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Ismerelda mentors Beatrice (Secret Clubhouse)

Ismerelda had never thought about being a mentor before. If any of her teachers had suggested it up till now, she would’ve blankly refused to entertain the concept. And yet she hadn’t anticipated being exactly that, in an unofficial capacity, to the young Hufflepuff girl. She and Beatrice had bonded over their shared ideals over the apathy of life and meaningless of everything, the young girl’s experience from the portrait curse leaving her as jaded as the Slytherin was. The older witch took her under her wing and became her friend. She hadn’t thought much of it until the girl came to her to talk about more adult things, such as sex.

More specifically, she asked to teach her about sex. Ismerelda was a little surprised, expecting her elder sister Penny would’ve been the logical person to talk to. But Beatrice explained Penny would’ve been overbearing if she even opted to talk to her about it at all instead of proclaiming she was too young to be thinking about it. So the Slytherin agreed, bringing her to the secret clubhouse to they could talk about it opening in private. She found Beatrice was very curious, asking a lot of questions, and Ismerelda did her best to answer them all. She also queried some questions of her own, like why she was so interested and if there was someone she was interested in. Beatrice’s cheeks would flush red but she wouldn’t explain her interest. Ismerelda didn’t push, respecting her privacy.

After half an hour they reached the topic of masturbation, which Ismerelda explained is a respectable and safe form of sexual release that people can do on their own. “Safer than doing it with other people because you don’t have to worry about them hurting you and you can set the pace” she informed her.

Beatrice swallowed nervously. “Does having sex hurt?” She asked.

Ismerelda had to take a second to compose that answer, not wanting to scare the young girl. “It can” she said cautiously. “If it’s not done properly, if you’re not ready for it, it can hurt. But usually, as long as both you and the other person want to do it, sex is relatively painless and quite the opposite. Of course, some people like it rough” she added, counting herself amongst those people. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand she thought, but decided to to skip that part of her lecture.

Beatrice shifted uncomfortably. “What if you don’t want to do it?”

“Then you don’t” she said pointed. “If you’re not ready, if don’t like any part of what’s happening, you make sure they know about it. And if they don’t stop…” she took a breath, pushing away the graphic language she was conjuring to reply "a kick in the balls should do it." Beatrice chuckled, picturing her kicking a boy in the balls. “The important thing is sex only feels good if it’s consensual. And if anyone does hurt you, you let me know. I’ll happily hit them with an unforgivable curse or two” she promised. Beatrice nodded, still shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Ismerelda noticed her agitation and suggested “if you want to take a break, we can go get something to eat. Maybe we can continue this another day…”

“No! No, I want to…” she said, her face turning red. Isermalda narrowed her eyes curiously before Beatrice finally asked in an awkward voice "could you teach me?"

Her eyes widened. “How to have sex?” She squeaked.

“How to masturbate” she replied.

She released a short exhale, the color returning to her pale cheeks. Then she looked at the young girl and thought about it again. Her request sounded just as awkward as the alternative. “Um…are you sure you wouldn’t rather have your sister teach you that?” She asked uncomfortably.

“She would just freak out” she huffed. “She still treats me like a kid.”

You are a kid Ismerelda thought, shifting uncomfortably in her seat now. She looked down in her lap, going over the practicalities in her head. “It’s not really something that can be…I could try and talk you through what to do…”

“Couldn’t you just show me?” She wondered. She saw her friends face pale and she suddenly backpedaled. “I didn’t mean you…do me or anything, I thought…I don’t know…” she stammered, flushing bright red in embarrassment. “Sorry, Never-mind. It’s stupid” she said, turning away awkwardly.

Ismerelda stared at the curious blonde girl, her shock wearing off. Beatrice clearly wanted to learn. She was at the age where she’s curious about her body. The Slytherin girl thought about her experiences at that age, recalling how she wished she had someone to turn to and ask about this stuff. Is this what being a mentor is? She mulled it over and drew a cautious breath. “Do you really want to learn this stuff?” She asked her. Beatrice brought her shoulders to her ear, risking a glance towards her. Ismerelda exhaled nervously. “I still think your sister would be better served teaching you this stuff” she noted, before sucking in a sharp breath muttering “I’ll be in so much trouble for this.” She stood up and looked down at the blonde Hufflepuff. “Okay, I’ll teach you.”

