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Hogwarts Pajama Party (Hogwarts Mystery)

It took much less time to move everyone in then they thought. Since they all worked together, Barnaby now had five new roommates staying in his grandmothers house (his house now). They were all settled in and they all predicted it was going to be a blast living together.

Penny was particularly excited, and not just because it was her nature. The thought of not having to deal with her old roommate made her feel euphoric, like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She was so happy to be around old friends again she was virtually bouncing off the walls. “I feel like we need to mark the occasion” she said to the others.

“What? Like a party?” Andre asked.

“Oh! Yes! Brilliant idea! We should definitely throw a party!” Alanza screamed.

“I was thinking something smaller” Penny clarified, before anyone could get carried away. “What about a housewarming dinner? Just the six of us?”

“Our first meal together? Sounds perfect” Barnaby smiled.

Tulip pulled a face. “We’ll be having dinner a lot together now. Surely we could do better?”

“We could invite more friends over?” Liz suggested. “Not too many. That way it’s still small.”

“Yeah. If that’s okay with you Barnaby. It is your house” Penny said politely.

“It’s our house now” Barnaby grinned, gazing at the five of them. “And I’m so glad to have you all staying with me.”

“Aw” Penny cooed, embracing the young man warmly.

Alanza’s attention had drifted off, however, her mind formulating something in her mind. “How about a pajama party?” She asked suddenly.

The others blinked and looked at her oddly. “I don’t think our friends will want to have a sleepover” Barnaby muttered, confused.

"No, I mean for us? It’s our first night sleeping under the same roof. We should have a pajama party. It can be our way to mark the occasion.”

Tulip nodded approvingly. “We could always plan a bigger party with our friends for next week. That way it won’t be so last minute.”

“It could be fun” Andre agreed.

“Would we have to be in our pajamas?” Liz asked awkwardly.

Alanza smirked. “You can wear whatever you want, as long as you are comfortable. I don’t mind if your clothed, in your underwear…or going commando.”

That last remark got a blush from the spectacled girl, who averted her eyes awkwardly. Alanza looked around the group, delighted to see everyone else was on board. “Awesome. I know the perfect game to bring for us to play too. I have a feeling tonight is going to be the best night of our lives” she squealed, racing off to find her room.

The others stood perplexed before shuffling off to get settled in. Penny, Tulip and Andre lingered in the hall when Tulip leaned in with a suspicious look. “I’ve got a feeling Alanza has some ulterior motives about this party” she said.

Penny narrowed her eyes and looked back at her. “What do you mean? You think she’s up to something?”

“I’m a professional prankster, remember. I recognize the signs. She’s up to something.”

“Something naughty” Andre nodded. When he had the girls attention, he leaned in and quietly told them “I think she’s been itching to get laid tonight.”

“With one of us?” Penny blinked.

He shrugged. “All I know is I walked in on her and Barnaby earlier while he was helping her move in. She was giving the lucky guy a blowjob in the bedroom. I heard her say something about being able to pay her rent with skills like those.”

Penny’s cheeks turned red. “You don’t think she’s proposing to…”

“Pay for her rent with sex? Nah” Tulip interrupted. “She might be a free spirit, but even she wouldn’t prostitute herself like that. Still, she had been eying up a few of us all day. You do know she’s bisexual, right?”

“I presumed so” Penny muttered. She shook her head in disbelief. “So, you think she’s going to use this party to try and seduce one of us?”

“Or just have some fun” Tulip guessed.

Andre’s mouth curled into a smile. “If she was to suggest an adult party game or too…I don’t think I’d say no” he confessed.

Tulip smirked too, her eyes glancing over her two friends. “It might be fun” she agreed.

Penny suddenly felt very warm as her cheeks turned rosy red.


The anticipation for tonight was infectious throughout the household once they all agreed to host it. Alanza was practically giddy with excitement as she set up the living room with cushions and chairs. Barnaby organized the food and snacks for everyone while the others finished unpacking and tidying up. Once evening rolled around, everyone was in the living room and gathered for a night of fun at the weekend.

The fire roared and warmed the large spacious room where everyone sat in a loose circle, laughing and chatting in their choice of comfortable clothes. Penny sat on the floor in a comfortable T-shirt and pajama bottoms. She had kept her blonde hair braided and chosen to keep her underwear on underneath, just in case Alanza had planned something tonight. Judging by how she walked out in her own green gown over a silk nightie that left little to the imagination, she had to guess Tulip’s assumption held merit. She brought a small box with her from her room and cradled it like it was precious, casting her eye over the room with a glint in her eye. Tulip was thankfully more sensible than Alanza in her attire, though she had come without any pajamas and was simply wearing a T-shirt and some shorts that showed off her slender legs. The young redhead had shaved them recently too, Penny noticed. Maybe she was as enthusiastic about this party turning into something as Alanza was. Andre arrived and sat in one of the armchairs, dressed in a very stylish set of tailored purple pajamas with matching slippers that made them wonder if he had blown his budget again. He assured them they were not extravagant nor expensive (“I even turned down the option to have them monogrammed” he had replied). Barnaby’s wore a set of basic pajamas, matching green top and bottoms with sleeves. He sat on the sofa beside Liz, who had decided to remain dressed in her casual clothes. She even kept her socks on when she pulled her legs up to curl up on the sofa.

“I’m so glad we could all be here for this” Alanza cheered, kneeling on a cushion between Liz and Andre. Tulip sat on a cushion beside Penny, leaning against the second armchair feeling more comfortable on the floor. The Brazilian witch cast her eye around the room and presented her mysterious box to the circle. “I propose we play a game to mark this moment.”

“What kind of game?” Penny asked nervously, eying the box warily.

Alanza read the nervous expression on her friend’s face and sighed. “It’s just a card game” she assured her.

“Oh, I like card games” Barnaby grinned. But then he pulled a face. “Unless it’s poker. I’m not very good at bluffing.”

“If it’s strip poker, I think some of us will be at a disadvantage” Tulip joked.

Liz sat up nervously. “Wait? We’re not going to be doing that, are we? Getting naked, I mean?”

Alanza’s lips curled into a sly smile. “Maybe. It depends on how the game progresses” she said. She opened the box and revealed the cards weren’t playing cards. They were black cards with white writing on them. “I picked this up in Diagon Alley while I was perusing a certain shop known for it’s discretion. I could take some of you sometime, if you’d like. They some great toys.”

“A toy shop?” Barnaby asked innocently. “What kind of toys?”

“The kind that girls buy for themselves” Tulip explained, indicating she knew which shop Alanza was referring to.

“And some guys” Andre shrugged.

Alanza beamed. “We definitely need to go shopping soon” she grinned.

“Oh Merlin” Liz gulped.

Penny also felt a little flustered at the sharp turn in the conversation. “Okay, so…what kind of game is this Alanza?”

The dark skinned girl shuffled the deck and placed it on the circular coffee table between them. “It’s a simple one. You draw a card and have to complete whatever challenge it says. Some of them are innocent. Others aren’t so innocent. And some are just filthy. I was thinking of playing it like spin the bottle, but I thought it’d be better if we all got a turn. Sound fair?”

“How filthy are we talking?” Tulip asked curiously.

“Very” she answered, licking her lips.

Penny shivered, already imagining how wild this game could potentially get depending on the card they drew. It did sound interesting though. Even she was intrigued. But she saw others weren’t as convinced, especially Liz. “What happens if we don’t complete the challenge on the card?”

Alanza blinked. Apparently she hadn’t considered that. She tapped her chin and gave it some thought. “I’m sure we can figure out a forfeit later. For now, I suppose you could just draw another card. I want everyone to get a turn and have fun.” She looked around and studied everyone’s faces, analyzing the response. “But if none of you want to play this game, I guess we could play something else.”

“I’m game for it” Tulip declared, putting up her hand like it was a vote.

Andre shrugged next. “I’m not opposed, as long as we’re all into it.”

Penny looked around the circle, eying Barnaby and Liz. Liz still looked a little uncomfortable, but Barnaby was deep in thought. “What about you two?”

“Huh?” Barnaby snapped back out of whatever thought had confounded him. He looked at the group. “Sorry, I was just wondering why cards would be filthy” he said.

Penny rolled her eyes. Sometimes, Barnaby’s brain took a while to catch up in some topics. “It’s a sex game, Barnaby. Those cards could be asking us to fool around with each other.”

He blinked in surprise, finally nodding in understanding and staring at the cards. He glanced around the circle. “But not all the cards, right?” They nodded. He thought about it and shrugged. “I don’t mind, as long as it’s with friends. But I won’t do anything with anyone if it makes them uncomfortable” he explained.

“I don’t think any of us want that, Barnaby” Penny agreed. She turned back to Liz, who was fiddling with her thick glasses. “If you don’t want to play, we can find something else.”

Liz bit her lip and glanced around the group. “It’s not that. I…” she paused hesitantly, brushing her hair behind her ear. She shifted in her seat, feeling everyone’s gaze on her. She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. I’m in.”

“Really?” Alanza beamed.

“Are you sure?” Andre asked, picking up the same nerves Penny was reading.

Liz nodded. “I want to play. But…whatever happens stays between us, right?”

Penny nodded. “You’re right. If we’re going to play this game, we need ground rules” she declared.

“Aw. But rules are boring” Tulip groaned.

