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EXCLUSIVE: We are Widow - Kamala Khan

Natasha found Kamala in her room, pushing the buzzer waiting for the kid to invite her in. They had finished the latest assignment to derail AIM’s operations, which was a little more difficult than they had anticipated. She made a point to check in with the young Muslim girl. She hate to admit she’d become quite fond of the girl.

Kamala opened the door still in costume, her face lighting up when seeing the older woman. She invited her in, her room a clear sign of a teenagers room. “How are you holding up?” Natasha asked.

“Alright” Kamala shrugged. She nursed a bruise on the back of her neck from where one of the goons got a lucky shot. Natasha stepped up to examine it, lifting her dark hair to make sure it wasn’t serious. She seems tense her new friend whispered. She could use some help.

“Not yet” Natasha whispered under her breath, even if she did agree with him. She looked down at the teenager, putting her hands on her shoulder. She was tense, but she knew it was more nerves. The Russian spy made her nervous. “You have to be nervous around me kid” she said, not for the first time.

Kamala blushed. “Sorry. Still getting used to being an Avenger” she replied, turning around to look at her.

“So, how are you really holding up?” Natasha asked her, putting her hands on her hips.

Kamala sighed, pacing her room. “They got the jump on me” she pouted. “I don’t seem to scare them.”

“You don’t need to be scary kid” Natasha laughed. “That’s what we have a Hulk for.” She looked at Ms Marvel’s posture. She could tell it was bothering her. She sighed, telling her “look, it’s not easy to be intimidating. Especially at your age. I should know, it took me years of training to learn.”

Kamala looked at her in surprise. “You? But you’re…I mean, you’re…”

“I know” she grinned. “But I was still a young girl like you. The difference is I was brought up to be a weapon. You didn’t have to be like me.”

“It’d still be nice to make the bad guys nervous” she complained.

She wants to be like her hero the voice cooed. Isn’t that sweet. Don’t you just want to eat her up?

Natasha bit her tongue. She did think the young ms Khan was adorable. But she figured it wouldn’t hurt to give a few tips. “Alright kid, listen up” she said, putting her instructor voice on. Kamala turned, her eye brows raised in interest as Natasha walked over to shut the door and lock it. She turned back to Kamala, plotting her lesson. “You want to intimidate your opponents? There is a trick to it” she told her, fixing her eyes on the young woman. “It’s all about confidence. If you can project confidence, you can make anyone feel uneasy. Sometimes with just a glance” she said.

Kamala narrowed her eyes. “Just like that?” She asked skeptically. Natasha narrowed her eyes, lifting her chin to look down at her. Kamala found herself feeling uneasy under her gaze. “Oh” she muttered.

Natasha smiled. Next she walked forward, stalking towards her. Kamala stared at her, stumbling backwards as the woman approached her. Her smile became wider. “See, all about confidence” she whispered, standing in front of the younger girl. “As long as you believe in your confidence, in yourself, you can be as intimidating as you want.” Kamala nodding, understanding a little. Natasha kept her smile as she drew closer, brushing a strand of dark hair from the girls face. “It doesn’t just work on bad guys” she added, nudged by her inner voice. “Confidence can get you very far, in a lot of ways” she told her.

Kamala gulped. “Like what?” She asked.

A curious one. Excellent her voice whispered. Natasha concurred. “Would you like me to teach you?” She asked the curious young girl. She saw her eyes widen, felt her pulse quicken as she rested her fingertips against her neck, saw her breath hitch. She waited, expecting the brown girl to retreat and pull away. Her eyes did dart to the door, a look of fear crossing her face. But then it was replaced with curiosity, nerves, and a hint of anticipation. They knew they both had her now.

After a moment of anxious silence Kamala looked up at Natasha nervously. “I…I’d like that. But…” she stammered with worry.

Natasha admired the nervous young woman, reaching down to stroke her soft cheek. She hooked her finger under her chin, lifting her face up. “Don’t worry, nothing to be afraid of” she promised. We just want a taste her inner voice said, though it knew the girl couldn’t hear it. Natasha felt her costume shift, the alien’s desire to reach out and play with the young superhero coming to her. She willed it to stay put. She didn’t want to scare the kid. “Remember, it’s about confidence” she told Kamala. “As long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything” she told her, leaning closer to tease her lips with hers.

Before she could make contact, she pulled away from the girl leaving Kamala hanging. She let out the softest whine which melted Natasha’s heart. Aw, can we keep her her alter said.

“I hope so” the Black Widow whispered under her breath. She took Kamala by the shoulders and lead her to the mirror. “Okay, your turn” she said.

“My turn? What do you mean?” She stammered nervously, looking at her reflection with Natasha standing behind her.

