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EXCLUSIVE: Vecna's Assault (Stranger Things)

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Vecna was too powerful. Eleven could feel it. The man who was once Henry, the original test subject of Doctor Brenner’s experiments, had grown even more powerful since the last time she fought him and cast him into another dimension. Now he controlled the upside down and it’s life forms like a hive mind, connected to everything across two realities. And even with his attention divided she couldn’t stop him.

Their battle through the school hall ended with the young woman being thrown into the monster’s twisted mind where he keeps his victims as trophies. She looked up and saw the hollow husks of its three other victims trapped in vines. To think this is the fate Vecna has for Max…the thought made Eleven sick, and angry.

Speaking of Max, she heard her best friend scream as she was pulled into this place by a pair of those ugly and slimy vines. She struggled and kicked at them while Vecna stalked towards Eleven, who was leaping to her feet to save her friend. With a simple hand gesture he tossed her backwards against a brick wall where an ornate door was stationed, the chimes of a grand father clock echoing across the realm. Eleven gasped as the wind was knocked out of her, pinned to the wall by Vecna’s powers. She strained to move but he held her in place, tilting his head in a sneer as a set of vines slithered down the wall to coil around her wrists and waist, trapping her against the wall. Two more wrapped around her ankles to stop her kicking, restraining the girl until she could move.

“You could’ve joined me Eleven” Henry told her, standing before the defiant and struggling girl who he once saw as his potential equal. The only one who’d proved powerful enough to stop him. He looked down at the young woman, no longer the little girl he watched over, and scoffed. “You could’ve stopped this” he remarked, knowing its cut deep into her resolve.

Eleven sent him to this realm. She was the reason he’d grown this powerful. She should’ve killed him. But she didn’t and now he’s more powerful than ever. And soon he’ll be able to return to Hawkins, thanks to her friend.

Max fought at the vines holding her leg, trying to pry them off until she saw Vecna standing over her. With a flick of his head she was thrown against a pillar, vines lashing around her wrists pulling her arms back, another slithering around her neck choking her as more wove around her legs and waist. She tried to break free but it was no use. He had her again. She heard Eleven calling her name, looking over to see her friend just as trapped as she was. They both struggled against Vecna’s grasp as he stalked over to the red haired girl like a predator. Max stared at him fearfully. Damn it Lucas, where are you! She thought.

In the physical world, her body was still in her trance kneeling in the attic of Henry’s old home, where he murdered his family. Lucas was meant to be watching over her, ready with the music player to snap her out of her trance. Except his job as protector got even more complicated when his basket ball captain showed up with a gun convinced his D&D club were responsible for killing his girlfriend through satanic worship. Finding his teammate in an abandoned house in a dark attic with a young woman locked in a possessed state surrounded by candles didn’t help Lucas argue his case. The young was forced to engage the man with the gun in a desperate act of giving his friends more time before his interference could put Max in any more danger. It’s during this struggle her music player was smashed to pieces accidentally. Which left Max alone in her mental struggle against Vecna with no means of escape.

Vecna stepped up to his young captive, taking great pleasure in watching her struggle against the vines. Every living thing in this world was an extension of himself, so he could feel the strain they were putting themselves until in their attempt to escape. And as extensions, he could sense them everywhere. Including those guarding his physical body in the Upside Down where Nancy, Steve and Robin were attempting to infiltrate his lair and destroy him. He sensed their presence through his vines and hand they catch the three intruders, disarming their weapons and yanking them off their feet to the walls and ceiling. Within moments the group were helpless and at his mercy, just like Max and Eleven. He wordlessly commanded those extensions to tighten their grasp, the vines slithering further up their bodies as they squeezed a little tighter.

Max whimpered as the vine around her neck started to choke her, staring up at the monster desperately on the verge of begging him to let her go. “Stop it!” Eleven screamed with tears in her eyes. She was watching from the wall and could sense the malice in Vecna’s mind. She struggled against her restraints but they tightened in response too, pinning her to the wall wrapping around her further. Vecna glanced over to the young woman, contempt and hate filling his gaze as he glared at her. He still sought to punish her for turning against him all those years ago. Perhaps watching her friend die wouldn’t be enough. His eyes examined the young woman she had grown into, a sneer drawn across his face as he looked from Eleven to Max. There was time for pleasure too.

The one thing Eleven had forgotten when she had begun her battle with Vecna was he had also interrupted her and Max during a…compromising and intimate situation. As such her entire fight with him she had done completely naked, something neither she or he noticed. Max had been naked too, but by the time she was tied to the pillar she had managed to pull her jacket back on in and attempt to cover herself up in a hurry. This meant when those vines were wrapping themselves around their bodies, they were slithering over the naked flesh of the two girls too with access to very sensitive places.