“No, Penny’s right right” Alanza nodded. She flashed a grin with the blonde, delighted Penny had agreed to the game too, making it unanimous. “First rule, whatever happens tonight stays between us. We swear we won’t gossip about anything.” They all nodded in agreement. “Second, nobody does anything they aren’t okay with. If you don’t like the challenge, we’ll just draw another card.”

“I like that idea” Tulip cheered.

“Third, and most important…we all need to have fun” Alanza finished.

Penny scanned the group and finally nodded. “Okay, I think we’re all in agreement.”

“This is going to get wild” Tulip laughed, scooting closer in her seat. “So who should draw first?”

Alanza looked at the deck she placed in the center of the circle. She was itching to go first, eager to get the game started. But she had an idea and turned to Barnaby. “Since it’s his house, Barnaby should have first draw.”

“I told you, it’s our house” he replied. But he shrugged and reached down to pluck the first card from the top. Everyone looked at him anxiously while he sat on the sofa and read the card aloud. “Describe one thing you find attractive from each player.”

There was a chorus of sighs from the circle, some in relief and others in disappointment. “Oh. You got one of the tame ones” Alanza sulked.

Penny was grateful the game could start more gently than her friend was hoping for. She crossed her legs on the floor and turned to Barnaby who was rereading the card. “You alright Barnaby? You look puzzled.”

“No, I was just making sure I read it correctly” he replied, placing the card back down. He looked around at the circle, scratching his head. “So do I have to pick something for everyone?”

“That’s what the card says” Andre nodded. “Pick something you like about each of us.”

“It said something you find attractive” Tulip clarified. She turned back to Barnaby with a raised eyebrow. “I suppose the obvious question is do you find any of us attractive, Barnaby?”

He furrowed her brow and thought about it, casting an eye around the room. “I’ve never really thought about it” he confessed.

“It’s okay if you don’t” Liz muttered self-consciously.

He looked at her while she shrank into herself, like she used to back in school. He examined her carefully and smiled. “I do find you very pretty, Lizard” he told her, using the nickname she liked. She blushed and adjusted her glasses. “But if I’m being honest, that’s not what I like most about you.”

“It’s not?”

“No. I’ve always liked the way you are with magical creatures. You’re…what’s the word?”

“Passionate?” Penny suggested.

He nodded. “You love all creatures as much as I do. That’s what I’ve always liked about you.”

That statement brought out Liz’s blush and her smile, her face lighting up as a result. The others nodded approvingly, except for Tulip. “I don’t think that’s what the card was going for.”

“Oh, hush!” Penny snapped. “I think it’s perfect. It’s not just how you look that makes someone attractive.”

Tulip shrugged, agreeing to disagree.

Barnaby decided to go around the circle  give his answers. He looked at Alanza and explained “you’re always trying to get people to have fun. Everyday is like a party with you.” She accepted that answer with a grin and a proud head bob.

Next was Andre, which Barnaby struggled with. “I do hope it’s my dashingly good looks” he laughed.

Barnaby shrugged. “You always do look very…posh.”

“Best compliment a guy could get” he replied smugly. Everyone else rolled their eyes.

He turned to Tulip next. Her answer was easy. “You make me laugh. You’re always making people laugh. You’re really funny.”

That gave her pause as her expression softened, the compliment bringing a bit of redness to her cheeks before she smiled.

Penny awaited anxiously for her turn. But when she locked eyes with Barnaby, she realized she had nothing to worry about. “The thing I like about Penny is how kind she is. She always makes everyone feel better and wants to make friends with everyone. Like I do when I meet new creatures. And she always manages to make me smile.”

“Aw” she replied, grateful for the kind words.

With the first challenge out of the way, the rest of the circle were more relaxed and prepared to continue the game. Alanza took a deep breath. “Okay, who should go next.”

“We could go around in a circle. At least for the first round” Tulip suggested. “Then we could spin the bottle” she grinned.

Penny and Liz shared a glance. If they did as she suggested, either of them would be next. And neither were quite ready to go next.

Fortunately, Andre proved to be too impatient to wait. He leaned forward and snapped up the next card, bringing it up to look at. His face turned pale. “Oh. Um…”

“What?” Alanza asked.

He glanced at the circle and shook his head. “I think I’ll just draw again” he said, putting the card face down.

“Well, now I have to know what it said” Tulip said, snatching the card up to read herself, ignoring the protests of her friend. She held the young man back as she read aloud “share a kiss with a member of the same sex for ten seconds.”

“Now that is more like it” Alanza beamed.

Tulip spun back around to face the embarrassed young man. “Oh my god. You have to do it!”

“What? No I don’t” Andre recoiled. He glanced across the circle to Barnaby, the only other guy available. “No offense mate, but…just no.”

“It’s fine Andre. We did agree we wouldn’t force anyone to do something they’re not comfortable with” Penny said, elbowing Tulip in the side.

The girl continued to whine. “You’d be all for it if one of us drew that card” she argued.

“Yeah, well, I drew it and I’m not gay. So no, I’m not comfortable kissing another guy.” Andre explained. “Again, no offense” he repeated to Barnaby.

Barnaby didn’t appear as mortified as Andre was. He simply shrugged. “If it helps…I wouldn’t mind it. I’ve never had a kiss with a boy before.”

“It’s not that different to kissing a girl, truth be told” Alanza shared. “And I’ve kissed plenty of each, including the Weird Sisters. Merlin, that was a wild party.”

“Come on Andre. Please? It would be so hot” Tulip begged. “Look, it’ll only be for ten seconds. And nobody has to know.”

Andre looked at his fellow Ravenclaw, her pleading eyes staring back at him. He shifted uncomfortably. “You really want me and Barnaby to kiss, don’t you” he noted.

She nodded enthusiastically. “I really, really do. Tell you what, do it for me and I’ll make it up to you. I promise, cross my heart.”

Andre considered the offer as she stroked his knee, the girl on her knees begging. He looked around and noted the curious shrugs from the girls and the innocent face of Barnaby. He sighed nervously. “Okay, I’ll do it” he said. Tulip practically squealed and say back down, watching eagerly as the young man stood up and approached the table. Barnaby mirrored him, slowly approaching the anxious black man. “No homo, right?”

“excuse me?” Barnaby asked.

Andre shrugged. “Isn’t that the thing you say to a guy you…you know?”

He stared at him blankly. “I don’t know.”

The girls sniggered, which embarrassed the boy further. “Just…this doesn’t mean I’m gay, okay?”

“Okay” Barnaby shrugged. “I’m not gay either. Or at least, I don’t think I am.”

“Great” Andre nodded, awkwardly giving them the thumbs up.

The awkwardness lingered as they both stood facing each other. The girls struggled to hold in their smirks as they waited for Andre to lean forward. Barnaby was much more composed as he reached forward to meet the boys puckered lips. “Ten seconds” Alanza reminded them. Andre shot her daggers while she smiled back.

Finally their lips met, and it was the more awkward kiss either of them had shared. They stood froze, leaning forward bent forward, their mouths pressed together in an unnatural fashion. Penny silently counted for them, knowing they were sure to be counting in their heads as they fought to avoid eye contact with each other. Everyone watched them intently until time was up and Andre leapt out of the Slytherin boy’s reach. The girls applauded them for it as they sat back down.

Tulip was there to greet the red faced blank man as he sank back into his armchair. “That was so fucking hot” she said in thanks. But then she couldn’t help but tease him. “So, do you feel any gayer?”

He responded by grabbing her face and pulling her into a deep kiss, which got a whoop from Alanza while the others stared in shock. Tulip and Andre made out for a hot minute until he let her go, gasping for air. “You so fucking owe me one” he whispered to her. She grinned, biting her bottom lip and stroking his crotch, promising he’ll be rewarded for it.

Feeling rather flushed after that round, Penny volunteered to draw the next card so they could move on. However, as soon as she looked at her card, she wished she hadn’t. She realized everyone was looking at her, so she reluctantly read aloud “Strip naked for the rest of the game.”

Alanza couldn’t help but laugh, winking at Andre whispering “that could’ve been you.” Penny turned pale and glanced self-consciously at her pajamas, already feeling very exposed. She glanced at the deck, contemplating drawing another card. But the dark skinned minx read her mind and mischievously remarked “perhaps we should make a new rule that each person has to complete the first challenge they get. It’s only fair, don’t you think?”

Penny gulped, glancing guiltily at Andre who stared back expectantly. It would be fair, considering how they railroaded Andre into completing his challenge. She looked around the circle, who all silently waited for her to do her part. “Alright” she said, nervously rising to her feet so she could get undressed. She hesitated when she noticed they were all watching her, her cheeks turning bright red. “Do I have to do it here?”

“Yes” three of them said immediately. Barnaby and Liz politely averted their gaze. The rest kept their eyes on her, to make sure she followed through.

She had to take a deep breath before lifting her top over her head. She hadn’t had to undress in front of anyone since Hogwarts. And even around her dorm-mates, she didn’t like changing while they were watching. She told herself she was surrounded by friends, who wouldn’t be mean to her. But it didn’t help the anxiety as she pushed her bottoms down and stepped out of them. She stood in her underwear and quickly sat back down. Alanza raised an eyebrow and stared intently until she reluctantly took them off too, leaving the blonde haired girl sitting on the floor naked. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around herself, her face bright red. “Okay, I’m done” she squeaked.

Her friends took a moment to examine her, admiring her pale skin and slim build. Alanza’s eyes raked over her and she gave her a wolf whistle. “Damn. Don’t cover yourself up Penny. You look gorgeous.”

