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Joyce's Perfect Breakfast (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

Max found the middle aged woman in the kitchen when she came downstairs, leaving Chloe to change in her room while she got ready for breakfast. She felt kinda weird wearing Rachel's old clothes, but the grey jeans, white T-shirt and ripped red checked jacket fit the photographer perfectly. Feels pretty cool. Rachel must've been awesome.

She sat down at the table and looked Arline the house, old memories flashing through her head of all the time she spent here back in the day. It felt like yesterday her and Chloe were swashbuckling pirates hunting for buried treasure in the backyard. She found the family pictures on the mantle piece, her heart growing heavy seeing Chloe's dad looking back at her. I'm sorry I left when you needed me most Chloe.

"You okay for scrambled eggs Max?" Joyce called from the kitchen, her blonde hair tied back in a pony tail dressed in a smart businesslike attire, a blue color short sleeved shirt and grey knee length skirt showing off her long legs. Her five inch heels tapped along the floor as she looked over Max across the counter. "Wow" she said smiling. "Those clothes really do suit you. So, eggs?"

"Eggs would be great, thanks" Max replied with a smile. Joyce nodded turning back to the kitchen, walking over to the cooker to start breakfast.

Max waited patiently at the table, her fingers gently rapping on the wood surface while she gazed out of the patio doors. The sky was clear and she saw birds flying overhead, the beautiful morning sun brightening up the garden. She listened to Joyce's humming as the older woman worked making it seem so effortless. Max thought back to how she'd sit at this table and watch her dance around the kitchen, her voice like music blending with the amazing sounds coming from the world outside. There was nothing quite like it, the memories so intoxicating Max started to feel…

Wowser. I shouldn't be thinking about her like that!

She shouldn't have been surprised when those dirty thought sprang out of her subconscious. She'd just spent the night in Chloe's room sharing her bed and she was now sitting downstairs watching her mom cook, who herself was a really attractive woman. More on point, during her early teenage years when she was discovering all these exciting life developments she had begun having the odd fantasy about her best friend's mom. She knows how wrong it was at the time, she was just a kid, but that didn't stop her picturing her when she learnt how to touch herself. Chloe would kill me if she knew I was having these thoughts again.

But I'm not a kid anymore.

Max looked up at the attractive older woman, a very outrageous idea creeping into her mind as she waited at the dinner table. It was crazy, wrong, but after the last few days it was a rick Max might be willing to take.

Joyce hummed to herself quietly as she prepared the eggs and place them on the stove, her hands moving on muscle memory after working at the diner for so long. She could took a three course breakfast blindfolded if she wanted to, even memorized how many steps she'd need to get the milk from the fridge. She was mentally listing the ingredients she'd have to get from the store later when Max came up to stand beside her. "Getting impatient are we?"

"A little bit" Max chuckled joining the waitress by the sink. "Smells great."

"It'll be ready in a few minutes. Why don't you sit by the counter and I'll bring it over when it's done."

Max simply stood beside her while she continued her work, casually helping out by cleaning a few stray plates in the sink. Joyce thought nothing of it, grateful for even the semblence of assistnace. Then the eighteen year old girl put down the washing and looked across to her, her blue eyes running over the older woman's delicate figure. "It must be exhausting having to go to work everyday and then return home to do the exact same thing all night" Max said casually. "Running a household all by yourself. Looking after Chloe and dealing with David's bad manners."

"You make it sound like I'm some severe living in a palace" Joyce laughed. "I'm not your typical housewife and David is more than capable of pulling his own weight. As for Chloe…well, she's always been independent."

"But still, all the cooking, cleaning, mediating between the two of them…don't you ever wish you could just sit down and relax? Leave it to someone else?"

"If I did that, nothing would ever get done" she joked.

Max chuckled, her gaze fixed on the woman as she stepped around behind her placing her hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Joyce" Max spoke softly, her innocent words protecting concern and adoration. "Seriously, how do you manage it?"

