped each other on the mattress, their hips grinding against thighs, breasts rubbing together, hands clawing at skin pulling their partners closer, lips locked tight sharing saliva and oxygen. Max was still wearing her panties yet her tight jeans were caught around her knees as she brushed her damp crotch against Juliet, who was bottomless with just her shirt pulled above her perky breasts and her grey socks upon her feet. She could feel the friction of Max's clit against her thigh, her own pussy throbbing desperately for attention. She needed Max between her legs but couldn't will herself to let go, fumbling awkwardly around her body.

"Fuck" Juliet moaned as she managed to reach her hand between their bodies, seeking out Max's underwear and slipping her fingers beneath the soaking fabric. "I don't remember ever being this horny" she mumbled as she found her girlfriends clit, stimulating it frantically listening to the sounds Max's breath was making with each touch.

"Oh wowser" Max cried, her eyes closed buckling her hips into Juliets hand. Her body felt like it was on fire, the lightning shooting up her spine. "Juliet…I'm going to…shit, you're making me cum!"

"Do me too" she insisted, grabbing Max's hand and guiding it between her thighs to push her fingers into her soaking pussy. Max dutifully fingered her girlfriend, driving her to their shared climax as their bodies shuddered against each other, their screams bellowing across the room. For a moment Max feared they'd alerted every girl in the building, but Juliet didn't care. All she felt was the tingle of the orgasm as they both rolled onto their backs staring up at the ceiling in a sweaty tangled heap. "Fuck, I needed that."

The room fell silent as the two girls lay side by side on the bed, basking in the afterglow while each dealing with their swirling thoughts and emotions. Max wondered where this left her with Chloe, if things had changed with Juliet for the better or worse, if she was ready to trust someone else with her secret. She wasn't sure how Juliet would handle any of this. The sex might be incredible but it wasn't a guarantee she wouldn't print the exclusive on her website.

She cautiously glanced across at the auburn haired reporter, examining her sweaty brow and narrow features as they turned to look back at her. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing" Max said quickly, but following up with a little more courage to ask "are you going to tell anyone about this?"

"What? The sex?"

"My powers."

"Oh" she replied, thinking it over a moment. "It would make a brilliant front page story. I might finally get my name in the newspaper." Max felt a lump form in her throat, her stomach filling with dread until the girl laughed. "I'm kidding. The only people who'd buy this story are those tabloids, and you know how much I respect their journalism." She rolled over to snuggle up beside Max, placing her hand on her left boob affectionately. Their eyes locked and she saw Juliet genuinely smile as she said "I won't tell anybody. I swear."


She crossed Max's heart with her nail, "really."

Max felt like a weight had lifted off her chest, sighing in relief as she reached up to pull Juliet back into a kiss. "Thank you" she whispered stroking her cheek.

"Besides, it's quite fun being the only one to have cracked Max Caulfield" Juliet quipped. She rolled away to look over the edge of the bed, scanning the discarded clothing on the floor searching for something. Max watched her as she reached under the bed, her mind drifting elsewhere feeling guilty. She wasn't sure if she should tell her about Chloe, or if she could even trust her to keep it to herself. Juliet and her were never really close and now they were sleeping together? What does this mean?

While Max was lost in her own head Juliet found what she was looking for, the ankle bracelet that had started this whole investigation. She returned to Max's side and gave her a kiss on the lips, snapping her back to reality as she crawled over her body. "I think I have something of yours" she said smiling as she lifted up one of Max's legs. As the photographer looked up at her she witnessed history repeat itself as Juliet hooked her bracelet around Max's ankle, gently kissing her feet as she told her "it suits you."

Max didn't know what to say, rendered speechless as the reporter shuffled her hips between her thigh and began jumping her once more, their pussies rubbing together, the friction reigniting the passion as they both turning into howling sirens within minutes. The scissored for nearly twenty minutes, cascading into climax after climax before cycling through every other position that took their fancy, their head diving between their legs, hand pleasuring anything they could reach, mouths latching onto whatever they desired. That afternoon they got very little work done, exhausting themselves by the time night fell and the lights went out.

Despite the ludicrously aggressive work out Max couldn't sleep that night, opening her eyes to watch the beautiful young reporter snore peacefully by her side draped under the covers. For a moment she wondered what it might be like to be a couple, imagining the looks on people's faces and the nights they could spend together. But when she pictured them it felt like someone else's life, she didn't fit in it. Just felt wrong.

I know what I have to do.

Careful not to wake her Max crawled out of the bed sheets and quietly climbed off the mattress, listening to Juliets blissful sighs as she snuggled against the pillow. Treading lightly she crept across the dorm room, stepping over the discarded clothing, reaching into her desk drawer to seek out the Polaroid. She sat down in the chair looking at it, the image of her embraced with Juliet and Dana at the sleepover that never happened. She knew what had to be done but it still made her guilty and sad. The ankle bracelet on her foot twinkled in the moonlight coming from the window as she glanced down at it, now a reminder of the possible future she could have.

Just go back to bed. Everything will be fine.

She knew it wouldn't be. Sooner or later she would break Juliets heart, or she'd break hers. It would never last and thing could get much worse. And it wasn't fair on Juliet, not when she has no idea how her powers work.

With a heavy heart she took one last look at Juliet sleeping in her bed, walking over to kneel by her side. "I'm sorry" she whispered, giving her one last kiss on the forehead before leaving her behind. With the photograph in hand she focused her gaze upon it, the image flickering as Dana's voice echoed in Max's mind. She fought back a tear before everything went white and she woke up in another time and place.

Max fell back against the mattress she was sitting against, gasping for breath as Dana gently pinched her nipple with her teeth. "You okay Max? You look like you zoned out while taking that picture."

The photographer didn't respond as she dropped her camera, the Polaroid developing while the three girls tussled with each other. Max turned to meet Juliet, who locked lips with her moaning in pleasure, unaware of what her future alternate counterpart had been through in order to bring Max back here. For a moment Max felt her guilt overwhelm her, looking down to see Juliets ankle bracelet once more on her leg. Breaking the kiss she leaned over and removed the jewelry, returning it to Juliets ankle as the reporter raised an eyebrow.

"It looks better on you" Max said with a smile, kissing up Juliets thigh casually sliding between her legs so she could spend her last few moment with her bring her to an mind blowing orgasm. The confident auburn haired girl didn't argue, throwing her head back in ecstasy as her moans filled the photographer's ears, covering her face in juices hiding the fresh tears as Max felt time yank her back to the present, damning her one time lover to her fate.

She materialized the moment she opened her dorm door, this time to find it empty. No Juliet to come investigating her, nobody to discover her secret. She was all alone as she closed her bedroom door, her own guilt weighing heavy on her shoulders.

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