“Absolutely stunning” Andre agreed.

Even Tulip nodded in approval.

Penny felt a little weird to be complimented by her friends like this. It did cheer her up knowing they didn’t think she was ugly or anything. She glanced across to the others who had been silent. Liz was looking at her now, sharing a tiny supportive smile asking if she was okay. Penny nodded, brushing her hair behind her ear. Barnaby admired her for a moment as she hugged her knees before reaching behind the sofa to grab something. He shuffled over with a blanket and draped it over her shoulders to keep her warm. “You look beautiful” he told her quietly.

She gazed into his eyes briefly an saw the respect and affection he had for her. Her heart fluttered and she found her smile again. “Thank you” she whispered softly. She accepted the blanket, pulling it around her. Feeling a little more confident now around her friends, she decided to give them all a glimpse of her pretty breasts before hiding them again beneath the blanket. They all took their moment to admire her and she blushed from the compliments that followed. And the support they gave her. “I didn’t think I’d end up taking my clothes off tonight” she joked.

“If I looked like you, I don’t think I’d wear clothes ever again” Alanza grinned.

“You look hot too” Tulip told her.

Alanza smirked proudly. “I know. We all look incredible. We’re all incredibly sexy. Even if some of us don’t realize it” she said, turning to pat Liz’s knee. Girl shied away from the attention, prompting Alanza to suggest “I think Liz should go next.”

“I don’t mind waiting my turn” she replied nervously.

“Nonsense. Come on. Let’s see what fun you can get up to.”

She looked at the cards waiting for her and swallowed a gulp. The others gently encouraged her to draw one, promising to support her no matter what. She nervously sat forward and reached for the deck, her hand hesitating over the cards reluctant to take one.

“It’ll be okay” her friends promised.

“Especially if you draw a naughty one” Alanza whispered, silently willing it to be something sexy.

Liz took a deep breath, closed her eyes, swiped a card from the deck. She held her breath as she brought it up, but couldn’t bring herself to read it. So when Barnaby put his hand on her shoulder, she passed it to him so he could read it to her. “Describe your most filthy fantasy.”

Alanza’s face dropped once more. “Another tame one? Did I shuffle these incorrectly?” She complained, reaching towards the pack until someone slapped her hand away.

Liz turned to the card to make sure she didn’t mishear. At first she breathed a sigh of relief. But then she looked up when she noticed everyone was looking at her. Her dark cheeks darkened in color when she blushed. “Um…I don’t have one” she told them.

“Of course you do” Tulip scoffed. “Everyone has one hidden sexual fantasy. I bet even Barnaby has a kink.”

The young man stared back at her blankly.

“Alright. But I’m sure he could think of something that gets him horny. So spill it. What’s your kink Lizard?”

“It has to be sexy” Alanza said.

“It doesn’t have to be sexy” Andre argued.

The girls looked at him oddly. “Care to share?” Tulip asked.

“not my turn” he smirked.

Penny leaned closer to the girl curled up on the couch, who was shying away uncomfortable. “You can trust us, I promise” she said.

She averted her eyes nervously. “I might have something. But it’s…you’ll think it’s weird.”

“A lot of people’s kinks are weird” Penny remarked. “You, there was a guy in my house had a thing for feet. He liked to watch people walk barefoot around the common room. And I heard no end of stories about the things he asked his girlfriends to do to him when they were having sex.”

“Foot fetishes are pretty common in my experience” Alanza muttered.

“I knew a girl who had a thing for clowns” Tulip nodded. “Might explain why she was so infatuated with Peeves, now I think about it.”

“I never got people who could be aroused by ghosts” Andre remarked.

Liz listened to them go back and forth about other people’s kinks. Strangely it made her feel a little better hearing how odd some people’s desires could get. She turned back to Penny, reached over the table to squeeze her hand. It was so awkward she almost lost her grip on the blanket covering her. “Whatever it is, it’ll stay between us. Right guys?”

The members of the circle nodded, showing their support for the young woman.

Liz thanked them, sitting up a little straighter before taking a breath. “Okay. But, promise you won’t laugh, or make fun, please?” Once they promised, she explained “I’ve kinda had this thing for…you know that scene in that muggle film, the one with the alien that grabs onto people’s faces and they burst out of their chests?”

Most of them pulled a face. Most of them came from the Wizarding households, so the muggle world was a different realm to them. “I think I heard about that” Penny recalled vaguely.

“Are you saying you have a thing for aliens?” Barnaby asked.

“No. Or at least, not exactly” Liz explained. “The part that always stuck with me was how they impregnate the aliens inside the people before they, you know, burst out and kill them? And it’s not just that movie, or aliens per say…the thought of a creature laying their eggs inside me, putting their children inside my belly or womb…” she blushed heavily before looking up at them all. “It’s weird, I know.”

To her surprise, the others weren’t freaked out. “Actually, that sounds rather hot” Alanza remarked.

“Pregnancy kink…known to happen” Tulip confessed. “Does that include the hit of a guy filling your womb with sperm and knocking you up?” She asked curiously.

Liz shrugged. “I guess. Maybe. But usually when I dream about it, it’s more like I’m wrapped up in tentacles and they are pumping them into my vagina or down my throat with their ovipositors. I can’t explain why I find it so arousing, but I do.”

Penny tried to picture herself being bred like that, eggs being pushed down her throat to be deposited into her stomach. It sounded disgusting and horrific. But she also found her pussy getting moist from the thought as well. She rubbed her thighs together before anyone could notice her leaking.

“Sounds like how a few magical creatures like to breed” Barnaby noted in fascination. “We didn’t have anything like that at Hogwarts though.”

“No. Creatures like those would be mostly found in Asia or Eastern Africa” Liz replied.

Alanza cocked an eyebrow. “Interesting. And in your capacity as a Magi-zoologist, have you ever been tempted to mate with these creatures yourself? Or fantasized about having sex with any of the magical creatures you’ve taken care of?”

Liz shot a shocked glare at the girl for suggesting such a thing. But the blush in her cheeks gave herself away and the young woman laughed.

“Oh, wow! You are a dirty little witch” she teased.

“Can someone else take a turn now” Liz begged, eager to take the spotlight of herself.

Alanza was happy too, eagerly reaching for the deck of cards, proclaiming “I don’t want to wait any more.” She picked up her card and gave a gratified squeal. “Yes! Masturbate in front of everyone. I’m so ready for this!”

“Wait, it can’t say that can it?” Penny squeaked.

Tulip reached over and grabbed the card when the dark skinned girl tossed it aside. She held it up to show the group, the words exactly as Alanza stated. They turned to see her leaning back, spreading her knees apart to lift up her nightie and reveal her dripping sex. “You’re really going to do it?” The former Ravenclaw gasped.

“Of course. Duh. Besides, I’m so horny I feel like I’ll go mad if I don’t” she replied, already rubbing her sensitive clit while everyone stared at her. She showed no shame in being gawked at. In fact she reveled in the attention, from both the boys and girls. Liz and Penny awkwardly tried to avert their eyes while Barnaby and Andre drooled. Even Tulip stared intently at her young sex. “Oh fuck, that feels so much better” Alanza purred, rubbing her clit and stroking her pussy with her fingertips. She rested on her elbow and made sure everyone had a good look at her womanhood.

If there had been any doubt about what kind of game the six of them were playing, they were officially gone. The circle of friends found themselves thrown into a brand new situation that made things even more awkward. Glances were shared as tents formed in pants and cheeks turned red. Penny saw Andre licking his lips while he nursed a bulge in his pants. Liz pulled her knees up to her chest, but her eyes would keep glancing down to watch Alanza masturbate out of curiosity. Even Penny couldn’t keep her eyes away, fascinated at the brave and shameless display of arousal. She had to pull the blanket tighter around herself to hide the hard nipples and moist sex she was developing as a response. “I can’t believe this is happening” she whispered.

Alanza lifted her eyes to meet those watching her, smiling proudly. “I’ve been waiting to do this all night” she said.

“So you were hoping to start an orgy” Tulip asked.

“Not really an orgy. I was hoping to talk my way into having sex with at least one of you” she admitted. “I will be honest, it was hard to control myself. Seeing the boys kiss, then Penny get naked, then listening to Liz’s fantasy kink…fuck, I’m getting aroused just thinking about that. Now I want an alien to have a baby with me” she moaned.

Tulip shook her head in disbelief. “If you just wanted to have sex, why couldn’t you just ask one of us?”

“Yeah. I know I would’ve said yes” Andre replied. “And I thought you and Barnaby had already hooked up?”

“You did?” Liz gasped.

“We did?” Barnaby asked.

Alanza looked at the dumbfounded young man and grinned. “I might’ve given him a thank you blowjob for letting me stay, but we didn’t go any further than oral” she explained. “Not yet, anyway.”

Barnaby blushed, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “It was a very nice blowjob. She’s very good with her mouth.”

“So is he” she said. “He returned the favor to be polite. The way he used his tongue had me melting into the bed. Oh girls, you have to let him eat you out at some point. That boy will blow your mind.”

The other girls all looked at a sheepish Barnaby, curiosity making their loins tingle. The idea had been planted and it lingered in the back of their mind, making them look at him in a different way. Penny shook her head. “This is insane. We’re supposed to be friends.”

