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Hunters House Party (Welcome to the Jackson's)

They all knew a house party was on the cards sooner or later, especially with Annabeth planning it. The daughter of Athena didn’t want low key either. But inviting Artemis and her Hunters during a full moon…was either a stroke of genius or a sign of madness. But Annabeth was anything but mad.

That being said, Percy had assumed she’d want their first house party to be a low key event. Friends from the Argo, Camp Half blood or Jupiter. Not that he was complaining about having Thalia and her hunters here for the night. He was a little concerned the gathering might get out of hand. This is the monthly period Artemis allowed her followers to blow off steam and indulge in things they normally aren’t allowed to. It could get chaotic. But to his surprise, the hunters seemed just as nervous as he was. Or maybe they were as conscious about making a mess too. They were used to staying in designated safe houses so gathering in someone else’s home…fortunately they were good house guests. Thalia made sure of it.

Annabeth arranged food and drink and made sure there was enough room in the flat for everyone. Thirty hunters, pulse Thalia and the three of them. She had extended the invitation to the goddess too, but she had yet to make an appearance. No matter, she was happy to entertain who was here. She circled the flat in the formal yet casual outfit she could find in her wardrobe, a purple t-shirt and dark blue trousers, her blonde hair tied back in a braid (Thanks to Piper). Percy, at her insistence, was wearing his smartest button shirt and jeans. He made a joke about also wearing a tortoise tie to match his sea green eyes, until she actually started considering it and he had to use charm-speak to make her drop the idea. Piper looked stunning in whatever she wore, but she settled for a modest orange and red sleeveless dress that fell to her calves, her choppy brown hair sporting three Cherokee beaded braids. She stood uncomfortably next to Thalia, who was wearing a simple silver and grey T-shirt with ripped jeans and hiking boots, both watching the gathered hunters get settled. This was the largest party either of them had assembled and so far it was proving a success. Nobody was fighting yet.

Percy came over after politely chatting to some hunters to join his girlfriend by the mantle. “You did a great job Wise Girl” he smiled, pecking her on the cheek as he passed her a glass of wine.

She smiled, proud they had pulled it off. She analyzed the room and saw a few of the hunters were still a little uncomfortable. “I’d have thought they’d be more relaxed during a full moon” she remarked.

Thalia overheard her, approaching awkwardly with Piper answering “they’re trying to be polite. Since we’re all guests here we want to be courteous. Nobody wants to be the first to accidentally step out of line.”

“Meaning that in plane orgy you were hoping to see and be a part of isn’t likely to happen” Piper clarified bluntly.

Annabeth sighed. The whole reason for arranging this gathering tonight was so the hunters could blow off steam. And since Artemis had given them open invitations to these gatherings going forward, she hoped tonight they could take part. But if nobody was going to be daring enough to engage… she looked over to the mantle piece, Aphrodite’s gift which blessed their home and gives her and Percy a share of Piper’s charmspeak. “I guess we’ll just have to lead by example” she mused, turning to Percy and planting a firm kiss on him. She felt a handful of eyes on her, including Thalia, before turning to the rest of the hunters announcing “I want everyone to feel relaxed and have a good time. Don’t be shy with your intentions. We all want to enjoy the night with you.

Her charmed speech did the trick. Everyone felt a wave of tension lift from the gathering as the hunters smiled and turned to one another. It started as simple conversation. But as Annabeth watched she saw more and more members seize the night and indulge in forbidden fruit. She smiled as hunters embraced and began kissing each other, some peeling away for privacy, others not caring as they began stroking each other. She looked to her boyfriend and roommate and smirked triumphantly. Finally the party had officially begun.

“You are so encouragable” Piper chuckled, watching the party steadily divulge into sexual anticipation. She could feel the excitement in the air as more hunters looked at each other, and at them. She clocked a few girls staring at her, giggling when she smiled and waved back. She felt a little exposed with so many people. Big orgies weren’t her thing. Avoiding them at her cabin was a nightmare. This was bigger than anything they could throw.

Thalia sensed her trepidation and put her arms around her, hugging her back. “They know you’re the one who argued for the Gathering to be reinstated” she explained, nodding to the hunters eying them both. “They’re looking for a chance to thank you, like I did” she said, gently kissing her neck softly.

Piper shuddered under the attention. But she turned around and welcomed Thalia’s affection with open arms and soft lips. They made out steadily, their kiss as effortless as riding a bike by now.

Annabeth, however, had other ideas as she sauntered over to interrupt the two of them. “Now now, I think you’ve thanked Pipes more than enough by now” she teased, prying the young huntress away from the brunette. “I think it’s high time you and I had some time lone, don’t you” she suggested, hooking a finger under Thalia’s chin planting a seductive kiss on her lips. Thalia was entranced by the heavy charm-speak Annabeth dosed her with, her nipples instantly hardening from arousal as she fixed her eyes on Annabeth in anticipation.

