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EXCLUSIVE: The Marvels - Flerken Outbreak

Kamala Khan raced to the spaceship parked on the docks overlooking the Manhattan skyline, where the water linked New York to New Jersey. It was exactly where Captain Marvel’s directions pointed her. She leapt from her hard light platforms and climbed up the landing ramp and entered the ship. “Hello, I’m here!” Ms Marvel called as the door closed behind her, dressed in her superhero costume.

She stepped into the cockpit and looked around, confused when she found it empty. She turned around and scanned the ship. It looked deserted. She pulled out her phone and checked the time, and the text message Carol sent telling her to meet her here. It said it was an emergency, a new mission. And when Captain Marvel calls for your help, who was she to turn her down.

“Captain Marvel?” She called out, searching the ship cautiously. She could call her by her actual name, Carol Danvers, but that still felt weird to the fan girl. She ran through the possibilities in her head of what kind of mission she could be going on. What was so big Carol Danvers needed her help? Alien invasion? Wormholes? Urg, I hope it’s not giant frogsshe thought with a grimace as she pressed a button to open a door.

Whatever her imagination came up with didn’t come close to the sight of the dozens of tentacles behind the door that slid open.

“Oh my god!” Kamala screamed, tripping backwards as a mass of tentacles spilled out of the room and into the ship. She scrambled away as many of the slimy appendages slithered forward trying to grab her. She rolled out of their grasp and leapt up to her feet, staring in shock and disgust as they crawled over the ship swinging at her. She summoned a force field to protect herself when they surged forward to grab her, her powers keeping them at bay while she got her bearings. “Okay, not expecting tentacles” she muttered, panting nervously.

She peered through her light shield and caught sight of two figures ensnared in the mass of wiggling tentacles. Her eyes widened as she caught the blonde hair and pale skin of Carol Danvers and the dark flesh of Monica Rambeau through the limbs. She jumped into action and blasted the mass of limbs, climbing a set of hard light stairs to vault over another swarm and land beneath the flailing arms to reach them. “Captain Marvel! Monica!” She called out as she weaves through the attacking limbs to rescue them.

When she got close enough she realized what she was saving them from. She gasped in horror as she discovered they were both naked and wrapped up by dozens of tentacles, all of which was holding them in the air coiled around their arms and legs, slithering over their bodies and around their breasts. They were moaning as the tendrils assaulted them, raping their pussies and asses with thick arms stuffed into their holes, gagging on limbs pushing down their throats. More tentacles hovered around them, some with mouths latching onto their nipples to bit or suck. They writhed wildly as they were fucked forcefully, ravaged by the shifting mass of slimy flesh.

Kamala held back the terror rising in her gut as she leapt in the rescue them. This was not the situation she had expected to be running into today. She lashed out at the tentacles holding her idol with a glowing fist construct, swatting at them demanding they let her go. They didn’t like that, swiping at her instead sending her sprawling. She was quick to get up before they could swarm her next, but one got hold of her ankle and yanked her into the air. “Nope! Nuh uh!” She cried, twisting at the tentacles attempting to coil around her, cocooning herself in a field of light to prevent them from tearing at her costume or violating her body. Her cocoon freed her from the tentacle around her foot, at the cost of losing her boot. She fell to the ground and gasped, lifting her head to roll over and look for another opening.

Her eyes fell on the source of the tentacles, which both dumbfounded her but also answered everything. “Goose?” She gasped, staring at the tabby cat with tentacles bursting out of its mouth.

See, Goose wasn’t an ordinary cat. It was an alien from outer space called a Flerken. It used to belong to someone called Captain Mar’Vel, a mentor of Carol’s before she became Captain Marvel. Now it was Carol’s pet. It also had an unfortunate habit of swallowing things, and people, with its tentacles. Carol explained Flerken’s stomach was like a pocket dimension, so it could store almost anything inside of it unharmed. They once used a pack of them to save a space station full of people by letting them get eaten. It was gross.

