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Home Alone (Welcome to the Jackson's)

It had been a long time since Piper had the place to herself. When Percy and Annabeth went on their trip to New Rome she stayed behind. Annie was worried about her being by herself, something she hadn’t done since she moved in with them, but the brunette assured her she would be okay. And she was excited about having the place to herself. Nobody to hold her up in the bathroom. Nobody to complain when she accidentally spilt soda on the couch. Nobody to interrupt her when she sang along to her favorite music as loud as she wanted. That didn’t stop Annabeth from checking in every couple of hours over the phone. Piper kept reassuring her everything was fine, she wasn’t going to wreck the place, she wasn’t losing her mind, insisting she stop calling and enjoy her week away. She almost tried using her charm-speak over the phone to make her stop. Eventually she did (apart from the odd text, which was a compromise she supposed) and Piper was free to enjoy her week alone.

She had a blast. She slept in late, ate when she wanted, got the bathroom all to herself, stayed up as long as she wished. She made the most of it. Nothing outrageous, she wasn’t going to throw a house party or anything, she was still a good flatmate keeping everything clean and tidy. But she also indulged in a few things she couldn’t do when the others were here; like blasting her music really loud, binge watching films, trying her baking skills (and discovering she sucks). She walked around in whatever she felt comfortable in, regardless of appearance. A onesie, her pajamas, one time she even decided to have her breakfast in the nude one morning, dancing to a pop song without a care. (She might’ve forgotten to close the blinds that morning though, giving her neighbors across the street quite an eyeful).

That wasn’t to say she didn’t spend the whole week by herself. She invited a few friends over the next few days while they were in town. Nico stopped by so she could continue his tutoring, using the space to get creative with some of her lessons. Leo brought some video games one evening, staying up all night with her to try and demolish her at Street Fighter (she proved to be a fast learner). She struck lucky when this week lined up with a full moon, so Thalia stayed the night halfway in the week where they went to the cinema for a movie before getting dinner, coming home to get their pick of a bedroom to sleep in. Thalia opted for Piper’s eagerly joining her in her bed sharing it with her bear Stuffy. Piper enjoyed that evening, the two of them pretending it was a proper date between normal people (just ignore the interval where they had to fight off a harpy posing as the snack vendor). Otherwise, Piper had the place to herself and was loving it.

With the end of the week approaching, Piper settled into a chill afternoon humming to another pop song as her bare feet danced across the kitchen, the young woman dressed in her panties and T-shirt carelessly. She hopped along to the music as she turned the kettle on and made herself dinner, cooking up a nice sandwich with a side of cake and a cup of coffee pending. She had a smile on her face as she paused to sing along to the chorus, chanting into a spoon while she checked her phone for messages. Three texts from Annie (four less than yesterday), one from Leo calling for a rematch and a love heart from Thalia thanking her for their date. Today is a good day she thought as she poured two cups of coffee, jiggling her bottom as she poured sugar into hers and reached into a drawer for the cinnamon for the other.

She froze just before she added it to the steaming cup in front of her, her eyes looking at the two cups. She stopped singing as she glanced around the empty flat. It was just her, she didn’t need the other cup. She hadn’t realized her body was on autopilot. Coffee black with a pinch of cinnamon, just how he likes it. She shook her head and put the cinnamon away, promptly pouring the extra coffee down the drain. She turned back to the empty flat and exhaled. It’s fine. Just an oversight. Doesn’t mean anything she told herself, grabbing the remote to the speakers and dialing the music up to down out the memories springing to mind before they made her feel things. She brought her dinner to the sofa in the living room and switched the TV on, bringing up the soap opera she’d gotten hooked on and kicking her feet up. She relaxed and settled into an afternoon of blissful distraction.