Piper rolled her eyes, catching Annabeth’s shoulder whispering “I thought you wanted to take part in an orgy?”

“That’ll be time for that” Annabeth grinned, pecking the girl on the cheek before taking Thalia’s hand. “Make sure Percy has fun. I’m told the Hunters of Artemis tend to be starved for men and these Gatherings” she added, dragging and apologetic Thalia away to her bedroom for some privacy.

Piper huffed in frustration before turning to see Percy already drawing a lot of female attention. She got worried he might end up with more than he could handle and quickly rushed over to rescue him.


It turned out her bedroom was already occupied when Annabeth entered it with Thalia in tow. Three sexy naked girls were already sprawled on the bed making out until they were interrupted. Annabeth checked them out briefly before calmly asking them to “give us the room, please.” They obeyed without complaint, leaving their clothes behind as they strode past them giggling. One of them winked at Thalia as she passed, the raven haired girl blushing as she watched them leave.

Annabeth closed the door behind them and slide the latch into place.”I didn’t think you’d have a lock on your bedroom door” Thalia remarked.

Annabeth smirked. “We don’t use it usually, but we agreed it’d be good to have boundaries. Pipes has one on her door, so does the guest room.” She turned back to Thalia, her stormy grey eyes soaking the attractive Demi goddess in. “That won’t be a problem will it?” She asked.

Thalia shook her head, though she was a little more nervous about being locked in a room with Annabeth now. “Piper warned me about her mom’s gift” she said as Annabeth kicked off her heels and walked purposely towards her. “I always assumed you’d abhor using charmspeak.”

“I did, for a while” she replied, brushing a finger across her forehead hooking her hair behind her ear. “But I have to admit…having so much control in intoxicating. But don’t worry, I won’t force you to do anything against your will” she promised. Thalia relaxed a little, softly purring as Annabeth stroked her neck and cheek. She’d never seen Annabeth like this before. Dominant and sexy, like a succubus. The blonde woman stepped forward and teased her lips over her soft flesh. “I do have a question for you though” she whispered in her ear. “I know you have a crush on Percy. I wondered if you ever had a crush on me?”

Thalia swallowed a gulp as her breath tickled her ear. She was standing so close she could smell her perfume, and the sweat. Her body had begun tingling with arousal she could concentrate. “I…I don’t know. Not really…not like that…why do you ask?”

“Are you sure?” Annabeth asked, looking her old friend dead in the eye. “Tell me truthfully” she said. “Have you ever been attracted to me?

She could see the resistance in her expression, the urge to lie but unable to. She clamped her mouth shut but the charm-speak was compelling her to speak. Annabeth kept her mouth away, refusing to let them meet until Thalia confessed. “Yes” she finally admitted after much anguish.

Have you ever wanted to have sex with me?” Annabeth asked, enjoying the torture of playing with the daughter of Zeus. Thalia nodded with a whimper, her arousal now physically affecting her as her body broke into goosebumps. She tried to lean forward and kiss her but Annabeth held her at bay. “How long have you fancied me Thal? How long have you wanted to fuck me?

“Fuck Annie” Thalia whimpered, looking at her like she was cruel. Annabeth simply raised and eyebrow and waited. Since I was restored from the tree on Half-blood hill” she confessed, sagging from shame as she explained “I liked you before. You grew up since. I still liked you. Wanted you. I had a crush on Percy, but I wanted you too. Please Annabeth. Stop this and fuck me.”

Annabeth heard enough. She leaned in and captured her lips with hers, allowing the desperate woman to satiate the desires she stirred inside her. The truth was Annabeth always had a little crush on Thalia since they met. She was just too scare to admit it. Now they would right that wrong together.

They make out with each other, their bodies being thrown at each other in a mad dash to get each other out of their clothes as hands tugged at fabrics. Shirts and trousers were torn away and discarded, bras ripped away to free boobs before they scrambled to the bed. Annabeth fell atop of Thalia and kissed the raven haired girl powerfully, her lips moving down her neck to suck on her erect nipples making the girl squirm. She leaned over her and locked her gaze with her. “I have only one request, and I won’t Charm you into it” Annabeth said. Thalia listened, willing to do anything. “I want you to fuck me like you do with Piper. Show me how you make love to her.”

Thalia bit her bottom lip and smiled before flipping her friend over on the bed, climbing on top of her and smashing her lips against her. After all the teasing she’d be happy to show the daughter of Athena how the Daughter of Zeus makes the Daughter of Aphrodite submit to her. She kissed her way down her body slowly, her hands massaging her breasts on the way down making Annabeth moan, especially when she licked her nipples. She crawled lower, sliding between her legs kissing her thighs as she got into position, teasing her clit with her breath. Annabeth proved how impatient she was when she tried to grab her head and force her to kiss her pussy. Thalia slapped the hand away. “Payback’s a bitch” she teased.

