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EXCLUSIVE: Will & Jane's First Time

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Will waited until he heard his mom’s footsteps fade down the hall before sitting up in his bed. He considered turning the light on but decided not to. The light under his door could attract the attention of Joyce, or Jonathan. So he sat in the dark, dressed in his pajamas, and waited with nervous trepidation. He couldn’t even be sure she was going to come. She said she would, but she might be having as many second thoughts as he was. He gave her a chance though, even if a part of him was praying she changed her mind.

After nearly an hour, he heard gentle footsteps creeping towards his door before it opened slowly. He looked up and saw a young woman hesitantly step into the room, her gaze as nervous as his when she looked up and saw him waiting. Will swallowed a lump in his throat as Jane stepped through the door pushing it closed behind her. He noticed it didn’t close all the way, leaving three inches as per her habit. He didn’t bring it up. He hoped it wouldn’t give them away.

Jane walked slowly towards his bed, her bare feet treading softly across the carpet careful not to make too much noise. She didn’t want Joyce to know she was in here any more than Will did. She rubbed her bare arms even though tonight was a warm evening, goosebumps on her flesh beneath the short shorts and T-shirt she was wearing. She saw Will’s more baggy attire and wished she had something similar to cover herself all of a sudden. She brushed her hair behind her ear to move it out of her eyes as she approached Will’s bed, looking up at him nervously. “Hi” she said quietly.

“Hi” he replied, feeling a little uncomfortable all of a sudden. He stared at her as she stood there by the bed awkwardly, staring at her hands nervously. He gulped before pulling the duvet aside, offering her a seat beside him. She looked at the spot a moment before making herself move forward, climbing into the bed to join him. They sat there in silence for a long moment before Will felt the silence was worse than the dark. “Um…so…should we…how do you want to do this?” He stammered nervously.

Jane looked at him and shrugged sheepishly. “I don’t know. What do you think we should do?” She asked awkwardly.

“I’m not sure. I’ve…I’ve never done this before” he admitted.

“Neither have I” she confessed.

Will couldn’t help but chuckle. Duh, he thought. That’s why we’re here.

He still couldn’t believe they agreed to this. Just because they were at a new school didn’t mean they needed to worry about peer pressure or anything. It never really bothered him before. Jane, or Eleven, was experiencing it all for the first time though. Growing up in a lab, she was a little overwhelmed with school. But neither of them were prepared for the expectations about…well, sex. It seemed to be if you weren’t dating, or had a date, or hadn’t had sex before you were looking to become the talk of the school. Suddenly being a virgin made you a target. Jane freaked when someone asked her and blurted out she had a boyfriend already, which seemed to put the matter to bed. She didn’t mention said boyfriend was on the other side of the country so she could see him, much less lose her virginity to him. And as for Will, he had his own reasons to fly under the radar. But it put them in a bit of a dilemma, which somehow lead to the pair of them forming a plan to remedy it. If being a virgin was the problem, they would just need to lose their virginity. And it seemed logical to lose it to each other. So while it did indeed freak both of them out, they agreed to do it, tonight in Will’s room after the rest of the family had gone to bed.

In truth, neither of them thought they’d go through with it. And yet here Jane was, sneaking into Will’s room in the middle of the night. And here Will was, inviting her into his bed. They sat there, nervously looking at each other, their knees shaking as their cheeks each turned red. “So, Um…let go over the ground rules again” Will suggested, mostly to keep his mind of the fact he was about to have sex for the first time. Not just that, sex with his best friends girlfriend, who was practically his sister now she was living with them. Everything about this situation was weird now he was thinking about it. Jane nodded, seemingly thinking the same and looking for a diversion. “Okay. Ground rules. First, this is just for tonight. It’s just the once. Second, whatever happens, we stay friends. What else?”

“Third, don’t tell Mike” Jane said, adamant about remembering that important promise. She didn’t want this to feel like she was cheating on him. Maybe he would understand, but she didn’t want to hurt him.

Will nodded. He definitely didn’t want Mike finding out. “Or mom. Or Jonathan. We don’t tell anyone about this” he agreed. Jane nodded. “Four…protection. We agreed to be safe, that that presentation taught us” he recalled. He leant over to his desk drawer and fumbled in the dark for the box he stole from Jonathan’s room earlier that afternoon. It felt icky snooping through his brother’s drawers but he found the box of condoms he hid there. He reviewed a video online about how to use them too, which wasn’t nerve racking at all. He looked at Jane, hoping he didn’t forget anything. “Anything else?” He asked.

