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EXCLUSIVE: We are Widow

Natasha Romanov felt like she was being watched the moment she stepped into the facility. In her line of work, however, that was almost a constant state of mind. Being an international spy had you seeing and sensing trouble everywhere. And she was in an AIM facility so she expected cameras and drones around every corner, especially with the rest of their strike team making a ruckus elsewhere.

She weaves through the hallways of the science labs, her guns up and loaded, her head on a swivel. She strafed into a lab with several test tubes of odd specimens. The intel they had on this facility seemed to indicate Monica was experimenting with exotic substances, possibly extraterrestrial. They don’t know why, possibly to upgrade their Adaptoids. More likely because Monica just liked to tinker with things like the ambitious and cutthroat scientist she was. She scanned the vials as she walked through, recalling the layout she memorized plotting a route to the data center she was targeting. She heard the Hulk roaring through the walls as the lab shook, predicting she had around five minutes before the facility purged its data or the green monster did it for them.

She crossed the lab only to be hindered by the arrival of a large Adaptoid around the corner. She sighed heavily, immediately ducking into a weave when it swung its oversized mallet at her. Computers and cabinets went flying as she rolled out of its path, firing her pistols at the machine. Her bullets bounced off its thick armor, so she put them away and swung in with her grappling hook and her Widow’s Bite. She shocked it repeatedly but it refused to fall, swinging at her shattering one of the large vials, the ooze inside leaking out onto the floor to fizzle and harden. She managed to get her electrostaff out and beat the machine to its knees before frying it in the back of the head with her stingers.

Natasha stumbled against the desk next to the broken vial breathing heavily, brushing her red hair out of her face. She took a few seconds to recover her bearings, checking her gear and catching her breath. Her hand brushed against the ooze that fell from the vial, sticking to her skin. She looked at it and brushed it off, wiping it on her costume before returning to her mission.

Unbeknownst to her, the ooze stuck to her costume and stayed with her all the way back to the helicarrier. More importantly, it was able to move and hide under her belt because it was alive.


The mission was a success. They got the intel they wanted, shut down another facility and struck another blow to AIM. The Avengers returned to the Chimera and celebrated. Steve reminded them there was still more to do, but it was a victory nonetheless. Natasha did some work monitoring the satellites before retiring to her room. She sealed the locks, knowing Tony liked to drop in. She needed a few hours to herself, to rest and maybe sleep. She packed her weapons away and walked into the small bathroom, stretching her aching muscles before looking in the mirror. As she expected, she looked exhausted. She began undoing her costume, unzipping her top and unhooking her belt.

That’s when she found the stowaway she’d brought home. She felt it on her hip as is suddenly attached itself to her hand. She stared at it in bewilderment and then jumped when it moved, slithering and expanding over her palm. “Jarvis!” She cried, trying to shake the black ooze off. But it stuck, grew and wrapped around her wrist. “JARVIS, CALL Tony or Bruce!” She yelled. To her alarm, their AI overseer was oddly silent. She ran out of the bathroom and sprinted to her door. Hopefully one of the scientists on the helicarrier could get this off her, and figure out what it might be.

Before she could reach the touchpad the ooze suddenly yanked her arm back, throwing onto her bunk. She cursed as she was thrown onto her mattress, landing on her back. She tried to get up but the organism had stretched to her arm, snaking up her shoulder. It pinned her down. She used her other hand to try and claw it off, but it just spread further up her other arm and across her torso. “Let…go of…me” she cried, struggling against the ooze until it wrapped around her throat, squeezing her neck constricting her airflow. The slime spread further, slithering under her costume, around her waist, down her legs, slowly covering her. Her eyes widened as its tendrils crawled up her skin to her face, her breath panting in fear. It had her trapped. Whatever AIM was making had her trapped and was killing her.

And then it just stopped. It’s grip lessened and she could breathe again. She heaved in a deep breath, sucking in oxygen with relief before attempting to move again. She was able to sit up, shaking the disorientation before looking at her body. The ooze continued to spread over her, tendrils wrapped around her arms and torso.

Yes, this one will do.