Her afternoon was interrupted when her phone vibrated. She rolled her eyes and muted the music, pausing the TV before crawling over the sofa to retrieve it. She was surprised when she saw Percy was face timing her. Thank the gods, I was afraid it was going to be Annie again. “Hey Percy, how’s New Rome” she smiled, lounging on her stomach kicking her feet into the air as Percy’s face sprung onto her screen.

He looked rather flushed when she answered, his breath panting through the mic as his sea green eyes darted around nervously. “Pipes, I need your help” he said breathlessly.

Piper immediately sat up when she heard the panic in his voice. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you under attack? Is everyone okay?” She asked rapidly, her head racing with possibilities.

Percy noted the concern she displayed and quickly clarified “no, sorry, we’re fine. It’s nothing like that.” Piper exhaled a sigh of relief until he explained “its Reyna, she’s been acting really weird around me?”

“Weird how?” She asked, curling back into the sofa now the immediate danger she briefly perceived had passed. Fuck sake Percy, don’t scare me like that. “Is she o… where are you? Are you hiding?” She asked, examining the screen as the video showed glimpses of Percy slipping through rooms scanning each one nervously before ducking behind a curtain.

Percy paused to look over his shoulder before telling her “I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Ever since we got she’s been all over me. It’s getting out of hand.”

Piper furrowed her brow in confusion. “Okay, you’ve lost me. What is going on?”

“Reyna and I have been…having sex” he explained, ducking out of sight when she spotted two centurions walking past him, keeping his voice down.

“That’s not exactly news” Piper shrugged.

“No, I mean having sex more than usual. She practically jumped me the moment we got past Terminus, kissing me in front of everyone.”

“That doesn’t sound weird” Piper giggled. “I’m assuming she ask gave you the tour of your bedroom too” she teased.

“Piper, I’m serious. After we got settled in she keeps showing up, to check in. And whenever we’re in the same room she starts acting all…horny and weird and keeps throwing herself at me. And it’s not just when we’re alone. She got all aroused when she was showing us around the city, even when people were watching. She would drag me into a corner or alley to beg me to fuck her, like she was desperate. She even jerked me off in the middle of the mess hall, in plain view, until I came all over the table.”

Piper listened to Percy list a few more humiliating scenarios before quietly mumbling “okay, that does sound unusual. What does Annabeth think?” She asked.

“I don’t know, we’ve…she’s been keeping to herself a lot lately” he told her.

“Is she okay?” Piper asked worried.

“I don’t know” he confessed glumly. “I try to talk to her but she’s still awkward around what happened. And when we try to…we’ve been struggling to connect. Reyna even invited her to join us when we…”

Piper tried not to worry too much for her friend. She was getting better, recovering from their experience, but she had taking a huge knock out her confidence. She’d noticed her hesitation whenever they cuddled in bed together, reluctant to take the initiative, always asking if Piper was okay. Piper did what she could but she could make Annabeth trust herself again. “I worried about her” she said.

“I know, me too” Percy nodded. “But right now I’m worried about Reyna more.”

“Okay, just so I understand” Piper sighed, sitting up to give him her full attention, even turning the tv off. “You and Reyna have been having sex more frequently than usual…”

“Almost every time we’re alone together, or not alone. Basically whenever we’re in the same room she gets all hot and bothered.”

“And that’s bad?” She asked. “I mean, most guys would kill to be so irresistible” she said.

“Pipes, I appreciate the sentiment, but I know I’m not this irresistible to girls” he retorted.

She smirked, keeping the thought I find you irresistible to herself. “Couldn’t you just talk to her?” She asked, as if it was obvious. “If you’re overwhelmed by the attention, or just don’t want to fuck her so much, just tell her. You’re allowed to say no Percy, we women don’t get offended” she told him.

“That’s the thing, I have. We’ve talked about it and she can’t explain it either” he explained. “She’s as confused as I am. We’ve been trying to avoid each other all week but she says each time someone mentions me or she catches a glimpse of me she gets all aroused and feels this compulsion to come find me. Besides, you know I have difficulty turning down attractive sexy women. It’s half the reason me and Annabeth were forced to discuss this open relationship in the first place.”