Carol never said anything about her cat using it’s tentacles to rape people though.

Still, now she knew what the danger was, Ms Marvel could save the day. (She hoped.)

She rolled along the ground as the tentacles flailed over her, trying to penetrate the protective cocoon she wrapped herself in. She cast an eye up to check on her mentors, both women still trapped in the Flerken’s grasp being violated and molested by its tentacles. It was hard to see if they women were in pain as their bodies were hoisted up and tilted at odd angles, but Kamala could hear the muffled sounds coming from them as they were gaged by one or more slimy appendages. She hustled to save them, shuffling closer until she could get a line of sight on the horny cat. “Sorry about this” she apologized, risking dropping her cocoon to blast a ray of light energy at the animal.

It’s tentacles lashed aorund her instantly, almost throwing off her aim as they grabbed her wrist, but her beam struck the Flerken in the side making it Yelp in surprise. The tentacles jerked wildly and loosened as they retracted instinctively back into the creature, releasing Kamala as quickly as they caught her.

They also let go of Carol and Monica, the two ladies dropping to the ground abruptly as the tentacles yanked themselves out of their bodies. Kamala was quick to stretch a large translucent hand out to catch them, lowering them gently to the floor to gasp and get their bearings. “Fuck, was that it?” Monica stammered, rolling onto her side sluggishly.

Carol lifted her head and brushed the blonde hair out of her face. She turned in surprise as Kamala came rushing to her side asking if she was alright. “Kamala, what are you doing here?”

“You called me, remember? For an energy mission?” She said.

Carol narrowed her eyes, averting her gaze jogging her memory. “Oh, right, yes! Sorry, I guess I forget while…” her eyes widened as she sprung to her feet. “Where’s goose?”

Kamala stood up with her, scanning the room which was suddenly conspicuously empty. “He was just here” she said nervously, turning around in a circle looking for him. But the cat was nowhere in sight.

Monica climbed up to her feet and looked at the young hero. “I suppose we have you to thank for interrupting us?” She asked. She sounded irritated.

“I just saved you” Kamala said, sensing a level of disapproval from the naked black woman suddenly. Carol rushed out of the small room to search the rest of the ship, making sure the cat hadn’t gotten outside. “I came as fast as I could. Then I found you both in there with the cat and it was…I was only trying to help.”

“I know” Carol said, pausing in her search to take Kamala by the hands. “But now we have to find goose.”

“Did you really call the kid in on this?” Monica asked the blonde woman, her mind catching up with her body now.

“I thought it’d be safer to have the extra help” Carol said.

“She’s just a child” Monica said.

“Actually, I’m eighteen” Kamala objected.

“That’s not the point” she replied curtly. “I mean, didn’t Carol tell you what this mission was?”

Kamala stared back at her hesitantly.

Monica whirled back on her aunt. “You didn’t tell her!” She yelled.

“I was about to, but then Goose interrupted the call” Carol explained frantically, looking under her bed for the cat.

“Tell me what?” Kamala asked worried. “Is this about the emergency mission? Also, why would goose attack you? Is he sick?”

“Something like that” Monica sighed.

“Goose is the emergency” Carol told her, pacing her ship. “And he’s running out of time. If he doesn’t have the litter now, he’ll only get worse. And for this to work, he has to feel comfortable enough to…”

“CAPTAIN MARVEL, BEHIND YOU!” Kamala shouted, spotting the slithering tentacles emerging from under a table just as they reached her bare feet.

She dived for her and pushed her away just as the swarm of them lunged, the two of them landing on the bed. The tentacles missed them and found Monica instead, quickly coiling around her and lifting her back of her feet.

“Fuck, here we go again” Monica sighed, not resisting as she was carried into the air and molested by tentacles.