She jumped from the voice that seemed to echo inside her head. She looked around, hoping it was one of Tony’s jokes. It didn’t alter the fact she had an alien substance all over her body. “Jarvis!” She called again, hoping he was back online. When he didn’t answer she cautiously rose to her feet to move towards the door.

First it’ll require further exploration the voice said before Natasha suddenly froze. She gasped in alarm as the slime shifted around her again, slithering over her body and further under her costume. She realized quickly it wasn’t looking to strangle or crush her again, but it’s new intentions brought her more alarm. She staggered back to the bed, releasing a strangled moan as the ooze started to violate her. It brought back memories of her time in the Red Room, which wasn’t a pleasant experience.

She called out for help, from Jarvis or anyone else. She was even prepared to suffer Tony barging into her room if it meant getting this thing off her. But nobody heard her. Damn her soundproof walls. “What the hell has Monica been making?” She hissed.

The doctor isn’t here any more the voice growled. Natasha heard the venom in its voice as it talked about Monica, sensing it’s hate to her. She looked up and found the music box she kept beside her bed, the mirror reflecting her image. She stared and saw the ooze growing, moving, and tensed when she witnessed a bulbous head extend from her shoulder as two white eyes opened and a wide grin cut across its face. She was a poor host, but you hold promise. But we must be sure it hissed, it’s mouth moving as the voice spoke inside her head.

“What are you?” She asked, it’s breath tickling her ear. It didn’t answer her. Or it did by unraveling her costume. She grabbed at the slime trying to pull it off, but it was everywhere and persistent. She heard it chuckle at her attempts to escape, it’s tendrils slithering over her skin as the outfit was peeled away. But things escalated when’s he not only felt the slime touch her, but felt the sensations amplified. She gasped again, her body curling up against her will. “Get of me” she whimpered.

But there’s so much to explore it laughed. Such tender flesh it mused, it’s tendrils stroking her skin coiling around her breasts. Such firm muscles it hummed as it massaged her abs. Juicy brains it purred, the head sniffing her hair before extending a long tongue across her neck up to her ear. She shivered as it slipped into her ear, yanking her head away in disgust. It chuckled, it’s teeth grazing her neck as it’s tongue wrapped around her throat. More tendrils toyed with her, several forming hands to grope and molest her. So much to play with. So much I’d love to eat.

She didn’t like the way it said that last part. She sensed it wouldn’t hesitate to feast on her orgasm the first chance it got. It manipulated her senses again, engulfing her body with endorphins, enough to make her moan and arch her back. She couldn’t help it, her body acting on autopilot as she started to touch herself in response. Whatever this alien was it had an obscene effect on her. One of the tendrils reached between her legs, immediately making contact with her nether regions sparking a fresh level of pleasure. Her spine arched and she fell onto her back suppressing an orgasm. Somehow this thing made her feel good. It was disgusting yet alluring. “What are you doing to me?” She gasped.

Testing your limits it replied, it’s head shrinking into the slime of her shoulder. She writhed on the mattress as it continued to stimulate her body. It rematerialized between her legs, it’s tongue extending to lick her pussy.

She moaned louder, her knees bending as it’s mouth played with her cunt, it’s teeth grazing her clit, that tongue inserting itself into her pussy. “Oh fuck!” She cried, grabbing the slick head between her thighs. At first she tried to push it away, but then she adjusted her grip and pulled it closer, it’s tentacles coiling around her legs slavering her insides. “Oh fuck!” She moaned, writhing on the bed getting entangled with its tendrils. She felt it’s tongue reach deep inside, up towards her sterile uterus. Her body became inflamed and she screamed in a powerful climax before collapsing with a sigh.

Delicious the alien purred as it drank up her fluids from her pussy.

“I’ll say” she muttered, feeling delirious after the mind blowing orgasm. She ran her hands over her body and through her hair. The ooze continued to caress her, more softly this time. Soft enough to keep her docile while the black slime slithered up her arms to intertwine around her wrists above her head and coil around her thighs. By the time she recovered she was tied up and restrained, but she was less interested in resisting now. She practically purred when the head drifted up her body running its tongue along her stomach and around her boobs, circling her nipples making their hard and pointy. “I can only imagine the things Monica wanted you to do” Natasha whispered.