“Hang on, so Reyna knows what’s going on but has no control over herself?” Piper asked.

“Yes, that’s exactly it” he cried. “She says it’s like she’s driven to be mine, anywhere and anytime, to be used whenever I say so. That’s sounds crazy, right?”

“And oddly specific” she muttered, clogs turning in her brain. A compulsion? Not in control? This does sound odd.“Percy, are you sure Reyna’s not just being overly familiar?”

“Trust me, when she sees me she turns into this…animal in heat. She can’t help herself and I have no idea what’s going on. I even tracked down Jason and asked him about it, and he said she had been fine all the way until Annabeth and I arrived.” He paused to exhale, checking his surroundings until he realized Piper had fallen quiet. He looked at his phone and saw expression on her face. He backpedaled and suddenly stammered “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“No, it’s okay” she said, lowering her phone to her lap to briefly take deep breath. Of course Jason would’ve been at New Rome and it was smart to ask for his help. Hearing his name again just threw her a moment. Questions raced through her head: how is he? Is he taking care of himself? Is he still mad? Is he seeing anyone? How does he look? Does he miss me? She shook her head and took another deep breath before lifting the phone back up, pushing those questions aside focusing on the only one that mattered. “Did he say anything else? How she was acting?”

“No. He told me she was her usual self. They spared with each other a few nights ago and she was normal” he recounted. He looked at Piper as she swallowed that statement. It didn’t stake someone as clever as Annabeth to work out what sparring was code for. “Are you okay?” He asked her quietly.

“I’m fine” she nodded, forcing a smile to convince him she was okay. “Okay, so…Reyna was her usual self until you and Annabeth arrived. Did something happen at that time?”

“Not according to Reyna. She was making preparations and then she came out to meet us” he recounted, having asked her this question while she was riding his cock in her throne room.

Piper racked her brain. It could be any number of things affecting her. Maybe she’s under the influence of a poison? Maybe one of her rivals is mind controlling her. Or, possibly, her mom is messing with her friends again. “Okay. What about the last time you saw each other?” She asked. “Was she like this then?”

Percy looked to the side to think. “No, she was her normal self. That was a few weeks ago. She talked me into using charm-speak more in the bedroom” he chuckled.

Piper’s ears perked up. “Charm-speak?” A few weeks ago? Yes, we still had that ornament from mom around then.“Use it how?” She asked.

He shrugged. “Just to…assert my dominance more. You know likes it rough. She wanted me to really play into the fact I could tell her what to do, command her any way I wanted.”

Piper suddenly had an epiphany. “Like being able to fuck her whenever, wherever you wanted” she guessed. “Exactly how much charm-speak did you use with her?” She asked.

Percy shrugged. “A bit. I guess I got into it, so I slipped in and out of using it. She made sure to use a safe word so we didn’t go too out of hand.” He looked at Piper’s expression as it curled into a smirk. “You have an idea?” He assumed.

“I’ve got a theory” she replied, the idea making her giggle at its simplicity. “I think Reyna’s suffering from a charm-speak induced suggestion” she guessed.

“A what?”

“It’s like a post hypnotic suggestion. You know? When those hypnotists put people into a trance and plant an instruction into their sub conscious?”

“Like when they hear a specific piece of music and it makes them quack like a duck?” Percy nodded. Then his eyes widened. “Charm speak can do that?”

“Sometimes. If you use the right wording you and plant a suggestion into a subject that’ll follow that command whenever the right circumstances are met. I heard from one of my siblings Drew used one once to get back at an ex back inducing a command that made him drop his trousers whenever someone asked him to show them his tattoo, which was meant to be on his shoulder fyi” she chuckled. “Do you remember what commands you were using at the time?”