“Friends can have benefits too” Alanza told her. “I’m friends with the Weird Sisters, and we have a casual thing going on the regular. Their after parties are wild too. Especially the sex. Did you know they have piercings everywhere now? One of them has one in his tongue, which makes kissing him so erotic. And when they all put their cocks in me…triple penetration is an experience we should all have at least once. Pussy, ass and mouth…fuck!”

Alanza continued to finger herself while she talked, getting really worked up while she shared her sexual adventures. Tulip was getting so aroused she couldn’t resist palming her groin to scratch that itch either. “Merlin, you are such a slut.”

“I’m not a slut. I’m a dirty fucking whore” Alanza grinned.

Liz covered her ears as if that would make this stop. “Oh my god, I don’t think I was prepared for tonight to get like this.”

“You agreed to play this game” Andre reminded her. Liz looked across to him and her eyes widened. The young man had done away with pretense and had pulled his cock out of his pants to stroke it. Everyone saw this too and stared at him in shock. “I couldn’t help it. This is too fucking hot.”

Alanza looked up at his erection and licked her lips in a sultry manner. She was dripping wet but had yet to bring herself to the orgasm she craved. The card didn’t specify she had to cum, but she wanted to. Especially if it got everyone in the mood. “Why don’t you bring that big boy over here and I can show you how I thanked Barnaby for letting me move in?”

Andre leapt off the armchair and came over to join the dark skinned girl, kneeling beside her and bringing his dick to her mouth. She opened wide and ran her tongue along his length before taking him into her mouth, sucking him like the slut she was. Everyone stared in awe as Alanza sucked Andre’s dick, unable to tear their eyes away from them now. Even Liz was captivated by the blowjob.

With a cock in her mouth to stimulate her, Alanza’s orgasm arrived at a quickening pace. She gushed around her fingers, which she slammed into her pussy until her hips quivered in anticipation. She moaned around the cock in her mouth, releasing it with a pop and collapsing onto her elbows. Andre hovered over her, jerking himself off until the young woman had finished cumming. She reached up to fondle his balls, helping him reach his own climax and bringing her lips up to catch his seed in her mouth. A few strips hit her face and left contrasting streaks over her dark skin. She giggled and let it drip down her neck while she swallowed what she caught. She rose up and shared a passionate kiss with the boy, a mischievous smirk on her face as she shared his own cum with him. He didn’t recoil as he took the opportunity to make out with her deeply. “So who’s the better kisser? Me or Barnaby?” She teased.

He rolled his eyes and groaned, immediately plunging his hand down between her legs to hook them inside of her. “If you ever want to get my big cock inside your slutty pussy, I suggest you be nice to me” he whispered.

She shivered at his touch, her moist walls kissing his fingers. “If it helps you validate your sexuality, you can pound me silly all night” she replied.

They made eye contact and their was a silent moment were the group wondered if the pair were about to slip off to find a room to do just that. But then Andre stepped away, leaving the girl hanging and wanting more. He sat down and shared a knowing look with her, his eyes promising more to come. She bit her lip excitedly, anticipating more very soon.

Tulip took a moment to snap out of her trance and realize her underwear was soaked. “Wow. That was something else” she said, her face flushed.

Penny was in a similar state of arousal, using her hand to hide the wetness dripping onto the cushion beneath her. She nodded mutely before clearing her throat. “I think it’s your turn Tulip” she said.

Tulip blinked and glanced around the circle. She was the last one to go. “Right…okay…” she stammered, still composing herself after Alanza’s shameless debauchery. She still had her legs spread and her fingers stroking her folds, which was a little distracting for the redhead. She swallowed a gulp and shook her head, getting her head back in the game before crawling forward to approach the table. She took a deep breath and picked up a new card, reading it aloud with a sense of anticipation. “Share a kiss with each player.” A excited grin broke out on her face. “Okay, that one does sound fun.”

“Is that with all of us?” Liz gasped.

Tulip nodded. “We’re all playing, aren’t we?”

“Do you have to skip Andre, because he kissed you earlier?” Barnaby asked curiously.

There was a round of laughter when the black man made a show of explaining how “that first kiss didn’t count.”

“Of course not. You were compensating for your threatened masculinity” Tulip joked. “You needed to prove you’re not gay and are, in fact, only interested in having sex with girls.”

“thats not what I was doing” Andre argued, his face turning a shade darker. “Are you going to kiss me or not?”

Tulip considered it for a long moment. Long enough to get some more chuckles. But then she smirked and shuffled over to his chair, kneeling in front of him and planting an affectionate kiss on his lips. He cocked his head, wondering if that was meant to be it. She rolled her eyes when his arms pulled her back in and she kissed him for longer, running her hands through his short black hair.

She felt his cock nudge her abdomen and she looked down at it, raising an eyebrow. “My big black cock wants a kiss too” he smirked.

She admired his confidence and patted his chest. “Your big black cock will have to wait his turn another time” she said, removing herself from his embrace to move onto the next player.

Alanza sat up, waiting patiently for the redhead to crawl over to join her. “I was hoping to get to you sooner” she said playfully.

“You didn’t get the card you wanted?”

“Not even close” she confessed, running her hands up the girl’s arms. She gazed into her mischievous eyes. “Maybe later, if you’re interested?”

“Impress me with a kiss first” Tulip replied, hovering in front of the girl forcing her to make the next move. She sat up and took hold of her face, bringing their lips together in a passionate moment that took Tulip’s breath away. Their kiss deepened until they were making out, the Brazilian girl’s tongue slipping into Tulip’s mouth. Tulip had to pull herself back before they got carried away, panting heavily while gazing at her sexy body reclined in front of her. She blushed before moving swiftly on.

Liz sat anxiously on the sofa, waiting for Tulip to approach her next. She stiffened when she came up in front of her, shying away when she put her hands on her knees. “I’ve never kissed a girl before” she whispered when Tulip asked if she was alright.

“Never?” She asked.

Liz shook he head.

Tulip glanced at Penny, who was watching cautiously. The former Ravenclaw was patient, however. She didn’t want to pressure the young woman. She gently took her hands and looked at her pretty face. “Do you want to kiss me?” She asked.

Liz hesitated before shrugging wordlessly.

Tulip considered her next move. “Can I kiss you?” She asked.

Liz looked at her silently, nervously biting her bottom lip. After a moment, she nodded. Tulip reached up and brushed her cheek with the back of her hand. Liz trembled, her shoulders coming to her ears. The red haired girl took them gently and eased them to relax, slowly leaning closer allowing Liz to get more comfortable with her. Once Liz’s eyelids fell closed, Tulip eased in gently and pecked her on the lips. It was brief and intimate. And it was enough to satisfy the challenge. She waited until Liz opened her eyes again to ask if it was okay. She nodded, sharing a tiny smile.

“That seemed a little mediocre” Alanza muttered.

Tulip shot the girl a look. “It was her first kiss with a girl. Leave her be” she said, patting Liz’s arms making sure she was alright before shuffling along the sofa.

Barnaby watched her approach and they shared a friendly look. “Can I kiss you, Barnaby?” She asked politely.

“Yes. I’d like to kiss you too” he replied.

She nodded. “Okay then” she said, shuffling closer putting her arms around his neck. He put his on her waist and their shared an intimate, platonic kiss that lasted for a minute. It wasn’t the most erotic kiss, but it was pleasant to watch. When they parted, there was nothing but affection as they smiled at each other. “You’re a very good kisser” she complimented.

“So are you” he replied.

She moved on to the last player. Penny was nervous when Tulip crawled over to sit with her, the two friends eying each other up. “This isn’t going to ruin our friendship, is it?” Penny asked.

Tulip examined her naked body and then the state of their circle. “If our friendship was going to be ruined tonight, none of us would’ve agreed to this game” she argued. She admired Penny’s body, her hand coming up her arm caressing it tenderly. She paused at her shoulder, her eyes seeking permission from the blonde. She looked back at her and cautiously nodded, letting Tulip caress her breasts with her fingers. “You are beautiful” Tulip whispered, her fingers rubbing her nipples while her eyes soaked in her gorgeous form.

Penny got goosebumps from the way her friend was looking at her, feeling the desire in her touch. She also felt the warmth in her loins. She liked being admired. It finally occurred to her she wasn’t hiding her body anymore. The blanket lay on the floor around her, exposing her tits and her skin. She looked around and saw the others admiring her too. She felt a wave of pride, confidence swelling in her chest. She turned back to Tulip and brushed she hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “You’re beautiful too” she said, admiring her sexy body in turn.

“Oh Merlin, just make out already” Andre whined.

The girls chuckled and leaned in, sharing a powerful and passionate kiss to end the round. Penny felt butterflies in her stomach as Tulip melted into it, moving deeper into the kiss as her lips moved sensually with hers. Penny took her face in her hands and gently pried their lips apart, feeling the loss instantly while they caught their breath. Their eyes met and there was a moment of longing until they got their bearings. “Wow” Penny muttered.

“Yeah” Tulip agreed, stifling a laugh. She saw the others staring and pulled herself away, reluctantly returning to her seat. “That was fun” she said proudly, looking at everyone awkwardly.

Now that all six of them had fulfilled a challenge, that left the question hanging in the air. “Now what do we do?” Penny asked.

“We could keep playing” Tulip suggested.

“How? Go in a circle again?” Andre asked.

Alanza snapped her fingers and sprung up to her feet. She raced out of the room and came back with an empty glass bottle. “We could do it the old fashioned way” she suggested.

They watched her place the bottle on the table and laughed. “Not exactly original” Andre said.

