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Gwen Stacy (As Yet Untitled): Criminal Rehabilitation

He followed him around the street corner where she cut him off in a closed alley, catching him in a web trapping him on the brick wall. The hot dogs fell to the ground along with pine cone, the little hamster rolling to a stop to look up rather surprised. "Oh come on!" The Bandit complained staring at the ruined food he had only just nabbed from the Dollar Dog. "That's just a waste of good food!"

"I agree" Gwen sighed, her heart breaking paying her last respects to the best hot dogs in the city. She landed gracefully on her feet and walked up to the masked young man. "At least it's wasn't the cash register this time." He averted his eyes which caused her to scowl behind the mask. "Really?"

"I was hungry while I was robbing the place" he shrugged pinned to the wall. "Bad guys need to eat to."

"You are really the worst archenemy ever" she huffed looking around for a dumpster to throw him in.

"Haven't seen you in a while Spider woman" he said idly watching her.

"I do have real crime to fight you know" she replied circling the alley wondering what to to with him. She was getting tired of chasing him every other day. It got so predictable she swung by the dollar dog every evening on her way home just to bust him. "By the way, it's Ghost Spider now."

"Cool rebrand" he nodded appraisingly. "You think I need to change my name? How about…The Black Panther?"

"I think you'd be liable for a lawsuit. The law takes copyright very seriously."

"I guess you'd know being the captains dau.." he stopped himself of his own accord.

Gwen glanced back to see him falling silent, raising an eyebrow. It just occurred to her they'd been doing this ever since she got her powers. Then her identity was exposed months ago. Everyone knew who she was. But the Bodega Bandit was one of the few people who kept treating her like she was Spider woman. Not Gwen Stacy, Spider woman. "Why don't you call me by my real name. Everyone else does?"

He looked back at her explaining "just because New York knows who you are shouldn't change how they treat you. I never told you my name. Why would I? To you I'm the Bodega Bandit. That's my identity when I put on the mask. You put on yours and you save people, stop criminals like me. As long as you're still the hero this city needs I don't care what your real name is. I already know who you are."

Gwen stared at him for a long moment, taken aback by his shockingly philosophical stance. "Wow" she muttered. I think I just found a new level of respect for my nemesis. After suffering through a silent moment of envisioning this guy as more than an annoying time waster she shook her attention back to basics and asked him "you ever considered just not robbing people?"

"Retire?" He replied flabbergasted. "Why would I do that? I'm at the peak of my career!"

"But I'm getting bored chasing you every night. I have you arrested, they give you a slap on the wrist and let you go and we do this all over again. We are living the definition of insanity. Maybe just take a hiatus for, like, a year?"

"Nice try" he chuckled jutting his chin out. "But it's going to take more than that to make me change my ways. Anyway, where would you be without your arch nemesis to challenge you?"

First you'd need to be an actual challenge, Gwen thought groaning in frustration. "What if I could make you an offer?" She suggested shooting in the wind. "Something I can do for you that'll make you give up crime?"

He raised a curious eyebrow. "Like what?"

She thought about it. What could a deluded self important masked burglar want that she could offer. Something that could make him stop robbing places like the Dollar Dog. What would any archenemy want? Bragging rights!

"I could make you the most successful bad guy in the city" she offered.

The bandit burst out laughing. "Really? And how are you going to do that? Help me rob a bank?"

"Don't be stupid" she shook her head. "But you could be the one person who has ever defeated Spider Woman" she offered.

That seemed to catch his attention. "Defeat you?" He glanced up at his webbed hands. "I don't think I have that claim. Let's be honest, I can't out fight you."

"There's more than one way to defeat someone" she replied walking up to the restrained criminal, examining his more closely.

She swayed her hips in a more provocative manner, hoping she wouldn't have to spell it out for him. His eyes were drawn to her waist and chest, his breathing becoming more ragged. His gaze narrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I mean… what if you could be the only criminal to ever get the better of me? One night you use your…vast cunning and overpower me. You turn my own webs against me, rendering me helpless. And then while I'm at your mercy…you have your way with me." She could sense the shift in the young man's demeaner as she learnt forward to whisper in his ear "you could be the man who fucks Spider woman."

"What?" He blinked staring at her. His mouth opened and closed trying to say anything, like a goldfish. It was rather hilarious to witness. Gwen wished she'd thought about this ages ago. It'd have made a brilliant prank. "What are you saying? You want me to…"

She shrugged. "I'm sure you could exaggerate the details. But think of the street cred you'd get. Enough to retire. The Bodega Bandit, the only being to bring Ghost Spider to her knees." She saw the startled and confused look on his face. He thought she was joking, pulling his leg. "Between you and me though… I could take you all day everyday. But lucky for you I've had a long day and really need to unwind. I was just going to chill when I got home but I could be persuaded to take my stress out on a more…robust activity." She sneaked a glance down at his groin, happy to see the signs of a bulge growing.

He kept staring at her in disbelief. "I… I don't know."

He rolled her eyes. "I'm offering to have sex with you dumbass. On the condition you stop robbing people. Deal?"

He finally came to his senses and snapped out of his daze, nodding his head with a nervous grin on his face. "Okay" he breathed tugging on his restraints. "You going to let me out?"

She looked up at the web, thinking "nah. Not yet. First I think I should warm you up." She reached down and swiftly unlatched his trousers, yanking down his boxers until they were bundled around his ankles. She moved so fast the bandit inhaled a sharp breath. She examined his little semi. Not what she was hoping for but will have to do. A thought occurred to her. "Quick question. You have had sex before right?"

"Of course" he snapped defensively.