“You will!” Beatrice beamed, leaping to her feet excitedly.

Ismerelda shot her a serious glare as she curbed her enthusiasm. “I’m only going to teach you how to masturbate. You’re still too young to be learning how to actually have sex. Maybe when you’re older I can…explain how it’s done and Penny can fill in the rest. Right now though, this is going to be your only practical lesson so you’d better pay attention. And nobody can find out about this, or I will curse you into another portrait.” Beatrice knew her threats weren’t idle when she referenced her curse, so she nodded obediently. Ismerelda took her hand and led her upstairs to the bed. “Where going to need a lot of room for this class” she remarked.

They climbed up to the third level, the king sized bed waiting for them as Ismerelda led the excited girl by the hand. Beatrice looked at the imposing mattress, feeling butterflies in her stomach. Then she looked up and saw Ismerelda removing her tie. “What are you doing?” She asked.

“I realized on the way up the stairs that it’ll be easier if I did show you how it’s done myself” she explained, unbuttoning her blouse slowly. She paused when she saw Beatrice’s face pale, adding “I thought it would be less confronting for you if we were both undressed.”

“Wait, I need to be naked too?” She squeaked.

Ismerelda raised an eyebrow. “Duh. Though it is possible to masturbate fully clothed, it’ll be easier to learn naked." She saw Beatrice’s trepidation before suggesting “we can stop at our underwear” as she unzipped her skirt.

Beatrice hesitated for a moment as the older witch removed her clothes, revealing her dark bra and panties. She looked down at her outfit, shifting uncomfortably before noticing a screen nearby. She ducked behind hit and began climbing out of her clothes, asking her friend “please don’t laugh.” Ismerelda smirked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed in her dark green underwear, waiting patiently for the young witch to come out from behind the screen. She brushed her long dark hair behind her ear when the young girl finally stepped out again, nervously standing in front of her wearing a grey cotton sports bra and yellow panties. She looked up through the blonde strands draped over her face, her arms wrapped around her self-consciously. “Is this okay?” She asked meekly.

Ismerelda took a second to admire the young teenager, a genuine smile on her lips. “You look fine” she told her, struggling to understand why Beatrice would think she’d laugh at her.

Beatrice scratched her neck awkwardly, looking down at her petite body and flat chest, explaining “I know I’m not as pretty as Penny is.”

The older girl rolled her eyes, glancing down at her own lanky frame and small boobs, counting the tiny splotches over her pale skin. In comparison Beatrice’s skin was a healthy pink and delicately smooth. Haywood’s had good genes it seemed. “Penny Haywood has a habit of putting the rest of us to shame” she muttered. She saw Beatrice lift and eyebrow, prompting her to say “tell anyone I said she was attractive, and I’ll deny every word. And you look just as beautiful as your sister” she told her truthfully, raising the girls confidence with a smile. She didn’t wait to see if she’ll compliment her in return. She stopped caring about her appearance a long time ago. She climbed over the mattress and patted a space next to her. “Hop up” she said. Beatrice walked up and climbed onto the space Ismeralda set up, shuffling up against the pillows propped against the headboard, pulling her knees up against her chest. The lanky girl sat next to her, quietly examining her before asking “have you got a boyfriend?”

“No” she replied quietly.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

She looked at her in surprise. “Ew, no” she replied instinctively before turning red. “I didn’t mean it like that” she stammered.

“Don’t worry about” she chuckled. “It’s good to know where you stand with your sexuality. But don’t be afraid to experiment, keep an open mind. I was just asking out of curiosity.” She nodded, expecting the question after her request. “So if you’re not dating…is it a fling?” She asked.


“Casual, you know. Friends with… Bea, if someone is pressuring you to sleep with them…” she said, but Beatrice interrupted insisting it wasn’t like that. “I just want to be sure you’re doing this for the right reason, because it’s what you want” she said cautiously. “I know lot of students in your year start getting teased about being virgins, we all do. But it’s not wrong to wait for however long you want.”

“It’s not that” she replied awkwardly. Ismerelda waited, hoping she’d fill the silence. After a moment she sighed and explained “I lost almost a whole year of school trapped in that portrait. When I came out I wasn’t just struggling with being out here, I ended up a year behind. I had to cram all summer with so many tutors to stay in my year and not be pushed back. It felt like I’d missed out on learning so much.” She looked at her friend, telling her “I’m afraid. I’m afraid I might miss out again. I want to learn this now because I…in case something happens and I don’t get a chance to.”