“Spinning the bottle would be fair” Penny admitted.

“So how would it work?” Barnaby asked.

“We spin the bottle and whomever it lands on has to draw a card and complete the challenge written on it” Alanza explained. She pulled out her wand from her dressing gown, holding it ready. “So who’s in for another round?” She asked.

She looked around the circle where everyone shared a look of anticipation and excitement and nerves. One by one they all nodded, agreeing to continue the game. After the first round of dares everyone was in the mood for some fun. Alanza flicked her wrist and sent the bottle spinning on the table. There was an intake of breath as everyone waited to see who it landed on.

It came as a surprise when it fell on Liz Tuttle.

The young woman stared at the bottle and then gulped. She looked around the group, suddenly regretting agreeing to this. “Could I skip my turn?” She asked.

“Nope” Alanza grinned, tapping the deck with her wand.

The girl nervously shuffled to the edge of the sofa and looked at the imposing deck of cards. For some reason she was more anxious about this draw than she was last time, like she could predict which one she might get. She took a deep breath and just ripped off the bandage, reaching forward to take a card from the pack. She forced herself to read it to herself first, telling herself it would be fine.

Have sex with the person on your right.”

The color drained from her face when she read it. It got worse when she fell silent and Alanza had to lean over to read it out loud. There was a gasp of shock and then a burst of giggles, and suddenly everyone was staring at her while she turned her head to look at Barnaby sitting beside her on the sofa.

He followed her gaze and looked to his right before realizing she was looking at him. “Oh” he gasped, the meaning catching up to him.

Liz was mortified, freezing in place wanting to curl up into a ball and disappear. The others were stunned. None of them were expecting a card like that. “Are you okay?” Penny asked.

Liz shook her head. She couldn’t quite muster the words to speak.

Alanza was grinning from ear to ear. “Now this game is getting interesting” she beamed.

Tulip glanced between the two awkward Slytherin’s sitting on the sofa. “I always thought you two made a cute couple” she shrugged.

“Really?” Barnaby asked, his face indicating it hadn’t ever crossed his mind.

That just made Liz’s humiliation worse, but she clearly had. A private thought she would keep to herself, a what if she never thought would ever happen. She liked him, in her weird platonic way. She just never felt brave enough to tell him.

Around her, the others had opinions and ideas. “So how will this work. Do they get a room or just do it on the sofa?” Andre asked.

“I suppose that’ll be up to them” Alanza giggled.

Penny read the tension between them and suggested “why don’t we give them a moment to talk about it.”

Tulip could see how uncomfortable they both were and found herself agreeing. “We should give them the room, go play this somewhere else.”

“aw, but I want to watch” Alanza whined.

“That is not a good idea” both Penny and Tulip argued.

“I can’t” Liz squeaked.

Silence fell over the group and Liz shrank back into her seat. Her face was flushed and she couldn’t look anyone in the eye. Barnaby narrowed his eyes and turned to her, cautiously scooting near her. “I’m sorry if that card made you feel uncomfortable. We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to” he promised.

She glanced at him guiltily, shaking her head anxiously. “It’s not that I don’t want to…I mean, I do…I like you Barnaby. As a friend! And maybe I did…consider asking you to…I mean, I wanted…”

she couldn’t stop stammering, the way she would when she was nervous. Being socially awkward didn’t help at all. Barnaby turned in his seat and took her hand, waiting for her to gather her thoughts and calm down. The others stayed silent, and stayed seated, not wanting to disturb them and make it awkward.

Once Liz had gotten herself together, she turned nervously to face Barnaby and looked up at him. “Do you want us to have sex?” He asked her plainly.

She nervously shrugged. “Maybe. Yes. But… I’ve never had sex before” she confessed.

Her friend’s eyes widened in surprise at the admission. “You’re still a virgin?” Andre gasped. Tulip shushed him sharply, urging him to stay quiet.

Liz’s cheeks darkened in embarrassment. “Who would want to hook up with the weird girl who talks to magical creatures?” She muttered.

Barnaby didn’t look at her with pity, like she was afraid of. He leaned closer instead and brushed his hand against her cheek. “You are weird” he agreed. “But that’s why I like you. You’re kind and your funny. And I would like to have sex with you, if you’d like.”

She looked up at him, butterflies in her stomach. “You would do it…with me?”

“Of course. You’re amazing.”

“But…what if I’m not very good?”

Barnaby titled his head in an adorably innocent way. “Then that’ll be okay, as long as we have fun. But if you don’t want to have sex with me, that’s okay too. If you don’t want to have sex at all, that’s okay. I just want you to be happy.”

Liz was taken aback by the sincerity of Barnaby’s statement. It was so sweet. She gazed into his eyes and felt her younger self jumping for joy, begging her to accept his offer. “I want to have sex with you” she whispered, excitement building in her chest. “I always wanted you to be my first” she told him, at last.

Barnaby smiled, squeezing her hand. “Is it okay if I kissed you?” He asked her. She nodded, eagerly leaning forward so he could capture her lips and share their first kiss. It was quietly intimate, and sparked something powerful between them. Liz felt herself floating into Barnaby’s embrace, who lifted her up into his arms while he kissed her softly.

Penny had to clear her throat to remind them the others were still here. Barnaby and Liz paused and looked at the four friends watching them silently. “So, you two are definitely going to fuck?” Tulip checked.

Liz and Barnaby shared a look before nodding.

Penny looked at the others awkwardly. “alright. So…should we go and give you some space, or are you two going to find a bedroom?” She asked.

They hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Do you want to go to my room?” Barnaby asked her. “Or your room?”

Liz bit her bottom lip. She knew it was the obvious choice. But then she looked down at the sofa and quietly told him “I want to stay here, surrounded by our friends. Is that weird?”

He looked around and shrugged. “If that’s what you want, then it sounds perfect” he replied.

Liz nodded, confirming it’s what she wanted. They turned to the others, the question taken to the group. “I suppose we could stay, for moral support, if that’s what you want” Penny said, secretly finding the request weird.

The others were on board, happy to watch two of their friends get it on. Alanza made sure she had a perfect view. “Let us know if you need help at all” Andre said, leaning back in his chair with his penis already in his hands.

Liz turned back to Barnaby, the only person she wanted to focus on right now. He looked back, giving her his full attention. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked.

She nodded confidently. “I’ve wanted this for a long time” she whispered. She kissed him on the lips again, trembling with anticipation. Goosebumps ran up her arms and she had butterflies in her stomach. This is really happening, she thought. “What do I do?” She asked nervously.

Barnaby didn’t reply. He recognized she was nervous and would be inexperienced. So he took the lead, which was a new position for him to be in. He accepted the responsibility maturely, however, guiding Liz through the motions of her first time. He brought her onto his lap where she could put her arms around him, helping him unbutton his pajamas and remove his top. Liz ran her hands over his buff chest, a childish giggle escaping her lips as she admired him. He admired her in return, stroking her back letting her get comfortable in his arms. He continued to kiss her, first on the lips and then along her jaw. She gasped when his mouth reached her neck, melting against him feeling pleasure all over. She kissed him back, peppering his jaw feeling the stubble tickle her cheeks. When her thick glasses started to get in the way, she removed them and placed them on the table behind her. Luckily for her, her short distance vision was enough for her to still admire his handsome face. He looked into her brown eyes, commenting on how pretty they were. She blushed from the compliment.

When she was ready, she removed her top to reveal her bra. Her breasts were very big, but Barnaby thought they were gorgeous. He asked permission to touch them, so Liz nervously unhooked the strap and removed the bra. He stared at her firm mounds and dark nipples, which became hard under his touch. She moaned when he kissed them delicately, his tongue licking them both while he squeezed them. She felt a new wave of pleasure from how he was fondling her, her body getting so around she had to grab his hair to keep herself steady. She tugged his head back so she could kiss him desperately, feeling all tingly and warm. She had never felt so aroused before. Her loins were aching.

She felt Barnaby’s bulge when her groin brushed against his lap. She looked down to see his bottoms tenting upwards. “Can I see it?” She asked. He nodded, leaning back so she could reach down and pull his waistband down. His penis sprung out to greet her, and she gasped at his size. It was long and thick, coming up to her stomach. She never thought she’d see a boy’s cock in real life. Out the corner of her eye, she spied the others craning their necks to get a peek. Alanza drooled, licking her lips from the memory of the blowjob she gave him. Penny couldn’t take her eyes off him, not until she dragged them away guiltily. Liz couldn’t stop staring either. “Can I touch it?” She whispered. Barnaby nodded, guiding her hand down to wrap around him. It felt huge in her palm when she stroked him, rubbing her fingers from his shaft to his tip. He closed his eyes and hummed in pleasure. “Does that feel good?” She asked him. He nodded. She kept stroking him. She wanted him to feel good.

She wasn’t quite ready to go any further, however. Not yet. She felt her friends eyes upon her expectantly. She tried to imagine putting it in her mouth, but the thought terrified her at this stage. Barnaby sensed her apprehension and took her hand. She brought her shoulders up apologetically, but he kissed her softly. “It’s okay. Would you like me to do you instead?” He asked.

“Do me?”

“I could lick your pussy. I’m told girls like it when I do that” he said.