Max could feel the vines slipping under her jacket as they coiled up her torso, trying not to freak out as they reached her chest and encircled her boobs. She felt more writhing around her legs, along with something brushing the underside of her sex. She looked up and saw Vecna gazing down at her, gulping at the predatory gaze he gave her before his hand came up to hover over her face. She inhaled as the claw like fingers spread out, hovering inches over her face as the monster growled.

In the physical world, her head lifted up as her body began to levitate, unnoticed by either of the boys struggling with each other.

As she floated into the air in one world, in the other she stiffened in fear as the vines holding her kept her still, their slimy flesh pulsing irregularly. Vecna tilted his palm, extending a thick tentacle from his wrist which drifted over to Max’s terrified face. She stared at it anxiously until the vine around her neck lessened it’s grip, her body instinctively inhaling a gulp full of air. In that moment the tentacle shot forward and before Max could stop it the slimy extension invaded her mouth and forced its way down her throat. Max’s eyes widened as she started choking on it, feeling it shoving down her gullet towards her stomach. Vecna grinned as he forced her to suck on his tentacle, taking great delight in how her throat muscles constricted around it. He violated her further by driving the slick vine hovering below her pussy up into her entrance, watching her gasp and scream around his tentacle as she was forced to accept him inside her from both ends. Her eyes watered as he began to assault her, his tentacles sliding in and out of her while more held her still so she could move.

Eleven saw her friend in great trouble and tried to her. However her situation got just as problematic as another tentacle slithered up her leg and plunged into her own vulnerable cunt. She gasped in alarm looking down to see the intruder forcing itself inside of her, her expression contorting into one of pain as she felt it squirm around inside her making its way to her cervix. It found it and then pulled out, only to thrust back inside and begin fucking the young woman. Eleven opened her mouth to scream but a vine whipped around her mouth and throat muffling her cries, yanking her head against the wall stunning her long enough to miss the second tentacle lining up for her butt until it too was violating her. She released a muffled whine as she was double penetrated and pounded in both her ass and pussy, the vines around her legs helping it piston in and out of her body relentlessly. More tentacles molested her body, Vecna taking a sadist pride in abusing the girl as he groped her hips and breasts and butt. She bit into the vine to make it let go, but it constricted around her throat tighter until she saw black spots in he eyes.

In the pizza dough freezer, her physical body shuddered in the water as she let out a series of strangled moans, the lights flickering above her. Mike and Will knelt over her looking at each other in concern. “El? Are you okay? What’s happening?” Mike called out, becoming concerned sensing something was wrong. He and Will called out her name as she remained in the tank looked in a struggle they couldn’t perceive.

Only then it let go, giving her a moment to breath before hooking around her jaw to tilt her head up so she could watch Max get raped in front of her. She whimpered painfully as the tentacles continued to fuck her, unable to escape or stop the monster from hurting either of them.

Max and Eleven weren’t the only ones Vecna took his aggression out on. He had three other captives in his web to play with.

In the upside down Robin, Steve and Nancy were discovering just how effective this hive can be at multitasking. And how it punishes trespassers. Normally it would settle for simply strangling or crushing them on the stairs they were ensnared, but Vecna fed of fear. And nothing brought greater fear than separating the tri so none of them could see what befell the others.

First to disappear was Steve, who was dropped to the landing floor only to be dragged away. Nancy and Robin screamed for him until he vanished into a dark room. He fought against the vines valiantly but they overwhelmed the young man, his flailing limbs getting tangled up until he found his hands tied behind his back as he knelt on the floor. He tried to keep a defiant façade, looking the slithering vines directly as they wrapped around him and tugged at his jacket and jeans. He squirmed and struggled, calling out to Nancy promising he’ll save her. His calls were silenced by a thick tentacle wrapping around his throat choking him, pulling his head back to look up and see another dripping tentacle lowering from the ceiling. He grit his teeth once more trying not to show how scared he was, not ever as his clothes were torn open so more vines could infiltrate his outfit and slither over his slim build. He grimaced when he felt a tentacle find his penis and balls, coiling around them uncomfortably. He wasn’t sure what these pervy vines were trying to do but it wasn’t going to work.