“Not really, but I was careful” he replied. “I kept worrying I might say the wrong thing the whole night. Though I got so comfortable with it I guess I might’ve muttered something about making her my bitch, to fuck with whenever I see her…oh gods!” He cried slapping his face.

Piper couldn’t help but burst into giggles, falling onto the sofa laughing. “You must’ve planted the suggestion by accident.”

“Okay, well how long should it take to wear off?” He asked.

“Who knows? It could be months or it could be forever” she said as she laughed hysterically.

Percy wasn’t as amused as he was alarmed. “It’s not funny” he cried.

“It is a little bit” she giggled. “Look, if the two of you are really desperate to stop this, I should be able to remove the suggestion with my own charm-speak.”

“Great!” He sighed with relief.

“I’d have to do it in person though” she explained. “And I’d have to diagnose her, find the exact command she’s following. It could take a while. It’d be like reprogramming a persons mind.”

“Fine, whatever. Why don’t you just come down here and get started?” He begged.

Piper’s chest tightened at the prospect of visiting Camp Jupiter and New Rome. Fortunately she had an excuse pre made. “this was meant to be your trip with Annie. I’m not giving up the place to myself. Tell you what, why don’t you bring Reyna back with you when you come home?” she suggested.

Percy’s widened. “Are you kidding? I can’t keep this up for the rest of the week! Reyna’s got the appetite of a loin.”

“Then you’ll have to avoid her. Tell Annabeth about it. She’ll get a kick out of your predicament and she can run interference. Maybe you could ask Jason to keep her occupied for you” she found herself adding, with a bit of venom in her statement.

Percy looked at her desperately before resigning with a sigh. “Okay, if you’re sure you can’t just come here” he whined.

“You’ll be fine. It’s just a few more days. See you when you get home” she said, bidding him a playful goodbye before hanging up. She laid on the sofa was a massive grin, still chuckling at his predicament. “That is too hilarious” she giggled, picturing him hiding from Reyna like she’s medusa during mating season. She put her phone on the armrest and switched the tv back on, resuming her afternoon of food and soaps.

After finishing her dinner she sat binge watching tv, the show telling the story of a passionate love affair. She groaned at the couple on screen, two people so clearly in love who just wouldn’t get their act together. And now the guy was making out with his work colleague in a bid to push the girl away, as if to prove nothing could be possible between them. But of course the girl still loved him and wanted to be with…

She switched the tv off when the show started hitting a little close to home. She shook her head, unable to shake the thought of Reyna sparring with her ex boyfriend. Not that she didn’t have any right to complain, Jason was allowed to be with whomever he wanted. This shouldn’t bother her, but it does. And now the flat was feeling more empty and claustrophobic as she sat by herself with nobody to talk to or to hold or to fight with or to make love with. She rose to her feet and distracted herself with the dishes, making short work of them before returning to the sofa to tidy up. She looked at her phone as it vibrated, Annabeth’s latest text to check in. She texted back she was fine, also adding she should check on Percy if he wasn’t too busy running from their host. She sat down and scrolled through her contacts, Jason’s number crossing her screen briefly. She clenched her jaw and kept scrolling, finding Leo’s name and opting to call her other close friend. “Hey Piper, what’s up?” He asked when she face timed him.

“Oh, nothing, just thought I’d give you a call to hang out” she said casually, putting on a cherry smile for him as his face appeared on screen. “I hope I didn’t interrupt you doing anything” she said apologetically.

“Nah, it’s fine. Calypso and I had just eaten dinner” he replied. His girlfriend came into view and called a greeting to Piper, who called back warmly. Leo took his phone into his workshop so they could talk, looking at his friend asking her “you okay? You look distracted.”

“More like I need a distraction” she admitted, sitting cross legged on the sofa as she placed her phone on the table, standing it up so she was in frame from the waist up.

Leo sat at his desk so she could see his head and shoulders. “The isolation getting to you Huh?” He asked. “Living alone isn’t all its cracked up to be.”