“Okay, I’m sorry” Annabeth whined, thrusting her hips up trying to entice her to get on with it. “I got carried away.”

“You’re lucky I still like you. And find you sexy” Thalia smirked, kissing her clit before running her tongue along her folds. Annabeth moaned in pleasure as Thalia began licking her pussy, her hands massaging her thighs when they weren’t reaching up to massage her boobs. The young demigoddess laid back and relaxed, letting the hunter have her way with her. But as she got eaten out she couldn’t help but feel underwhelmed.

Then Thalia’s fingers started conducting electricity and Annabeth discovered why Piper would always be screaming each night she shared her bed with the girl. “Oh my…chaos, fuck!” Annabeth gasped as her body was stimulated by static, her body convulsing around Thalia’s head as electricity buzzed from her fingertips. Thalia grinned into her cunt, her tongue reaching deep into her sending tiny lightning bolts into her pussy making Annabeth shiver, her hands running up and down the thighs that wrapped around her head. She reached up and palmed her breasts too, those electrically charged fingertips making her nipples turn rock hard. Annabeth struggled to breath as Thalia invoked her heritage and blew her mind. “Oh fuck, oh gods help me” she moaned as she willfully submitted to Thalia’s own gift of torture.


Percy certainly found himself a little out of his depth as he was slowly being swarmed by sexy hunters who were in the process of seducing him. He quickly found himself cornered by an amorous trio who ran their hands over him eying him up like a tasty four course meal. He had never gotten so much female attention before in all of his life, and he had regular sex with two women under his own roof almost daily.

Speaking of which, Piper raced over to check on him, politely asking the hunters with her charm-speak to give him some room to breathe. “You okay?” She asked.

“A little exposed but…I’m not complaining” he replied with a hapless shrug.

Piper rolled her eyes. Of course he was thinking with his dick. “Just be aware nearly every girl here will be lining up to pounce on you tonight” she warned.

“That’s not strictly true” a red haired hunter remarked, slipping in between Piper and Percy to interrupt the brunette. She locked her sultry gaze onto Piper and explained “many of us were serious about swearing off men when we chose to follow Artemis. Which means we’re looking for more agreeable company.”

Piper blinked in surprise as she suddenly she found herself surrounded by attractive and very horny hunters, a small pack ambushing her to gently coax her away from the demigod. “Oh, right…I…wait…Percy?”

Percy, however, was distracted by another small pack of women who slowly peeled him out of his clothes telling him “the rest of us are willing to make an exception.”

He looked at them hungrily as they revealed their stunning bodies to him, the blood rushing to his groin as he cast an apologetic look to Piper. “Sorry Pipes. I don’t want to be an ungracious host.”

Piper realized she’d lost him and her best friend to the lust of the Gathering, and soon she would follow them as hunters ran their hands over her body, compelling her to relax. She sighed heavily relenting, figuring it’d be easier to go along and cling to control later. Though as she was dragged into the kitchen and quickly undressed with multiple sets of lips fighting over the chance to kiss her, she wondered how much control she could cling to.

Percy lost all sense of control the moment a pair of lips wrapped around his cock and began to suck on him. He looked down and found a very hot brunette kneeling in front of him plunging his dick into her mouth, her eyes staring at him watching her friends feel up his abs and chest. “Oh wow” he moaned, enjoying her skill as she sucked him off, her hands playing his balls like a musical instrument.

Her friends danced their fingers over his skin, kissing his neck and jaw watching her deliver a mind blowing blowjob. “Mm, such a big cock” one of them said, reaching down to stroke it when she pulled away to show off his erection. She licked her lips before dropping down to get a taste, slipping it into her mouth to suck him while the first girl moved to his balls.

“You like it when we suck you cock Percy?” The last girl asked, her short blonde hair framing her elegant face as she turned his to her so she could peck his lips. “I hope your girlfriend doesn’t get jealous” she whispered.

Percy doubted Annabeth would care how many girls Percy slept with tonight, given she’s already out there having sex with Thalia and whomever else she can get her hands on. He wrapped and arm around the blonde hunter and squeezed her ass, whispering back “she’ll be jealous she isn’t here to join in.”

“As long as stay hard to fuck all of us” the second girl, another brunette in a pony tail, proclaimed as she rose back up to put her arms around him. She brought her lips to his nipple and played with it using her tongue while the first brunette resumed sucking his cock.