Kamala and Carol jumped back to their feet as watched Monica get assaulted by the arms, two already plunging back into her pussy stretching her out. Kamala balled her fists up and prepared to fight them back again, but Carol suddenly grabbed her arms and intercepted her. “No, don’t. He won’t hurt her.”

“What? But look! He’s…” she said, pointing to Monica until she noticed she was moaning in pleasure, not pain. She faltered, confused and shocked as the woman willingly let one of the tentacles slither into her mouth for her to suck on, more wrapping around her breasts fondling them. “What the fuck?” She muttered.

“This is the mission” Carol explained, drawing her face back to her.

Kamala tore her eyes away from the black woman being fucked by tentacles to stare at the superhero. “I don’t understand” she said baffled.

Carol gently ushered Kamala to the bed at the back of the ship, sitting her down so they could observe Monica while she quickly explained “Goose has entered a period in the Flerken cycle where they…basically they need to breed and have offspring. It’s not like other species who need to find mates, this happens naturally throughout its lifespan, sometimes only once and other times multiple times.”

“You mean like on the space station?” Kamala asked. Carol nodded. Kamala’s eyes widened. “He’s having babies again? Wait, but last time he just coughed up those eggs around the station?”

“Yeah, we’ll, this time we wanted to get him to the Flerken home-world before he had his offspring” Carol explained. “In case you don’t recall last time, herding alien cats was a lot harder than it seemed. We were going to lock Goose in the ship and fly him there, but it also transpires Flerken’s only deposit their eggs when they don’t have a…handy incubator nearby.”

Kamala didn’t understand what that last word meant. Not until she looked up and discovered a couple of the tentacles Goose was pumping into Monica’s pussy, mouth and ass had expanded to accommodate a row of oval shapes moving through its translucent flesh. The young Muslim girl stared as the black woman moaned around the appendages holding her as these shapes were pushed into her body. Her throat bulged as she was forced to swallow each one as it slipped down her throat. More stretched her holes wider, her legs pulled apart to accommodate the new arrivals entering her womb and anus.

“Oh my god!” Kamala whispered in shock.

“Yeah” Carol said hesitantly. “We found a few of the crew members of the station while we were evacuating who were a little…shell shocked by the experience.”

“He’s putting his eggs inside of her!” Kamala gasped.

“Inside of us” Carol said.

Kamala blinked and looked at the blonde woman, hers glancing down to her naked body, realizing why she was naked. Then her gaze shifted to the floor and she recoiled as she discovered more tentacles were creeping closer to the bed.

She pulled her feet up and shuffled back while Carol stayed where she was and allowed them to coil up her legs toward her hips. She turned back to Kamala, crawling forward to turn her face back to her. “This is the mission” she said, apologizing for not explaining over the phone. She detailed how she tried but Goose got too horny and got his tentacles on her before she could explain. Much like how he drove his tentacles into her ass and pussy right now as she gasped mid sentence, looking back to see she had two in her ass and one thick tentacle invading her cunt.

Kamala, meanwhile, was staring at the tentacles shaking her head. “This is insane. I can’t…you want me to let this thing make me pregnant?” She cried.

“It’s easier to transport three pregnant women to a planet than to carry a ship full of eggs waiting to hatch a litter of kittens” she replied, grunting between sentences as she was fucked from behind. Goose didn’t waste time with her, already feeling her anus stretch out to welcome the first load of eggs sliding into her ass. She moaned as they were pushed inside her intestines, where they’ll make the journey to her stomach to wait for their removal. “Incubation period is only a few hours, a day at the most. We got people waiting on the home-world to help with the…extraction…” she told her.

“Extraction?” Kamala squeaked, unable to shuffle any further as the tentacles reached her ankles. She attempted to kick them away, but with one boot missing it gave its limps a leg to grab. She was dragged back onto the bed to be wrapped up in more, which coiled up her legs to prevent her from moving. Goose was getting impatient with her as it’s arms began pulling on her costume, and soon the girl felt the waistband of her pants sliding down. She fought to pull them up but tentacles grabbed her wrists and held her down.

