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Grieving the Death of Superman (1/2)

Their feet landed on the floor effortlessly as they crossed the threshold of the balcony. The reporter stepped away from the strong hold that had carried her through the air back to her apartment, wrapping her coat around her to ward of the chill of the night air. She sniffed back a fresh wave of tears as her red eyes looked around at the painful reminders that the man she loved was gone. The apartment felt incredibly empty as Lois Lane's dark brown eyes scanned room, memories of Clark helping her on assignments or consoling her after a rough deadline flooding through her mind. It felt like yesterday he was saying goodbye to her at the door after seeing her home, pushing up his dorky glasses before walking down the corridor wishing her well. The thought was overridden by the more prominent image of him looking down at her sadly, the glasses gone showing his powerful blue eyes quietly telling her he's sorry before he flew back into the fight with that monster that murdered him.

He saved the whole world that day, and now he's gone.

"I should get going" the quiet voice said behind her bringing her out of her thoughts.

The reporter turned back to the young woman standing awkwardly in her apartment, her red cape draped over her shoulders around her blue and red uniform, the familiar S stamped on her chest. Clark's cousin Kara offered Lois an apologetic smile as she spun away to leave via the balcony where she'd carried her in through. They'd just left the memorial for Superman on the other side of Metropolis, the blonde heroine offering her a lift back to her place, flying in silence across the brightly lit skyline. With the man of steel gone it felt distinctly more gloomy than before. Like they'd lost their brightest star.

"Wait" Lois called to the young woman, reaching out to grab her hand before she could leap out the window back into the sky. Kara looked back to see the brunette hesitant as she looked around the apartment. "Could you stay?" She asked her uneasily. "Just for a little while?"

Kara glanced around the apartment before smiling warmly, "sure. Just a little while." She followed Lois inside and joined her on the sofa, sitting in silence as the weeks events washed over the pair like a fog. Supergirl wasn't there when Doomsday hit the city, but the justice league was. They all fell to the monster so fast Superman actually called her warning her to stay away in case he couldn't stop it, in case something happened. She arrived moments after it was over, landing to find her cousin in Lois Lanes arms motionless and bloody, having used all of his strength to stop Doomsday. She wasn't fast enough, she kept telling herself even though everyone insists it wasn't her fault.

I should've been here sooner.

"I remember the first time I met him" Lois said breaking the silence, her gaze a thousand miles away. "Perry introduced us the day Clark interviewed for the job at the planet. "I was in the middle of a story so blew right past him. Even told him to get out of my way. He fumbled out a hello and stared at me through those big glasses he wore as I ranted about how Luther Corp was poisoning the east river with their latest factory on the docks. Raving like a rooster he joked. I remember thinking "great, a farm boy in the big city. He won't last five minutes." Got five years before I found out who he was. I had no idea what I was in for when I met him." Tears welled up in her eyes, her breath hitching as she began sobbing. "What I wouldn't give to get those five years back" she choked.

Kara couldn't find the words as she wrapped her arms around the crying young woman, pulling her against her chest so she could weep into her shoulder. Kara felt her pain but was able to bury the urge to show it. Lois needed her to be strong right now. The last thing Clark asked of her was to "take care of metropolis. Take care of Lois. The world will need you now." He knew he wasn't coming back.

"It's okay" she whispered, soothing the crying reporter as she held her. "I'm here for you, whatever you need" she told her, echoing Clark's sentiments in his last request.

Lois pulled away wiping her eyes, apologizing between sniffles while Kara took her shoulders reassuringly. She saw the reporters eyes fixate on her chest, felt her fingers begin tracing her family crest slowly. She allowed the sad woman to run her hands over her, knowing how much it must hurt to see that S without the man behind it. Lois looked back up to Kara's sympathetic face, then did something the kryptonian wasn't prepared for.

She kissed her.

Kara immediately flinched out of reach, a massive wave of shock and guilt crashing into her as she stared back at the embarrassed reporter. "I'm sorry" Kara stammered, her heart pounding in her chest as she turned away to leap to her feet. "I should… I have to go."

"No, please!" Lois begged grabbing her wrist pulling her back to the sofa. Kara had the strength to drag her out onto the balcony with her if she wanted to, but she forced herself to relent and let Lois Lane drag her back beside her. She hesitated before sinking back into the chair, turning back uneasily to face her. Lois's expression showed she was embarrassed, but more importantly she appeared…desperate. "Please stay" she pleaded. "I… don't want to be alone tonight."

Kara took a deep breath as Lois placed her hand over hers, feeling rather uncomfortable in the position she found herself in. Every muscle in her body told her to fly out the window, but she promised Clark he'd look out for her. She just couldn't abandon Lois when she needed her most, her heart wouldn't allow it. Swallowing her nerves, Kara reluctantly replied "okay, I'll stay."

