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EXCLUSIVE: The Marvels - Team-Up (Part 1)

Carol finished inputting the coordinates for the autopilot and stepped away from the controls. It would take them an hour or two for the ship to cross the jump points that’ll return them to Earth. She stretched her legs and limbered up her body. She had her uniform on, the top half unzipped and tied around her waist revealing her white vest underneath. After the last twenty four hours she felt exhausted.

She looked up as Kamala emerged from the side room, toweling her damp hair wearing the same pajama bottoms and T-shirt she walked in with. Her costume sat discarded on the floor, her mask on the table. Her bangle remained on her wrist. “Feel better now?” Carol asked her with a smile.

Kamala nodded, stifling a yawn as she walked barefoot across the metal room to gather up her costume. Monica reclined in the chair by the table, her feet up, wearing a tight fitting black and white onesie that stretched from her thighs to her neck. She was sipping an alcoholic drink, her eyelids fighting the urge to close so she could doze off. None of them had slept all night.

Carol walked over to check on Goose, who was napping in a storage space purring softly. He was completely healthy and fine. And so was the litter he had, who were now safe on his home-world being looked after. She looked over and caught Kamala rubbing her palm over her flat stomach, still recovering from the shock of the ordeal. Carol sighed, looking down at her own body. It had returned to normal, as had all of them. The doctors on the planet assured them there wouldn’t be any lingering effects from the procedure that extracted the eggs from their bodies, and the medication had prevented any toxins from harming them.

It had been a painless process, but still an uncomfortable one. Kamala had shown a lot of bravery as she experienced something akin to childbirth, without the painful parts. The doctors induced labor and all the eggs came out easily. Monica took longer than the others, due to the volume she was carrying, but once it was all over their bellies and hips snapped back to their natural state once again. They had to stay for a few hours under observation, but once they got a clean bill of health they took the first opportunity to return home. Not even Captain Marvel would brave Mr and Mrs Khan’s wrath if she didn’t bring their daughter back on time.

She looked over at Kamala again, who busied herself with folding up her costume and sitting on the bed. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that” she said guiltily.

“It was my choice” Kamala repeated. She didn’t want Carol thinking she forced her into anything. She looked down at her stomach again, pulling her legs up muttering “still feels like they’re in there though.”

“That’ll pass” the blonde woman promised, walking over to pat her shoulder. “You did well. Not many people would volunteer to go through an experience like that.”

“Well, next time your cat decides he wants to make a bunch of us pregnant, leave me out of it” Monica said curtly. “We should just leave him on the planet.”

“We can’t do that” Kamala said. “Nick Fury would miss him.”

“He would, now you mention it” Carol chuckled. Monica shrugged, returning to her drink. Carol turned back to Kamala, asking quietly “you sure you’re okay?”

She nodded. She’d stopped freaking out about the whole thing a while ago. Just another day in the life of a superhero, she thought.

“Listen” Carol said, sitting beside her and patting her arm. “I’m really proud of you, for stepping up like that.”

“You are?” Kamala beamed, her face lighting up.

Carol smiled. She sometimes forgets how much this kid looks up to her. “Yeah. You didn’t have to, and you had every right to run away screaming, but I’m glad you stayed. We couldn’t have done it without you. And I’m sorry you had to give up your virginity to do it” she added with shame.

Kamala shrugged, treating it like it was no big deal, her cheeks turning red from her blush.

“Hold up!” Monica called, overhearing their little moment and turning in her seat. “Are you saying that…that was your first time?” She asked the kid.

Kamala turned her eyes away with embarrassment, sheepishly nodding. “I suppose” she muttered.

Monica’s eyes widened. “Holy shit! Carol, you should never have let her go through with this!” She cried.

“I know” she replied, agreeing wholeheartedly.

“It’s fine” Kamala told them, curling up on the bed feeling like this was going to get painfully humiliating.

“It’s not fine” Monica said. “Losing your virginity is supposed to be…special? It’s one of the most important memories you’ll ever make, something you’ll never forget. You shouldn’t have to look back at your first time and see…that” she said, gesturing to where Goose was snoring.

