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Gryffindors Dare: Pranking the Weasley’s (Harry Potter)

Ginny was sitting on her bed doing her homework when Demelza came in and interrupted her by flopping down in front of her. “We’ve solved your problem” she grinned.

Ginny looked up and found Hermione standing next to her bed with a similar grin. “You know how to cancel this test I’ve got tomorrow?” She asked optimistically.

“Oh, no, forget that” Demelza dismissed, shoving her textbooks aside. “We solved your kink problem.”

“My what?”

“Your insatiable need to fuck your brothers.”

Ginny dropped her quill and groaned. It was mortifying every time someone teased her about that, but from Demelza it was becoming more irritating than humiliating. “I thought I ask you to drop that” she hissed.

“Hey, nobody is judging you Gin” Hermione teased. “The twins are really hot.”

“And really good in bed. We can attest to it” Demelza nodded.

“Please don’t” Ginny grimaced.

“The good news is, we know how to help you” she explained.

She waved to Hermione and she produced two vials of Polyjuice potion. Ginny recoiled from the sight of them. “Hell no, I’m not touching that stuff again” she said.

“Not even for your friends?” Hermione smirked.

“Not even for your research” she snapped. “Not after what happened in the pride.”

“Aw, you mean when Hermione pulled you into a threesome with your doppelgänger while you had your brothers body, or when you accidentally had sex with both Fred and George that night?” Demelza asked.

Ginny paled and snapped her eyes to Hermione. “Don’t look at me! I didn’t say anything” she said.

“You’d been acting weird all month” Demelza answered. “It’s was only a matter of talking to everyone in the pride, figuring out who they ended up with and extrapolating the missing pairings. I must admit, I had fun having sex with myself in a boys body too” she grinned.

“Please, stop” Ginny begged, desperate to leave this conversation.

“Relax, you won’t have to touch the stuff. These are for us” Hermione promised.

The girl eyed her suspiciously. “What for?”

“For you to scratch that little incestuous itch you have, you kinky little witch” Demelza smirked.

Ginny narrowed her eyes at her and then looked at the vials. Her eyes widened and she suddenly turned as white as a sheet. “Oh no! Absolutely not!”

“I told you she wouldn’t like it” Hermione sighed.

Demelza followed her as Ginny leapt off the bed. “I don’t see what the problem is?”

“The problem?” Ginny cried, staring at her roommate like she was mad. “Your proposing you change into my brothers so you could both have sex with me in their bodies!”

“No, I’m proposing we use these vials to change into your brothers so you can have sex with us” she corrected.

“That’s what I just said!” Ginny screamed.

“Well it’s either that or you ask your brothers nicely to have sex with you” she replied.

“Or you could just drop it like I begged you too” she yelled. She paced the room, angry and humiliated again. Why can’t she just let this go.

Hermione rushed in to calm her down, taking hold of her shoulders explaining “it was just an idea. Albeit a rather mortifying one” she said, glancing at Demelza. She rolled her eyes and sat back down on the bed. “I know I like to tease you about this, but she’s convinced you need to release this sexual tension or something. So I’m going to ask you, and I need you to refrain from biting my head off…is there a part of you that really wants to do this?”

Ginny stared at her, gritting her teeth holding back the instinct to scream. She forced herself to calm down and think about it. She was very prepared to say absolutely not. But then the memory of that party and the feelings it conjured up, the ache and lust she’d been shoving down eve or since, made her hesitate and finally relent. She couldn’t bring herself to say it, but the look of shame and mortification on her face told her friends everything.

Demelza beamed. “See. You’ve got an itch you need to scratch. It won’t go away if you keep ignoring it” she said.

Hermione drew her gaze back to her. “I know it feels wrong, on way too many levels. But remember, the whole point of the Pride is to be yourself. To be as kinky and you want. And there is something…unnaturally arousing about having sex with your own brother” she noted.

Ginny scoffed. “No offense, Hermione, but you’re an only child. You don’t know what it’s like to have brothers. This whole thing, this conversation, it’s icky. Just thinking about it is making want to…” she shuddered uncomfortably.

“All the more reason to treat it in a safe environment” she suggested, holding up one of the vials. “This way, you get to pretend you’re having sex with Fred and George, but in reality you’ll be having sex with us. You won’t be doing anything wrong, technically.”

Ginny looked at the vial nervously. Then she looked at Hermione. “Why are you even doing this?”