Lois seemed relieved, embracing her in gratitude nearly bursting back into tears. Kara hugged her back, trying to be as comforting as possible, instinctively going so far as to kiss her on the cheek. But the reporter took it as an opening, her face darting forwards to peck Supergirl on the lips. Kara froze but managed to stop herself from freaking out, even as Lois moved closer burying her face in the crook of her neck, her lips moving down to her collarbone. Kara shivered as the young woman kissed her, letting out a nervous sigh keeping herself composed. She'd never wish to take advantage of Lois, not ever, so allowing the distraught woman to seek her comfort in this way went against everything the young kryptonian was taught.

Whatever you need, she'd promised. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind. But if it'll help…

Choosing to limit her participation to as little as humanly possible Kara remained still as Lois slowly made her way around her jaw, her warm lips pecking along the curved shape back to her mouth prying them open. Her hands brushed over Kara's heaving chest to grasp her face in her palms, holding her in place as she pushed her lips against hers, the kiss hard and desperate.

Kara's hand flew up to brace against the power behind the kiss, inadvertently finding her breasts. Lois moaned lustfully into her mouth in response, grasping her hands when she pulled away to hold them against her chest to feel someone fondle her. Kara inhaled sharply as she pressed her palms flat against her tits, feeling the hard nipples beneath the fabric as Lois gazed up at her longingly. Kara felt her throat grow dry as she glanced down at her friends chest, feeling her heat beating against her skin and resisting the urge to use her x-ray vision out of respect. This isn't Barbara, this is Lois. This is just to ease her pain, nothing more. Kara wasn't averse to experimenting with other girls but she drew the line at her cousins girlfriend. Yet tonight I may not have the choice.

Lois grabbed Kara by the head and slammed her mouth back against her, capturing her in a hungry kiss that stole her breath away. The brunette pushed against the girl, forcing her back until she was laying on top of the superhero on the sofa, straddling her waist completely having Supergirl at her mercy. Kara could easily overpower her but again forced herself to remain still and let Lois have her way.

For some reason this was the moment Kara chose to take stock of what the pair of them were wearing. Lois was dressed in the funeral attire she'd chosen for the memorial, black trousers with a matching blazer and white Cotton blouse, a silver necklace hanging around her neck (a gift from Clark). She'd kicked her heels off when she sat down leaving her bare foot and she sat on top of Supergirl. Kara was dressed in her uniform, her blue long sleeved top that hooked under her thumb around her wrists, her family crest prominent over her torso, the red cape caught uncomfortably behind her back and over her shoulders. Her red skirt sat halfway down her thighs fastened by a belt with matching knee high red boots rubbing nervously together underneath the dominating woman. Despite still being fully dressed Supergirl felt very exposed beneath Lois desperate and intense brown eyes.

Lois took control of the kryptonian running her hands through her blonde hair, tugging on it to make Kara moan into the kiss briefly before dropping down to her heaving chest. Kara's breath quickened as she felt the woman's hands grope over her body following the curve of her breasts down to her stomach, Goosebumps rising on her flesh beneath her touch. For someone so human Lois Lane felt like a goddess. Her fingers grabbed at the tight blue fabric of her top, pulling it into her fist as she attempted to drag it up over her torso, struggling to lift far due to still being interlocked with the heroine. Kara heard a desperate whimper escape Lois mouth as she broke away, trying to forcibly undress the girl in a mad haste. Despite her misgivings about the situation Kara didn't want to let her best uniform get torn apart, helping the brunette lift it over her head and off her arms tossing the clothing, along with the cape, onto the floor in the middle of the apartment.

Lois sat on Kara's lap gazing down at her toned body, her hands stroking her soft exposed flesh as she lay there silently looking up at her. Supergirl watched the young woman as she rolled her blazer off her shoulders and dropped it to the floor, her eyes never leaving her clouded over with such lust and desire Kara wondered if it was her she was looking at or the memory of her cousin.

Her hands found the red shorts bra supporting Kara's boobs and yanked them away, breaking the clasp behind her back and snapping the straps pulling the underwear off in one swift motion. Kara gasped as her breasts were freed, the round mounds bobbing against her chest ready to be groped by the human woman. Lois squeezed and pressed her tits as if she was hypnotized, pinching her hard nipples and twisting them between her fingers. Kara bit her lip to compel herself to stay quiet, pushing away whatever pleasure her body was feeling telling herself this was wrong. Don't take advantage, this isn't for you. She's just lost and lonely so let her do what she wants but you know you can't enjoy this. It's not right. Easier said than done as Lois dragged her nails over her flesh harsh, testing her durability leaving faint red marks on her skin. Supergirl may be bullet proof and human nails may never be able to pierce her skin no matter how hard they tried, but they didn't mean she couldn't feel the sensation of having them butting across her skin. It took a lot of willpower not to moan.

When Lois finished fixating on Kara's chest she lunged forward to reclaim her lips, hungrily dominating her pressing her body flat against her naked torso. Kara tentatively placed her hands on the reporters waist, holding the woman against her as a show of support as she ravaged her way down her neck and shoulders down to her boobs. Kara kept her attention on her breathing, keeping it steady while the brunette travelled across her mounds circling her with her tongue, wrapping her lips around her nipple and sucking hard. Kara bit her bottom lip stifling a whimper as she felt Lois pinch her with her teeth, biting hard on her sensitive nub clearly familiar with how tough she'd be thanks to practicing on Clark. Her body trembled as Lois returned to her journey down her body, releasing her tit with a pop before pecking her way down her belly.