“To practice your confidence” Natasha said, stroking her arms looking at her. “Go ahead. Show me your confidence.” Kamala sighed, taking a breath and puffing out her chest. “Come on kid, you can do better than that” she said. She adjusted her stance, standing a little taller. “There you go” she said proudly. “How do you feel now?”

“I don’t know” she said, admiring her stance in the mirror. “It reminds me of when Tony was advising me about attitude.”

“Annoyingly, Tony knows what he’s talking about” Natasha sighed, admiring Kamala a little more intimately. “Attitude and confidence go hand in hand. Mastering both will serve you well.”

Kamala looked at Natasha through the reflection, noticing the way she was looking at her. She felt her hands over her shoulders and arms, trying not to feel uncomfortable under the attention. She bit her bottom lip as she turned around to face the spy, holding her breath as she asked “how do I do that?”

“Practice” she replied.

Kamala put her confidence to the test, reaching out and putting her hand on the woman’s chest. Natasha looked at her, a small smirk on her lips as she waited to see what the girl would do. She was proud when the girl stepped slower and ran her hands over her chest, nervously pushing her back against the wall. She leaned closer, lifting herself up on her toes. Natasha raised her eyebrow, thinking she could do better. Kamala bit her lip, growing her body a few inches instead so she could reach up and peck the woman on the lips.

She froze the moment she did, realizing she had just kissed the Black Widow. She shrank back and turned bright red. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me” she stammered.

“Don’t apologize” Natasha beamed. “That was impressive. And it saves me making the first move” she smirked, stepping forward to lift her chin and kiss her back. Kamala blinked, not expecting her to do that despite the tease earlier. A thought suddenly occurred to Natasha leading her to ask “was that your first time kissing another girl?”

“First time kissing anyone” she replied quietly, feeling rather embarrassed.

Natasha raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Holy shit. I guess I’m honored” she smiled. She found Kamala’s blush adorable. Not wanting to scare her with too much she offered “that can be enough for today, if you want to stop.”

Kamala considered it for a moment, releasing a slow exhale as she looked up at the attractive older woman. It occurred to her she was at the beginnings of one of her more steamy fan-fiction, and this time she was the protagonist. What would my character do she asked herself. Swallowing her fear, thinking she’d never get another chance like this again, she reached up on her toes and kissed the woman on the lips again. Natasha took the hint, smiling proudly as she leaned in to kiss the young Ms Marvel.

The pair of them made out in a steamy kiss. It started almost platonically and steadily grew into a passionate and excited embrace. Natasha was very adept at kissing people, all part of her training in the Red Room. Kamala, in comparison, was a clear beginner. But she had potential. Natasha was determined to bring her under her wing in more ways than one. So we have a soft spot for this young one her other whispered, enjoying the taste of the brown girls lips through the spy’s. It was developing a taste for the little ones, especially the Black Widow’s protégés. Natasha felt her other’s desire to devour the girl and held it back, even as small tendrils slithered from her costume to creep towards her as she put her hands on her back, others stalking up her legs attempting to slip under her skirt. Kamala only felt the briefest of tickles across her skin before it stopped, the tendrils yanked back into Widow’s clothes before they could scare her.

Once she was satisfied her other would behave, Natasha made her next move on Kamala. She coaxed her backwards towards the desk, her hands on her waist, her feet placed elegantly. Kamala shivered nervously as Natasha’s body pressed against her, her eyes lifting up clutching her elbows as the woman took hold of her waist and hoisted her off her feet sitting her on the desk, leaving her at eye level. “You’re a good kisser” Natasha told her.

“I don’t know” she replied modestly, her shoulders coming up to her ears self-consciously. “Not compared to you.”

“Again, it’s about confidence” she explained. “And practice. I’ll be happy to teach you, whenever you want me to” she offered, running her hands over the girls knees. Kamala sat on the desk, biting her bottom lip pondering it. Natasha could read her body language, the anxiety and excitement. She had read her fan-fiction, even the naughty ones. She knew a part of her was intrigued by the idea. “Have you ever written about us?” She asked curiously, running a suggestive finger across her jaw. “In your stories?”

Kamala turned red, averting her eyes uncomfortably. “Sometimes” she confessed.

“Did you ever imagine doing this for real?” Natasha asked, removing her hands to unhook her belt. Kamala watched her nervously as she unzipped her costume, the symbiote removing her underwear from beneath her so when her costume opened up Kamala got to see her tantalizing cleavage. Kamala inhaled sharply upon seeing her white skin, the curve of the woman’s boobs catching her innocent eyes. “Did you ever imagine seeing me like this?” The older woman asked her.

Kamala gulped, her heart racing inside her chest. If Abu knew what she was doing here he’d be so mad. The realization of what she was doing suddenly hit her. She turned pale, her stomach suddenly doing somersaults. Not from repulsion but from fear. Abu could never know about this. Nobody could know.

