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EXCLUSIVE: The Queen of Atlantis - Mera (Aquaman)

They waited at the edge of the pool, watching the waterfall anxiously for Arthur to return. Former Queen Atlanna never wanted to send her son into that place with that leviathan, but it was the only way for him to retrieve Atlan’s Trident and reclaim the throne. Mera sat on a rock next to her, nursing her bruises fiddling with the seaweed Atlanna placed over her injuries. “We all thought you were dead” she said, unable to take her eyes off her. “Vulko believed you were dead.”

Atlanna turned her head at the mention of her advisors name. “Does he still serve my son Orm?” She asked.

“I believe so” Mera nodded. “He’s done everything in his power to turn him away from war with the surface. But Orm is determined…and so is my father. They want this war.”

“I had always feared this day would come. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for either of them” she said regrettably.

“Vulko looked after Arthur” Mera explained, to the best of her ability. “He made sure he was ready, as much as he could. But apparently he was…stubborn?”

Atlanna smirked. “Sounds like his father” she smiled. Thinking about Tom Curry made her sad. She missed him terribly. She wrapped her arms around herself and exhaled heavily.

Mera looked at the woman, dressed in a combination of her regal gown and armor built from skulls and scrap. She still couldn’t believe she had survived all this time, trapped here alone. “How did you manage to stay alive for so long?” She asked.

Atlanna looked around her private paradise and laughed. “Surviving the Trench was difficult. But once I found my way here, it was simple. Living, on the other hand…I never thought I would see another living soul again. Let alone my son” she said. She looked at the young woman, smiling affectionately. “Thank you for bringing him here” she said.

Mera blushed modestly. “Honestly, he brought us both here” she replied. “I just hope we’re not too late.”

“Neither do I” she agreed.

Mera tapped her leg and stared at the dove they were in. “It must’ve been lonely here, all these years alone.”

“It was” Atlanna confessed. “There were days when it felt like too much. But I told myself I would see my family again. I hold onto that hope, even now.”

“Still…all alone, with no one to talk to” Mera muttered. “Nobody to…” she caught herself before she said something inappropriate, her cheeks turning red.

Atlanna noticed and chuckled. “Yes, the novelty of masturbating by myself wore off years ago” she remarked, shocking the Princess. “Sometimes I got creative, on my better days. You’d be surprised how amusing it is to fashion toys from what you find. I still keep a few of the successful ones around here’s somewhere.”

“Oh my” Mera laughed, suddenly feeling flushed.

Atlanna turned back to her smirking. “Never take something as simple as companionship for granted. Believe me, you’ll never know how much you miss it until it’s too late.” She narrowed her eyes curiously at the woman. “Are you and my son companions?” She asked.

Mera averted her eyes uncomfortably. “Arthur and I are not, thankfully” she answered. “I was betrothed to Orm.”

“For love?”


Atlanna nodded, understanding perfectly. “I’m sorry.”

“Orm wasn’t an awful man. He was charming in his way. And he, if I’m being honest, made a good king.”

“He just has too much of his father in him” Atlanna guessed. She glanced to the waterfall. Still no sign of Arthur. She turned back to Mera. “It seems you’ve served both my sons in different ways.”

“If there’s any way I can serve you, your highness, I would gladly” she replied respectfully.

Atlanna examined the young woman, admiring her loyalty and her beauty. “I have been in need of a companion for many years now” she whispered, biting her bottom lip as she gazed at her. “But I wouldn’t want to impose” she said.

Mera looked up at the queen, blushing from the unspoken proposition. Here eyes raked over her beautiful form, admiring her intently. “I’d be honored” she replied truthfully.

A new form of anticipation came to be as the two women looked at one another. Atlanna suddenly became hesitant as Mera stood up slowly and approached her. The older woman drew a nervous breath as the red haired princess reached down and took her hand in hers, their eyes meeting, realizing this wasn’t a hallucination brought on by loneliness. This was real. “I…it’s been a while since I…” Atlanna whispered, her throat suddenly dry.