Kamala didn’t answer. It was true, the memory of being fucked by tentacles had been burned into her brain. She wasn’t sure if she would call it a bad memory. It was a unique one. “It wasn’t all bad” she said.

“You deserved better” both the older women agreed.

“Well, it’s not like I had other options” Kamala muttered. The only guy she was closest too outside her family was all the way in California, and they weren’t exactly hooking up. Then there was the red Dagger she met in Pakistan, but she doubted he was interested in that. Besides, if her parents had their way she’d stay a virgin until she married a respectable Muslim boy.

Monica and Carol looked at each other and sighed. “Still, not quite the memory you should have to look back on” Carol said, crossing her arms.

“Getting knocked up by an alien?” Kamala joked. Saying it out loud, however, even Kamala failed to see the humor in it.

“Still better than my first time” Monica muttered sadly. Her two friends looked at her curiously, but she didn’t volunteer to elaborate. She finished her drink and sat back in her chair. “Too bad we can’t give you a do over” she said.

Carol paced the ship, racking her brain while Kamala hugged her knees against her chest. She refused to let this girl’s first experience into sex end with a Flerken pregnancy. “We can’t take back what happened. But I was there was something I could do to make it better” Carol said.

“It’s fine. You don’t to do anything” Kamala told her. “It was my choice. Even if it was a bad one” she confessed. She fell back onto the bed and sighed, the weight of the opportunity she wasted finally sinking in. She’d sacrificed something big and she couldn’t get it back.

Carol lowered her eyes guiltily, turning to Monica for suggestions. Monica shrugged. “I suppose there’s always her first kiss” she said. “Have you kissed anyone yet?” She asked the brown girl.

“Only my family” she replied, understanding what she was driving at. No, she hadn’t had her first kiss yet.

Monica raised an eyebrow, a coy smirk flashing on her face. “Well, if Captain Marvel is intent on saving your innocence, I suppose she could offer to be your first.”

Carol and Kamala both snapped up and looked at the black woman with equal parts shock and confusion. “I beg your pardon?” Carol blinked.

“You could be her first kiss” Monica smirked.

Kamala paled, her eyes wide. She looked at Carol and stammered. “I don’t…why would you…?”

“Oh come on, Kamala…I’ve read your fan-fiction, remember” she grinned. “Even the smutty ones.”

Kamala’s brown face turned a new shade of red as she felt Carol’s inquisitive gaze fall upon her. She couldn’t meet her eyes as she flushed from embarrassment, tapping her bracelet willing it to whisk her away to any time or place but now.

“Wow” Carol blinked, reading the awkwardness in the room. “Kamala…I didn’t realize you were…”

“I’m not” the girl quickly said, gulping as she forced herself to look up at her. “I mean, I’m not gay or anything. I just…sometimes my ideas get away from me. I didn’t mean to write those stories, I just…are you mad?”

“Of what? That you’ve fantasied about kissing me?” Carol smirked. Kamala wouldn’t be the first fan to be attracted to her. Honestly, it was refreshing to all the people who wanted to kill her. She looked at the uncomfortable girl and quietly asked her “is that something you’d want?”


“For me to be your first kiss” she said.

Kamala averted her gaze blushing. “I…I haven’t really thought about it” she lied.

Carol crossed the room, stopping in front of the girl looking down at her cautiously. “I wouldn’t mind” she said with a polite smile. “In fact, after everything we’ve been through, it’d be quite an honor. But only if you want it. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Too late the girl thought as she looked up at her hero, all those wet dreams she kept to herself flashing through her mind in a rush. One of them had even played itself out while she was being fucked by the Flerken, the sight of Carol naked arousing her to the point she wished she could’ve kissed her. She was right there beside her, inches from her face. Her cheeks filled with color just thinking about it.

“You’re not going to get a better opportunity than this kid” Monica teased.

Carol flashed the woman a look when Kamala shifted nervously. She stepped back, quietly whispering “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. If you’d rather we just dropped the whole thing, that’s fine. I just thought it would help.” She turned back and began walking back to her cockpit controls.