Natasha sensed the sudden trepidation and slowed down, pulling her costume back on but leaving the zip undone. “I’m sorry if I’m moving too fast” she said, prepared to back off at a moments notice.

But to her surprise, Kamala didn’t want to stop. “Just promise…nobody can find out about this?”

Natasha smiled. “Hey Jarvis!” She called out.

“Yes Miss Romanov?” Jarvis’s voice replied through the intercom.

“Tony did fix the privacy settings on all of the rooms right?”


She smiled, winking at Kamala. “Could you make sure the doors stay locked, and all calls put on hold until further notice?” She requested. “Make sure we’re not disturbed, okay?”

“Initiating house call protocol now” Jarvis confirmed, promptly muting himself after sealing the locks.

Kamala raised an eyebrow as Natasha rolled her eyes. “Of course he had a protocol for this circumstance” she muttered, turning back to Kamala who felt more at ease now. “Don’t worry. This can be our little secret” she whispered, pecking her lips as she peeled her costume over her shoulders, revealing her breasts to the excited young woman. She knew her symbiote could just unravel her costume for her, since it was made from it, but it kept it intact for appearances. Natasha took great pride in her beauty, not out of vanity, but it wasn’t often she enjoyed seeing the admiration from others. And Kamala expressed her adoration clearly. “So…what do you want to do now?” She asked her playfully.

Kamala didn’t know how to respond as she stared at the gorgeous woman in front of her. She felt rather inadequate in comparison to her fully formed breasts and toned bone and hourglass figure. She glanced down at her petite body, unsure if she should undress to. She fiddled with her scarf until Natasha smiled running her hands over her. She offered to help, taking hold of her skirt and slowly coaxing her dress up over her hips. Kamala shuffled on the desk and raised her arms above her head, allowing the woman to lift the top of her costume off revealing her blue bra. She instinctively covered herself to save her modesty, which Natasha found adorable as she admired her smooth brown skin.

“You don’t have to be nervous” she told her. “Remember, confidence in yourself…” Kamala took a deep breath, lifting her chin and sitting up, presenting her body to the spy. Her heart was still racing but she felt the confidence swell in her chest. She saw the admiration in her mentor’s eyes and felt a little pride slip in. She never considered herself attractive before. She caught her reflection in a mirror and realize she still had her mask on. When she went to remove it Natasha stopped her. “It’s up to you of course. but personally, I think it’d make a better story if it was Ms Marvel who seduced Black Widow” she whispered playfully. A smile tugged at Kamala’s lips. It did sound much cooler than the brown girl from Jersey becoming the latest conquest of a Russian spy (though that still was something that would blow her mind).

Choosing to keep the mask on, Ms Marvel decided to throw herself into the part and initiated the next kiss with the woman. Natasha put her arms around her waist while Kamala slung hers around her neck, pulling the woman in with a powerful kiss. It was still naïve, but she admired her passion. She admired the initiative even more when Kamala found the confidence in herself to leap off the desk and push the Black Widow against a wall, still kissing her as she pinned her to the metal surface. Natasha purred in approval as her student took control, acting out the many fantasies she had played in her bedroom while writing at the computer late at night without her parents knowing. She kissed her mouth and then her neck, her hands groping her breasts squeezing them tightly until the spy moaned. She let the girl assault her experimentally, watching her proudly as she lowered down to latch her mouth onto her nipples and suck on them. In reality Kamala wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she was so into the role play she didn’t concern herself with it. Not until her brain caught up with her actions and she found herself pausing, a little unsure what to do next.

Natasha helped her out, hooking her thumbs into the rest of her costume and shimmying them down her thighs revealing her bare pussy. Kamala swallowed hard as she stared at it, looking up at the Russian nervously before tentatively kneeling down. Natasha watched her, curious to see what she might do. If she was her first sexual partner, she might need some help. Kamala’s eyes gazed at her womanhood for a long while, just admiring it intently until the woman stroked her cheek. “Are you sure you want to try this?” She asked. Kamala nodded hesitantly. “Okay, start here” she said, pointing to her clit. “Kiss me slowly, like you did up here. Then run your tongue up this bit.” Kamala nervous leant in, following her directions and kissing her clit before licking at her lips. “Good. Now again” Natasha sighed. “That’s it. Take your time. Now take your fingers and gently stroke it underneath….ah, perfect. That’s perfect. Feel how wet I am? Now very slowly dip your fingers in….oh my, that’s good. Keep kissing me. Use your tongue, take your time. And when you’re ready…lower, a little lower….that’s it. Good girl” she praised as she talked Kamala through her first time giving oral sex to a woman.