She considered it for a moment, feeling her sex aching for attention. She nodded silently. She had never had anyone lick her pussy before. She had masturbated plenty, mostly with her fingers, sometimes with toys. Nobody had ever touched her womanhood expect her, however. She followed Barnaby’s lead when he lowered her onto the sofa, lying back against the cushions with her head propped against the armrest. Barnaby climbed over her and gently kissed down her front to tease her. She got giddy the closer he got to her midriff. With her permission, he undid her trousers and coaxed them down her legs before dropping them onto the floor. She pushed her underwear down and he tugged them off, leaving her in her socks. She trembled under his gaze, nervously opening her legs for him when he dropped down onto his knees between them. He kissed along her thighs slowly, easing her gently towards her first oral experience.

She recalled Alanza remarking how they should let Barnaby eat them out at least once in their eyes, calling the experience mind-blowing. Liz had no frame of reference to compare to. But the pleasure she felt when his tongue connected to her sex was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She came the moment he ran his tongue over her, gasping in a squeak that took her by surprise. The others giggled, the girls assuring her the first time was often very quick and abrupt. She covered her face briefly feeling embarrassed, but Barnaby waited until she was ready to continue. Then he made out with her cunt, kissing and licking it, pleasuring it like it was a delicate flower. She tried to watch him to see what he was doing, but after a few seconds she couldn’t keep her head up, or her eyes open. She moaned, gasped, and then moaned loader, her knees shaking. She held onto the sofa for support, her chest heaving as her breathing got heavier. Barnaby cradled her hips while he ate her out, sending lightning bolts of pleasure shooting up her back as he arched off the sofa. She couldn’t hold on for long. She experienced her first real, full, mind blowing orgasm and gushed all over Barnaby’s face. She squealed, unable to keep her voice quiet. Everything went white for a moment, then came crashing back into color. She colapsed onto the sofa panting, sweating, trembling and shaking. Her body felt alive. She felt alive. It was the best feeling in the world. “Wow” she gasped, unable to think straight.

Barnaby eased her down from her climax before extracting himself from her quivering thighs. He crawled up to kiss her sensitive nipples and ticklish belly before leaning over to gaze into her pretty face. “Was that okay? Did that feel good?”

She stared at him in wonder. “That was incredible” she whispered, in awe of him. She could see her cum glistening over his mouth, reaching up to wipe her fingers across his lips. She hooked her hand behind his head and pulled him into a passionate kiss, trying to express how wonderful he made her feel. The kiss intensified the excitement in her gut and she became hungry for more. She felt his erection brush against her thigh, goosebumps rising over her flesh. “I want it. I want you to fuck me” she said, more determined and confident then ever before. “Put it in me. I need you.”

Barnaby knew she was ready. He could see it in her eyes. The desperation, the desire, and the adoration. He shuffled closer, adjusting his position between her outstretched legs. She reached down to guide him to her dripping cunt, his tip brushing her silky folds. She had tasted Devine when he licked her pussy, so he knew she was prepared for penetration. He took it slowly, however, easing his cock into her virgin opening. She stiffened when he entered her, his tight walls stretching around his thick rod.

He paused once the tip was in, watching her carefully while she adjusted to the new feeling. She panted heavily, her eyes scrunched up in concentration. She was trembling again, gripping his shoulders. He wiped her face and waited until she was ready, asking if she was alright. She nodded, biting her bottom lip. He took it slowly, pushing an inch in at a time, watching her grimace and relax from the penetration. It took a few minutes for him to get halfway inside of her. He didn’t want to push further, afraid of hurting it. It was enough to bring her to the edge of pleasure as she hugged him close, moaned erotically. He adjusted his stance and began pulling out, sliding up to the tip before thrusting back inside. She gasped in shock, the sensation shooting through her core. “Better?” He asked.

“Merlin’s beard” she whispered, her eyes wide. She had never felt anything like this with dildos before. Barnaby’s cock was so much superior to a fake one. She locked eyes with him and begged him. “Fuck me.” He obliged, fucking her gently, making love to her pussy. She was so tight he felt like he was going to burst too soon. He clenched his balls and held it in. He wanted her to cum first. He wanted her first time to be special.

She felt special in his arms. Everything drowned out around her. She forgot her friends were watching. She forgot she was a virgin. She forgot her own name. All she felt was the godly manhood thrusting between her legs making her feel so amazing. She felt like a woman, for the first time ever. She wrapped her arms around his muscular back, wrapping her legs around his powerful hips, riding his glorious body towards her next toe curling orgasm. And when it came, it was even better that the last one. She moaned loudly, her walls wrapping tighter aorund his shaft. So tight she could feel him throbbing. She closed her eyes, so many emotions flooding her tear ducts. She started crying, uncontrollably, for joy and relief and longing. It was such a powerful moment.

“Liz…you feel so good…I can’t hold back any longer…” Barnaby groaned.

“Don’t. Don’t hold back” she whispered. “Whatever you need…I want you to feel good…I love you.”

He hugged her tighter, nuzzling her neck affectionately. “I love you too” he replied, whispering it into her ear. He released the pressure he was holding and she gasped when he ejaculated into her pussy. She felt his sperm fill her and it felt wonderful. His climax triggered a follow-up orgasm for her and she moaned alongside him, sharing the joy in this moment. They colapsed together on the sofa, basking in the pleasure and the love they shared. It wasn’t romantic, but it was real. They were more than friends in this moment. It was perfect.

When the moment passed, they were both left exhausted but satisfied. Barnaby rolled off her smaller frame, worried about brushing her. She managed to drew a breath once his weight was off her, her chest rising and falling. They were covered in sweat. She tried to move but her legs felt like jelly. She was still crying, emotionally wrecked. Barnaby lay beside her, brushing her glistening cheeks with his thumb. “Did I hurt you?” He asked worried.

She turned her head to look at him, a wide smile on her face. “No Barnaby. Not at all. You were perfect” she replied. She took his hand and rubbed her cheek against it, gazing at him in awe. “Thank you” she said, unable to express how much this moment meant to her.

He understood perfectly, leaning over to kiss her gently. He cradled her naked body, snuggling up against her while they recovered. Their foreheads came together and they enjoyed the moment of bliss.

Their friends were still watching them around the table, transfixed by the erotic sight. “Holy fuck, that was hot” Alanza muttered, snapping their attention to their audience. She had her hand between her legs and was fingering herself, her face flushed with arousal.

The couple blushed, realizing they must’ve been quite the spectacle. Even Penny was aroused, her knees pulled up to hide how wet she was. Andre wasn’t so bashful, opening jerking off his hard cock, which had been on the verge of bursting.

Tulip was on the edge of her seat, her hand in her underwear trying to quell the ache in her loins. She turned her flushed face to the table and sighed. “Fuck this” she said, reaching over to take a card. She barely glanced at it before turning to Andre. “Fuck the nearest dick available to you” she said.

Andre turned to her in surprise. “Does it really say that?” He asked.

“Who fucking cares” she retorted, tossing the card aside and pouncing on the young man. He didn’t complain as she mounted him, climbing onto his lap and inserting his cock into her pussy. They both moaned in relief and began snogging and fucking.

Everyone turned to stare at the redhead as she began riding the black man vigorously, stripping off her top becoming too hot from arousal. Penny became transfixed by her firm bottom as it bounced up and down, wondering when she made her underwear disappear. She turned back to Liz and Barnaby and found the laughing, watching their friends for a moment before turning back to resume kissing each other. It seemed the card game had been abandoned in favor of plain old sex now.

Alanza appeared behind her, sneaking up on the horny young woman and wrapping her arms around her. “Enjoying the show?” She asked, slipping her hand between Penny’s legs before she could stop her. Penny gasped when she touched her pussy, her cheeks turning bright red from embarrassment. “You are so wet, I bet your cunt is begging to fuck one of us. Be honest, who is it you want to fuck you? I’ll be happy to arrange it.”

She averted her eyes, shivering from Alanza’s touch. She didn’t know what to say. The situation had gotten so out of hand. She bit her lip feeling the woman’s fingers stroke her folds, the fire in her loins craving more. She glanced from one friend to the next, pondering Alanza’s enquiry. She discovered she didn’t care who. She wanted somebody to fuck her. “I don’t know” she whispered truthfully.

Alanza tilted her head, examining her flushed expression. A grin formed on her face. “Sexy, little slut” she beamed. She looked down at her hand, noting how Penny’s hips were quivering around her fingers. She gently pulled them away and heard the blonde girl whimper desperately. “Should I stop?”

“No!” She gasped, leaning back against her chest tilting her head back. She looked into the dusky girl’s eyes. “Don’t stop. Please” she begged. Alanza smiled, proceeding to finger Penny like a good slut while she kissed her madly. Penny’s shoulders came up to her ears but she couldn’t pull away. She didn’t want to. She was so horny she will become a lesbian and a slut, just as long as she was fucked.

The orgy had officially begun.

It didn’t take long for the six of them to fall into total debauchery. Tulip was already riding Andre, who sucked on her breasts making her scream. Once Alanza had finished driving Penny to sin, she raced to join the pair of them and insert herself into a threesome. She gave Tulip’s cute ass a playful slap before snogging her in a slutty fashion, making the young woman blush. Penny watched her strip naked and climb onto the armchair to straddle Andre’s shoulders, driving her cunt into his face so he could eat her out. She shook her head in bewilderment, nursing her clit still dripping from the orgasm that girl had brought her to.

Liz and Barnaby were content to cuddle on the sofa until they caught their breath, losing themselves in each other. Penny watched them for a moment before choosing to crawl over and check on them. She gently placed her hand on Liz’s hip to get her attention. The couple looked at her blushing. “You two look really cute together” she smiled.