Ismerelda blinked. She wasn’t expecting that to be the reason. She looked at the young girl again, admiring her a little more. She smiled, satisfied she was here for the right reasons. “Okay, one sex-ed class before the world ends” she joked, making the girl giggle. She made herself comfortable on the bed, leaning against the headboard asking her if she was ready. Beatrice nodded, watching her new mentor intently as she began her lesson.

It turned out demonstrating what masturbation is was indeed easier than explaining it. Ismeralda laid back and pulled her underwear to the side, opening her thighs wide so Beatrice could see what she was doing. The Slytherin wasn’t half as embarrassed about her body as the Hufflepuff was, which meant she was much less shameless in exposing herself to the girl. “I didn’t need to explain to you how a pussy works, correct?” She asked her firstly. Beatrice shook her head as she shuffled closer to examine her womanhood. “For girls like us, this will be the focal point of our attention. I’m assuming you don’t have a predication for anal yet” she guessed. When she saw Beatrice’s head tilt in confusion she brushed it off. “Maybe when you’re older” she dismissed, drawing her attention with her hands as she illustrated with her fingers. “First thing you want to be sure about is if you’re aroused. No point masturbating if you’re not into it.”

“Okay. How do I get aroused?” She asked. She only realized how stupid that question was after she said it and turned bright red from embarrassment.

Isemelda chuckled in amusement at the girl’s expense. “Fortunately we can settle for our imagination. Close your eyes” she said, waiting until Beatrice did so. “Now think of someone you really like. Some who you find incredibly hot, who makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Maybe someone nobody knows you have a huge crush on. It could be a real person or someone fictional, is doesn’t matter.”

Her lips curled into a smirk as Beatrice slowly broke into a giddy smile, her cheeks blushing as she thought about someone. She opened her eyes and met her friends curious stare. “I’d rather not say” she said awkwardly.

She shrugged. “Fair enough. Not you have someone in mind, can I assume they make you really aroused?” The girl’s cheeks blushed even redder, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “Good. You’re halfway there” she grinned.

“This feels really embarrassing” Beatrice muttered.

“We can stop whenever you want. You could always ask your sister if you’d prefer.” She shook her head in refusal, so Ismerelda continued lesson. “You’ll find when you are aroused your groin will ache more than usual, like your gut is empty and desperate to be filled. The best way to be sure is by running your finger along your lips like this” she said, demonstrating by running her fingertip over her pussy. Beatrice watched as her hand became coated with a thin layer of fluid leaking from her entrance. She met the young woman’s gaze. “It doesn’t take much to arouse me” she joked. She pointed back to her pussy, gesturing to a spot just above her entrance. “This bit here, this is called a clit. It’s a small bundle of nerves that will get very sensitive the more it’s stimulated. When you’re masturbating, it’s best to start by rubbing this bit gently. With me so far?” She asked. Beatrice nodded, watching with curious fascination as Ismerelda rubbed herself to demonstrate. She stared at her pussy as it leaked more fluid the longer she rubbed herself. Ismerelda sat up and gently spread her lower lips open to reveal her pussy more clearly, the sight mesmerizing the curious girl. “After a bit you then move lower to these folds. You can stroke them and they’ll make you feel good while also preparing you for when you want to put your fingers inside.”

“Inside where?” She asked. When Ismerelda showed her, her eyes widened. “Really?”

“That’s also where a boys penis will go when the time comes” she noted, blowing the girls mind. She continued to show her how it was done for a minute before coming to a stop, sitting up and asking her “you want to give it a go?”

Beatrice looked down at herself and hesitated, nervously curling into a ball. “What if I’m not good at it?”

“I’ll let you in on a secret” Ismerelda whispered, shuffling closer and putting her hand on her arm. “None of us are very good at it at first. It takes practice, sometimes a lot of practice. You’ll find sex is the same. Don’t worry, you’ll quickly get the hang of it. Just take it slow and don’t rush yourself.” She gave her a moment to compose herself before gently coaxing her down against the pillows, her hands running along her thigh until she nervously opened them up. She didn’t make a move to touch her, she was only intending to be an advisor and guide.

After a moment however Beatrice’s anxiety got the better of her. “I’m sorry, this is just..”