It turned out what these pervy vines wanted was to violate this man through any available hole. And his most vulnerable became his anus as a tentacle found his back door and used it. Steve gasped in horror at the unnatural intrusion (not that this was the first time he had something shoved up his ass) which gave the tentacle above him an opening to shove itself into his mouth. His eyes widened as he got two tentacles stuffed into him and a third wrapped around his cock trying to coax it to grow. This was worse that he could’ve imagined, twisting his head biting down on the vine to try and get it out. But it ignored his attempts to force it out and proceeded to pound the man’s ass and mouth violently, using him as its own personal plaything much to his dissatisfaction. Yet to some perverse degree, Steve’s body found something favorable about it because his cock stiffened into an erection the ten legs could wrap around and squeeze which made the young man groan louder. He closed his eyes and felt tentacles tickling his balls, maybe ready to crush them, as the tip of another flicked at his urethra. He prayed they didn’t try anything he was thinking. But he also refused to scream or beg. If he had to suffer through this obscene torture to get to Vecna, then he’ll fuck whatever they threw at him.

Robin, in comparison, wasn’t as inclined. But she didn’t get as much as a choice either as she was pulled back down the stair they came up. The last thing she saw was Nancy, who was staring back in fear as the second of their team vanished before her eyes.

Robin expected her trip down the steps to be bumpy, but the vines covering the staircase made it more of a slide with all the slimy textures. She still yelped as vines caught her along the way, scratching her skin as her jacket and shirt was caught. She didn’t realize anything was wrong until her ride changed course as vines yanked her up by the ankles, suspending her from the ceiling like a pendulum. She gasped at the sudden shift in gravity, her jacket falling from her arms along with her torn top leaving her torso exposed. She looked down (up) at her chest and squeaked. The one day I forget to put a bra on. She quickly cast an eye around hoping Steve didn’t get a glimpse at her. She scrambled to her pants, still on but oddly bunched above her bum. She failed to pull them back into place and instead pulled herself up to claw at the vines around her ankles. That proved to be a mistake as more vines extended to her wrists, trapping her hands with her feet leaving her hanging from the ceiling.

It turned out the reason for her pants being where they were wasn’t an accident. It left her ass and pussy open for intrusion. Something Robin discovered when a pair of tentacles slithered down and around her arms and legs to approach her vulnerable sex. She snapped at them to back off, even remarking she wasn’t into cock shaped things in her pussy. They ignored her, both probing her sex brushing her entrance. Robin grit her teeth as she felt them stroke her folds, hissing as one penetrated her pussy roughly. Then she winced as the second followed it’s twin inside, stretching her cunt wider. Two tentacles in one hole.

More tentacles slithered down from the ceiling to explore Robin’s body, running down her bare back and arms while she suppressed the moans of being fucked by these two tentacles. They thrust in and out alternatively, ensuring she remained full at all times. She tried not to enjoy it. She was gay and this was not on her agenda. But if this is what having a cock, a pair of cocks, felt like, maybe she should take Steve up on his offer someday. More tentacles wrapped around her body, two finding her breasts and squeezing them roughly. That was more up her alley and she moaned accordingly. A third tentacle slithered over her stomach and began thrusting between her breasts, which was a weird sensation. She expected one of these to go for her mouth, but they never did.

Her ass, on the other hand, was wide open. She didn’t see it, but she soon felt a tentacle thicker than any of the others push against her anus making her tense up. After some thrusting it managed to squeeze its way inside her body, making the girl cry out in discomfort and alarm. It thrust roughly, fucking her in the ass while the two in her pussy sped up. She screamed and moaned as she swung from the ceiling, unable to figure out if she was repulsed or turned on by her ordeal. Possibly a little of both.

Nancy’s experience was much, much more different that her friends. For you see, she had history with Vecna. She just never realized it. He soon helped her remember as the vines wrapped around her. She heard him in her head again. At least she was sure he was in her head. Maybe she was imagining it, her adrenaline making her hallucinate. She heard him whisper to her, asking if she remembered him. Remembered this. She was taken from the wall after Steve and Robin disappeared, suspended in the air by dozens of vines. She watched them wrap around her, explore under her clothes. She struggled agains them, but her body betrayed her. She tried not to relax but the tentacles, as rough as they were, stimulated her in ways Jonathan couldn’t. Do you remember this Vecna asked her as she whimpered, trying not to remember. Not even as her fighting spirit faded and her clothes were removed, her trousers pulled down her legs and her top lifted over her head, her underwear torn away. She closed her eyes to resist. But when’s he opened them she was tied up, her wrists bound above her head, her legs spread, vines around her waist and thighs and shoulders, a slim one around her neck. They held tightly enough to hold her up, but not to restrict her as her body rocked against the tentacles caressing her skin. Do you remember the voice in her head echoed.