The doctor wasn’t as intoxicating as you the alien whispered, it’s slick tongue brushing against her cheek as it hovered over her. She lifted her chin and found herself opening her mouth as it stroked her lips, sucking on it circling her tongue around it. It slithered deeper into her mouth and down her throat, exploring her tonsils making the Russian spy moan. But she was just as delicious it admitted. Natasha was too lost in her pleasure to ponder what it meant by that.

She sucked on its tongue as she deepthroated it, finding it the longest tongue she’d ever had down her throat. She wondered it it could reach her stomach, or her intestines. Her brain fantasized an image of it extending all through her system, coming out of her ass and penetrating her pussy. The thought made her wet as more tendrils stroked her sex. She waited until the tongue pulled out of her mouth before asking it “what are you going to do to me?”

Test your limits it repeated, a pair of tentacles circling her cunt down below as another probed her ass. We want to see how much you can take.

Natasha grinned. She liked a challenge. “I should warn you, I’ve been trained for this.”

Yes the alien grinned, penetrating the young woman with its slimy appendages until her pussy and anus was stuffed with its cocks stretching her gaping wide. She screamed loudly as she was fucked, writhing in its grasp. Not to escape, but to encourage more. It laughed harder, giving it to her as hard as she wanted.

She took two of its tentacles into her pussy, her nether lips stretched wide as it buried deep inside her. She screamed and moaned, writhing against the slimy cocks throwing her head back, feeling them squirm around her belly manipulating her womb. She could feel it trailing it’s oily ooze inside her, and even more coming from the thick tentacle stuffed inside her anus which stretched her wider and slide further than any cock or dildo she’d tried before. She looked down and saw her belly bulge as it reach her stomach, her toes curling inside the slime encasing her legs. It was merciless, thorough, and felt incredible. The perfect mix of pain and pleasure she was accustomed to. As further stimulation, more tentacles coiled around it, sticking to her flesh massaging her breasts, sucking on her nipples. She felt the alien stroke her scalp slithering beneath her red hair, licking her ears tasting her sweat as she threw her head back and moaned. The creature purred as it fucked her, hard, violating her deeply enjoying her body. It lapped its tongue over her before raising another tentacle over her face. She looked up at it and allowed it to violate her mouth, swallowing it down her throat being completely filled.

The alien hummed in approval as she took everything it threw at her, her appetite as insatiable as theirs. Yes it said, it’s form spreading over her naked body sending sensations through her body everywhere at once. Perfect it decided, it’s head vanishing into her back to merge with the ooze which constricted around her, expanding inside her holes filling her. Natasha moaned in a powerful orgasm that extended to a constant buzz that bordered on painful as she began to choke and suffocate on the alien encasing her. Her skin disappeared under the ooze as it covered her from head to toe, her fingers and toes curling into the bed clinging for life as it shifted around her. She felt fear, pleasure, concern and excitement as it took her over, it’s maw reappearing around her neck as she felt it’s tongue extending up her throat and out of her gullet. Her eyes darkened with desire as the creature and her became one.

After a moment she was able to breathe, move and think clearly. She felt good, better, stronger. She rose off the bed and stood up in her room, the new suit bonding to her until it was a second skin. She looked at her body admiring it, the suit showcasing her perfect curves snuggly. She felt the alien inside her head, it’s thoughts her thoughts, sharing instincts. She no longer felt any fear. She knew it liked her, that they would work well together. It wanted to help them get back at AIM. She walked to the bathroom and checked herself out in the mirror. Her skin was covered in black ooze with red veins, all the way up to her face which had a mouth less mask with two large white eyes staring back under a mop of red hair. She felt the creature was seeking her approval. She thought they could do better. With a thought the image in the reflection shifted until she was wearing what looked like a replica of her costume, the black and red slime turning to clothing. The mask was pulled away revealing her pristine face, a large smirk on her face.

“So, what should I call you?” The Black Widow asked her new friend.

No, what should we call us? The alien replied inside her head.

Natasha smiled, still sensing the venom it held towards Monica and it’s previous captors. It gave her a few ideas.

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