Mera delicately cupped her cheek and felt the queen tremble to her touch. “Allow me” she whispered, nervously stepping forward closer to her. Atlanna anxiously closed her eyes as Mera leant forward and placed her lips against hers. The princess kissed her and the queen felt her stomach do backflips. I had forgotten what it was like she thought, opening her eyes making sure she was still really there. When she was sure, she reached out and took her face in her palms and kissed her deeply.

Once she got going, Atlanna didn’t want to stop. Her kiss got more passionate as she made out with the woman, the first lover she has had in years. Mera was willing to accommodate the starving woman, managing to keep up with her desperate advances like she feared she’d turn to dust and float away. Moans escaped their mouths as their hands encircled each other. Atlanna’s wrapped around Mera’s waist and pulled her closer, pressing their bodies together. Mera ran her fingers through her matted white hair, stroking the back of her neck as their lips smashed together over and over, their tongues exploring one another. Mera could feel the longing in the queen’s actions and sought to bring her a taste of what she had been starved of for so long. Love, joy, security, peace. She kissed her deeply, both on the lips and her neck, worshiping her queen like a goddess.

Atlanna moaned from the attention, her body soaking in the affection like a drug, craving more from the woman. She embraced her tightly, feeling desires she would never have allowed herself before. She saw flashes of dreams she would have, fantasies thought out of reach. She stroked her soft red hair and prepared to ravish this woman, worship her, subjugate and dominate her, submit and make love to her, all in the name of lust and loneliness.

Her hand squeezed a little too hard around her ribs and Mera grunted in pain. The sound snapped Atlanna out of her daze and she froze, stepping back to see the discomfort in the woman’s expression. “We shouldn’t” she said, her voice panted with disappointment.

Mera shook her head. “I’ll be alright” she insisted, pushing through the pain in her side before stepping up to continue their kiss, her hands reaching for the clothes she was wearing.

Atlanna reluctantly put her hand against Mera’s chest and pushed her away, her face giving away her sadness as she guided the woman back to the rock to sit. “I do not wish to put you in any further pain” she said affectionately, sitting beside her and fixing her makeshift bandages. Mera tried to argue, but eventually her façade crumbled and she slumped back nursing her bruises as they healed. She looked at Atlanna apologetically. “It was a kind offer” she smiled, stroking her cheek with the back of her hand. “I’ve waited this long. I can wait a little longer” she assured her.

Mera nodded, kissing the back of her hand respectfully. A part of her was relieved. She wasn’t convinced her injures wouldn’t sustained anything as strenuous as sex. But she was mostly disappointed she let the woman down. “Is there anything I can do?” She asked, wanting to help her in some way.

Atlanna shook her head, a disappointed look crossing her face. “Pity. I wouldn’t welcomed a change from the dildo carved from bone. Do you have a favorite toy?” She asked curiously.

Mera’s cheeks blushed and she laughed. “No, I never really took to using toys” she replied, embarrassed. A thought suddenly occurred to her and her eyes lit up. “In fact, I have an idea” she said confidently.

A few minutes later, Atlanna was wading into the pool down to her waist, removing the last of her clothes revealing the scarred flesh of her pale skin, her white hair falling down her back. Mera remained on the embankment, perched on her rock, admiring the queen’s beautiful body as she stood before the waterfall. She glanced at the hidden entrance, mentally willing Arthur to stay down there for a little while so he wouldn’t stumble out to see her mum like this. She didn’t know how she might explain what he might witness to him. “Okay, are you ready?” Mera asked.

“I am” Atlanna nodded, presenting her nude body to the water as she looked up at the princess.

Mera took a deep breath and turned her palms up, her eyes glowing blue as she lifted her arms summoning her hydrokenisis. Atlanna looked down and watched as the water came to life around her, lifting her off her feet and hoisting her into the air. She gasped as she fell back onto a floating waterbed, lifting her out of the pool a few inches allowing her to recline. She was surprised how comfortable she was as she leant back, the water holding her up like it was tangible. She dipped her hand into the bed and scooped up a cup of water, watching it fall between her fingers onto her toned stomach.