“Mostly because I think seeing you and your brothers fucking would be so hot” she said truthfully. “A bit of scientific and perverted curiosity. And I really want to help you” she finished.

“Think of it little it’s your birthday” Demelza said.

“My birthday isn’t until August” Ginny reminded her.

“An early birthday present then” she replied, rolling her eyes. “It had to be now. The boys will be gone next year.”

Why would that matter? Ginny thought. She shook her head. The idea was still absurd. “You’re both mad. Why would I agree to do this?” She asked.

“Because you really want to” Demelza said.

“Admit it, a part of you is dying of curiosity” Hermione smirked. “That party awoke something that scares you. You need to stop running from it.”

Ginny bit her bottom lip, her eyes darting to the vial. There was something in the pit of her stomach itching to go through with this. A dangerous feeling she knew should be suffocated as quickly as possible. She looked at the, both, her friends willing to help her cross a dangerous line. It wouldn’t technically be incest. I wouldn’t really be having sex with either of them. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Hypothetically, I’m assuming you have their hairs already?” She guessed.

Hermione smiled knowingly. “Of course” she said, producing a pair of plastic bags with their hairs ready.

Ginny asked how she got them. “It wasn’t difficult” Demelza giggled. “We’re all members of a sex club, after all.”

She shuddered and shook her head. She didn’t need the gory details. She looked at the pair of them and exhaled. “I don’t like this” she said, for the record. They waited expectantly for her to reply “okay, I’ll do it. But only this once, and nobody can ever know about this. And if either of you tell anyone, even Harry, I will hex you both” she warned.

And if the twins ever find out, I’ll learn the killing curse and turn it on myself she thought.

Demelza cheered and hugged her friend excitedly. “Okay, just give us ten minutes and meet us in the Pride” she said, racing off in a hurry.

Ginny inhaled as she raced off. “Don’t worry, you can wait for us in the alcove” Hermione said. “We’ll make sure there’s no one to interrupt us” she promised. “Go up and wait on the bed and we’ll come join you once we’ve changed” she instructed. “And Dem wants to do quite a bit of role-play” she also warned. “So when we arrive, expect us to be in character. It’d mean the world if you played the part.”

“Do I have to” Ginny gulped. It was award enough she was agreeing to fuck them while they looked like her brothers. She didn’t want to pretend they really were the twins too.

“It’ll be fine” Hermione said, patting her shoulder before following her roommate. “See you up there” she waved, leaving Ginny to psych herself up.


They suggested she wait ten minutes. She was in the alcove in under two, afraid she mind change her mind if she waited any longer. She was still considering it as she sat anxiously on the bed. The Pride had been conspicuously vacant today, which wasn’t unheard of just uncommon. She took comfort in the fact nobody would be around to stumble upon her, or her friends, and ask questions.

Her heart was thumping in her chest as she waited, her nails digging into her palms nervously. She got up several times to pace the alcove, counting the seconds in her head. I must be insane, she thought. I must be a disgusting pervert. Why did I agree to this?

The rational part of her insisted it would be okay. It wouldn’t technically be incest. It would be her friends under the effects of Polyjuice.

As both of my brothers the irrational part of her cried. Just thinking about it was making her head spin. But it was also making her loins tingle with arousal. Oh god, I am a pervert. Why am I not running back to my dorm?

Ten minutes came and went and Ginny remained seated on the bed waiting. She bit her bottom lip, fiddling with her uniform absently. She thought about removing it, in preparation for what was to come. It felt weird waiting for her brothers in her underwear. “It’s just Demelza and Hermione” she told herself as she awkwardly undressed herself. “We’re not doing anything wrong. It’s just a bit of harmless fun.” She shuffled up the bed in her underwear and pulled her knees up to her chest. She had goosebumps on her arms. She hadn’t been so nervous in her whole life. Not even when she was plucking up the courage to visit Harry for the first time in his bedroom.

After a few more minutes, the opportunity to abandon this course of action was lost as two figures climbed the stairs to the alcove. Ginny looked in their direction and gulped as Fred and George emerged, already completely naked. She instantly averted her eyes, her instinct to avoid seeing her brothers naked kicking in immediately. She forced herself to look, reminding herself she had seen them around the Pride plenty of times. And they had seen her. And these are my brothers she told herself.

“Well, the rumors were true” George laughed as he walked up to the bed, gazing down at Ginny. “Our little sister wanted to play.”

“It would seem so” Fred smiled, his eyes raking over her body. “And she looks very eager too.”