“Thank you” Barnaby replied, sitting up with the olive skinned girl. “Did Alanza just make you cum?” He asked, recalling catching a glimpse of the pair kissing. Penny turned bashful and nodded. “I didn’t know you were into girls.”

“Neither did I” she confessed, looking at the pair of them. “What about you? How was your first time?”

“Amazing” Liz replied, still over the moon. She looked at Barnaby with affection. “For the record though…I don’t think this makes us…you know?”

“A couple?” Penny asked optimistically.

“We’re just friends” Barnaby agreed, confirming they were on the same page. Liz exhaled, glad he felt the same.

Penny was a little disappointed. “Shame. You two are adorable together.”

Liz looked at the blonde girl and noticed she was eying Barnaby like a piece of meat. “Did you want a turn with him?” She asked. “It looks like we’ve all moved on from the game now” she remarked, nodding to their other three friends having fun.

Penny glanced over her shoulders to see Tulip and Alanza fighting over Andre, who looked like he was in heaven. She rolled her eyes and sighed. “I guess Alanza got what she was hoping for.”

“What’s that?” Barnaby asked.

“Sex” she answered. Her eyes scanned Barnaby’s hot body. He was very attractive and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t interested. She looked up at his handsome face. “Would you like to have sex with me, Barnaby?” She asked politely.

Barnaby looked at the beautiful girl kneeling beside him affectionately. “I would love to” he said, offering his hand.

She took it, rising up to meet him in a kiss that brought butterflies into her stomach. He was really gentle and considerate when he put a powerful around around her to lift her closer. She ran her hands over his broad neck and chest before turning her face to look at Liz watching from the side. “Are you sure you won’t mind?”

“Of course not” she laughed. “Friends share, right? And you two look really hot together. Not as hot as you and Tulip, if I’m being honest…” she caught herself and blushed, stopping herself from saying more.

Penny filed that curious observation away for later, turning back to admire Barnaby’s sexy figure, her eyes fell onto his penis, which was growing erect again. She reached down to stroke it, an idea forming in her head. “Have you ever given a boy a blowjob?” She asked Liz.

The girl shook her head.

Penny smirked. “We could teach you, if you’d like” she offered.

Liz’s eyes widened, glancing to Barnaby who nodded his head. She inhaled nervously when Penny took her hand and guided her down to her knees while Barnaby sat on the sofa. They took up positions either side of his knees, his erection standing between them primed and ready.

“Watch me and do as I do” Penny instructed, taking hold of Barnaby’s penis and massaging him. Liz watched attentively as Penny did her best to demonstrate how she gives a boy a blowjob. She kissed up and down the shaft and licked the tip, stroking it between licks until her side of his dick was covered in saliva. “Now you try” she said, nodding to the cock.

Liz nervously took over, stroking his shaft and planting ginger kisses on his organ. Barnaby hummed in approval when she gained confidence and kissed the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue around it. Penny watched eagerly, offering gentle encouragement while she gave her suggestions on how to improve. Soon both girls were kissing and licking his dick at the same time, working him over between their mouths while he moaned softly.

Things got even more erotic when their lips met at the tip, their tongues pleasuring his cock and touching each other. Liz blushed and apologized when she accidentally kissed Penny as a result, but the girl just smirked, hooking her finger beneath her chin to guide her into a gentle kiss in return. They made out around his cock tip, their tongues intertwining lavishing him greedily. He watched the two of them snog and got very aroused at the sight.

“Open your mouth” Penny said excitedly. Liz did as she was told, closing her eyes expecting the girl to kiss her some more. Instead, Penny ran her tongue up Barnaby’s length to coax it into her mouth so she could wrap her lips around his cock. She gasped in surprise, pulling her mouth away with a pop. Penny giggled. “Try sucking his tip like this” she suggested, demonstrating on their willing study aid. She wrapped her lips around him and suctioned her mouth around him, bobbing her head up and down. She released him with another pop and encouraged Liz to try. She did so, mimicking her actions and easing him into her mouth. “Now try and slide in as much as you can. Don’t worry if you can’t get it all in” she said.

Liz followed her advice, scowling siding down the shaft. She managed to get halfway down before she started gagging, and Penny had to catch her head before she tried to force it any further. She pulled back to the tip and continued sucking, but now she could suck more of him and please him further. He moaned erotically, rubbing the back of her neck in thanks. Penny smiled, proud of their former virgin.

“Is there anything we can do for you, Barnaby?” She asked the young man.

He looked at the two hot women sucking his cock and shrugged. “This feels pretty perfect right now” he said.

Penny smirked. She wondered if she could make it better. She shuffled around and brought her face down to lick at his balls, taking them into her mouth to play with. The sound he made and the way his hips jerked indicated he did like that, so she kept at it. Liz watched Penny play with his balls and continued to suck his cock, the two of them working in tandem to coax out his seed. “Fuck, I’m going to cum” he gasped, clutching the sofa tightly.

Penny watched him blow his load into Liz’s mouth, the girl gasping from the abrupt eruption that filled her throat. She choked on the volume and had to pull out. “Don’t lose any” Penny cried, darting up to intercept his cock when it left her mouth. She caught it in her mouth and latched onto it, sucking the rest from his balls.

Liz fell back onto her knees, holding her hand to her mouth containing his cum. She wasn’t sure what to do with it until she saw Penny slurp up the last of it and gulp it down. She hesitantly forced herself to swallow, gaging on the stuff as it slid down her throat. “Are you okay?” They asked her.

She nodded. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I’m sorry” Barnaby apologized. She patted his stomach assuring him it was okay.

“It’s an acquired taste. Not everyone likes it” Penny explained, shuffling over to her. She reached over and scooped up a dollop that had dripped from Liz’s mouth onto her finger. She held the white stuff up to the girl before sliding it onto her tongue. Then she beckoned the girl closer and brought their mouths together so they could share a sexy kiss.

Liz felt Penny’s tongue share the cum with hers, giving her a good taste of his semen to try. She swirled it around her mouth a moment before swallowing again. A goofy smile must’ve been on her face before both Penny and Barnaby chuckled. “I like it” she giggled, climbing back onto the sofa to sit down and kiss Barnaby. “Thank you. Both of you” she said.

Penny sat down opposite her, running her hands over Barnaby’s chest. “How was that for you?” She asked their male lover.

“Really good” he answered, hooking his arms around them both hugging them against him. He kissed them both, enjoying their company very much. They looked across at the others to find Alanza was now riding Andre like a cowgirl while Tulip played with her boobs. There was some playful back and forth until the red haired woman knelt down to fondle the Brazilian musician’s butt and start licking at her anus. Alanza moaned in approval, watching the girl tongue her ass over her shoulder. “Did you still want to have sex?” Barnaby asked Penny, recalling how they got sidetracked.

Penny looked down and was surprised to see his penis was already hard again. She smiled excitedly. “Absolutely” she said, climbing over to sit on his lap. Liz helped guide his cock into her pussy as she lowered herself with her back to him in a reverse cowgirl, sighing as her cunt was filled. “You feel so big” she said.

“Are they not meant to be that big?” Liz asked curiously.

Penny shrugged. “Some are smaller. Some bigger. This one is definitely one of the biggest I’ve put inside me” she complimented.

“It doesn’t hurt?” He asked. She shook her head. “I’m always worried I might hurt the people I have sex with.”

“Trust me…most girls would kill to have a cock like this in their pussy” Penny moaned, balancing herself on his lap to bounce steadily on his cock. Barnaby smiled with pride, taking hold of her hips to assist her as she lifted herself up and down. She moaned in pleasure, leaning back against his broad chest combing her fingers through his thick hair.

Liz shuffled up next to them, putting her glasses back on to watch silently with keen interest. Penny looked really sexy when she reclined against him, her moans almost musical. She gingerly reached out to touch her breasts, playing with them which pleased the blonde witch even more. They shared an intimate glance before she took her hand and guided her fingers to her clit, using them to rub herself while Barnaby took over the fondling of her boobs. Liz was mesmerized by the look on her face when she came, her mouth falling open in a wide “O”. She milked Barnaby’s dick before sliding off him, her pussy becoming too tight for him to withstand.

“That was so hot” Alanza said, applauding the sexy girl as she slipped onto the sofa beside them.

Penny jumped in surprise when she appeared. “I thought you were with Andre?” She asked.

She nodded to the young black man sitting in his chair, who was making out casually with Tulip. “He needed a breather after dumping a full load inside me” she explained, spreading her thighs to show of the leaking semen dripping from her pussy. She saw Liz eying it in fascination. “You can help clean me up if you’d like?” She offered.

Liz’s cheeks turned pink and she looked away. “Leave her alone. It’s her first time” Penny said.

“I know. And quite the first time she’s been getting” she grinned proudly.

Liz looked up at the clock on the wall above the fireplace. “It’s getting late. Maybe we should turn in for the night” she suggested.

“But we’re just getting started. And you still have so much to learn, my little virgin” Alanza cooed, playing with Liz’s nipple. She shied away, a little intimidated by the dark girl’s confidence.

“We’re not that tired either” Tulip said, already stroking Andre back into fighting shape.

“With beautiful girls like you to keep me company, I can go all night” he proclaimed.

Tulip rolled her eyes and made a pantomime of his cheesy line putting her off.

Penny recovered from her orgasm quickly, adrenaline still keeping her wide awake. She turned and looked at her friends. “We don’t all have to stay up” she told them.