Mera focused on the queen as she brought her hands in front of her, her fingers dancing conducting the flow of the water as tendrils swam through the air. Snake like tentacles rose from below her and approached the older woman as she waited for them, inhaling softly as they caressed her naked body tenderly. She gasped as the water massaged her breasts, swirling around them like hands with tiny funnels creating a suction around her nipples. She bit her lip and moaned, admiring how efficiently they made her aroused. More tendrils coiled up her arms and legs to stroke her muscles, the water bed massaging her back hooking around her shoulders working out knots she had been carrying for years. She sighed in relief, melting into the bed as more tendrils made her feel good.

“So this is how you satisfy yourself?” Atlanna asked, opening her eyes and smirking at the Princess.

Mera’s cheeks turned rosy red and she smiled. She made have abused her powers for her own personal gain over the years. She turned her hands over and guided the water to conceal into a thick phallus, sending it floating towards the queen’s needy entrance. Atlanna spread her thighs invitingly, gasping as the tentacle rubbed her moist lips spreading her folds. Mera’s lips curled into a smile and her fingers flexed, sending the tendril into her waiting entrance.

“Oh my!” Atlanna moaned, her pussy flexing around the invader as it entered a place no one had seen in years. It felt so different to her toys, or a man’s, and so good as it shifted deeper into her cunt. More tendrils wrapped around her hips to keep her steady as Mera thrust the tentacle inside of her, bringing fresh waves of pleasure to the woman who rocked her hips back and forth. “Fuck, yes. Keep going! Oh, right there!” She cried, her eyes closing in pleasure.

Mera had never pleasured another person with her powers before. Using them so precisely was an art, but she had only herself to practice with. She had no idea if she was doing it right, other than the responses of her queen as she writhed on her floating bed. “Is this good for you, your highness?” She asked nervously.

“Yes! Don’t stop. Give me more” Atlanna screamed, losing herself to pleasure she had been denied for so long.

Mera bit her bottom lip and took a chance, increasing her thrusts and the size of the tentacle in her pussy. She also waved her hand and brought another tendril up from beneath her, guiding it towards her quivering butt. She had her water spread the queens legs apart and lifted her hips, giving herself room to plunge into her anus with her next tentacle. Atlanna moaned in approval, riding both cocks eagerly while more rubbed and massaged her body. Mera contemplated giving her a third to go for her throat, but she canceled that option. Her voice was gorgeous and intoxicating and listening to her moan was arousing. She felt her loins drip and curled her pinkie to draw the moisture from herself to create a tiny tentacle to rub her clit beneath her outfit. She moaned softly, concentrating on delivering her Queen’s pleasure alongside her own.

Atlanna only lasted a minute before she climaxed, the pleasure too much for her to handle. Her orgasms made her scream as she gushed over the tentacles in her holes, collapsing onto the water bed panting heavily. Mera removed her tendrils and lowered her down to the beach, the water sinking back into its source leaving Atlanna to bask in the light above glistening with satisfaction. Mera knelt down to check on her, asking if she was alright. “You will make a fine queen someday” Atlanna smirked, stroking her cheek affectionately.

“Maybe” she blushed. “Right now, it seems I would make a valuable concubine” she joked.

“There is always room for a concubine in a royal household. Or so I’m told” Atlanna remarked, sitting up and gazing at the red haired woman. She hooked a finger under her chin and kissed her lips. “Queen or concubine, you are a remarkable young woman. My son is lucky to have you.”

She averted her gaze, thoughts of Arthur making her uncomfortable while kneeling beside his mother like this. There was a tremor in the water which drew their attention to the waterfall. They could sense something had changed. “The trident” she gasped.

“Help me” Atlanna said, and Mera lifted her to her feet and helped her get dressed.

A few minutes later, Arthur emerged from the waterfall with the Trident of Atlan, wearing his royal armor. He had done it. He had passed the trail and claimed his birthright. And with it, they could leave this place and return to Atlantis.

“When we return, what will you do?” Mera asked the former queen.

“First I will see my son and stop him from making a terrible mistake” she replied determined. “Then I will visit the man I love.” She cocked a grin to the young princess, resting her hand against her back. “And when everything is settled, and you are queen, I may have need of a concubine” she whispered.

Mera felt Atlanna’s hand brush the small of her back just above her ass and smiled. She would be honored to serve the former queen of Atlantis however she can.

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