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Hermione & The Hogwarts Tentacle Monster

Hermione tossed and turned in her bed, trying to sleep. But she couldn’t shut the noise out. It was getting infuriating. She sat up in her bed with a huff, turning her frustrated gaze to the one of the five beds she was sharing with.

Not for the first time she resented being forced to share a dorm room with noisy students. Katie in particular was proving a nuisance this year. This was the third time this week she’d been kept awake by her. Hermione didn’t know what she was doing in her bed late this evening, though she had a pretty good guess after being forced to listen to her panting and moaning across the room. At least when the other girls planned to experiment with themselves they had the decency to use muffling charms on their curtains. The bookworm glared at the partition between the red curtains hiding Katie from her view, glimpsing her hand extend across the bed into view as she moaned softly. She had half a mind to storm over there and snap at her for disturbing her sleep, which she needed in order to get up early and study for Potions. Unfortunately she couldn’t because if she did then she’d disturb the rest of their dorm-mates and she’d get into trouble. So she was forced to pull her own curtains closed, flop down onto the bed and pull her pillow over her face in and attempt to cover her ears and her frustrated screams.

I hate my roommates she thought briskly, turning her back on the girl pleasuring herself in her bed. She buried herself in her pillow and covers, fighting to get some sleep, missing the brief glimpse of her roommate’s hand clutching her bedsheets as a slimy tentacle extended around her wrist.


The next morning Hermione was struggling to keep her eyes open as she ate her breakfast, her book open beside her so she could study while eating. She felt tired, which made her cranky as Ron tried to have a conversation with her. When Harry asked if she was alright she snapped at him. “I’m sorry, I’ve just really had it with my roommate” she said, apologizing for her tone.

“Yeah, we get it” Ron replied, recalling how annoying it was sharing a bedroom with his brothers. Harry just shrugged. He liked sharing a room. It beat sleeping in a closet under the stairs. “You ever consider using a potion?” He suggested helpfully.

She sighed. The thought had occurred to her but they’d yet to learn the drought of dreamless sleep in class. She could research the recipe but it would take time. Time she didn’t have if she wanted to stay on top of her lessons. She looked down the table and spotted Katie taking a seat further down. “Excuse me a moment” she said, narrowing her eyes as she rose out of her seat and stormed over to confront her. “Sleep well?” She asked pointedly.

Katie spun around in surprise, noting the bags under Hermione’s eyes. “Better than you it looks like. What happened?” She asked.

“You did” she huffed. He glanced around the table before leaning closer, lowering her voice out of respect. “I don’t care what you get up to during the evening Katie, but next time do us all a curtesy and use the muffling charm. Some of us don’t want to be kept up all night.”

“What are you talking about?” She blinked.

“You know damn well. Last night made three nights this week. Either cut it out or use a charm” she snapped before briskly storming back to her breakfast.

Katie stared after her in confusion, turning back to her friends. “What was that about?” She asked.

Angelina and Parvati both looked at her. “Really? You don’t know?” Angelina asked. She shrugged. “She’s talking about you masturbating at night.”

“Excuse me?” Katie blinked, nearly choking on her cereal.

“You can get quite loud, particularly at night” she noted.

“You’re one to talk” Parvati snorted, looking at the aspiring quidditch Captain. “You had both me and Hermione up all night last week.”

Confusion crossed Angelina’s face. “Not possible, I always use the muffling charm. Which is what you need” she told Katie. “I’ll teach it to you if you need me to.”

“Guys, I don’t know what you’re talking about” Katie insisted. “I wasn’t…I don’t do that” she whispered, seeing the looks the girls were getting. Both her friends tilted their heads, they didn’t believe that for a second. She huffed, returning to her cereal and casting a glance to Hermione as she rejoined her friends flashing her a scowl. She furrowed her brow in confusion. She didn’t remember fooling around with herself last night, or any night this week. She recalled overhearing Lavender Monday evening, moaning so load she thought she’d smuggled a boy into their dorm room, but the girl denied any of it when she mentioned it. She shook her head and dismissed it. Hermione must’ve been mistaken. Unless she was masturbating in her sleep she thought.


The day was rough and Hermione was determined to get some sleep tonight. She turned in early, shooting warning daggers at Katie on her way up the stairs. She changed into her pajamas, a loose T-shirt and boxer shorts, climbed into bed and pulled the curtains closed. She climbed up under the covers and lay down, closing her eyes as soon as her head hit the pillow. She dozed off moments later, so tired she’d probably sleep through a swarm of dementors. Not even the knowledge of them circling Hogwarts was enough to keep her awake.