Jane racked her brain, trying to remember the string of agreements they made when they made this plan. “If neither of us want to do this, call it off” she recalled.

Will nodded. Then he waited a moment before asking her “are you sure you want to do this?” She looked at him nervously before nodding. She asked him the same. “I guess if I…if I had to chose someone to be my first, I wouldn’t mind it be you. But are you sure you wouldn’t rather wait until you see Mike again?”

Jane hesitated. That thought had cropped up. But she felt like if she didn’t do this now she’ll mess up with her and Mike eventually do it. It truth, Will was a practice run. She had admitted this to him during their talk. He said he was okay with that, letting her learn with him. They even snuck off one evening to find one of those magazines Jonathan had stashed to learn some more. It was a little uncomfortable to read together so they did it separately. But Jane felt she was ready. “You’re a good friend Will” she told him. “I trust you” she said, taking his hand.

Will blushed as he squeezed it. I guess we’re doing this he thought. Looking down at the both of them he made a rather uncomfortable observation. “I guess we should start by…by taking these off” he whispered.

Jane looked down at their pajamas and nodded. One common denominator in their research is sex was something people did naked. So, resisting the urge to cringe, the two began undressing in front of each other. Even in the dark, they could see enough to witness that Jane and Will had started developing into attractive young people. It didn’t stop either of them shivering as they felt the others eyes upon them. Jane pulled her top over her head and trying not to let the embarrassment show on her face, glancing down at her small boobs hoping a Will didn’t find her ugly. Will, meanwhile, was hoping Jane didn’t laugh as his small penis when he removed his bottoms. Almost as soon as they were naked they both shuffled under the duvet and covered themselves, laying down onto the pillow staring nervously up at the ceiling. They were naked now, in bed together, psyching themselves up to have sex for the first time.

Their eyes met and they both gulped. “Okay. Ready?” Will asked her hesitantly.

“Yes” she replied anxiously. “Ready?” She asked him.

“Yeah” he nodded.

Since it seemed this was it, they both awkwardly rolled onto their side and shuffled closer. They looked at each other intently, nerves making their bodies tingle. It felt weird to be doing this, but Will found the courage to just go for it and leaned forward to kiss Jane on the mouth. Jane forced herself not to pull away, kissing him back while closing her eyes.

It was a short kiss, very platonic. When it ended they both stared at each other for a long moment. Jane bit her bottom lip and reached out to touch Will’s shoulder. He did the same, reaching out to put his hand on her waist. They both took a deep breath and leant in for another kiss, their lips moving together hesitantly, nervously exploring each other’s mouths.

But after a minute Jane pulled away, her expression cringing a little. “What’s wrong? Do I do something bad?” Will asked her.

“Not that” she replied, looking up at him fondly. “You’re a good kisser” she told him. Almost as good as Mike she thought but didn’t say. Luckily Will had kissed another girl before so he wasn’t completely clueless. Her cheeks turned red as she awkwardly explained “it was just…”

“It felt weird, didn’t it?” He guessed. She hesitantly nodded and he exhaled. “It was weird for me too. I mean, you are a good kisser too. But it was…felt wrong. Like kissing my sister.”

“Is that bad?” She asked.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It wasn’t bad, just…”


“Weird” he nodded blushing. He looked at her, nervously asking “would it be okay if we didn’t do it again.”

“No kissing?” She asked. When he nodded she nodded back in relief. “No kissing. Too weird. No offense” she found herself adding. Joyce had been teaching her certain mannerisms like Hopper used to, so the statement felt appropriate. And Will was right, the kiss did feel wrong, that why she stopped it. She never had a brother but kissing Will felt the right kind of icky. So with that agreed she stared back at Will nervously asking “what now?”

“I’m not sure” he replied, looking over her trying to recall what their brief research suggested. He looked at the duvet covering their bodies and guessed they were supposed to try touching the places they were hiding. He played it safe and caressed Jane’s arm, stroking her soft skin while his eyes drifted to her chest. Jane followed his gaze and nervously gulped before shifting the duvet a little so he could see her boobs. He gazed at them and…found he didn’t find much appeal to them. But he reached out and put his hand on one of them, feeling them gently. He felt her tremble against his touch as her breath inhaled shallowly. “Is that okay?” He asked.