“I promise you’ll all get a turn” he said, leaning down to retaliate by sucking on the second girls breasts making her moan. He kept the blond entertained by fingering her ass, which she loved very much. His hips thrust into the third girls mouth, his hand holding the back of her head to plunge down her throat, feeling a build up of tension. The hunters whispered sweet honey into his ears as he facefucked her, urging him to cum into her mouth. It didn’t take him long to ejaculate, spilling his seed into her throat. The two others dove in to get a sample before he finished spurting, each getting to drink from his cock. They rose up smiling, sharing his cum between them before turning back to him like sexy foxes. They reached out and began stroking him, determined to get him hard again. “Plenty of me to go around ladies” he said, feeling a little intimidated by their predatory gazes.

“Calm yourselves dears” a voice interrupted, drawing the hunters attention from their prey briefly. They stepped back as the goddess of the hunt stepped forward to address the naked demigod. She looked as elegant as ever, wearing a traditional toga with her quiver strapped across her hip, her bow in her hand. Her followers respectfully bowed their heads as they allowed Artemis to approach Percy, who stared at her in surprise. He glanced down at his naked body, seeing the erection forming in his lap, and turned red from embarrassment. “I see you’ve made my hunters feel at home. I’m glad” she said, looking at her pack scattered about the flat.

Percy glanced around, relieved to see all the young women having a good time. He couldn’t find his girlfriend or Thalia anywhere, but Piper was sprawled across the kitchen table pinned beneath a pair of hunters. One had her face between her thighs, the other was straddling her face. Two more were watching from the side, waiting for their turn. He shook his head. The hunters were insatiable. “We weren’t sure if you would come” he told the goddess.

Artemis smiled. “I would never pass up such an enticing invitation” she said, passing her bow to one of her pack. They took it and her quiver as she unclasped the straps of her toga, slowly removing the clothing to reveal her gorgeous body to the demigod. “As I recall, I do owe you a debt from what you and Miss Chase did to assist with the Titan Atlas. And as she is preoccupied with my lieutenant right now, I think it’s only fair I show my gratitude with you. Unless you’d rather service my hunters first” she asked.

Percy looked at the three young woman waited by their goddess’s side, an inquisitive look on their faces. He wasn’t sure he could handle the three of them at once, if that earlier blowjob was anything to go by. But Artemis was a goddess. You’ve fucked gods before he reminded himself. “I’d be honored, Lady Artemis” he replied, bowing his head to her.

She smiled, glad he chose wisely. She would’ve been content to let her followers have him first, but she wanted him at his peak, not exhausted. She took his hand and brought him to the nearby sofa, bringing him over and pushing him to seat a seat. He sat back and gazed up at her incredible body as she climbed onto him, straddling his lap, her raven hair falling down her back as she leaned down and kissed him deeply. He was aware they were making out in front of a dozen hunters, all turning their heads to watch their goddess have sex with him, but when they kissed it felt like they were the only two people in the room. The blood ran straight to his groin, his erection springing up to brush the underside of the goddess. She purred as his tip teased her entrance, her eyes fixed upon him as he stared at her in awe.

The moment she slid his cock inside of her, everything in his brain went white.

“Oh chaos. I understand now why my hunters lusted after you so much” Artemis whispered as she sank onto the young man. She ground her hips against his lap before lifting them up, her lips dragging up to the tip of his cock before sliding back down to engulf him again.

Percy groaned as her velvet walls swallowed him, her inner muscles massaging him perfectly as she brought her hips up and down riding his dick slowly. She felt so good and her body was stunning. To think he was now one of the few males in all existence who got the privilege to see the Goddess of the Hunt this way. He doubted he’d ever be able to remove the memory every again. He couldn’t take his eyes off her boobs as they bounced in front of him, daring him to put his hands on them, to kiss them. He kept his hands by his sides. He didn’t want to do anything that would risk offending her.

Artemis noticed him staring, saw the hesitation in his expression. “If you want to touch me, you have my permission” she told him, cupping his chin to lift his gaze to her face. “Tonight, you have my permission to make love to me as you wish. However you wish.” She hyphenated the statement by kissing him on the lips, hoping it convinced him to stop being coy.

It did as Percy threw his hands up to her body, running hip her hips and back kissing her deeply. His attention quickly shifted to her breasts, grabbing them firmly leaning in to kiss and play with them. Artemis sighed as the demigod made love to them, stroking his hair while she continued to ride his cock. Her sighs turned to moans as his hands started to roam over her body, her ass and thighs getting equal treatment to stimulate the goddess. She came to the conclusion Percy Jackson was a fine lover and worthy of her companionship.

Around them her hunters watched their goddess have sex with the demigod. Some observed with bemusement and curiosity. Others looked on in envy and jealously, pining to replace one of them or join them. The three hunters who were fighting over Percy earlier stood a few feet away, waiting in anticipation while they caressed and fingered each other, transfixed by the steamy action in front of them.