“Wait” a nervous voice called as Kamala climbed off the bed. She stood up and hesitated as Carol paused and turned back to look at her. She gulped nervously, fidgeting on her toes as she stared at the ground. “I…if you mean it…I guess I’d like to try it” she stammered.

“Are you sure?” Carol asked her, turning back to face her. Kamala couldn’t quite meet her eyes as she nodded. Carol glanced at Monica, who sat back with a knowing smirk. The former Kree solider stepped forward and brushed Kamala’s dark hair out of her face, drawing her eyes up to face her. “Alright then” she said nodding.

Kamala bit her lip as she stood there awkwardly. Inside her heart was racing as fast as her thoughts. Wait, is this really about to happen? Oh my god! What do I do? Do I even do anything? I should say something. What if I say something dumb? Are my palms sweaty? Oh god, what if my breath stinks! I haven’t brushed my teeth! I don’t want Captain Marvel to be grossed out by my bad breath! Oh my god! Is this really happening?

Carol suddenly took her shoulders, snapping her out of her trance as she realized she’d been standing silently staring at her, trembling anxiously. “Kamala…breathe” she said quietly.

Kamala made herself exhale, her shoulders relaxing as she stopped shaking. “Sorry” she replied nervously. “I haven’t done this before. I don’t know what I should do.”

Carol gave her a charming smile, putting her at ease. She’s quite cute when she’s nervous she thought, wondering if she was like that at her age. No, she was much more brash, I’m sure. She considered her approach into this thing, wanting to offer the girl the best experience possible. “Close your eyes” she suggested gently.

Kamala would’ve probably done anything Carol asked her too at that moment. She obediently closed her eyes, bracing herself on impulse.

“Try to relax. Remember to breathe” she advised, waiting until Kamala was breathing normally and wasn’t so tense. She took a deep breath of her own as she stepped forward, running her hand through Kamala’s hair brushing it behind her ears. The girl shivered from her touch as she caressed her cheek tenderly, her thumb brushing down over her bottom lip making her gasp briefly. Carol hooked her fingers under her chin, lifting her head up as she leaned in and delicately placed her lips upon Kamala’s. The connection was electric the moment they made contact, and Carol could feel Kamala inhale a breath as she resisted the urge to pull away. The first kiss lasted but a moment, but it felt like a lifetime. Of course Carol wouldn’t just leave it at a peck as she moved closer and pressed their lips together again, this time for longer, this one taking Kamala’s breath away.

Carol’s hands moved to cup her face, guiding her through the motions as their lips danced as one, connecting and parting and connecting again. Their breaths became soft moans as they felt each other melting into it, their bodies drawn closer like magnets. Their skin got warmer to the touch, the delicate embrace they shared intensifying the affection and passion as it grew hotter. Carol’s hands moved down Kamala’s neck to her shoulders, down her arms and took both her hands squeezing them gently. Kamala gasped into her mouth, leaning into the kiss seeking more of her warmth.

Then it was over. Carol pulled away and let the moment end, looking at the young woman and watching her eyes slowly open with a look of wonder and awe. “Holy shit” she muttered, staring at her star stuck.

“Was that okay?” Carol asked her.

Kamala was stunned, frozen and silent as she tried to process what she just experienced. After a long minute of gears turning all she could come up with was… “wow.”

“Yeah, wow” Monica agreed. Carol turned and saw the woman perched in her chair, transfixed by the scene with a palm massing her breast. She had a look of curious arousal on her face. “That looked very…intimate” she said. “Where did that come from?”

Carol blushed as she stepped past Kamala, who was touching her lips in disbelief. “It was how I had wished my first kiss had gone” she confessed, taking a seat on the bed.

Kamala blinked in turned to face her. That had been one of the most erotic things she’d ever experienced, blowing every exciting thing out of the water. She couldn’t describe the feeling she felt, even now buzzing with it. She looked at Captain Marvel and felt a new level of adoration for her. “thank you” she muttered, the words not feeling adequate.