That’s one way to put it she thought. “So, you up for a chat or something. Perhaps we could play a game?”

“What did you have in mind?” He asked with a smirk.

Piper smiled, knowing he’d be up for anything with her. “Well I’m a little underdressed for strip poker” she joked.

She knew that would perk him up, leading to him predictably asking “why? What are you wearing?”

Lifted up her T-shirt to just under her boobs, answering “some panties and a T-shirt, but not much else.”

“I could strip down to my boxers and socks to even things out” he said.

“It’d be a very short game” she giggled. “We’d might as well get naked now.”

“Not like we haven’t seen each other naked before” he grinned.

She shrugged. That was true. “Wouldn’t your girlfriend mind if she caught you butt naked in your workshop video chatting another naked girl?”

“Pipes, when we first met I kept burning off my clothes with my powers until she made me my fireproof underclothes. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen already” he reminded her. “As for the other thing…you’re not any other girl.”

Piper blushed from the compliment. Leo had confessed some time ago (during a drunken night out and under some subtle charm-speak) that he used to have a tiny crush on her. She always considered him one of her best friends, so it was always strangely weird yet intimate when he talked about how much he liked her. “Is that your way of saying I’m attractive” she teased, fishing for more compliments.

Leo smiled. “I’ve always found you attractive, even before we found out who your mom was.”

That statement brought a fresh dose of genuine color to Piper’s cheeks. She remembered how she used to try and obscure how pretty she looked, given all the attention her dad got. Then her mom’s stunt to claim her made her this paragon of beauty for a hot day and she couldn’t shake anyone’s gaze from her. It was embarrassing and humiliating. But once it wore off and she learnt to accept who she was, she realized looks weren’t the only thing that made people attractive and she had friends who could see past her appearance and love her for who she is. And while she couldn’t be sure Jason’s feelings were real, she was confident Leo’s were genuine. “If you liked me so much, why didn’t you ever ask me out back then?” She asked curiously.

Leo blushed. “I wanted to. I think I tried. But Jason was my best friend and I didn’t want to mess him around like that” he admitted.

Piper gazed at him admirably. That’s so sweet she mused. Her mouth curled into a playful smirk, deciding what game they should play. “Hypothetically, say we were on that school bus to the Grand Canyon and I wasn’t dating Jason at the time” she said, skipping the part where her brain muttered which was true at the time. “How would you woo me?” She asked him.

Leo raised his eyebrow. “Woo you?” He asked. She nodded, grinning as he sat forward licking his lips. “With my Valdez charm of course.”

“Of course. But how would you do it?”

He grinned, working out what game she was steering them towards. “Well, first I’d shuffle up next to you, put my arm around your shoulders…put in on the back of the seat all casual like of course…then look you head on and simply say…hey.”

Piper held her expression as long as she could before breaking into a fit of giggles. “Oh my god, you are so corny” she laughed.

“Well hypothetically you’d react a lot more deceptively than that” he said rolling his eyes.

“Lucky it’s only a hypothetical then” she chuckled. “OkY, hypothetically, who would I react to you going…hey?

“Easy. You’d be dazzled by stunning white teeth and charming smile…shut up” he warned before she starting mocking his fantasy again, “then you’d look back into my eyes and say…hi.”

Hi? Which Jane Austin movie have you been watching?” She asked.

“Calypso has been binging Netflix. She’s missed a lot on that island of the last thousand years” he said defensively. “Anyway, point is I’d have charmed you into gazing into my eyes, putting you right where I want you to make my big move..brushing the hair behind your ear.”

Piper stifled a giggle, using her own hand to brush a strand of her choppy brown hair behind her ear. “Like this?” She asked playfully, her hand drifting down her neck bringing his attention to it.

Leo smiled. “Exactly. It’d give me the perfect opportunity to brush your neck with my fingers before I lean in and hold my mouth in front of yours.”