After a few sensual and steamy minutes Artemis got to experience her first orgasm of the night, gasping in satisfaction as her walls clenched around Percy’s cock. She moaned and relaxed, looking down at her lover glad he didn’t cum too soon. She had much more gratitude to repay. “That was amazing” Percy whispered, referring to how hot she looked while climaxing.

“Thank you, it was” Artemis agreed, running her hands through his hair preparing to resume bouncing on his lap. She sensed reluctance in his expression however, narrowing her eyes enquiring “is there something you wish to ask?”

“A request” he whispered nervously, his palms reaching down to squeeze her butt. “Would it be okay if…if I could fuck you in the ass?” He asked her.

Artemis fixed her gaze upon him, moment of tension crossing her face as she considered the request. “Is my pussy not enough for you?” She asked.

“It is, my lord it is” he replied quickly. “But…you did say I could fuck you however I wanted to tonight, right?” She paused a moment before nodding in admittance. “So, if it’s not too much trouble, please could you turn around and sit on my lap with my cock in your ass?”

Artemis took a moment to consider it. She had to appreciate the boys bravery, in both his request and trying to use charm-speak to convince her. Fortunately charm-speak wouldn’t work on gods. And fortunately for him, she was a goddess of her word and she liked him. So she slowly removed herself from his lap, silently moaning at the loss from her cunt, before turning around and carefully lowering herself back down onto his cock after aligning her anus with him. He helped guide her with his hands on her hips, his lubricated penis slipping into her virgin hole slowly. They both moaned as she sat down on his erection, introducing his dick to her ass. “Not as unpleasant as I feared” she muttered.

“Thank you, lady Artemis” Percy said, sitting up t cup her breasts and kiss her neck.

“Consider yourself very privileged, Mr Jackson” she whispered back, grinding her ass against his lap getting accustomed to having something thick in her back door. It proved very pleasurable over time, and soon her hips were bouncing like before on his lap. Percy continued to squeeze her tits and kiss her neck, keeping her satiated before gently leaning back bring her with him so she was reclining against his body. She looked over her shoulder curiously. “An interesting position you have put me in” she observed.

“I thought your hunters would appreciate the opportunity to satisfy you, my lady” Percy smiled, his hands hooking underneath her thighs to lift them over his knees, spreading her legs before him. He looked over at the three hunters watching them from the front, still waiting and pleasuring each other witnessing the demigod maneuver their goddess into this compromising position. “Do they have permission to join us, Lady Artemis?” He asked.

Artemis looked over at her horny hunters, their eyes examining her beauty looking at her excitedly. She looked back at Percy, commending his creativity. “They always have my permission” she said, beckoning them forward with her hand. The three of them leapt onto the sofa, ready to pleasure their mistress however they can. One dove between her legs and immediately began licking her pussy, and Percy’s balls while he thrust into her ass. The second jumped onto the sofa and attacked her breasts, sucking her nipples eager to please. The third sat opposite the second and stroked the goddess, kissing her briefly before leaning down and making out with Percy. Artemis enjoyed the pleasure she received from all sides as she rode Percy’s cock and her hunters tongue, feeling another orgasm approaching, this one joined by Percy firing his cum into her anus. She extracted herself soon after, making space for her hunters reminding Percy he had many of her followers waiting to be satisfied next.

He sat back prepared to satisfy every woman in the flat if he had to.


It took Piper much longer than she anticipated to extract herself from the kitchen in the end. The hunters kept pouncing on her like wild animals whenever she got a moment to breathe. It was hard to use charmspeak when she either had another woman’s lips or pussy muffling her voice. So she switched to plan b and fucked her way out, driving each girl who pinned her down to orgasm so they could stumble away satisfied. She had to use all the skills she’d learnt over the course of her life to subdue her lovers, moving from one to the next as they fought over each other to get a turn next, but eventually she managed to roll off the table and stumble out into the hall.

She walked uncomfortably through the small groups, nearly all the hunters lost in each other enjoying the full moon to its fullest. She spied a few content to just watch rather than participate, and more willfully sprinting around naked seeking out willing partners to have sex with. Piper paused by a doorway to look into the living room and found Percy anal fucking Artemis and a small group of her hunters. The look of baffled joy on his face told her he was having the time of his life. She continued onward, ignoring the ache in her pussy as cum leaked down her legs from all the stimulation earlier. She weaved past a few more hunters who greeted her warmly, quickly muttering polite excuses through charm-speak to keep them at bay. It seemed Thalia undersold how raunchy these girls could get during the Gathering.

She reached the master bedroom and slumped against the frame, rapping on the door when she found it was locked. “Annie! Thal? Are you still in there?” She called through the door.