“You don’t have to apologize for being nervous. Remember, if you want to stop, you can stop” she reminded her.

Beatrice looked down at herself, anxious about exposing herself the way the older girl had. She bit her bottom lip nervously before asking her “does it have to be there?”

Ismerelda pondered that question curiously. “Mostly. Though a lot of girls I know have commented they like to play with other part of their body when they masturbate.”

“Like what?”

“Well, some like to stroke themselves here” she said, gently stroking her fingers over Beatrice’s neck to her collar. Beatrice felt her fingertips caress her and sighed. “Many like to be touched her” she continued, her hands moving to her chest where they circled around her tiny mounds where her nipples would be. Beatrice felt them get hard as her fingers drifted over them. “So prefer down here” she added, ghosting her hand down to her side. She saw Beatrice tremble when she passed over her stomach, doubling back to caress her belly until she was giggling. “It seems you have a soft spot here” she grinned, gently tickling the girl until she was shivering. Her hands drifted down to her navel, her nail dragging over her panties where Beatrice sighed and instinctively buckled her hips. She looked up at her. “Take your hand and check your pussy” she suggested. Beatrice nervously reached down inside and ran her finger along her lower lips. She felt them tingle as she stroked them. They felt moist and wet. Her cheeks blushed realizing her was aroused. Ismerelda leaned in and whispered in her ear “now you try it, just like I showed you.” With a small nod she started rubbing where she thought her clit was, finding a spot that made her feel good and gasping softly. Ismerelda watched her silently, monitoring her progress stroking her hair gently. She couldn’t see her hand through her panties to check if she was doing it right, so she watched her face instead. The way her expression shifted in pleasure was a strong indication. “How does it feel?” She asked.

“Good” she replied, though she wasn’t sure if she was doing it right. She rubbed faster, her fingers dipping lower to stroke her folds also.

“Don’t try to rush it. Take your time” Ismerelda reiterated, sitting back to resume rubbing one out herself. “Try thinking about this mysterious hottie you have in mind” she suggested. Beatrice nodded, closing her eyes and picturing her fantasy crush. Her body warmed up again and her groin became tingling, her touch making her feel more stimulated. But after a short while she opened her eyes against and looked down. It didn’t feel like it was working. She looked over at her friend and saw her face contorting in pleasure as she rubbed herself, her blue eyes drifting down to witness her inserting one of her fingers inside her pussy. Her eyes widened as Ismerelda moaned softly, fingering herself steadily. She turned back to her own entrance and nervously tried it, dipping a fingertip into her folds. She chickened out almost instantly, pulling her hand away. Ismerelda noticed and turned her head to look at her. “You okay?”

She nodded, at first. But then embarrassment flushed her face and she confessed “I don’t think I’m any good at this. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Ismerelda examined the frustration on the young girl, patiently sighing before sitting up. She fixed up her underwear, abandoning her own needs to help. “Here, come sit with me” she said, patting the bed in-between her legs. Beatrice looked at her skeptically before shuffling over, sliding into place between Ismerelda’s knees. “Lie back’ she said, lowering her against her chest where her head rested between her small breasts. “Comfy?” She asked after a bit of adjustment. Beatrice nodded, looking up at her anxiously. Ismerelda stroked her comfortingly before gently pinching the edges of her underwear. “Don’t be afraid” she whispered as she helped her out of her panties, sliding them down her legs and dropping them to the side. Beatrice did her best not to shake as she nervously revealed her young pussy, her cheeks rosy red as she looked up at her Slytherin mentor. “And you ready?” She asked. Hesitantly, Beatrice nodded, letting Ismeralda take her hands and guide her through the motions.

“Close your eyes and imagine it’s you’re crush running their hands over you” she instructed, gently guiding her wrists over her small body so her fingertips would brush her skin. “You are simply showing them where you want to be touched, running your fingers gently over the places that make you feel good.” She loosened her grip when she felt Beatrice’s hands tugging against her, letting her move on her own as she began to explore her body. She watched the young girl breath more softly as she found where she felt nice, gently guiding her hands to try other places until she was releasing a delicate moan. “That it. Let your instincts direct your hands, feel your way to where you want your pleasure to go.” Beatrice moaned again as her palm finding her underdeveloped breast where she caressed her flat chest. Ismerelda smiled proudly when her hand accidentally slipped under her bra, not saying anything as the girl shifted in arousal. After a few minutes of sensual touching her right hand drifted hesitantly towards her groin, so Ismeralda carried her wrist the rest of the way. Using her fingers she positioned Beatrice’s hand in the right place, her own fingertips touching her clit making her gasp. “Can you feel the difference?” She asked. The girl nodded, opening her eyes and looking down at her leaking pussy. The Slytherin had an inspired idea and introduced her to another concept, bringing her small hand up to her blushing face. “Lick your fingers” she advised. Beatrice looked at her curiously before doing as she suggested, her tongue darting out to lick her fingertips. Ismeralda brought her hand back down and began puppeteering her fingers to rub circles around her clit as she pressed dip gently down. The Hufflepuff moaned and began writhing against her chest. “Does that feel better?”