Carol smiled. “I just wanted you to have at least one good memory from this trip” she said.

Kamala grinned, unable to contain the smile. She was certainly never going to forget this.

Something about this buzz she now found herself in made her step forward, bravely asking “could we do that again?”

“Again?” Carol asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I mean…it was amazing” Kamala explained, stumbling over her words. “It was incredible, honest. But I feel like I…like I owe you one in return, if that makes sense?”

“Girl has her first kiss and now she wants more” Monica laughed proudly.

Kamala blushed. “I know I won’t be any good. I can’t hope to be as good as you. But I just…I want to try and…”

Carol silenced her with a finger to her lips, smiling in amusement. “Kissing is a skill. And like any skill, you just need practice. If you want to practice with me, that’s perfectly fine. It’s a long trip back home.”

“Really?” She beamed.

Carol nodded, once again admiring how adorable she was.

She sat patiently as Kamala walked up eagerly, stopping in front of her as she worked to figure out what exactly she was going to do. She took a deep breath and awkwardly leaned in, pecking Carol on the lips gingerly. Carol chuckled at the innocence of it, and the blush that broke over Kamala’s face. “Sorry, that was pathetic” she muttered.

“It’s fine. It was a good start” she told her supportively. “Try not to overthink it. Just do what comes naturally. And remember to relax.”

Kamala nodded, taking her advice to heart as she prepared herself to try again. The next time she lingered a little longer, pressing her lips against Carol’s until she remembered to breath. Carol didn’t rush her, allowing her to take her time and build up her confidence. In the end, the key to a good kiss was confidence and consent. And Kamala had both.

Monica rested on her elbow and watched from the sidelines as Kamala practiced kissing with Carol, the young woman growing more comfortable in locking lips with the superhero. She couldn’t help but moisten her own lips as she observed them, running her tongue along them enviously. It was an erotic display, watching a young woman discover the simples joys of a kiss for the first time. And the two of them were getting very into it.

Soon Carol was putting her hands on Kamala’s waist, pulling her closer gently so the brown girl could slip her arms around her neck. Their lips moved as Carol guided her forward wordlessly, silently demonstrating so Kamala could mimic her soon after. The girl paid attention, studied quickly, and soon was moaning softly as she sucked on her lower lip, gasping as Carol extending her tongue to lick hers, their noses brushing their cheeks and they pressed their chests against each other. Carol’s fingers stroked up the back of Kamala’s spine under her shirt, her fingertips caressing her soft flesh, and she felt goosebumps spread over her body as her formerly virgin womanhood began to tingle.

Kamala suddenly broke into a fit of giggles and quickly pushed herself away. “Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening” she gasped, her cheeks flushing red as an infectious grin spread over her lips. “This is really happening. I’m making out with Captain Marvel” she stammered, gasping for breath.

Carol laughed as the fan girl broke out and struggled to hold back the giggles. “You need a minute?” She guessed. She wasn’t surprised when Kamala nodded, bouncing across the room attempting to compose herself while also freaking out.

“I think you’ve blown her mind” Monica smirked, crossing the room and sitting down on the bed next to Carol.

“I hope I haven’t overstepped” Carol worried.

Monica watched Ms Marvel cheer and spin in disbelief. “I think you made her year” she laughed. “No way in hell she’ll be thinking about that bloody cat now.”

Carol smirked. She was glad to give her little protégé something good to remember. And she’s going to turn this into one hell of a Fan-fiction she mused with a smile. She turned her head and looked at Monica, the first little girl who used to look up to her like Kamala does now. “I’m sorry I didn’t come home” she said.

Monica looked at her and nodded. “You’re back now. That’s what counts.”

“Should’ve done it sooner.”

“Yeah, you should’ve” she agreed. But with none of the harshness she used to harbor. She did fine without her, but she missed her aunt Carol.

“Is it too late to make up for lost time?” Carol asked sincerely, reaching over and putting a hand on her arm.