Inside the bedroom, Annabeth looked up and sighed. She should’ve expected Piper would want to check on them. “Yes, we’re here. We’re fine Pipes” she called back, resuming her attention to fingering Thalia from behind as she lay prone against the mattress. The girl was clawing at the bedsheets moaning into a pillow as Annabeth plunged three fingers into her cunt, curling them deeply against her G-Spot driving her crazy. She’d lost count how many orgasms the blonde had drawn out of her by now, her lower half shaking madly in pleasure.

Piper sighed in relief, but tried the door again. “You okay? You’ve been in there for a while.”

“Just catching up with Thalia” Annabeth replied with a smirk. “How’s Percy?”

She glanced over her shoulder to check on him, finding him on the sofa buried balls deep in one of the hunters while Artemis watched him. “He’s fine. You’re missing all the fun. This party was your idea Annie. Maybe you should come out and join in” she suggested, hoping a dose of charm-speak would convince her to leave.

Unfortunately Thalia’s screams drowned out her suggestion, saving Annabeth from having to hear it and comply. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that. But I won’t be long, I promise. Just wait for me, okay?” She fired back.

Piper, unfortunately, heard her suggestion and groaned as her body obeyed, waiting by the door for her friend to finish with her other friend. One of the hunters saw her and approached her, not wasting any time in running her fingers over her breasts before kissing her neck. Piper moaned, arousal taking over as the young woman dropped down to her knees in front of her and proceeded to eat her out. She clutched her head riding her tongue as the woman licked her pussy, submitting to the climax racing up her spine as she waited.

In the bedroom, Thalia panted heavily as she recovered from her orgasm, combing her black hair out of her eyes with her fingers. Annabeth crawled over her back and kissed her neck, her breast pressing against her as she trapped her to the mattress. “Maybe we should join the party outside” Thalia said, feeling rather guilty about hiding away in here to be claimed by the daughter of Athena.

Annabeth smiled. “We will. But first, I have one more request” she said, stroking her lovers chin as she nibbled on her earlobe. “I never knew you liked to babble when you cum. Especially about your time with Piper” she remarked, lacing charm-speak into her next question so she could get an honest answer. “Now, tell me about her and this teddy bear, Stuffy.”

Thalia’s eyes widened as she whimpered softly, burying her head in the pillow while Annabeth waited for her confession.


Piper was being eaten out by two hunters when they finally emerged from the bedroom, one at her pussy and the other at her ass. She rocked between them a few feet from the door when it opened. Annabeth emerged holding Thalia’s hand, immediately looking around the flat to witness the debauchery unfolding for herself. A wide smile grew on her face as her loins dripped in anticipation.

Thalia slipped out of her grasp and ran over to Piper, who was prying herself from the hunters to meet her. “You okay?” He asked the brunette. She looked unsteady and exhausted. Piper nodded, embracing the raven haired girl and kissing her briefly. “Pipes, I’m sorry” she apologized quietly. “She made me…”

“Made you do what?” Piper asked.

“Nothing she didn’t want to do” Annabeth interrupted, wrapping her arms around Piper from behind kissing her shoulder. “Thalia, why don’t you find your goddess and see if she needs anything” Annabeth suggested, spying Artemis across the room. Thalia resisted momentarily before walking over to seek out her patron. Annabeth turned to her best friend, whispering quietly in her ear “I know about Stuffy.”

Piper turned bright red. Now she knew why Thalia was apologizing. “Annie, you promised you wouldn’t abuse your charmspeak” she whined.

“Don’t change the subject” Annabeth scoffed, squeezing the girls breasts as she guided her up against the wall. Piper put her hands against it and sighed as Annabeth molested her, her hands moving between her legs to find her clit very wet and sensitive. “But now I know, maybe I could borrow your bear one night. Show him a good time. Maybe we should have a threesome” she teased.

You’ll forget all about Stuffy in the morning” Piper Commanded.

“You’re no fun” Annabeth grumbled, kissing down her back to spread her ass cheeks. Piper gasped as Annabeth began rimming her, wrapping her arms around her legs to keep her from moving. “Don’t worry, I’ve got all night to loosen you up” she promised.


The night got longer and wilder as the demigods rotated through the hunters one by one. Annabeth took pride in entertaining her guests as she hopped through the ranks, sharing her body with all who welcomed her. Percy was a man of his word, having satisfied the three hunters at the beginning and slowly working his way through more as they lined up to ride his cock. He spent most of the night lying on the floor so they could bounce on his lap while another girl sat on his face to be licked by him. Piper opted not to take a turn on his cock, giving the hunters the opportunity while she sat on the sofa to be licked or fingers or scissored by those who weren’t interested in men. Thalia made the rounds too, one eye on Percy as he fucked her comrades from behind when he could. She serviced her hunters however she could until Artemis took her hand and brought her to an armchair where she dutifully sat on her lap and made out with her.