The voices are uncanny she thought as she stared back at them nervously. She forgot these versions of Polyjuice were top quality, able to mimic voices as well as looks. It made the whole thing feel more authentic, which weirded Ginny out further. “Demelza wants to do quite a bit of role-play” Hermione had warned her. “Expect us to be in character.”

Well. They certain are acting like the twins Ginny thought.

Fred narrowed his eyes when he noticed she was uncomfortable. “Everything okay?” He asked worried, stopping at the edge of the bed concerned. “If this is too much, we can stop” he said.

Fred must be Hermione Ginny realized. It’s just like her to worry about her.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No, I’m fine” she said confidently. She forced a smile and looked at them both. “Gryffindors dare, right?”

“Damn right they do” George grinned, looking at his twin before walking around and sitting next to Ginny. He reached over and put a hand on her knee. “So, you ready to do this Ginerva?” He asked.

Ginny stared into the eyes of George, or rather Demelza, and replied “absolutely, George.”

Before she could talk herself out of it, she leaned in and kissed George on the lips. The boy recoiled in surprise as her bravado, and Fred’s eyes widened in shock. But then George smirked and took hold of her face to kiss her back. His lips were on hers and Ginny felt a flurry of butterflies in her stomach while her pussy ached in arousal.

“damn girl” Fred laughed as he watched. “You are a true Gryffindor” he praised.

Ginny’s face turned red as she felt the boys eyes on her as she made out with George. It was weird and surreal, so she kept reminding herself there was a horny, kinky witch hiding behind that face egging her on and she found the resolve to keep kissing them. After a minute George pulled away to catch his breath, leaving Ginny flustered and blushing when she turned to Fred. He offered her his hand and she took it, crawling over to be pulled into another gentle kiss with him. “Careful you don’t get cooties, bro” George teased. The pair ignored him as they made out.

Ginny trembled as Fred’s hand brushed up her back, his fingers fiddling with the clasp of her bra. She pulled away and bit her lip. They were naked and she wasn’t. It didn’t feel fair. She climbed off the bed and stood before them, glancing around the alcove making sure they were alone before removing her bra. Both boys stared at her as she showed them her breasts. She fought the urge to cover herself, even as their dicks grew harder.

“wow” Fred marveled. Then he caught himself and blushed, which made his brother laugh. “Our little sister is all grown up” he grinned.

Ginny still felt weird roleplaying them as the actual twins. But for the sake of the game she forced herself to say “don’t my big brothers want to play with my little boobs?” They looked at each other and hesitantly shrugged before walking over to join her. Her belly did jumping jacks as their hands reached out to caress her tits, their fingers tweaking her nipples until they were rock hard and she was breathing heavily. Fuck, this feels so wrong she thought as she looked up at her brother’s faces. They leaned down and latched their mouths onto her nipples and began licking and sucking. Fuck, why does this turn me on so much?

“We should play with our little sister more often” George smirked as Ginny’s hands reached out to take hold of their erections. She stroked them with trepidation, but she was gaining confidence over time.

“Is this still as weird for you as it is for me?” Fred asked.

Ginny nodded, her gaze fixed on the penis in her hand throbbing to her touch. She swallowed a gulp and dropped down to her knees in front of them both, feeling their eyes upon her as she jerked them both off. I can’t believe I’m really doing this she thought as she brought her lips to their cocks one after the other. I am a disgusting pervert.

“Oh shit” Fred moaned when Ginny sucked his cock. “Your mouth feels so good, even if it looks so wrong” he muttered.

Her cheeks reddened. It was nice to know Hermione was also as weirded out about this scenario as she was. Demelza, however, obviously wasn’t as freaked as George watched her like a Hawk as she gave Fred a blowjob, eagerly anticipating when she transitioned over to him while continuing the handjob with his brother. “Fuck, I could fuck this slutty little mouth all day” he grinned.

Fred’s attention was captivated by the sight his sister sucking her brother’s dick. She felt his cock stiffen in her hand as Fred started panting. “Shit, that looks so hot” he moaned, his hand joining Ginny’s in pumping his rod. Ginny glanced up at him and saw his face contorting in arousal. “Fuck, I can’t stop! I’m going to…”

His cock suddenly ejaculated over Ginny’s face, starting the girl as she pulled off George’s cock. She closed her eyes and squeaked as he spurted all over her face and chest, painting her with semen as he came abruptly.