“Wouldn’t you rather kiss me?”

“No. The idea is to make you want to kiss me” he grinned.

Oh, he is a charmer she smiled, pressing her lips together imagining how hot that first kiss could be. “Then what would you do, after I kiss you?”

“Then I put my arm around you, pull you close so our knees are touching, and we make out in the back of that school bus for as long as we like” he explained.

He closed his eyes, picturing the same thing Piper was, their passionate kiss in the back seat out of sight of the other students or teachers. Piper purred, feeling a tingle in her loins as arousal grew. It certainly sounded hot. “I can practically feel your curly hair in my hands” she said. So…greasy. You never could shower properly.”

“Whereas yours would be as soft as silk” he smiled, imaging them stroking each other as their lips met. “But I think my hand would be more interested in stroking your knee, testing the waters” he said.

She played out the action with her own hand, feeling the waters very tested. “My hand would be running along your chest. Scrawny but firm, hinting at the strength hidden under that shirt of yours.” She peeked through her eye, not surprised at all to find he had removed his at some point. “I doubt the school teacher would be impressed to find a topless boy at the back of the bus.”

“It’s a hypothetical. And in my hypothetical, we’re both topless” he smirked.

Piper saw the dare a mile away, rolling her eyes rebuffing “no girl would just show their tits without something in return.”

“Oh, I’ve got plenty in return” he teased. “And if we were sitting together, I’d be taking your hand and placing it on my lap to show you.”

Piper bit her lip, able to picture the bulge in his pants he was probably hiding out of frame. She scanned the screen and mapped the way his arm was placed, guessing it was already in the process of stroking it. “Let me guess, you’d then lean in and tell me you have a very special gift you’d like me to unwrap?”

“Actually, I’d say it’s very sore and ask if you could kiss it better” he replied smugly.

She laughed as she shook her head. So corny. “Hypothetically, I wouldn’t be one of those girls who puts out on a first date” she told him, her hand slipping between her legs to ease the ache forming in her loins. “I could be convinced to offer a handjob in this hypothetical scenario though” she said, rubbing herself feeling the dampness in her underwear. All this sexy talk is making her very wet.

Leo sighed through the camera, his expression giving away how aroused he was too. “You give the best handjobs” he muttered, the phone stumbling a little to show her he was indeed masturbating in his workshop. Piper grinned, biting her bottom lip slipping her hand into her panties. It seemed they were both enjoying themselves now. “Of course I’d want to return the favor” he said after a moment.


“I’d reach down to your thigh, squeeze it gently, offer to do you too.”

“In the back of that bus?”

“Yes. I’d press my palm against your crotch and rub it if you’d let me.”

“Oh, I’d let you” she purred, her hands moving on their own to play with herself. “I might even like your other hand move under my shirt and caress my boob” she added, her palm doing the action on camera for him to watch, massaging her breast sensually. “And I would stroke your big, throbbing cock while I kissed you.”

“Oh, that would be so hot” he groaned, pumping his dick as they gazed at each other over the video call. They got really into this hypothetical fantasy, each masturbating in front of the mobile phone steeped with lust. Leo was panting as he stared at Piper, her shirt pushed above her breasts showing him her nipples. “I thought girls like you don’t show their tits on a first date” he teased.

“Let’s pretend it’s our second then” she moaned, her fingers rubbing circles around her clit. Her nipples were so hard they ached. “I can practically feel your throbbing cock in my hand, so big and strong.”

“And your boobs feel so soft and round, every inch of you feels perfect” he replied. “Fuck, I wish you really were my girlfriend Pipes.”

“I’ll try not to take offense” a third voice said, interrupting the boy’s fantasy as he snapped up in his chair in surprise. Piper gasped too, instinctively covering her chest and pulling her legs up to close them as Calypso appeared behind her boyfriend.