Monica considered it. “Too late to teach me the intricacies of a first kiss” she joked. Carol looked at her, unable to tell if she was joking. Monica saw the look and burst out laughing. “I never expected you to teach me the ways of sex, Captain Marvel” she said.

Carol laughed. “You mother wouldn’t have approved anyway” she replied.

Monica shrugged. “Wouldn’t have stopped me if she had.” She shot a sideways look at the older woman. She didn’t look it but she was older by thirty years since the last time she saw her. A combination of what the Kree gave her and the tesseract giving her those powers slowed her aging, so she looked almost exactly the same as before. She thought about to that younger version of herself, who idolized her and might’ve grown a big girl crush in her later years. That attraction still remained as the black woman admired her powerful frame and gorgeous face.

Carol caught her staring and blushed. “You’ve grown up quite a bit” she complimented.

“In a lot of different ways” Monica nodded, reaching over to put her hand on Carol’s thigh. Carol looked at her inquisitively while Monica shuffled closer. “Perhaps it’s not too late for that first kiss” she whispered, leaning towards her.

Carol hadn’t expected this development today. She didn’t do anything to stop it, however, as Monica planted a kiss on her aunt Carol. In her mind Carol knew this should be crossing a line, it had to be taboo somewhere. But then she remembered they aren’t blood related, so there was no line to cross. Her mother wouldn’t approve, of course, but Carols old friend wasn’t here anymore. It was up to her to take care of her niece. So she closed her eyes and kissed her back, locking lips with Captain Rambeau on the bed. The two woman made out intimately, their mouths moving together exorcising some tension that had been lingering for years. Carol could tell from the way Monica shuffled closer eagerly that she had wanted this for some time. She didn’t want to leave the woman disappointed as she cupped her face and stroked her cheek.

“So…you and that Asgardian woman had a thing once?” Monica teased when their paused their kiss.

“Really? You want to talk about that now?” Carol asked, raising and eyebrow.

Monica thought about it. The exploits of Captain Marvel and Valkyrie could keep. “I will want details” she said, moving back into the kiss. Carol rolled her eyes.

“Okay, I’m good now” Kamala said, much more composed than a few minutes ago. She walked back across the room taking a deep breath, interrupting the intimate moment between the older women. “Oh!” She gasped in surprise, confusion crossing her face before she looked around.

Carol and Monica broke the kiss and looked at her, both of them blushing with embarrassment. “Monica was just…” Carol said awkwardly, brushing her hair behind her ear when she realized there was little she could say to convince her it wasn’t how it looked.

“Um…should I go?” Kamala asked, suddenly uncomfortable and feeling like she’d be shunted out.

Monica shook her head. “No, I’m the one interrupting you two” she said apologetically. “I should go.”

“No. I’m sure we could all stay” Carol found herself suggesting, not wanting either of them to feel pushed out. She looked at Kamala and suggested “maybe Monica could help you practice, if you’d like?”

A smile tugged at her lips as Kamala glanced at the black woman. “If that’s okay?” She asked.

Monica looked at Carol, who flashed her a smirk. “Sure” she laughed, nodding. “I’d be happy to help.”

Carol smiled, shuffling over and patting the space between them. Kamala struggled to contain her excitement as she dashed over and sat down between the two powerful women. She looked up between them as they shared a playful look before both admiring the young woman between them. “So…is this weird?” She asked nervously.

“It’s only as weird as you let it be” Carol said, brushing the girls dark hair behind her ears. She met her eyes when she looked up, politely assuring her “if you’re uncomfortble however, you can tell us.”

“I’m not. I’m just…a little nervous.”

“It can be a little intimidating” Monica nodded, hooking her finger under Kamala’s jaw to turn her gaze towards her. “But I think you can handle it, Ms Marvel” she said confidently. The statement made the girls brown cheeks blossom as she smiled modestly. “So how did you find your first kiss?”

She glanced at Carol before answering “amazing.”

“I know, right?” She agreed. “But you know, not every kiss is the same. You need to be prepared for the fact that not everyone will be as good as Captain Marvel” she cautioned. She cupped the girls chin with her hand, lifting her face up as she told her “some of us could be much better at it.”