George stared and laughed as Fred finished with an embarrassed heave, leaving his baby sister covered in spunk soaking her ginger hair and dripping from her nipples. “Now that is what I call sexy” he said, admiring Ginny’s blushing face stained with sticky substance.

“I’m sorry” Fred panted apologetically. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Apart from excitement?” George teased.

Ginny wiped the cum from her eyelids so she could open her eyes, looking down at the mess he made of her in disgust. And yet the butterflies in her stomach were fluttering so much she could feel her panties soaked with her own arousal. She looked up at Fred, picturing an embarrassed looking Hermione hiding behind his face. “Are you alright?” She asked.

He nodded sheepishly. “What about you?”

“Not the first time I’ve had a boy cum all over me” she shrugged. She looked at the cum on her fingers and licked them clean without thinking too much about it. Tastes just like the real thing she mused.

“Fuck, you are a kinky little whore, aren’t you?” George grinned as he watched her. He slapped his brothers arm. “I told you we would get lucky tonight.”

Ginny shot a glare at George/Demelza as she rose back to her feet. “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, pervert” she snapped. “Now be a good slut and help clean me up!”

The boys stared at her in shock as she brazenly stood in front of them, dripping with semen eyeing George expectantly. Fred stifled a snicker until George composed himself and jutted his chin out. “Why not. I’m always cleaning up Fred’s messes anyway” he shrugged, stepping forward to scoop up Fred’s cum with his fingers and his tongue.

Fred slumped back against the bed to catch his breath, watching his brother give his sister a tongue bath. She did her best to drain the stickiness from her hair, but it was no use. Her efforts were distracted by George licking her body. The image of him licking up his brothers cum was intoxicating, bringing a fresh wave of intense arousal to the girl. She sighed pleasurably when his tongue reached her neck, the butterflies in her belly fluttering so much she finally decided to hell with it. In for a Penny… she grabbed George by the head and smashed her lips against him, making out with him passionately, letting her lust drive her into a frenzy.

If Demelza wants to see me fuck my brothers, I might as well fuck her.

George gasped as Ginny shoved him onto the bed, climbing on top of him kissing him wildly. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close, feeling up her body while she teased his cock between her thighs. It pulsed angrily, still waiting for release after the blowjob that had been interrupted. She decided to finish what she started, clawing down his chest kissing his nipples and stomach before wrapping her lips around his dick again. The boys voice moaned and Ginny hoped the girl behind this dick was being driven wild in response. Judging by how tight George’s hands gripped her hair to shove her down his length, she must be doing something right.

Behind her, she could feel Fred’s eyes staring at her ass. He knelt at the edge stroking himself while she bobbed up and down on his twin. She tilted her head to spy on him out the corner of her eye, catching him pursing his lips gazing at her hotly, his erection growing in his hand. Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she wiggled her hips. It was only right Hermione should get first dips on her needy cunt. “I think little Ginerva wants your cock, bro?” George remarked.

Fred blinked and looked at her dripping, inviting cunt. He glanced at the girl and she nodded. He licked his lips and shuffled forward. “She always was seeking attention” he joked as he bent down to grab her bum. She shivered as he teased her ass, his hands pulling her underwear down her legs, then shuddered when his tongue licked her pussy. Her womanhood begged for satisfaction as Fred ate her out, and Ginny felt her cheeks grow warm as she encouraged him. When his cock finally penetrated her, the kinky witch had accepted herself for the dirty little pervert she was. She took one brother into her pussy and sucked the other with her mouth.

“Fuck, she’s so tight” Fred growled, grabbing her hips and grinding his penis in and out of her vice like grip. “This can’t be how the real…fuck, I feel like I’m going to cum again.”

Ginny pulled George out of her mouth to shoot a look behind her. “Please don’t” she begged. “At least not until you’ve giving your sister at least one orgasm” she added playfully.

“Yeah bro. You already blew your load early and left Ginny here wanting more” George agreed. “You owe her at least two.”

Fred did his best to hold himself back, but Ginny seemed to be making it hard for him. She tried to help, relaxing her muscles so she wasn’t as tight. She couldn’t help but rock her hips against him thought, riding his cock and taking what she had been denying herself for ages. She returned to the cock in front of her, licking it like a lollipop until an excited George climbed to his knees in front of her. “Shit, I love Polyjuice potion” he remarked as he entered her mouth to spit-roast her with his brother.