“Medical teams will remove the eggs safely. It’s less difficult then trying to give birth to a dozen eggs” she said in answer to her question, briefly closing her eyes to concentrate on the insertion of the first egg through her cervix. She felt it plop into her uterus and gasped, the tentacle lodging itself in place to make the insemination easier. She looked down and saw Kamala wrestling with the tentacles crawling all over her. She crawled over and put her hand on the girls chest. Ms Marvel looked up, nervous and frightened. Then Carol looked down at the tentacles and intercepted those about to violate her by covering her pussy with her palm. Kamala turned red as she felt her hand cupping her, trying not to let the dirty fantasies she sometimes had late in the evening make her blush. “I’m sorry. I won’t force you to do this with us. Monica and I can handle carrying the eggs to the planet. You can wait here on Earth or come with us, but you don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”

Kamala bit her lip as she looked nervously at the tentacles slithering all over her. They were slipping under her costume to caress and stroke her, but their grip on her arms and legs had loosened. They didn’t hold her down and she could move a little more. The one trying to invade her pussy coiled around Carol’s wrist as she kept her palm in place, protecting her virtue. When Kamala became Ms Marvel, she never thought life as a superhero would bring her to a situation like this. She looked up at her mentor, the woman looking at her patiently and compassionately. She looked up at Monica, lost in the thrall of the Flerken as she was filled with eggs. She didn’t want to let them down, or let them do this by themselves. “Does…does it hurt?” She asked her.

“A little” Carol said honestly, grunting as another egg was shoved up her ass. “The tentacles will try and make if feel good for you, but it’s still…uncomfortable in places.”

Kamala nodded, trying to picture the scene she was considering. Her mind spun. “I’ve never…done this before. I mean…I’m still a virgin” she confessed, turning very red with embarrassment.

“Well, then you definitely shouldn’t do this” Carol said. “Losing your virginity should be special. Trust me, when I lost mine it was anything but.”

The comment made the two of them laugh. Kamala hadn’t allowed herself time to consider when her first time should be, or with whom. If Abu found out she had sex with an alien, he would freak. Her mom would freak. She swallowed a gulp and tentatively removed the bottom half of her costume. The tentacles pulled away to let her remove her pants and underwear. Carol looked at her inquisitively, asking if she was sure. “Yeah. It’s the mission, right?” She said, trying to sound confident even though her heart was racing.

Carol waited a few moments to check she was absolutely sure before removing her hand. She nodded at her proudly before advising she lie back. Kamala did so and took a deep breath. It didn’t take long for the tentacles to re-emerge, taking hold of her legs and spreading them wide for the thick tentacle to slither forward. The young woman tensed nervously as she felt it brush her womanhood, her hand gripping Carols when she offered it. “If you want it to stop, just say so” she whispered. Kamala nodded, promising she would. “Try to relax your muscles. And think of whatever you can to get you really wet. It’ll make it easier” she advised.

Kamala closed her eyes and concentrated. It didn’t take her long to come up with something that made her aroused. She was already lying next to a naked Captain Marvel talking about sex. She was right, it did make the first penetration easier as the tentacle slipped into her moist lips suddenly. The sudden intrusion made Kamala gasp though, her body quickly trying to force it back out. But squeezing it only made the feeling more pronounced and Kamala let out her first moan as the tentacle pushed deeper into her.

She gushed within seconds, blushing bright red. “First orgasm is always the quickest” Carol whispered reassuringly, squeezing her hand.