“Yes” she gasped, her other hand kneading her tiny mounds as she followed her mentor’s directions against her clit. Soon she was rubbing herself without Isemerelda’s help, moaning in pleasure forgetting her anxiety about being half naked in front of her. When she was ready her hand drifted down to stroke her folds, her back arching as her delicate flower opened up willingly for her, her legs spreading wider. Sensing the girl was prepared for the next stage Isemerelda slipped her hand over Beatrice’s and gently pushed her middle finger against the back of hers, easing her digit into her warm moist entrance. Beatrice gasped in shock at how good it felt, her finger sliding all the way inside. Her head fell back as she moaned. “Holy shit” she whispered.

“That feels good, doesn’t it” she smiled, receiving an enthusiastic nod. “Remember to thrust in and out gently, as fast or as slow as you want” she told her, watching proudly as the girl began fingering herself slowly. She felt her body temperature heat up as she reclined against her frame, her breathing getting heavier the more she got into it. After a while she suggested she try adding a second finger, which Beatrice did without help, her hips buckling in response. She had let go of her hands at this point, the girl taking the initiative all by herself. She felt like a proud sister watching this young girl masturbate for the first time. “If you want to really blow your mind, curl your fingers upwards and use your other hand on your clit” she suggested. Beatrice tried it, using both hands to play with herself, her moans getting louder.

A few seconds later they became whimpers as she felt something new rise in her belly. “What’s hap…pening…oh god…I feel strange…”

Ismerelda watched her body begin to tremble as her breathing became ragged. “Keep doing that now. Ride this feeling all the way. Don’t be afraid, I’ve got you” she said soothingly, cradling the girl as she writhed against her. She guided her through the sensations until Beatrice suddenly cried out, her body shivering as she was hit with her first climax. Her pussy gushed in her hands, her legs kicking out as she felt her walls clamp around her fingers, her body lighting up in pleasure sending lightning bolts up her spine. It lasted only a second, but it left her gasping for breath collapsing against her friend. “That’s it. Just breathe now, relax. That’s it” Ismerelda whispered, holding her steady as she slumped against her chest heaving. She stroked her face gently as the girl stared into space momentarily, her mind and body swimming in pleasure she’d never felt before.

After a moment Beatrice managed to catch her breath, her eyes lifting to look at the Slytherin asking “what happened?”

“You just had your first orgasm” she beamed, kissing her forehead proudly.

Her body felt like it was buzzing, warm and fuzzy beyond anything she’d felt before. “Do they always feel like that?”

She grinned. “Sometimes they feel even better.” Beatrice blinked in awe. She couldn’t imagine anything feeling better than this. She looked down at her pussy and found it ink and inflamed. She curiously brushed her clit and found it even more sensitive than before, gasping as more pleasure shot through her body. When she tried to rub it Ismeralda caught her wrist protectively. “Careful, too much of a good thing can be bad for you” she warned. “This was your first time. You should rest and enjoy the feeling.”

Beatrice nodded, suddenly feeling a little sleepy as she reclined against Ismerelda’s comfortable body. She curled up against her chest as the older girl held her, stroking her hair and caressing her bare arms. “Thank you for going this with me” she said, purring against her bosom.

“Don’t worry. You just need practice. But I think you’re a natural” she praised. After a moment she cautiously told her “I’m sure Penny would want to help you if you need more advice.”

Beatrice sighed, promising to think about it. “Can I still come to you if I have more questions about sex?”

Ismerelda smiled, promising “when you’re a little older.” Beatrice accepted that answer, resting her eyes as the young Slytherin woman contemplated whether she had a calling for being a mentor after all.

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