“Me too” she mumbled around the boys cock, gazing up at him with needy eyes and a sultry expression. She rocked back and forth between them on her hands and knees as they fucked her, moaning and massaging their lengths until she climaxed.

As soon as she did, Fred ejaculated into her cunt. He was going to pull out, but she clenched her walls around him to prevent it. She let him go halfway through his ejaculation, allowing him to cover her back and ass with his cum. “You want me to give you’re a facial too?” George asked, his balls ready to explode. She shook her head. She was already covered in cum, she didn’t need more. This lot she wanted in her mouth. He pumped his semen into her throat and she caught it all, showing off how much of a slut she was by swallowing it in one gulp and sticking out her tongue. “Fuck, that has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen Ginny do” he muttered.

She climbed up and ran her hands over her naked body, smearing Fred’s cum over her skin to make it glisten while she eyed the two boys. “I hope you two don’t need a rest, because my slutty little pussy is still aching for attention” she said, lowering down to the pillows and spreading her legs in an open invitation.

They both looked at her and shook their heads at her brazen behavior. “I knew letting her into the Pride was a bad idea” Fred muttered.

“Don’t deny you’re not enjoying yourself” George chuckled.

“You don’t find this weird?”

“Says the one who just fucked his baby sister’s cunt and ejaculated all over her face.”

Ginny watched the two of them chatter, trying to conjure Hermione and Demelza in their places arguing. She chuckled, no longer ashamed to confess that she was throughly enjoying this game they were playing. “Oh please, big brother, I seem to have hurt my little pussy, could one of you kiss it better?” She spread her opening invitingly, biting her bottom lip in a show of innocence as she batted her dripping eyelids.

The two girls posing as the twins stared at her pussy, one more hungrily than the other. She wasn’t surprised at all when Demelza/George dove in to making his little sister feel better. The taboo nature of seeing her brother lick her pussy no longer bothered Ginny as she simply gave herself over to the pleasure of the moment, moaning deeply as he devoured her passionately.

“I never thought I’d find myself getting into this” Fred remarked as he sat beside Ginny, watching George eat her out lustfully.

Ginny looked up at him. “Me neither” she replied, stroking his cock with one hand and stroking George’s hair with the other.

Fred moaned as she brought him up to stiffness again, her fingers dancing over his penis showing how much she had learnt in the pride. He saw her eyeing his cock while licking her lips, a knowing smirk crossing his face. “We never finished that blowjob, did we?” He said.

Ginny grinned. “No, we didn’t” she replied. She adjusted the pillows under her head and shuffled down, allowing him to crawl up and straddle her. “Try not to cum too quickly this time” she asked.

“Little tease” he chuckled, guiding his cock into her waiting mouth so he could gently fuck her face. She gripped his bum as he thrusted, giving it a firm squeeze on encouragement to go faster. He groaned as he sank himself into her throat, gripping the headboard tightly.

George looked up as saw his brothers ass rocking back and forth, removing his tongue from Ginny’s cunt to watch. Her hand shot out to push him back down, eager for him to finish her. He brought her to an orgasm which had her moaning around Fred’s cock. “This girl is insatiable” George remarked with a grin, climbing up and positioning himself between her outstretched legs. He penetrated her cunt and lifted her knees to fuck her steadily, his dick sinking all the way into her greedy little pussy.

Fred was able to last much longer in Ginny’s mouth this time. And this time he kept it in when he climaxed, filling her through with semen which she swallowed like the kinky whore she was. She locked eyes with him while she did, showing him how much she loved his cum. Once Fred extracted himself from her chest, George picked up the pace and fucked her as hard as he dared. “Fuck me harder” Ginny cried, panting heavily as she bounced on the mattress being pummeled by her brother. George obliged and brought her to a toe curling orgasm before dropping on top of her to kiss the sexy young witch. “You didn’t finish?” She asked.

“Not for lack of trying” he smirked, kissing her mischievously. “But if you keep this up, we’ll all be spent before our hour is up.”

Ginny looked at the twins and smirked playfully. “Sounds like we have a race to see which gives out first. The Polyjuice potion or our bodies.” She leaned in and whispered in their ear “I’ll bet I can outlast both of you sluts.”

George laughed, eying his partner. “I love this girl. You’ve got a bet. But don’t expect us to go easy on you” he warned.

Ginny scoffed. “I could run rings around my own brothers without breaking a sweat. Give me your best shot.”