Kamala received her second kiss from the woman, closing her eyes as their lips connected. It was definitely different, is some subtle ways. But it was no less exhilarating for her as her shoulders came up, a soft gasp escaping her mouth. Carol watching silently as Monica and Kamala made out, the older woman gently dominating the younger girl until she was breathless and panting. “Whoa” she muttered.

“Better?” She asked. Kamala’s cheeks reddened as she lowered her gaze. Monica sighed and Carol chuckled. “I request an unbiased opinion” Monica huffed.

“Don’t tease her Monica” Carol said, squeezing Kamala’s arm giving her a comforting smirk. “We all know you’re a great kisser” she said. Kamala sheepishly nodded with her.

“Just not as good as you, it seems” Monica said.

“Maybe you just need more practice” Carol teased, taking the woman’s hand and pulling her over to kiss her next.

Monica smiled into the kiss, looking at the blonde woman inquisitively. “How much practice did you have with your Prince Charming, Princess Marvel?”

“I told you, we’re just friends” she said. Monica and Kamala both shared a look and a giggle. “I thought we were meant to be training Kamala?” She said defensively.

“We are. Starting with a demonstration” Monica said, capturing Carol’s lips making out with her so the girl could watch.

Kamala sat back and watched the two of them make out, nibbling on her bottom lip getting very aroused. Her creative imagination was running wild and she doubted it would ever stop. Then their kiss ended and their gaze turned back to her and she gulped. She sat forward and they took turns kissing her, giving her the opportunity to learn and practice from both of them. And it was so hot the girl could feel her body temperature rising as they took her into their gentle embrace. Very few kisses they would also kiss each other, the three of them alternating between each other until their mouths came together at the same time in a three way kiss. “Wow, I thought that only happened in smut-fics” Kamala marveled.

“Are you doing okay Kamala?” Carol asked after a few moments while she kissed her neck.

Kamala nodded, her eyes closed as Monica kissed along her jaw.

“How many fanfiction ideas is this giving you?” Monica asked.

“So many” she confessed.

“I look forward to reading them” Monica grinned, capturing her lips again to continue fueling her imagination.

Carol took a step back to watch her two favorite people make out, delighted to see they haven’t overwhelmed the younger of them. She climbed off the bed so she could take the next step, which she hoped wouldn’t terrify her. She stood up and untied the costume around her waist, pushing it down her legs the rest of the way to step out of it.

While she was making out with Monica, Kamala reached out and realized Carol was no longer with them. She turned her head and looked up, staring at Carol as she peeled her vest over her head to reveal her sexy toned body. Monica’s gaze was drawn to her friend also, a hungry gaze falling over her firm round breasts. Carol shook her head to shake the blonde hair loose before noticing they were both staring at her. “Too much?” She asked worried.

“Not at all” Monica grinned, admiring her physique. “Brave to go without a bra” she remarked, glancing at the underwear she was wearing around her hips.

“Bras don’t work well in zero gravity” Carol explained, giving her boobs a squeeze.

“Tell me about it” Monica groaned.

Kamala shot a curious glance at Monica, her eyes darting to her chest suddenly wondering if she was wearing underwear. She turned back to Carol, stunned to see her topless. It was like all her fantasies were coming true today. Of course she’d already seen her naked, but this time it felt special.

Carol walked over and climbed back onto the bed, kneeling in front of them with a modest smile. “I hope we’re not moving too fast for you” she said self consciously to the girl. She shook her head, still transfixed by her boobs. “You can touch them if you want” she said.

Kamala tried not to make it weird as she reached out and nervously ran her fingers over Captain Marvel’s breasts. “They’re so soft” she muttered, her red cheeks getting more pronounced when she realized she said that out loud.

Carol laughed, holding her chest up letting her feel them. She glanced at Monica and gave her a nod too. The little girl inside of the space woman freaked out at being able to squeeze her aunt Carol’s breast. “They’re so firm” Monica grinned.