Her next target was made quite clear as she adjusted her stance over the kryptonian, lifting her hips off the girls legs to crawl down and bring the red boots up from under her, hooking her hands under Kara's knees to pull her legs up wither side of her lifting her feet into the air. Kara looked down as she felt Lois' hands drift up her thighs underneath her skirt, the fingers curling around the fabric of her underwear before pulling them down her legs and up over her boots. She tensed nervously as she saw her red panties fly across the room, the silent reporter kneeling down between her legs gently prying her thighs apart gaze at her moist young pussy underneath the mini skirt.

Suddenly Kara found her voice as she witnessed Lois' hungry gaze focusing on her sex, her heart racing as she dived up onto her hands sitting up abruptly. It seemed she found her limit, the line she didn't want crossed. "Lois" she said urgently yet gently. She didn't want to offend or upset her in such a vulnerable state. "Miss Lane, I really don't feel comfortable doing this. Maybe we should…"

Lois Lane didn't seem to hear the girl, dropping down into Supergirl's lap and diving under her skirt to latch her mouth around the quivering clit, sucking incredibly hard before extending her tongue to begin licking through the moist sensitive folds.

"Oh Rao!" Kara screamed, immediate lightning bolts of pleasure shooting up her spine overriding her body sending her flying back onto the sofa. Goosebumps broke out over her arms as they dropped to her sides, her body writhing in pleasure as the human woman devoured her, cupping the hero's perfect arse in her palms to push herself deeper exploring her dripping entrance, drinking her juices. Kara tried to fight it but her mouth and tongue were too good inside her, her face controlling in guilt and remorse as she gave in an cried out for more.

Kara didn't know what to do with herself, her hands alternating between squeezing her breasts, weaving into her blonde hair as she lost control of her breathing, clutching at the sofa puncturing the surface with her fingernails, her back arching as Lois found her sensitive g-spot thrusting her hips closer to her face smothering her, her head whipping from side to side as her eyes darted around wildly behind her closed eyelids. She didn't want to look down and see Lois Lane fucking her, didn't want to admit this was happening. She heard her heat thudding in her ears, drowning out all other sounds including her own screaming. Within a matter of minutes Kara was approaching the edge of her limit, her hips starting to buckle as her hands shot into Lois' hair pushing her against her crotch as her legs wrapped around her shoulders, her feet interlocking against her back while her thighs crushed her face. Somehow Supergirl kept enough control to avoid killing the woman bringing her so much pleasure, despite how close Lois came to being squeezed, drowned or suffocated when Kara reached her climax.

"Oh Rao! I can't… hold on… I'm cumming… I'm… I'm…" her last words was an incoherent bellow before her walls opened around her lovers tongue and her fluids came gushing out, bombarding the reporters face drenching her in cum as Kara's body tensed in escasty. When she eventually found her way back to earth she collapsed onto the sofa in a sweating, heaving mess, falling limp around the young woman who carefully pried herself out from underneath Kara's skirt covered in cum, licking the kryptonian clean on her way up for air.

Lois was thorough as she tidied up after the mess she made, lapping up as much of Kara as she could before easing her way back up from between her thighs. The reality of what she'd just done started to dawn on her and she felt guilty for forcing herself on Clark's cousin like that, preparing an apology for the girl when she saw Kara's face staring up at the ceiling. "Kara?" She asked worried when she discovered the blonde girl was crying.

Kara couldn't stop herself as the tears flooded out of her, covering her face trying to hide the shame and embarrassment. The orgasm did more than unleash her cum, it opens the doors to what she'd been trying to hold in all night. All the pain of losing her cousin to that monster Doomsday, how it brought back her final memories of Krypton and her parents, all the blame and guilt she held over herself for not being able to save him, how much she missed it, it all come flooding out like a tidal wave she couldn't hold back any longer.

Lois appeared over her as she balled like a baby, taking the weeping Kryptonian in her arms holding her tightly. "I'm sorry" Kara sobbed clinging to the one person who understood her pain. The one person she was trying so hard to stay strong for. "I miss him so much" she sobbed.

"Me too" Lois nodded, tears in her own eyes as she joined the girl in their sorrow.

They sat there in the apartment just holding one another, weeping into one another's shoulder opening without any fear or care, allowing themselves to grieve for the man they loved. Soon the weeping gave way to silence, the two women wordlessly expressing their love for Superman as they embraced each other, which slowly escalated into a more intimate and passionate embrace this time initiated by Kara herself.

As she put it, "I don't want to be alone tonight either."

Come tomorrow morning Lois Lane and Kara Zor'El would waked up in each other's arms, their naked bodies tangled up in one another on the floor of the apartment covered only by Kara's red cape, their clothes scattered around them. Kara would be the first to open her eyes, scanning the empty living room before looking down at the peaceful young woman sleeping snugly on her chest, offering a small apology to her fallen cousin before closing her eyes to let the grieving reporter sleep.

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