It wasn’t dementors, however, that chose to visit her that night. The creature crept into the dorm room silently, it’s presence hidden by the shifting texture of its fluid skin blending into the environment like camouflage. It entered the room slowly, it’s senses mapping the floor as it slinked forward on a mass of feelers, tentacles extending out to carry it along the stone floor. It’s eye (if it indeed had one) scanned the room carefully, counting the beds and the occupants within. It was late, meaning almost all of them were occupied. It crawled along the floor, scanning each of them, sniffing the air as it explored silently. It sensed the auras of the magic users around it, some stronger than others, each unique and alluring. It selected one of the beds and drifted towards it, it’s arms dragging it closer with purpose. Just as it reached the bedpost it was disturbed by a noise from the doorway. It’s gaze spun around as it scuttled under the bed, watching the dark skinned young witch enter the dorm room quietly in her pajamas. Parvati returned from the late night toilet visit and climbed back into bed, careful not to disturb her roommates as she went back to sleep. The creature waited a moment before sneaking back out, it’s gaze scanning the room cautiously once more before lifting up to the bed it had selected. Fresh tentacles extended out from its shifting body and reached up to the mattress, slipping underneath the bedsheets as it dragged itself up onto the bed where it’s prey slumbered obliviously.

Hermione continued to snore softly, completely unaware something had crawled into bed with her. She twisted her body under the covers, her head rocking against the pillow blissfully, her bare feet brushing the slimy shape waiting at the foot of her bed. She didn’t notice as a pair of curious feelers brushed the soles of her feet, or when they slowly crept around her ankles to pull its body closer, her legs almost dragging it along the bed. When the tentacles began to slither further up her legs she began to stir, only by then its pheromones were starting to take effect. The aroma drifted up the bed and soaked into her skin, making her body tingle on a biochemical level. Soon her snores became pants as she began tossing more feverishly, her hands brushing her body more intimately as she became aroused. The creature paused to let its pheromones overwhelm her, the young woman releasing more pleasurably against the mattress, before slowly creeping further up her legs. Her hands reached beneath her top to massage her boobs, her nipples becoming hard as she moaned softly, her imagination coming up with images to explain this suddenly state she was in. She purred sensually as she reached down to rub her clit through her shorts, her pussy dripping with arousal. Arousal the creature was drawn to as its tentacles slithered up her thighs to brush her pajama bottoms, its slick tip making the girl gasp in desperation.

“Oh Harry” she mumbled in her sleep, her fingers weaving through her curly hair as her hand dove under her clothes to curse the ache between her legs. Her mind raced with naughty thoughts as desire made her whole body tingle. She felt something inch closer between her thighs, a presence between her legs under the covers eying up her pussy. For a brief moment her eyes drifted open and she looked down to see a shape under the bedsheets directly over her crotch, but she mistook it for a trick of her imagination as her head fell back to the pillow, biting her bottom lip as pleasure rocked her spine. She felt something wrap around her wrist as she rubbed her clit, something moist and gentle slithering around her palm to invade her pajama bottoms and tease her folds gently. She moaned for desperately, her legs spreading inviting this intruder into her womanhood. When she felt a tongue, or what felt like one, lick her pussy she keened for more. “Oh Harry” She repeated in a sultry tone as more of those feelers extended up her body.

The creature was delighted with how receptive this young witch was to its touch as it tentacles explored her gently, extending upwards to caress her stomach and hips. Her body melted into its embrace as its arms wrapped around her, slithering over her skin sensually caressing her soft flesh. A pair of them reached up under her top to find her breasts, coiling around them and massaging them gently making her moan as they tweaked her hard nipples. She bit her bottom lip as more tentacles coiled around her, the creature lifting itself up to admire her slim frame appreciatively, her shorts coaxed down her thighs to reveal her dripping womanhood. She panted as it’s tendril brushed her folds more, probing her entrance which pulsed welcomingly, her hand absently reaching down to stroke its smooth head as another tentacle coiled up her arm. It wrapped its tentacles around her legs and hips, dragging her up from the bed slowly to open her up for her.

Hermione swooned as she was lifted off her mattress, the covers falling from her frame as the creature hoisted itself up, inserting its tentacle into her pussy. She moaned in pleasure as she was fucked, her fantasies invading her dreams as she hung upside down briefly. It’s arms reached down and looped around her waist and back, lifting her up and cradling her writhing body, hooking around her shoulders to caress her neck and torso. Her arms and legs hung in the creatures grasp, rocking gently embracing the touch, her fingers curling around the arms stroking and clutching at the soft texture. Her head rolled against the tendril cradling her scalp, it’s tip stroking her cheek making her purr in content. Her hips buckled against the member invading her entrance, swallowing it deeply as another tendril toyed with her clit. Her breasts stuck out prominently as her spine arched, welcoming the touch of its tentacles as they massaged them, the top of one of them opening up to suck on her nipple. The creature sent out another tentacle to drift over her chest and approach her face, delicately ghosting over her bottom lip. “Ron?” She muttered dreamily, her face turning to address the newcomer. “What took you both so long” she mumbled, opening her mouth so the fresh tendril could slip between her lips.