Joyce looked at the small hand on her arm, a sigh escaping her lips. "I don't know" she confessed. "Ever since William…it's all I've ever known. The only thing that helped me through the difficult days. I guess I've never really considered…"

"Letting yourself stop for fear of the pain coming back" Max finished stroking her arm. The blonde woman nodded, her hands slowing down in their work cooking the eggs. She found herself forgetting about making dinner, her mind drifting over to the gentle haze of peace as Max's hands rubbed her shoulders. "You can't shut yourself away behind work forever" Max told her whispering soothingly in her ear, massaging her shoulders slowly. "You've done so much taking care of all of us. You've earned a few minutes rest. Relax. Let us take care of you." Joyce let Max's words wash over her, tension in her back melting as her muscles relaxed, Max's hands rubbing her neck slowly releasing all the tension. She let out a sigh, a weight lifting as Max leaned in to quietly say "let me take care of you Joyce. It's the least I can do."

Max's lips found the soft skin of her neck, kissing it gently making Joyce break out into goosebumps. Her small fingers kneaded the muscles in her neck, unraveling her unease as she kissed her again, slowly moving up her neck towards her earlobe. The waitress realized Max was no longer just being a comforting arm, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as the girls hands fell over her shoulders to her waist, circling around to rest over her belly. Joyce's breathing grew heavy as she stood in the young woman's hold, too relaxed to want to stop her. She was enjoying this feeling of weightlessness she was bringing her too much.

She was enjoying Max too much. This is highly inappropriate, but it feels so… How long has it been since I felt this calm? Not even David could match this level of pleasure.

Max could feel her best friends mom melting into her grasp, her hands naturally lifting to cup the woman's breasts as she hugged her, kissing the back of her neck comfortingly. "I wanted to thank you for being so amazing growing up" Max told her. "Thank you for taking care of Chloe when I couldn't. I wanted to tell you how sorry I was for what happened to William, try and ease your pain. Let me make it up to you now, please."

"What…" Joyce gasped, succumbing to Max's advances as the girl's mouth found her ear again, her kisses circling her jaw. She couldn't have imagined this would be happening today. Nor could she imagine this took Max over a dozen attempts, using her ability to rewind time to use the information gleaned to find the most effective approach. "What about breakfast?" The milf asked as her daughters best friend stepped around her body, looking into the girl's soft blue eyes.

Max cupped Joyce's cheek smiling. "Breakfast can wait a few minutes" she told her, giving in to a deep primal lust as she pulled the older woman into a deep passionate kiss. Joyce was ready for the advance, meeting her mouth with hers cascading into a rollercoaster of passion.

The two women made out vigorously in front of the cooker ignoring the burning eggs as they blackened to charcoal, too lost in each other as they wrapped their arms around their bodies. Max had enough practice making out with Chloe and a handful of her friends by now to know how to seek out Joyce's sensitive areas, her hands stroking her waist and back while she found her mouth into hers. Joyce however had more life experience and effortlessly took control of the kiss, her long tongue slipping into Max's mouth to play with her. She'd never been with another woman since she was sixteen, an experimental phase she underwent before she met William. But being with Max opened up all those first time jitters she'd forgotten about when they got together all those years ago. She felt like a teenager again, very nearly sounding like one when Max's hand slipped down between their body's to lift up her skirt and dive between her legs.

Max froze when Joyce broke the kiss to stifle a shout, her hand grazing her under where beneath her skirt. Too fast Max, she scolded herself pulling her hand away quickly. She gave the waitress a peck on the lips in apology as she locked her gaze with hers, eager to carry on even if at a slower pace. Joyce regained her composure and put her hands on Max shoulders, gazing into her eyes smiling. She wanted to carry on too.

Guiding her hands Max removed her red jacket over her shoulders letting it fall to the floor, standing in front of Joyce in her white t shirt until she opted to lift it over her head removing it too. Joyce looked over Max's chest, her small breasts hidden behind her pink bra. The photographer watched the older woman's eyes examine her, feeling rather self conscious at how underrating she was compared to Joyce. She looked back up to the younger girl's face and offered an encouraging smile, running her hands over her flat chest circling her tiny mounds. Max moaned quietly enjoying her touch, biting her bottom lip imagining the milf sucking her nipples with her amazing mouth. She stared longingly at her as she reached down to untuck her blue shirt from her skirt, lifting it over her abdomen revealing her pale skin. Joyce lifted her arms to help Max remove her clothing, leaving her in her dark blue sports bra. Max drooled at the woman's bountiful bust, squeezing the mounds like a child with its favorite toy.