“I don’t mind” Barnaby said, happy to entertain his housemates as long as they needed.

They all turned to Liz, who shifted uncomfortably under their gaze. She bit her lip, her eyes darting from one naked figure to the next, ashamed to admit she was not ready to go to sleep yet. She couldn’t trust her voice, so she nodded instead.

Alanza cheered, then looked around the living room. “As cozy as this is, we need somewhere more comfortable. Which room has the biggest bed, Barnaby?”

Barnaby had to concentrate to think about it. “I suppose my room? It belonged to my grand mum, in the master bedroom.”

“Perfect” she said, jumping to her feet and grabbing both Barnaby and Liz. She dragged them away with her, racing to find the bedroom.

“We should probably go after them, and rescue Liz from our bisexual nymphomaniac” Tulip suggested, climbing to her feet to follow them.

Penny agreed, taking a moment to catch her breath on the sofa before taking Andre’s hand as he helped her to her feet. “Not the housewarming party I was expecting” she confessed.

“Admit it, though. You’re having fun” he smirked.

She tried to hide it, but the grin broke through her expression and she laughed.

He pulled her in close and shared a platonic kiss with her. “Fancy a round with me when we get in there?”

“You sure you can handle another girl?” She asked. She leaned in close and playfully suggested “maybe Barnaby could help suck your cock.”

“Okay, if you want me to give that cute ass of yours a spanking, all you have to do is ask” he scolded, picking her off her feet and carrying her through the house the bedroom so he could punish her properly.


The orgy unfolded in a much more chaotic fashion once the six of them climbed onto the bed together. As big as it was, it struggled to hold them all as they tumbled and rolled and fucked each other wildly. Now that the awkwardness had passed, the six friends were much more comfortable with each other as they kissed and groped and fucked to their hearts content.

Penny got her spanking almost immediately after being thrown into the bedroom, bent over by Andre who gave her cute ass several slaps in front of everyone. Not that they were paying attention as Alanza was busy getting Barnaby to anal fuck her, sitting on his cock while encouraging Liz to try fingering her. The girl was nervous but she did her best to please the intimidating girl bouncing on his cock. Tulip attempted to rescue the former Sytherin from the nympho, until she made the mistake of sitting on Barnaby’s face to find out how good with a tongue he was. The face she pulled spoke louder than the moans she let out.

Penny got to find out for herself sometime later. She laid against the pillows propped up against the headboard, screaming in pleasure as the orgasm he triggered in her made her knees shake. She was glad she wasn’t getting her pussy eaten while standing up like Tulip was, otherwise she might’ve topped over once her legs turned to jelly. She got a good view of the mischief maker riding a pair of tongues from Andre licking her pussy and Alanza rimming her ass. She looked like she was in her element as a dominant figure over her two friends. Penny sat back and watched with a goofy smile, rubbing her wet cunt eagerly waiting for either Andre or Barnaby to come over and make love to it. She got her wish and she got a good dicking to make her smile permanent.

Alanza proved herself as the biggest slit in the house that night, eagerly pouncing on all of them to make them cum as many time as she could. And she loved toying with Liz, who was nervously maneuvering around the orgy struggling to keep her head above water. Eventually Alanza got distracted when Barnaby and Andre teamed up to spit-roast her, fucking both her holes at the same time. So Tulip took it upon herself to formerly introduce Liz to lesbian sex, with Penny’s help. The dark skinned girl laid on her back between Penny’s legs, her head resting between her breasts, her legs spread so Tulip could lie between them and demonstrate how to lick a clit and finger a pussy at the same time. Penny stroked Liz’s face and neck whenever the girl moaned and swooned, doing her best to watch Tulip’s expert technique as she was brought from one orgasm to the next. It was an erotic demonstration. Even Penny was mesmerized by her obvious talent. When she was done, Tulip crawled up and gave them both a sultry kiss.

Liz proved to be up for a lot of firsts tonight. She got to try Andre’s cock, which she discovered was very different to Barnaby when he fucked her from behind. He tested the waters by inserting his finger into her bum, but she decided she wasn’t ready to try anal tonight. She wouldn’t even let Alanza lick her there. He got his chance to anal fuck Penny, however, who willingly submitted to his cock while also riding Barnaby. Alanza and Tulip were nearby, scissoring one another to see who could cum first. She could feel Liz watching her closely as both her holes were being filled, fascinated by the lewd show. She struggled to keep her composure. She had never actually been double penetrated in this manner before. It was a lot. She felt very full as her holes were stretched and her insides were rearranged. She wanted to make a teasing remark about the two boys dicks rubbing together through her walls, but she was too busy focusing on her breathing to be able to make the jibe. It was so busy she forgot to cum, even when both guys ejaculated inside of her. She moaned in relief when they pulled their dicks out, sweat coating her brow as she rolled onto her back. She got a few minutes to rest. Alanza had jumped in again to jerk them both off at the same time while Tulip entertained Liz with a sexy kiss and some fingering. Everyone was having a really good time.

Penny wasn’t sure what time it was when she opened her eyes again. She was growing tired and her bits ached. She thought she had fallen asleep, but her friends were still making out. It was a lot more relax now, however, exhaustion was starting to take hold, especially for the inexperienced Liz Tuttle. She was yawning the most while trying to keep her eyes open, not accustomed to so much excitement and exercise. Barnaby took her into his arms and slipped under the covers, kissing her softly caressing her flesh. She’ll probably end up falling asleep in his arms if he continued to be so gentle. Alanza and Andre were still fucking like rabbits, bent over against the headboard doggy fucking. They would probably go all night if they let them.

Tulip crawled over to Penny, kissing up her stomach to wake her back up. “Taking bets on sleeping arrangements?” She asked.

“Huh?” She asked, rubbing her eyes and stifling a yawn. “What are you talking about?”

“Tonight started something” Tulip laughed. “We may all have our own rooms now, but I reckon it’ll be rare if we’re all in them at the same time. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of our housemates started doubling up, sharing. Andre’s already asked if I wanted to sleep in his room tomorrow night. And I bet Alanza will be starting a rotation.”

Penny examined her friends and couldn’t help but chuckle. She could see Liz and Barnaby sharing a few more private bedtimes in the future. And she might be up for some company every now and again. “We can discuss sleeping arrangements later. Though we should probably sort out some house rules” she worried.

Tulip nodded in agreement. “As long as it’s consensual, I’m sure the others will be on board. And we should definitely make some kind of Do not disturb sign, in case any horny housemates want to start roaming the halls.”

Penny shuddered, imagining either Alanza or Andre poking their heads into her bedroom when she was trying to sleep, or otherwise engaged.

Tulip cheered her up with some kisses along her breasts and neck, not stopping until she was giggling. “It was fun to see Andre overcompensating so much after kiss with Barnaby” she laughed.

“He wasn’t the only one overcompensating” Penny whispered knowingly. She looked up at her friend, a small smile on her face. “Why did you tell me you were gay” she asked quietly.

Tulip stiffened, backing off to look at her in shock. “What? I’m…I’m not…” she stammered, getting flustered. Penny waited for her to finish falling over her words, keeping her gentle gaze on her. After a minute she saw she wasn’t buying it. “What…what makes you think I am?” She asked nervously.

Penny stroked her arms comfortingly. “There used to be these rumors around Hogwarts. Gossip about you and Merula when you were friends, and then about your friendship with Tonks. It was just rumors, the passing joke or two. But I’ve been watching you all night. The way you looked after Liz…the way you act around the boys, you’re not as enthusiastic with them like you are with us” she observed.

Tulip stared at her uncomfortably for a moment, her cheeks turning rosy red. She glanced up making sure the others were preoccupied before lowering down to speak quietly. “Don’t tell Andre. It would break his heart” she whispered.

Penny laughed, caressing the young lesbian’s face gently. “Your secret is safe with me” she promised, swearing she won’t give away her secret until she was ready.

Tulip thanked her with a kiss on the lips, exhaling heavily, glad she could put her trust in someone. She laid on top of Penny, comfortably making out with her. “What about you? Have we awakened a hidden lesbian in you too?”

“I’ll admit, having sex with girls is more fit un than I thought” Penny giggled, enjoying being with one right now.

“Are all Hufflepuffs as kinky as you?” Tulip asked playfully.

“I wouldn’t know. You’d have to ask Chiara or my sister.” She paused for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she lost herself in thought. “We had a lot of games though” she added.

Tulip grinned. “Kinky little witch” she whispered, peppering her chin with her lips.

Penny giggled, embracing the lewdness proudly. She looked over to check on the others. Liz had finally fallen asleep next to Barnaby, snuggled against him purring like a Kneazle. “I hope we didn’t overwhelm her on her first night” she whispered worried.

Tulip followed her gaze to the young woman. “Maybe. But she has the best story for her first time ever. Who can say they lost their virginity in an orgy?”

“I guess” she shrugged. She was just glad they could make tonight memorable for her. And for everyone. She yawned again and decided she should be getting some sleep to. Her yawn was infection and soon Tulip was struggling to keep her eyes open. They chose not to leave the bed and just fall asleep where they were in Barnaby’s room. “So you know, my door is always open if you ever want to talk” Penny told her friend and lover.

Tulip smiled, kissing her cheek. “And my bed is always open if you want to get curious again” she whispered.

Penny giggled, snuggling next to her and closing her eyes. While she dreamed, she figured she might take her up on that offer.

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