Can we give her something to suck on? Her other asked, the image of the girl getting her mouth stuffed by a thick black cock invading Natasha’s thoughts. The woman shook her head. She wanted Kamala’s first time to be something normal. Lesbian sex with a Russian spy is one thing. Sex with a spy and an alien suit was something else. But it didn’t stop her suit from snaking it’s tendrils over Natasha’s hand as it weaved into Kamala’s hair, slithering over the back of her head to massage her scalp making the girl moan around her clit as she sucked it. Natasha licked her lips as Kamala’s tongue delved into her pussy alongside her fingers, panting softly until she climaxed into the girls mouth. Kamala’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe she got the a black Widow to orgasm.

“Good job kid” Natasha smiled, pulling the young woman up to her feet to make out with her, licking her face clean of her fluids tasting herself. She kissed the girl and gave her an approving nod. “Not bad for your first lesson. Now let the Black Widow return the favor” she said, taking Kamala by the hands and bringing her over to the bed.

The two of them fell onto the mattress and into a steamy embrace, one which Natasha took swift control of so she could roll the young woman onto her back and reward her for her efforts. Kamala melted into her experienced touch, completely giving herself over to the Russian seductress. She was happy to let Kamala Khan become Natasha Romanov’s latest conquest. She trembled beneath her, moaning softly as Nat kissed her slim neck softly. She felt her skin tingle when her fingers brushed down her legs and slipped between her thighs. The moment she made contact with her underwear she gasped, her body releasing a spontaneous climax she had been holding in for a while. Natasha paused to look down at her soaking panties, smiling as her adorable lover turned bright red from embarrassment.

“You should’ve heard the story of the first time Carol Danvers ever orgasmed” she teased. Kamala’s jaw dropped holding so many questions. Natasha took pity on the girl, slowly down a little. Long enough to help her out of her underwear leaving her as naked as the red haired Russian. Kamala trembled self-consciously as Natasha gobbled her up with her eyes, unaware there was another set of eyes wanting to gobble her up too. She shifted on the bed, opening herself up for her, and as an afterthought she removed her mask. She locked eyes with the Widow, who didn’t say anything as she crawled back over her and kissed down her petite body. Kamala shivered with each kiss, moaning when she worked her nipples over. She dipped lower, taking pleasure in tickling her belly button before crawling between her legs. Kamala lifted her head to watch her as she teased her thighs, building her anticipation before kissing her clit. “Feel free to take note” Natasha smirked. “For your fan-fiction, and future liaisons.”

“Oh Allah forgive me” Kamala whispered, falling onto the pillow as Natasha showed her how an experienced lesbian eats pussy. Her mind was blown the moment it started, her toes curling into the sheets as she clung to her hair. She shuddered and trembled as she was overcome with pleasure, her body writhing in Natasha’s grasp. It felt better than anything she’d felt before. Natasha was incredible.

So juicy. We must have a taste her other said, tendrils creeping up her arms and along Kamala’s legs and hips. Nat held it back but it’s hunger was growing. It was as intoxicated in the young girl as she was. She shared the pleasure she felt with her other, allowing a little rope to pleasure Kamala with. That included extending her tongue which reached into the brown girls pussy to delve her insides. Kamala swooned, her inner muscles clenched around her tongue as she climaxed again, shivering in awe.

Natasha ate her out until she reached fever pitch, her moans turning to a scream as she orgasmed powerfully. Her body shifted in size around the spy as she rode through the powerful sensations, growing and shrinking until she collapsed breathlessly onto the mattress. It left her too sensitive to continue. Natasha felt it, prying herself from her young body and crawling back to her knees. She looked over the exhausted girl with affection, brushing her hair from her sweet face and kissing her gently. “Are you okay?” She asked quietly. She nodded, recovering her breath. Nat lay down beside her, putting her arms around the girl as she cuddled up to her. They lay together on the bed in the afterglow of the sex. Even her other was satisfied for now. “If you ever want further lessons, I’m always here” she whispered.

Kamala nodded. But now her mind was catching up and she felt a little ashamed. “Is is okay if we don’t. At least for a while” she asked.

Nat nodded. “Nobody needs to know” she promised.

Kamala sighed in relief. She trusted Black Widow wouldn’t tell her dad about this. To think he was worried about her meeting boys, and it was a girl who took her virginity. She closed her eyes and snuggled up to her hero, nestling against her shoulder. Before she dozed off she muttered in a sleepy voice “it was weird. I kept feeling other things touching me. Your tongue felt longer and larger too. It felt nice.”

See, she likes us her other teased. Natasha smiled. Maybe next time.

She stayed with the girl until she fell asleep. Once she was she extracted herself from the bed, drawing the covers over her smaller frame and redressed herself. She left her room and got Jarvis to lock the door behind her, making him promise not to let Tony disturb her.

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