She did remember, and she wished she didn’t. She remembered the first time she stumbled into the Upside Down, looking for Will and crawling through a tree. She remembered it was the first time she saw the Demogorgan as they called it. She remembered the story she told Jonathan after her helps get her back. What she didn’t tell him, however, was that she was caught near the portal by vines just like these. They snared her feet, sent her to the ground, and then attacked her. Before she could do anything she was pinned to the ground, vines around her wrists, her waist and neck. She was terrified. Then they got into her clothes, found her breasts, her pussy, and it got worse. They raped her while Jonathan was calling her name. But she remembered it felt…good. Somewhere in the fear she enjoyed it. Her screams became moans and she was rocking her hips against the tentacle in her cunt to drive it deeper. She couldn’t explain why but it turned her on, so much so she had wet dreams about it weeks after. She wondered if she actually managed to escape that trap or of the vines let her go. Whatever the truth, she repressed the memory and never told anyone.

It came back to her as, once more, her pussy was penetrated by the same vines. She gasped at the intrusion, but she didn’t scream. She moaned, her body swallowing it deeply welcoming the intrusion. You do remember that voice growled.

“Yes” she mumbled under her breath as more tentacles ensnared her. She felt her boobs being molested, her nipples teased as they became hard as rocks. She arched her spine as the tentacle inside her found her cervix, brushing against it trying to coax it open. Another tentacle slipped into her rear and thrust into her anus as deep as it could go. She cried out in pleasure, clinging to the vines holding her hands. Her body rocked in their grasp, need and unholy desire over coming her. She felt a tentacle brush her bottom lip so she let it in, opening her mouth wide to suck on the slimy extension. Out of the three of them, Nancy became the only one to consent to violation Vecna brought upon her. Yet somewhere in his twisted mind, that made it all the sweeter. It meant he could have his way with her however he pleased and she’d let him.

Vecna closed his eyes and savored the agony, pleasure and torment from his captives as he violated and abused their minds and bodies. Raping the three intruders on his doorstep was enjoyable, but dominating the teenagers in his domain was even better. He enjoyed the anguish of Eleven’ face as she watched him overwhelm Max before her eyes, her body suffering his brutal revenge as it brought it upon her. Max lost all sense of resistance as he engulfed her, his vines encasing her slowly while he inserted his tentacles into her through her young pussy and mouth. Her eyes rolled into her skull as she swallowed him, her body trembling uncontrollably.

In the physical world, Max’s body mirrored her mental one as he shuddered and shook in mid air, the smallest noise from her throat indicating she was choking on something. Lucas was still fighting his captain, so he wasn’t there to save her as Vecna’s powers overtook her and began twisting her limbs unnaturally.

Mike and Will were watching Eleven growing more and more concerned. She was shaking uncontrollably too, her breathing becoming heavy pants as she remained locked in her trance. They could tell something was wrong but short of calling to her and offering emotional support, they couldn’t do anything else.

It turned out emotional support was what El needed. She heard them across the mindscape, their connection fueling her resolve as she reached inside, pushed through the pain and pressure and grew on her powers for strength. She used it and managed to break free of the restraints holding her back, letting out a bellowing scream as she threw her hands out towards Vecna. He turned in surprise to witness this before being thrown backwards through a nearby pillar. He was yanked away from Max, who slumped against the vines which suddenly retracted out of her in response. Vecna slammed into the wall, the world around them rippling before it shattered entirely. Eleven watched the monster disappear as the connection was lost.

In the physical world Max fell back down to the ground to be caught by Lucas, having finally defeated his opponent and preventing him for harming either of them. Thousands of miles away Eleven breathed a little easier, putting Mike and Will at ease. In the upside down the vines released the trio in the halls. For Robin and Steve it was a welcome relief as they hurried to get their clothes back on and rush back to each other. Nancy took a moment longer to recover, a little disappointed her impending orgasm was interrupted as she collapsed to the floor. She heard Steve calling her name and scrambled to get dressed, just managing to compose herself by the time he and Robin reached her. She convinced them she was alright, relieved they were okay to. The retrieved their weapons and advanced on the recovering Vecna, delivering some payback to try and destroy him once and for all.

In the end it all proved in vain. Vecna got away and Max ended up succumbing to her injuries, her death opening the gateway between Hawkins and the Upside Down. Eleven fell to her knees next to Lucas through her telepathic link, weeping for her friend. Unwilling to give up on her, she used everything she had to try and save her, to bring her back. She was able to help get her heart beating, leaving her in intensive care by the time she, Mike, Will and Jonathan returned to Hawkins. She came to her bedside, once again using her powers to try and reach her. But it was like she wasn’t there. She promised she’ll get her back, that she’ll save her, waiting until she was alone before kissing Max on the forehead with tears in her eyes.

Whatever happened, she will get her back.

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