The goddess had been giving her hunters companionship all night, and now she wanted to reward her faithful lieutenant. “Do you want him?” She asked her, nodding to the male demigod across from them. Thalia glanced at him and nodded awkwardly. Artemis nodded, clearing her throat and calling Percy over. The boy finished up inside a sexy brunette and shuffled over to join Artemis and Thalia. “Would you like to make love to my Lieutenant, Mr Jackson?” She queried.

Percy looked at the bashful Thalia sitting on Artemis’s lap, his aching cock coming sluggishly back to life. “Yes, I would Lady Artemis” he replied.

Artemis nodded, running her hands over Thalia’s naked body once before before turning her around so she reclined against her chest. Not unlike how Percy presented her to her pack hours earlier. She reached down and coaxed the girls thighs open, presenting her to the demigod. “You have my permission” she stated.

Percy didn’t find it strange at all that the goddess was there. All she saw was how sexy Thalia looked laid over her elegant body, her pussy on display dripping from arousal. Their eyes met and the spark of lust intensified as he walked over, putting his hands all over her as she guided his erection to her entrance. Within moments he was inside of her and they were making love using the goddess of the hunt as a recliner. Artemis silently watched, stroking their skin or hair occasionally as they fucked each other tenderly. Thalia panted heavily as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands looping around his neck moaning as he thrust into her over and over. She felt the goddess’s hands caress her gently, her fingers stroking her breasts and face. She looked up at her as she watched affectionately. Having her patron here as a comforting presence made the sex oddly intimate. She brought one her of her hands up to stroke her cheek in return. “Thank you” she whispered to her goddess.

“Is there anything we can do for you?” Percy asked Artemis, feeling a little rude for not involving her more.

Artemis smiled, caressing her hunter and planting a soft kiss on Percy’s lips. “Just continue to treat my girls with respect and love” she told him. She then leaned down and kissed Thalia too, whispering delicately to her “don’t hold anything back. I want you to find release. Let yourself go for him.”

Thalia nodded, turning her attention to Percy as he leaned closer to kiss her. She kissed him passionately, hooking her ankles behind his back pulling him deeper as she embraced him. “I want you. All of you. Fuck me Percy” she whispered to him, opening herself to him entirely.

Percy obliged, increasing his pace as he fucked her harder, giving her everything. The passion increased, stirring them both into a new level of intensity. Thalia felt her insides churn each time their hips met, their skin tingling from the contact. They soon discovered that wasn’t just lust. Their passion ignited the demigods powers in a way neither of them predicted. Two children of the big three combined their abilities, much like how Percy had done with Jason once before. His powers stimulated the perspiration on both their bodies, causing it to shift and move over their flesh or inside Thalia’s pussy. Meanwhile her powers were creating static electricity across her skin which tickled Percy’s, spreading from her fingertips all the way to her toes. In essence they stimulated each other in more ways than ever before, and it felt incredible. Percy moaned as her nails dug into his back, his balls expanding as they slapped her ass getting a small electric shock with each swing. Her walls leaked fluids which swirled around his cock, making Thalia whimper as they brushed her G-spot. Both were rushing to an explosive finale and they could take much more. “I’m going to cum” Percy warned.

“Me too” she gasped, their lips grasping each other as their bodies rocked feverishly.

Artemis watched the two lovers cascade into pleasure, unaffected by their growing powers as they swirled around each other. She cradled them both, their bodies humping against each other desperately, begging to release. She leaned in and kissed both their cheeks, her hands grasping Percy’s ass to hold him steady as she whispered in their ears “let go.”

It was as if she was the one with charm-speak. At her command both demigods climaxed simultaneously, their screams filling the living room drawing the eye of everyone in earshot. Everyone got to witness Percy and Thalia’s explosive orgasm as they shuddered and heaved against each other, their toes curling and fingers gripping whatever they were holding (in Thalia’s case, Percy’s shoulders; in Percy’s case, Artemis’s breasts). Their powers intensified too, arcs of electricity connecting to the swirls of sweat over their bodies bouncing back and forth. Percy froze as Thalia’s walls clamped around his penis shocking his balls, jolting them into continuously spurting his semen into her womb. Thalia shivered as Percy’s sperm filled her uterus, mixing with her cum as it spun like a vortex inside of her making her orgasm over and over in a continuously loop. Their eyes rolled into the back of their heads as they groaned. “I can’t stop” Percy mumbled, unable to move as he balls squeezed every last ounce of their contents into Thalia. She replied with a garbled whimper, her brain unable to comprehend anything but the endless buzz coming from her core.