He's a terrible liar, Gwen sighed. Should prove an experience then.

She crouched down onto her heels, stroking his slim length pumping him slowly until it was more rigid in her palm. It reached his peak length and Gwen was left rather underwhelmed. She didn't mention it though. She didn't want to hurt the bandits feelings. "Wow, that is a big package" she lied. He seemed to smile at the false compliment. God help him when his next girlfriend decides to be honest. Lifting her mask to just above her nose she wrapped her lips around the man's penis, giving him a worthy blowjob for her nemesis.

To his credit he lasted a lot longer than she expected him to. He groaned loudly staring down at her head bobbing on his shaft as she sucked him, using her sticky fingers to toy with his balls until he came down her throat. She swallowed it down without any effort, releasing his dick with a pop before pulling her mask back down. "Did you like that?" She asked politely.

"Oh my god" he muttered in disbelief blinking repeatedly. He was unable to say much more as Gwen continued to stroke his dripping penis hoping to get him hard again. He stared mutely at her as she rose up to her feet looking at him.

"You up for more?" She asked him. Moments later she had a fully erect cock in her hand so she took it as a yes. Reaching down she opened a slit in her costume around the center of her groin, revealing her moist pussy lips. The bandit caught a glimpse of this and gulped, staring at her intently as she climbed up the wall to mount him. "Don't worry" she said calmly. "I'll be gentle."

They both sighed as she sank down onto his length. As expected it wasn't as exciting as she was hoping for but she exaggerated her responses so not to hurt his ego. Using her hands and feet to stick to the brick wall she hopped back and forth on his prick, building a steady rhythm before leaning back slightly resting her hands on his chest. He grunted and moaned watching his cock slide into her pussy, thrusting his hips forward to push deeper and faster. She approved of his enthusiasm but not his length. He could quite reach that special spot she craved.

"Yes, right there" she lied, sitting back so her spine was horizontally level with the ground. The benefits of being a spider hero was you get used to some of the odd shifts in orientation, meaning she didn't feel dizzy or light headed bouncing this way. She once masturbated upside down without any ill effects. She rode the bodega bandit like a cowgirl all the way to completion. Unfortunately it wasn't hers. He came before she did, painting the inside of her vagina walls white.

"That was really hot" he grinned feeling proud of getting to cum inside spider woman.

That was anything but, she thought to herself making a show of slumping of his hips and hopping onto her feet. Now her pussy was aching and in need of real attention. When she looked down she saw the bandit's cock was in the process of growing stiff again. She decided to his him another chance to top her off. "You want to do this for real?" She asked him.

"For real?" He asked. "We just had sex."

"No, I fucked you. Now you get to fuck me" she clarified freeing his wrists. He rubbed his hands and watched her turn around and drop to her hands and knees displaying her round butt and dripping pussy. "You can have me right here, right now. Tell everyone who'll listen that you fucked Ghost Spider in a dirty alleyway."

His cock sprung to life. He didn't need anymore convincing. Grinning like an idiot he dived in behind her ass, eagerly slotting his prick into her soaking entrance and began humping her like a horny teenager. "This is what you get for crossing the Bodega Bandit" he said to himself victoriously, his hips slapping her backside as he rammed into her from behind.

"Oh fuck. That feels so good" Gwen cried rocking her hips against him, mewling like a cat in heat encouraging him to fuck her harder. His hands gripped her waistline plunging deeper and faster, fucking her as hard as he could. He seemed to be enjoying himself. She definitely wasn't. Come on. Harder, she mumbled willing his dick to grow. She hoped the rougher sex would be enough but she was wrong. All she could do was continue to fake it. She looked up to find Pinecone sitting on a dumpster watching her through his tiny mask tilting his head. Don't look at me like that. What's a hero supposed to do to? It's not my fault your owner is a massive disappointment.

The two of them rutted in the ally for another ten minutes, the Bandit ploughing the super heroine like a cowboy while she desperately fantasized of anybody else. Celebrity crushes, school teachers, even other criminals she'd put away, whoever she thought of as sexy or handsome or huge. Just let me cum she prayed. Alas it was a fruitless endeavour, yet she screamed loudly faking an orgasm as the bandit finished inside her. She whined I'm pained displeasure which he mistook for exhaustion, slapping her ass declaring "I have defeated the great Spider Woman. Sorry, ghost spider. You enjoy that?"

"Yeah. That was amazing" she lied grimacing under her mask. She picked herself off the ground as he pulled up his trousers, her costume knitting back together covering up the serious lack of evidence that she was unsatisfied. She turned back to him and asked expectantly "so, do we have a deal?"


"No more life of crime. Retire at the peak of your career having bested me. I don't want to see you robbing another restaurant."

"I promise I'll change my ways" he replied zipping up his trousers. He reached over and picked up pinecone placing him on his shoulder. "But it'd be a shame to like such amazing talent go to waste. Maybe if there was something I could put my energy into other than crime?"

Oh god, please don't say what I think you're suggesting, she cringed. "What did you have in mind?" She regretted asking.

"Make this a regular thing" he grinned. "To keep me on the straight and narrow. Shall we say twice a week?"

She stared at him hiding the scowl under her mask. "Tell me you're not serious!"

"How else am I supposed to fill my time?" He asked.

She sighed. "Once a month."

"A month?" He protested.

"Don't push it! And you don't commit any crime. I catch you breaking the law once and the deal is off, understood!" He thought about it a moment and then nodded offering his hand. She reluctantly shook it before leaping back into the air. "See you next moth then" she muttered in goodbye swinging out into the city in need of a cold shower and a vibrator.

There is no way I can hold up this deal every month.

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