The creature purred contentedly as it steadily fucked the teen witch, thrusting into her pussy and mouth rhythmically as she sucked and moaned in pleasure. It was often a gamble how receptive some witches and wizards could be when the pheromones had been administered, but it was happy to find how intoxicating this young woman was. She sucked on its tentacle hungering, her walls sucking in its length deeper as she convulsed in escasty, getting closer to a desperate climax. It stirred her along by massaging its tentacles around her body, caressing her thighs and stomach and shoulders, more tips sucking body parts including her clit. She moaned louder clutching its arms, her legs kicking out and wrapping around its body trembling. She was close to finishing. The creature cradled her willing body tightly, fucking her to the edge until she climaxed, her orgasm shaking her to her core. It felt her body shudder as her pussy walls clamped around its tentacle trapping it inside, moaning around the length in her mouth. It eased her through the orgasm gently, slowing its thrusts until she fell limb in its arms, soaking up her fluids into its fluid flesh.

Hermione collapsed into the tentacles embrace, panting heavily as it drank up her orgasm and more. She felt her body tingling with pleasure, buzzing pleasantly. It felt like she had become charged with heat and energy, creating an aura of magic which her lover soaked up and fed upon. She felt her magic get siphoned by the tentacles inside of her, drawing it out of her like a straw nourishing the creature. It rewarded her in turn by injecting its own fluid down her throat, feeding her its cum. She gulped it down greedily as the tentacle pulled itself from her mouth, swallowing its gift releasing a moan. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked down, getting a look at the fluid creature feeding on her. She scanned the tentacles wrapped around her body, the shifting body changing colors from green to blue to yellow to red, it’s skin like ooze. It lifted its head and she thought she saw a large inky orb gaze back at her from under the flesh, like an eyeball gazing into her. She lifted her head sluggishly, examining the strange monster curiously as it cradled her trembling body. It reached out with a small tentacle from its body and stroked her cheek, it’s arms lowering her down to the bed gently as it extracted its tendril from her gushing entrance. Her eyes fell closed when her head hit the pillow once more and she feel back to sleep promptly, exhaustion overtaking her before she could investigate the tentacle creature further.


She woke up the next morning to find her roommates hovering around her. Katie in particular had a face of thunder. “Sleep well?” She asked.

Hermione rubbed her eyes and stretched over her bed. She did as it happened. It was a best night sleep she’d had in a while. She looked up at her roommate and noticed the bags under her eyes. “You look exhausted. What happened?”

“You did” she said, crossing her arms. She leaned over the bed, glaring at the girl echoing “I don’t care what you get up to during the evening, but next time do us all a curtesy and use the muffling charm. Some of us don’t want to be kept up all night.”

Hermione furrowed her brow in confusion, until she looked down and saw the state she was in. The covers had fallen away, revealing her pajamas bunched up over her chest and around her thighs. She flushed bright red and hurriedly pulled them back on, feeling her roommates staring at her, averting her gaze in embarrassment. “I wasn’t…it’s not what it looks like.”

“I’m sure” Katie mumbled, looking at her disapprovingly. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Angelina will be happy to teach it to you if you need her to” she said, turning on her heel and storming off to get a shower.

Hermione stared after her, unable to meet the gaze of her other roommates as they giggled and walked back to their beds to get changed. Parvati was the last to remain, leaning against the bedpost flashing a comforting smile as Hermione curled herself into a ball of shame. “You were pretty vocal last night” she told her, cautiously sitting on the end of her bed.

Hermione pulled the covers over her legs, any attempt to hide what dignity she had left. “Must’ve happened in my sleep” she mumbled.

“Much of been one hell of a wet dream” the Indian witch remarked. “Someone we know? Because I swear I heard you mutter Harry’s name last night” she teased.

Hermione threw a pillow at the giggling girl, her cheeks bright red with embarrassment. Except she couldn’t rebuff her guess because she couldn’t recall what she was dreaming about. She had no recollection of masturbating, or anything from last night after she fell asleep. She made a note to research effects of sleepwalking, see if this was a common occurrence or just a result of being overtired. She also made a point to ask Professor Flitwick about refreshing her on the muffling charm, just in case.


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