The orgasm lasted a couple of minutes. When it finally subsided Thalia thanked Artemis for her gifts preventing pregnancy. Her belly felt overfilled and bloated with all of Percy’s cum, his testicles deflated as it finished unloading into her. The young man collapsed on top of her, spent and exhausted. Thalia felt weak, covered in sweat as she collapsed on top of Artemis, who held them both stroking them comfortingly. After a long while they eventually managed to steady their breathing, sluggishly raising their foggy vision to look at each other before raising it to her. “How do you feel?” She asked.

“Drained” Percy muttered.

“Relieved” Thalia gasped.

“Release is liberating” Artemis agreed. She helped them sit up and kissed each of them in turn. “You are our fathers daughter” she whispered proudly to Thalia.

Across the living room Annabeth sat on a hunter’s face watching with great pride. “That looked really, really hot” she told them.

Percy turned back to see her fingering two hunters while riding the third’s tongue. She was much more energized than he felt. He smiled at her, shuffling off Thalia’s aching body extracting his limp penis from her dripping pussy, slowly making his way over to join his girlfreind. Thalia stayed with Artemis, too uncomfrtable to move. “I’m glad you enjoyed the show” he said quietly.

She finished getting her lovers off before cupping his face, kissing him deeply. “I hope you still have enough in there to fill me up Seaweed brain” she whispered seductively, stroking his sensitive dick trying to perk him back up.

On the sofa, Piper could sense what Percy was feeling and rose unsteadily to her feet to intercept him. She took his shoulders leaning down proclaiming “Annie, you won’t mind if I take him first.” Annabeth blinked and grumbled in disappointment as Piper pulled her boyfriend away. “I’m sure Lady Artemis would love to get acquainted with you” the Cherokee brunette added as she dragged Percy with her. She took Thalia’s hands next, pulling her to her feet apologizing to the goddess before saying “you both should come with me.” Neither Percy nor Thalia had the strength to argue with Piper or her charm-speak as she led them through the mess of naked hunters, the three of them weaving unsteadily through the orgy. Annabeth watched them slink off towards Pipers room begrudgingly, but her attention soon fell to Artemis who was indeed willing to entertain the young woman and assist with her hunters.

Piper brought her friends to her room, which thankfully was unoccupied, pulling them inside and closing the door, sliding the bolt into place. “Wow, you do have locks on your doors” Thalia muttered under her breath, catching herself on the dress before her legs turned to jelly.

Percy turned to Piper, his balls still aching from the mass exodus of his cum. He looked at her nervously as she looked up at him. “Pipes, I love you, but I don’t know if I have the energy for this right now” he said apologetically.

But Piper slumped against the door, finally showing how exhausted she was. Her body was as spent as theirs were, her skin stained with cum, her goin aching and her muscles weak. She looked at them both and sighed. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to fuck you. I thought you would want to join me in calling it a night” she said.

“Really?” Percy asked. When she nodded he moaned in relief, slumping down onto the bed falling onto his back. “Oh thank god. I feel like I was going to die.”

Thalia sighed in relief too, collapsing to the ground feeling her body trembling. Exhaustion fell over her and suddenly she struggled to keep her eyes open. “Shit, that last orgasm…I feel sick.” She looked up at Piper, examining her own posture as she dragged herself across the room. “I guess you’ve had enough too?”

“I might be my mothers daughter, but it seems even I have my limits” Piper complained, grimacing with each uncomfortable step as she stumbled over to her bed and climbed into it. The final straw was the feedback she got from Percy and Thalia’s orgasm, while she was scissoring a desperate hunter. It was a miracle she didn’t black out from the pleasure or just collapsed right then. She pulled the covers open and patted the mattress. “You two can share my bed tonight. We’ll sleep better snuggling together.”

She got no complaints from her friends. Percy maneuvered himself beside Piper while Thalia crawled up to snuggle beside him, pulling the covers over the three of them as they lay down. “What about Annabeth?” Percy asked, with less enthusiasm.

Piper let out a long yawn before answering “I’m pretty sure she’s intent on have sex all the way until morning. She’s welcome to them. Hunters are insatiable animals. No offense Thal” she said.

But when she looked over to her friend she found she was already fast asleep with her head nested against Percy’s shoulder. The young man cradled her protectively, putting an arm around Piper too as she shuffled up against him resting her head against his chest. “At least we had fun” he mumbled sleepily.

Piper smiled, too tired to admit she did as her eyelids grew heavy. She passed out the moment they closed, snoring delicately as the three of them slept through the rest of the gathering, leaving Annabeth to entertain the hunters the rest of the night by herself.

A task that they found she was more than up for when they found her the next morning after the hunters had left, lying on the sofa sticky from cum and sweat with a huge satisfied smile plastered on her face. She would sleep through the rest of the day and not wake up until late evening, still sore from all the excitement and hungover from the experience. It wouldn’t take much to convince her to wait a year a two before considering inviting the Hunters of Artemis over for another Gathering.

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