The blonde sighed as they both played with her chest, feeling very aroused at their curiosity. She bit her bottom lip as she opened her eyes and gazed down at her young protégé. “I’d like to see yours” she said, grazing the back of her hand against Kamala’s chest.

Kamala looked down and brought her shoulders up shyly. “They’re not as big as yours” she whispered nervously.

“Size isn’t everything” Carol assured her, drawing a circle around her mound with her finger. She would never pressure her to do anything she wasn’t ready for, but she hoped the girl was getting comfortable enough to open up to them. Monica squeezed Kamala’s shoulders encouragingly, eager to see her body also.

The younger woman couldn’t get her head around how she ended up in this situation, with two attractive women looking at her adoringly. She had never revealed her body to anyone outside of her family before, the compulsion to shy away and cover herself holding strong. But that strength faded as the two of them gave her confidence in herself with their patient smiles. Not wanting to disappoint anyone, including herself, Kamala sat up and swallowed a gulp of trepidation before tugging on her shirt. She couldn’t quite bring herself to remove it though. Luckily both her mentors offered to assist. She lifted her arms and felt both pairs of hands brush her brown skin as they lifted the T-shirt over her head, leaving her topless and and a little scared. She covered herself on instinct, but Monica gently coaxed her to remove her arms so they could get a look at her young boobs for themselves.

“I told you they weren’t that big” she whispered shyly.

Carol studied her perky tits and smiled warmly. “They’re perfect” she told her honestly.

“Marvelous” Monica agreed, reaching over to cup one of them in her hand.

Kamala blushed as she found herself being felt up by the women, trembling as they touched her mounds and nipples. She moaned ashen they gave them a playful squeeze and gasped when one of them pinched her nipple. But she swooned when Carol leaned down and gave them a soft kiss that brought goosebumps over her flesh. The blonde woman locked eyes with the girl and grinned. “Can I see more?”

“More?” Kamala asked, though at this point she was so overwhelmed she would agree to anything Captain Marvel asked of her.

Carol ran a hand over her knee, brushing it over the inside of her thigh. “This may not count as your first time, but I’d like to offer it to you all the same” she said. “If you’ll let me?”

Kamala stared into Captain Marvel’s eyes, realizing this was the proposition she would always write about in her naughty fan-fictions. She inhaled sharply before nodding her head excitedly. “Yes” she whispered, grabbing Carol’s face and pulling her into a passionate kiss that took all three of them by surprise.

The older woman chuckled at her eager acceptance of the invitation, sharing a proud look. They wanted this to be a moment the girl would never forget. “Come over here kid” Monica said, shuffling up the bed and patting a spot between her legs. Kamala eagerly crawled over and sat down between her legs with her back propped up against her. Monica pulled her back until the girl was reclined against her chest, her breasts like pillows for her head. Kamala giggled as she got comfortable, tilting her head back to look at the grinning woman. Then Carol was there, crawling over to her until she was kneeling in front of her. She leaned down and the two made out with each other, Kamala’s legs wrapping around Carol’s waist pulling her closer. Excitement gave way to passion and lust as Carol made her way down Kamala’s sexy body, kissing her neck and chest, both her nipples before moving down her stomach. Kamala shivered as she descended, clutching Monica’s legs while her hands stroked and caressed her. She turned her head up and the two shared a kiss of their own while Carol reached the waistband of her pajama bottoms. Then, after receiving an excited nod from the girl, she pulled them down her legs and removed them, spreading her knees apart and revealing her moist womanhood.

Monica could see everything as she spread her legs for her, marveling at how adorable and sexy she looked under the Captain’s lustful stare. She could feel her trembling with excitement against her as the woman brushed her fingers down her front to her pussy. Kamala moaned nervously, biting her bottom lip. “Be sure to pay close attention” she whispered into the young woman’s ear. She knew she’d been memorizing this for her fanfics later, but she hoped she also learn as much as she could so she might return the favor after.