“Yes” she nodded. She liked how it felt to have his hand touch her there. She sighed softly as Will experimentally fondled her boob, his fingers playing with her nipple while his palm squeezed it. She gasped when he pinched the nipple with his thumb and forefinger, exhaling in pleasure from the sensation. She also felt something moisten between her legs, a new tingle growing between them. She reached down to feel it, finding something leaking out of her pussy. She moaned when her hand brushed her clit, which was becoming sensitive. Will looked down and saw her hand drift under the covers. When Jane looked up and saw him staring she bit her lip and took his hand, guiding it down so he could feel it too. It felt totally different when he touched her, moaning a pitch louder. “That feels good too” he whispered.

Will marveled in awe as he rubbed Jane between her thighs, her fingers stroking somewhere not even Mike had explored. It felt weird doing this with her, but he told himself he could back out of this. This was why they were here. This was sex. So he kept at it, being careful about what he did afraid he could hurt her. He panicked when Jane squeaked, his finger accidentally sliding deeper into her folds. “Are you okay?” He asked her.

She nodded, her breathing turning to pants as she squirmed under his touch. It felt really good. So good her hips started to rub against his hand. She took hold of his shoulders closing her eyes as Will awkwardly fingered her, her moans becoming heavy until she felt something build inside her. It built up, rose and fell, and then before she knew it it was crashing down like a wave. She gasped, tensed and felt that wave flood her loins, her pussy clenching the fingertip Will was fucking her with. Will froze as Jane trembled, clinging to him before collapsing against his body panting. He felt fluids leak over his hand as he stop rubbing her, her hips shaking.

After a minute she opened her eyes and looked down at his hand, slick with her juices. “Are you okay?” He asked her.

She nodded, blushing bright red as she looked at him nervously. “Yes. It felt good. Strange, but good. Was that…an Orgasm?” She asked.

Will laughed. “I think it was. I think you had an orgasm.”

Jane smiled. That meant it was working. It was such a thrill, a buzz that filled her everywhere. It was fading quickly, but part of it lingered. She wanted to feel that again. It felt wonderful. She looked at Will. “Did you have an orgasm?”

He shook his head. “No, I think all of that was just for you” he said.

“Oh” she sighed. She hoped he might have shared the experience. She looked down at his body, which was more available to her now the duvet aphid shifted aside. She saw his penis hanging limp on his ground. She felt a surge of confidence now she had experienced her first climax, reaching down to touch the cock. Will gasped when her hand wrapped around him, laying on his back looking down as Jane gently stroked him. She lay on her side against him, her body resting against his as her hand explored his young manhood. “Is that good?” She asked him.

“A little” he nodded, feeling a little embarrassed about it now she hand her hands on him. “I know it’s not as big as Mike” he muttered.

Jane raised her eyebrow. “I don’t know what Mike’s looks like” she told him. He had yet to show it to her. In truth, Will was the first boy she had ever seen naked. Will suddenly flushed red as he averted his gaze. He had seen Mike naked, by accident. He didn’t want to explain it right now. But thinking about it made him…it made his penis grown in Jane’s hand. She noticed and stared as it doubled in size before standing erect. “Wow” she muttered, stroking his length up and down.

Will let her stroke him, unsure what he actually wanted her to do. Her hand felt nice around his cock, but it wasn’t as stimulating as he was hoping for. But she seemed to have an idea what she was doing, at least until she squeezed too hard and made him hiss. “Like this” he whispered, guiding her hand shoving her how he usually masturbates. He also showed her how to palm his balls, carefully so she didn’t accidentally crush them. She followed along obediently. She just wanted him to feel good too. He laid back and watched her, his hand on her back stroking encouragingly as she got the hang of giving a boy a hand job. “You’re getting good at this” he told her.

“Thanks” she smiled proudly, glancing at him sheepishly. After a minute she looked at his erection and turned to him. “I saw something else I could try, if you’d like” she said. He sat up curiously, asking what she had in mind. She looked at him nervously before muttering “I should show you.” He watched as the girl shuffled in her seat and leaned over his lap, bringing her face over his cock. He tensed in anticipation as Jane licked her lips and gently licked the tip. Will inhaled sharply feeling her tongue lick him, his cock twitching excitedly. She licked a few more times before asking “is that good?”