Leo turned bright red as she walked over and leant over him with her hands on her hips. “Babe! I didn’t know you were…I mean I didn’t mean…”

Calypso watched the shaggy haired boy stammer and stumble over his words for a minute before suggesting “let’s say the blood left your brain and you had a moment of insanity.” He blushed hotly with embarrassment until she broke into a grin and kissed his cheek. “You are so adorable when you’re flustered” she chuckled. She turned her gaze to the mobile on his workstation and waved. “Hi Piper” she smiled.

“Hi Calypso” she replied, waving back with an equally embarrassed flush to her cheeks.

“We were just…” Leo tried to explain, but she interrupting saying “I know precisely what you were doing. And any other day I’d have left you too it, but you agreed to do the dishes tonight.” He groaned as his girlfriend took the phone from his desk, politely suggesting he get to it.

Piper got to see him put his uncomfortable cock away before he stood up and walked to the kitchen. She glanced down at her own uncomfortable situation and reached for a cushion to hide her lap from the young woman now taking Leo’s place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get him into trouble. I really only called to chat.”

“I’m sure” she said, carrying the phone into her bedroom so Leo could wash the dishes in peace. She sat down on her bed and appraised Piper. “It sounded like you two were having a lot of fun. Seemed a shame to interrupt before you’d finished.”

Piper stared at the young woman, who she knew wasn’t at all mortified to find her boyfriend masturbation with one of his close friends, bursting into awkward giggles as she fell to the sofa sighing. “You’re really not mad?”

“Of course not. Leo adores you” Calypso replied, lying on her bed reclining. Piper did the same with the sofa, picking the phone up again so she could hold it in front of her face. From the way they laid on their sides, they could almost pretend they were in bed together. “So how are you doing? Being on your own I mean?” She asked her.

Piper shrugged. “It great. I should get the flat to myself more often. I get to sleep in, there’s nobody to hog the bathroom, I can eat what I want when I want, play whatever music I want, walk around naked…I’m living the dream” she said.

Calypso wasn’t buying it, however. Piper could see it on her face. “Leo told me you haven’t lived alone since after Jason left, before you moved in with Percy.”

Piper averted her gaze as she rolled onto her back, bringing the mobile above her to keep the young sorceress in sight. “Yeah, well, I get to see what I’ve been missing for the week” she shrugged. “It’s nice being on my own.”

“Maybe” Calypso nodded doubtfully. “In my experience, being on your own isn’t all that great” she said.

Piper lowered her phone to grimace, hiding her look of charm as she kicked herself. “I’m sorry” she apologized. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for her all those centuries. “If you don’t mind me asking…how did you cope for so long?”

Calypso sighed, rolling onto her back resting her head on a pillow. “Well being immortal sucked, so there was that. The prospect of eternity was unsettling. In the end I could only take it one day at a time. And I wasn’t alone everyday. Aside from the odd man who washed up on my beach…”

“Or crash landed on it” Piper added, making the girl laugh.

“I had the odd visitor” she nodded. “A god or two would pop by, some to check on me, others to torment me. Hestia was always kind, and so was Poseidon. I always dreaded the days a demigod would turn up, because I knew it would end up with them leaving and it would break my heart each time. That hurt worse than the isolation” she said, her lower lip trembling.

Piper stared at her, unable to comprehend how strong she must’ve had to be to keep going like she did. “I’m so sorry” she whispered.

Calypso nodded, wiping her face taking a deep breath. “Other than that, I kept myself busy. You’d be amazed the things you can teach yourself when you put your mind to it. And some days were good. The island was beautiful and I had my magic at the time. My favorite activity though has to be sitting on the beach watching the sunrise.” She caught Piper’s eye as the girl continued to shift uncomfortably. “Leo left you really aroused, didn’t he.”

Piper’s cheeks turned rosy as she sighed. “So aroused” she whined.