Joyce smiled letting her grope her tits, remembering how Chloe would suckle them when she was a baby. Maybe she could feed Max her breast milk, if she'd be willing. The dirty thought moistened her pussy, a lustful moan escaping her lips. "I shouldn't be doing this" she mumbled under her breath.

Max heard her but didn't say anything, recapturing her in a kiss as she led the half naked woman out of the kitchen into the dining room towards the table. Guiding her around so she was pressed against the edge, Max quickly pulled up her black skirt until she'd uncovered her black panties, lifting the fabric above the waist and pushed the waitress onto the wooden surface. Joyce sat on the dining table staring down at Max as she ran her hands over her thighs, staring at her long legs licking her lips. Without a moment to ask permission she reached under her and yanked her underwear down her legs past her high heels, leaving the older woman bottomless on the table spreading her legs waiting for the young photographer.

"The eggs are getting burnt" Joyce said glancing across to see their breakfast turning to charcoal.

"It's okay" Max smiled teasingly. "I thought I'd have something else this morning anyway." She knealt down in front of the older woman so she was perfectly in line with her cunt, her finger probing her wet snatch mopping up her juices before sucking them clean with her mouth.

Joyce breathed shallowly as she watched the naughty younger girl taste her juices, getting even more wet by the second. Her legs spread wider enticing the girl to have her fill, her body slumping back onto her elbows to get more comfortable. Max didn't want to rush it as she inhaled her musky scent, moving a concealed hand between her own thighs to rub her crotch through the fabric where a distinct damp spot was forming. She couldn't believe Joyce Price was laying on the table waiting for her to lick her pussy (begging from the desperate look in her eyes). What would Chloe say if she walked in on us right now? Man, I'd be so embarrassed but so turned on. I'd probably fuck them both.

"Max" Joyce's soft urging brought her out of her dirty fantasies, looking at a welcoming dripping pussy eager to be feasted upon. One last look at the waitresses pleading face told Max that enough was enough and she buried her face in between her legs, her tongue darting out to plunge into her pussy as deep as it could to explore and devour her best friends mother.

"Oh fuck!" Joyce cried out when Max penetrated her, her back arching as her arms slid out from under her sending her on her back. She felt Max's small hands grip the sides of her thighs to hold her steady as she trembled, her feet twitching madly in the air. Oh my god she's so good at this! Joyce had never been eaten out by a woman before but if this was an example of how skilled the young ones were these days she needed to consider experimenting a bit more. Her breathes came out in soft pants as she lay across the table, eyes closed rolling into her skull fast approaching her first climax. It might be too soon to cum but she'd never experienced pleasure quite like this before. Her skin tingled and her nipples hardened, a fierce rush of heat ignited in her groin sparking against Max's tongue. All too soon her muscles clenched around the invader and Joyce came all over Max's innocent face with a scream.

Max was shocked to find Joyce reaching her peak so quickly, her blue eyes springing open to look up at the writhing woman worried she'd done something wrong until she felt the warm gush of fluids hit her face. She caught as much as she could in her mouth wrapping her lips around her pussy, swallowing the mouthful when her hips had stopped buckling and her legs fell limp over her shoulders. Removing her tongue from her clenching pussy she licked her lips clean, enjoying the sweet taste of the older delicate woman. Fuck, I never took Joyce for a squirted, Max mused as she wiped her face with her hand to feel the cum drenching her.

As she looked over the recovering body of Joyce Price, her chest heaving with every breath, Max took a moment to capture the image in front of her eyes; quickly taking out her camera from the discarded bag underneath the table and snapping a photo from the delicious angle between her legs. She managed to catch the moment Joyce raised her head to look down at her, her pleasure filled expression worth a thousand words. "You can't show that to anyone" Joyce told her.

"Not even Chloe?" Max teased waving the developed film.

"Especially not my daughter!"