“That feels great” he whispered, his eyes drifting closed as he found his imagination wandering somewhere else. Jane smiled, just happy he was enjoying it. She kept licking him, following the thing in those videos she’d seen before trying something she hoped didn’t make her sick. She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his penis, sucking him off experimentally. Will moaned in response, falling onto his back instinctively thrusting his cock deeper into her mouth. “Oh wow, that feels great.”

Jane pulled away and looked up at him. “You like it?” She asked.

“Yes” he nodded, smiling excitedly as he looked down at her. “Please keep doing that” he begged, never having felt anything like this. Jane smiled, pumping his cock a few times with her hand before returning it into her mouth. She sucked on it steadily, closing her eyes pretending it was Mike she was giving the blowjob too. It helped her enjoy it more.

Will closed his eyes too, allowing his imagination to run wild while he focused on the pleasure this mouth was bringing him. His hands stroked her back and weaved into her hair as her head bobbed up and down. It took a lot of his willpower not to grab that scalp and pound his sick into the mouth wildly. He removed his hand and instead clutched the bedsheets, biting his bottom lip suppressing the moans as something built up in his balls. The same balls he felt being played with by a delicate hand. “Oh yes, keep going” he mumbled under his breath, his eyes opening briefly to look down at the mop of hair bouncing on his lap. His imagination filled the vision and he saw a face that wasn’t Jane’s replace the girl. He lay back, his dick throbbing as he felt the need for release. “Yes, don’t stop. Please Mike, don’t stop” he whimpered, groaning in desire until he couldn’t hold it in. He moaned and thrust up, gripping the bed sheets ejaculating.

Jane gasped as Will came into her mouth. It wasn’t a lot, but it caught her by surprise. Her eyes widened as he spurted into her throat, catching it in her mouth waiting for him to stop jerking upwards before pulling away. White substance dribbled from her mouth as she sat up closing her lips. Will panted heavily trembling as he looked up at her, flushing with embarrassment when he saw the cum on her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you” he apologized.

But before he could say more he watched the girl hold back the bile and reluctantly swallow the contents in her mouth. She grimaced from the taste and shook her head. “Gross” she muttered, wiping her mouth before turning back to Will. “No offense” she added.

Will chuckled. It actually made her look a little sexy, even to him. He saw a bit she missed and scooped it off her cheek, taking the sample and putting it in his mouth. Jane shuddered as it tasted his own cum, but Will just shrugged. “You were great” he told her, leaning forward to peck her on the cheek in thanks.

“So were you” she smiled blushing. After a minute they looked at each other and realized, while they both had an orgasm and enjoyed it, they had yet to actually have sex with each other. “Should we…” she asked nervously.

“Yeah, we should” Will agreed. After all this foreplay, it only seemed fair.

So without any further discussion Will reached over to grab one of the condoms and hurriedly put it on himself. Hurriedly because he didn’t want to have second thoughts again. Jane waited anxiously for him until he was ready, shuffling across on the bed to put her arms around him as he awkwardly took up position on top of her, laying her down onto her back. She nervously opened her legs and let Will settle between them, his penis brushing up against her pussy like they’d seem in the pictures.

However, when they looked at each other in the eye, they both suddenly hesitated. There was a moment of awkward silence before Will, trying to make his hips move but couldn’t, gulped and muttered “I’m sorry. I can’t. It’s too…still feels weird.”

“Yeah” Jane whispered, feeling just as awkward about it. Will was a sweet guy and she wanted to do this with him. But the idea of actually doing it with him made it awkward. It felt like she was doing it with her brother. The blowjob was less weird but only because she had her eyes closed and could pretend it wasn’t him. Which gave her an idea. “Wait, let’s try this” she suggested, gently pushing him off her so she could turn around on the bed and climb onto her hands and knees with her back to him. “Does this help?” She asked him, looking over her shoulder presenting her ass to him.