Calypso apologized for interrupting them. “That is the one good thing about being on your own; nobody to spy on you masturbating. Though, when you know nobody is watching you can get pretty creative.”

Piper raised her eyebrows curiously. “How creative are we talking?”

“Use you’re imagination” she smirked. “As a sorceress, I had a lot of ways to satisfy my urges. But one of my favorites is sitting on the beach waiting for the tide to come in, spreading my legs so the waves could crash between them and stimulate my clit” she recalled, sighing blissfully imagining herself there. “If they land just right the foam would tickle my anus as the tide passed over me, cresting over my boobs as the sun warmed my skin. I could lie there for hours letting the sea wash over me like that.”

The uncomfortable ache between Piper’s legs grew more pronounced as the woman described the experience. Her breathing hitched as she reached between her legs with her free hand, unable not to address the temptation to quell the fire burning between her thighs. She moaned as she fingered herself, listening to Calypso’s musical voice intently. “That sounds amazing.”

“It was. Sometimes I’d use my magic to manipulate the water too” she said. “I’d create arms to stroke me all over, turn the seawater into a cock to thrust deep inside of me, inside my pussy all the way to my womb.”

Piper grinned. “Percy can do that too. And he’s so good at it” she told her. “You should come by sometime and let him show you.”

Calypso got wet at the prospect. She didn’t realize his powers had evolved to be that versatile. “Sometimes I’d feel so relaxed I’d close my eyes and let the waters fuck me. My mind would conjure dreams of the different men I shared the island with, the men I feel in love with, and imagine they were making love to me. I’d get so into it I’d find myself calling out their names when I orgasm.”

“Yes. Oh yes” Piper moaned, unable to keep her own eyes open as she fingered herself faster. Calypso’s stories were driving her crazy, her arousal reaching the peak as her climax came racing toward her. The phone slipped from her grasp onto her chest as it rose with her arching back, her toes curling as she climaxed. She gasped and screamed as she came into her panties, soaking them through as she collapsed onto the sofa. “Oh Jason” she sighed, her eyes fluttering open as she felt the orgasm wash over her. She ran her fingers through her hair and picked her phone back up. She saw Calypso equally flushed, as if she too had just satisfied herself. “Sorry. I guess I needed that” Piper panted.

“Glad I could help” she smiled, brushing her hair out of her face as she gazed up at the screen to look at the brunette. “This was nice, talking like this.”

“Yeah, it was” she agreed, reclining on the sofa feeling much more relaxed. “I’m sorry I interrupted your evening.”

“I’m sorry I interrupted your chat with Leo. I guess we’re even” she replied. She glanced to the side, checking the clock before saying “I’d better get going, make sure Leo is doing those dishes properly. Maybe I’ll reward him to make up for interrupting him too” she laughed.

Piper sat up abruptly, hastily crying “wait” before catching herself. Calypso stopped just as she was about to hang up, looking at Piper inquisitively. She froze, hesitantly glancing around the empty flat with nobody else to talk to. After a silent moment she swallowed a gulp and shook he head. “Never-mind. I was just…forget it” she said, preparing to hang up herself.

“Piper” Calypso’s voice called softly, drawing the girls face back to the compassionate woman. “Would you like to stay with us tonight?” She asked her.

Piper’s eyes widened. She didn’t expect an offer like that. She looked up at the empty flat, recalling the somber feeling she had following her break up. “I wouldn’t want to impose” she said hesitantly.

“You wouldn’t be. Leo would love it” she smiled warmly.

Piper thought about it for a few seconds, her head eventually nodding. “Thank you” she whispered. Calypso smiled, happy to help. “Just one thing…please don’t tell Annabeth or Percy” she begged.

“Your secret is safe with us” she promised. “See you soon” she said, finally hanging up the call.

Piper put the phone down and exhaled, that tightness in her gut loosening as she got up to clean the flat before backing an overnight bag. One day she might be able to handle a night by herself, but it still felt too soon.

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