And they did. Ginny fell into a game of tag team with the two boys as they worked together to grieve her wild. And she worked hard to make them go crazy. In the end they were spurring each other on, encouraging the others to work harder, fuck harder, play harder. They cycled positions, alternated places, never letting each other rest without someone using their hand or mouth of foot to pleasure the others. Ginny rode tongues, fingers and cocks, switched between lovers regularly, keeping up with both of them as they raced to make her cum over and over. She’d give them not handjobs while they fingered her, suck on off while the other played with her ass, grind against them while they molested her, moaned when her boobs were squeezed and screamed when her ass was penetrated. Her favorite position quickly became being sandwiched between their bodies, either lying down or kneeling or upright, as long as she had two cocks inside of her. She rocked between them and kissed them both while their sweaty bodies crushed her, her ass and pussy claimed, their hips hammering her holes. She lost count of how many times she orgasmed, how long they had fucked for. She just rode them from one climax to the next, calling their names as she trembled. “Demelza! Hermione!” She whimpered. “So good!” She heard Fred mutter Demelza’s name too when she clenched her ass around his cock, milking his sperm into her stomach along with the rest of it. She felt herself becoming delirious, but she didn’t care. Find t care she was fucking her best friends while they looked like her brothers. She didn’t care how weird it looked. She wanted more. She never wanted to stop.


Harry had checked into the Pride on a whim, feeling bored. He poked his head in and noticed it was conspicuously quiet. He’d heard a rumor from Parvati that Hermione had requested the place to be empty for a special project, but he couldn’t confirm if anyone knew what they were talking about. He decided to investigate and climbed the stairs to check on the alcove. “Hey, anyone here?” He called.

Two girls sprung from their hiding place and quickly shushed him. “Keep your voice down. We don’t want them to hear” Demelza hissed.

Harry looked at the two clothed girls in bewilderment as they ushered him behind some curtains. Hermione looked very flushed and embarrassed, and judging from the uneven waistband of her skirt she’d been putting her hand somewhere naughty. “what’s going on? I heard you were up to something up here” he said quietly.

The bookworm hesitated as she looked down sheepishly. “We arranged an early birthday present for Ginny” Demelza explained, giggling as she pointed to the bed in the alcove.

Harry poked his head around the curtain and gasped as he saw Ginny on the bed with Fred and George. She was on her side as George lay in front of her shoving his cock into her mouth and licking her cunt in a sixty nine position. Meanwhile Fred was fucking her ass from behind and playing with her tits. It was an erotic display and it had his cock stretching his trousers instantly. “holy shit!” He muttered. He blinked and turned to the two perving girls. “Wait, how…why…?”

“She thinks Hermione and I used Polyjuice potion to morph into the twins and were having sex with her” Demelza explained.

Harry nodded. A pretty convincing prank. “Okay. So who is she really having sex with?” He asked.

Hermione turned red as she quietly answered “Fred and George?”

Harry chuckled at the humor. But then he saw the guilty shame in her face and his eyes widened. “You mean…”

“It was Demelza’s idea” she said quickly. “She convinced them she was going to take Polyjuice to look like Ginny, that it always a fantasy she had to be part of a threesome of siblings.”

“You wanted to see it too, you slut” Demelza teased.

Harry stared at the bed, at the three siblings unknowingly fucking each other in front of them. He shook his head. It was one thing to tease Ginny about it. But to let her go through with it… yet his cock was rock hard at the sight. “This is so messed up” he said. “You know Ginny will freak when she finds out what you’ve done” he said.

“Considering how little convincing it took for the three of them to go for this, I reckon they’ll thank us” Demelza grinned.

“I’m serious” he cried.

“I know” Hermione sighed, watching the Weasley’s feeling guilty about tricking them like this.

Harry shook his head, forcing himself to look away from the perverse scene. “How long have they been at it?” He asked.

Hermione checked her watch. Her face paled. “Over an hour” she squeaked.

He rolled his eyes and took her wrist. “Then we better not be here when they realize the Polyjuice hasn’t worn off and that they’ve just been pranked” he suggested, dragging them both down the stairs to get as far away as possible.

“Do you still have those hairs we showed the three of them, and the vials we teased them with?” Demelza asked.

Hermione reached into her pockets and pulled out the three vials and three plastic bags, each containing a strand of hair from Ginny, Fred and George. “Yeah? Why?”

“Just thinking, if Harry’s keen, we can have our own little threesome down here” she suggested. “I hear Harry makes a lot of noise when he’s a girl.”

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