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EXCLUSIVE: Two Survivors (Star Wars: Jedi Survivor)

It’s been years since they had seen one another. And yet now it felt like no time had passed. But they also recognized they weren’t the same people they were before. Both the Jedi and the Night-sister had grown, changed for the better. Merrin was more at peace with herself. And Cal…he was still fighting the good fight.

They sheltered from the storm in a cave, the campfire keeping them warm as night fell over Jedha. When the chill persisted, Merrin and Cal shuffled closer to exchange body heat. She rested her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her. They fell into a comfortble embrace, watching the fire in silence. They had missed this. They missed being together more than they realized.

Cal was the first to admit it out loud. “I missed you” he whispered.

Merrin lifted her head to look at him, his hardened face staring back from behind the beard that had grown along his jaw. She brought her hand up to his cheek, gazing into his eyes. “I’ve missed you too, Jedi” she replied affectionately.

Whether drawn together by the force, or magic, or by something even more primal, the two of the them came together in deep intimate kiss. Their bodies warmed up rapidly as they made out, the young woman climbing up onto his lap, his arms wrapping around her body pulling her closer. Their lips connected and the passion ignited.

Passion was not the Jedi way. Nor was it the way of the night sisters. But while they were both, they were also survivors. And survivors find their own way in the galaxy. They found each other.

The flames in the campfire flickered between orange and green as Merrin used her magic to disrobe them both, too eager to get tangled in their outfits. Cal felt her pale skin with his rough hands, tracing her tattoos across her flesh, noting it had retained its softness despite how developed her muscles had become. She prided herself on staying fit to haunt the imperials. She was glad to find Cal hadn’t let himself go either, her fingertips teasing his biceps. Their hot breath tickled their faces while they explored each other, familiarizing themselves with sensitive places that could bring both pain and pleasure. Merrin demonstrated she had developed a knack for both on her adventures, grinning when she put her hands to work and got a delightful reaction from the young man. He showed her some new skills he’d picked up too, manipulating the force to stimulate her in ways his hands couldn’t. She sighed from his touch, melting against him capturing his lips again, her moist entrance brushing his erection.

It had been a while since they had been together. There was a brief moment of hesitation. But as soon as her womanhood enveloped his penis, that feeling of belonging returned and a familiar warmth spread through them both. They sighed in unison, embracing in a deep kiss before making love by the campfire. Merrin bounced gently on his lap, her body moving fluidly with his, falling into old practiced rhythms. She missed this. He missed this. They both missed each other. They made the most of being together again.

Night wore on as they got reacquainted. They had both learnt some new moves over the years apart, but tonight they settled for the basics. No force tricks or magical constructs, just ordinary vanilla sex to satisfy one another and keep each other warm during the night. Cal fell asleep first, rolling off Merrin’s sweaty body after his final orgasm, exhaustion finally taking over. She sat up to rest herself, pulling her knees in, catching her breath. She felt incredibly satisfied and at peace, safe and and home. She looked across at the sleeping Jedi, who rested dreamlessly. She laid down next to him and watched him until her own eyes drifted closed, falling into a peaceful slumber until she stirred awake in the morning.

Neither spoke of their night together, or mentioned it was the best nights sleep Cal has had in weeks. But as they left the cave, their shared a knowing look and brushed their hands together, clinging onto the moment for a little longer before their paths might steer them apart again.


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