Max chuckled but nodded, climbing up the table to kiss the disapproving mother. She still had her cum on her tongue letting Joyce taste herself for the first time, watching her sigh with enjoyment. "My turn" Max whispered rising to her feet standing next to the table.

Joyce watched her eagle eyed as the young photography student removed the last of her clothing, stepping out of her jeans and panties, kicking off her shoes and throwing the pink bra aside, leaving Max Caulfield complete naked before she climbed onto the dining table carefully dragging herself over the half naked woman lying underneath her. Max had so many positions she wanted to try with her, the thought of sitting on her face letting her eat her out driving her wild, but decided she wanted something they could both enjoy. So straddling her waist Max hoisted one of Joyce's legs up, lining her pussy lips with hers so they were scissoring each other, brushing their pussies together earning a sharp gasp from them both.

Now in position, Max looked down at the waiting older woman staring back up at her. The waitress didn't say anything and nodded, signaling Max to begin humping her gently before picking up the pace. After a while Joyce's hips moved against Max's, their movements syncing up building a steady rhythm as they ground into each other, their pussies smacking together with wet sounds staining the wooden table with their dripping cum. "Fuck, fuck, fuck.." Max changed under her breath, butterflies in her stomach as she reached down to pump Joyce's breasts in her hands, lifting her sports bra to pinch her erect nipples. The older woman groaned gripping the girl's waist, driving them harder together though her labored breathing. Their voices got louder and higher the more they went at it, so loud Chloe must've been able to hear them from upstairs now.

What if she walks in on us right now having sex on the table, Joyce worried.

I bet Chloe is listening to us having sex right now masturbating, Max laughed.

The table rocked beneath the two of them, their humping threatening to split the wood, their hips buckling harder but more rapidly out of tune with the other. Joyce was nearly ready to gush again and Max wasn't much far behind, the shared orgasm imminent. They both saw it in the others eyes, the desperate need for release. Joyce grabbed Max's arm and pulled her down on top of her, their lips smashing together to passionately kiss and sinless their screams as the finale ripped through their bodies shaking the dining room. Max couldn't hold the kiss as she gasped for air screaming "oh shit!" Her pussy exploded with cum and juices drenching Joyce's bottom half while the older woman's squirted out over the floor into the kitchen creating one hell of a mess. Their screamed bellows through the house no doubt raising suspicions from the neighbors, their bodies shaking violently before collapsing simultaneously into a heap.

Max slumped on top of Joyce with a long groan, her eyelids heavy struggling to stay open as she listened to the combined duet of their breathing. Joyce stared up at the ceiling as she stroked the girl's hair, kissing her head enjoying the afterglow of their sexual experience. "Breakfast is ruined" she said quietly.

Max chuckled. I rather think breakfast was perfect. But I could still eat.

With a simple wave of her hand, Max rewound time right up to the point just before she got up to seduce Joyce, leaving her sitting at the table watching the older lady cooking in the kitchen.

"You okay for scrambled eggs Max?" Joyce called from the kitchen, her blonde hair tied back in a pony tail dressed in a smart businesslike attire, a blue color short sleeved shirt and grey knee length skirt showing off her long legs. Her five inch heels tapped along the floor as she looked over Max across the counter. "Wow" she said smiling. "Those clothes really do suit you. So, eggs?"

"Eggs would be great, thanks" Max replied with a smile, quickly wiping away the trial of blood from her nose. She was getting stronger, but she still had difficulty gaging how far back she could rewind with having an aneurism. Her powers keep fluctuating. Joyce nodded turning back to the kitchen, walking over to the cooker to once again start breakfast while Max remained seated at the table.

Her gaze traced the wood remembering where the two of them were positioned upon it, smiling fondly as she pulled out the photograph she'd managed to bring with her. The image of Joyce sprawled across the table with her legs spread wide displaying her dripping pussy Stared back at her, bringing a surge of excitement to Max's loins.

She cast a glance at the unawares older woman in the kitchen, disappointed she had to correct the timeline for the sake of their relationship and her friendship with Chloe. First rule, never have sex with your best friends parents. Unless you have the opportunity to erase the mistake. A devilish grin spread over Max's face. She may have just found a loophole for the cardinal rule, now the question was when might she use it again?

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