Kamala couldn’t stop staring as Carol lay down on her stomach, shuffling between her legs caressing her thighs gently. She felt goosebumps where her lips touched her, kissing along her legs towards her entrance. Kamala gulped as she felt her warm breath over her clit, her fingers spreading her lips slowly. This is really happening! She realized.

“Wait!” She gasped suddenly. Carol froze, looking at her in concern, ready to pull away in an instant. Kamala didn’t want her to stop, but she had one request. “You can never tell my parents about this” she said.

Carol looked up and gave her a reassuring smile. “Of course. I promise” she replied. When Kamala closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, she shot a glance of trepidation to Monica, who pursed her lips uncomfortably. Her mother had proven rather adept at sniffing out when they were hiding something. Hopefully they can keep the news they were corrupting her daughter off their radar.

She turned her focus back to the young pussy before her, leaning down and gently kissing on it. She watched Kamala’s hips shiver from the contact and heard her gasp softly. “Remember, we can stop at any time” she said.

“Please don’t” she replied.

The two women looked at their young protégé proudly as Carol began kissing and licking her pussy, introducing her to oral sex in a practical way. Kamala’s breath hitched with every kiss as she struggled to keep her eyes on her, pleasure rocking up her back until she was arching against Monica’s chest. The black woman cradled her as she writhed in pleasure, massaging her breasts and whispering naughty things into her ear. “You like that, don’t you? You like it when Captain Marvel licks your pussy?”

Kamala nodded, moaning as she felt her tongue spread her lips wider and slip into her. Her hands gripped Monica’s knees as her head fell back against her breasts.

“Keep watching” she said, holding her head firmly stroking her hair. “You want to learn how to be like her, don’t you?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

“Of course you do. Now watch, she’s going to find your clit next and she’s going to suck on it. And it’s going to feel amazing.”

Carol did and Kamala gasped, her toes curling into the bed covers. She brought her hand down onto her pussy and rubbed her, watching her squirm and tremble beneath her touch.

“She had such good fingers, doesn’t she?” Monica continued, teasing the girls nipples with her hands. “She’s going to put them inside you and finger your little cunt until your legs turn to jelly. Would you like that, Ms Marvel?”

“Yes” she whimpered, already feeling her finger slipping into her aroused pussy, squeezing the invader with her wet walls. It felt so good she thought she was going to float away, so she clung tighter to the bed. She looked down and met Carol’s eyes as she continued to ate her out, her mouth joining her fingers in driving her crazy. “Oh my god, don’t stop” she pleaded.

“You are doing such a good job” Monica praised, kissing her cheek. “We knew you could do it. You can do anything. Now your stories can come true. Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel; besties, partners, friends…lovers…girlfriends…”

Oh god!” Kamala cried, gushing at Monica’s words as she was suddenly hit by the most powerful orgasm she’d ever felt before. More powerful than her first one, or any that came after. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she climaxed against Carol’s mouth, soaking her fingers as they pleasured her through the orgasm. Carol eased her through it until she colapsed against Monica’s body, panting heavily, her face flushed and red. “I’m sorry” she muttered in embarrassment.

“You have nothing to apologize for” Carol said, crawling up to kiss the panting girl on the lips. She looked up at Monica, scolding her “you shouldn’t wind her up like that.”

“Just a little gentle encouragement” the woman smirked, leaning forward to share the juices Kamala spilled from her tongue.

Kamala struggled to focus on the pair of them as her body tingled, her head spinning between pleasure and amazement. She had never experienced anything so intense in her life. “That was amazing” she gasped.

“You okay?” Carol asked, hovering over her protectively.

Kamala nodded, unable to stop grinning. She tried to sit up but her arms felt tired. “My legs won’t stop shaking” she giggled drowsily.

“That’s what a proper orgasm feels like” Monica congratulated, slipping out from underneath her.

“You should stay here and rest” Carol suggested, propping her head up with a pillow. Kamala nodded and laid down to get her breath back, and to digest the experience. She then turned her attention to the naughty Monica. “I think aunt Carol needs to do some spanking” she said.

Monica couldn’t contain the grin, or the surge of arousal that statement brought her.

To be continued…

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