Will stared at her backside, his eyes gazing over her back and shoulders. Strangely it did help. He wouldn’t have to look at her face and her long hair obscured it. And in the dark, her slim frame appeared lanky and could almost be mistaken for someone else. Will rose onto his knees and positioned himself behind her, running his palms over her bottom feeling her soft flesh. Jane shivered from his touch, closing her eyes imagining Mike behind her stroking his hands across her back. She felt his erection brush her undercarriage making her gasp, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. Will stared at her ass nervously, his cock hardening as he took aim and began easing towards his target. Jane stiffened however before catching his penis as it almost missed the mark. “Sorry” Will muttered, shaking his head and realigning the penis. It found her pussy and slipped inside more easily than his initial target. Jane gasped, clenching around the intruder instinctively. She couldn’t stop the moan of pleasure from escaping her lips however. “Is that okay?” Will asked her.

“Yes” she replied, taking a second to catch her breath before turning around to look at him. It was risky, given how weird they were about having sex with each other, but she wanted to show him she was okay and ready to continue. Once they were both comfortable, Will began slowly sliding his penis in and out of her, her pussy enveloping his cock like a velvet vice. It felt really nice and really tight. Jane moaned softly as he slid deeper inside of her, clutching the bed sheets tighter. “Faster” she mumbled after a while.

“You sure?” Will groaned, enjoying the feeling of his cock being massaged by these tight walls. He looked down at the long hair and slim back and round ass and felt his dick throbbing.

“Yes” Jane insisted, sure she could handle it now. It felt strange, but good. She wanted more. So Will took hold of her waist and thrust a like faster, his hips connecting with hers with each thrust.

The two of them moaned a little louder, Jane’s voice nearly rising too loud. “Careful, or mum will hear us” Will warned, fearful glancing to the door still three inches open. Jane nodded, falling to her elbows covering her mouth to muffle the moans. The shift in her body gave Will more purchase, which let him thrust a little bit harder into her. He closed his eyes and groaned, the feeling too good. “So tight” he muttered.

Jane felt every knot in her body come undone with pleasure as she took this cock inside of her. She felt so full, so powerful. Not like before with her powers, this was something else. It was just as good. “Oh Mike, don’t stop” she muttered without realizing, burying her face into the pillows clutching them tightly.

Will gripped her hips tighter, thrusting faster panting something similar. “So good. Can’t stop. Don’t want to stop. Shit Mike, I’m going to cum! Oh shit!” He grunted, his body suddenly jerking as he ejaculated into the condom he was wearing. Jane felt the rubber fill up inside her and whimpered, her body clenching around him as she orgasmed alongside him. They came together and shuddered in passionate escasty before slumping onto the bed panting. Will slumped on top of Jane barely catching himself before he crushed her, pulling his penis out of her dripping pussy before rolling onto his back beside her. Jane collapsed onto her front gasping for breath, her body covered in sweat. It turned out having sex was quite exhausting.

It took a few moments for either of them to catch their breath long enough to move. Will peeled the condom off his penis and tossed it into the bin across the room before falling back onto the bed. Jane brushed the hair out of her face as she rolled onto her side resting her head on the pillow, looking over at the young man hesitantly. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah” he said, finding he rather enjoyed the whole experience. He looked across to her asking “are you okay?”

“Yes” she replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. “It was…nice” she said. Will chuckled. He told her the same. They both flushed red in embarrassment before falling into silence staring at the ceiling. Now that they had done it they weren’t sure what to do now. “I should go back to my room” Jane suggested.

Will agreed, she should. But he didn’t want to kick her out now that they had lost their virginity like this. “You could stay here, just for tonight” he offered. “You’d have to get up early and sneak back before mom catches us though.” Jane looked at him, at the bed and considered it. In truth, she felt a little weak after all the sex and was really tired. So she nodded and helped pull the duvet back over their both of them. After some awkward shuffling they both conceded to snuggle in together, but kept their backs to each other so it wasn’t too weird (any other position got too awkward, especially when Will accidentally cupped her boob). “Goodnight El” Will whispered as they settled down for the night.

“Goodnight Will” Jane replied.

As an after thought, Will nervously reminded her “we don’t tell anyone about this.”

Jane nodded. “Don’t tell Mike.”

“Yeah, don’t tell Mike” Will agreed, turning as red as a tomato recalling how much he called his mate’s name tonight. Jane glanced over her shoulder and smiled before closing her eyes and dreaming about her boyfriend, happily letting Will dream about him too.

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