Having Captain Marvel with her made the surreal experience much more bearable, and less frightening for the young Muslim girl. But it was still bizarre, even compared to all the weird stuff she’d seen since she became a superhero. The tentacles slithered over her body while the one in her vagina pushed deeper, stretching her wider making her whimper. It wasn’t the thickest of the set crawling over her, thankfully, but it was slimy and gross and wiggled inside of her as it moved. She grit her teeth and gulped as she looked down her body and found more creeping up her torso, slithering under her costume to molest her young boobs. She writhed against their touch as they wrapped around her, their grip loose enough to give her movement but firm enough to keep her from escaping. She felt one of the thin ones snake up her spine to her coil around her neck, turning her head away when it brushed her cheek. She glanced up at Monica, still suspended in the air with tentacles protruding from her throat. Kamala doubted she could stomach having any of these things in her mouth.

“Remember to breathe” Carol whispered in her ear, seeing the girls distress as she clutched her hand and held her breath. Kamala let out a shaky exhale, her chest rising and falling, relaxing her muscles to allow the tentacle to fuck her more gently. Carol stayed close by, stroking her face with her free hand comfortingly. Every once in a while she asked her if she wanted to stop. Kamala would hesitate before shaking her head. She was getting used to it now, even if she was still freaking out from the whole thing. She tensed up when she looked down and saw the tentacle expanding, a glowing orb sliding down its length towards her. Carol bit her lip as she squeezed her hand, prepared to intercede at a moments notice. “Last chance to back out” she said.

Kamala stared as the first egg arrived between her legs, the tentacles spreading her open to welcome it. She gulped and looked at her mentors, both of whom were already having these things laid inside their bellies. Monica reclined in the air, her body tilted down so she could take as many eggs as gravity would allow into her body, with more pumped down her throat making her neck bulge. Carol grunted each time another egg was shoved into her from behind, stretching her anus or cunt periodically. Her belly had grown and hung beneath her swollen and heavy. Kamala looked at her flat belly, nervously wondering how she’ll look once she’s pregnant.

The first egg pushed against her pussy lips and she laid back in anticipation. She wasn’t going to let Captain Marvel down. She closed her eyes and moaned as it was pushed deeper inside of her, jerking against the tentacles holding her still as she felt it get forced into her and pushing against her uterus. There was a moment of resistance before she felt her virgin womb get breached and she felt the egg plop inside of it. “Oh my god” she gasped, focusing on her breathing.

Carol watched over her with a deep sense of pride as Kamala accepted the Flerken’s eggs into her body. Goose seemed to understand how delicate she was because he didn’t force the process like he tried with her and Monica. She saw one of the ovipositor tentacles hover over the girls face briefly but one swipe of her hand deterred it. She sank forward as her belly swelled further, the eggs shifting around inside as more was stuffed in. She slumped against Kamala’s shoulder moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure, the girls head rolling over to look up at her face. Her eyes were glassy, a mix of delirium and lust brought on by the experience. Carol struggled to keep herself up on her elbows, drifting closer to the brown girl’s face until they were close enough to kiss. The older woman noticed the girl’s face lean closer, sensing a brief desire for such a fantasy. Carol might’ve fulfilled that ambition too, had she not succumbed to an orgasm that made her moan and collapse into the bedsheets.

Kamala pinned over the lost opportunity to make her naughtiest fan-fiction come true as she turned her face away from the older woman, hiding the blush in her cheeks and the grimace as she felt another orgasm ripple over her. She was getting tired now, losing stretch to lift her head and check on Monica, who hung limp in the air letting the Flerken have its way with her. She reached down with a hand to run her palm over her stomach, feeling the bulges of the eggs inside of her moving as more was deposited. The tentacles continued to caress her, gently soothing her as they laid their eggs in her cunt. She whimpered as another pushed through her cervix into her womb, expanding her further. She prayed to her gods she wouldn’t come to regret this


“how long will you be gone?” Her mother asked again, for the fourth time.

“Tomorrow, at the latest” Kamala promised, talking to her parents over the visual communicator on the table in front of her. She wore one of Carol’s large shirts as she crossed her arms in front of her, resting her chin on them. “We’re just going to visit another planet and then we’ll come straight back.”

“I hope you’re not running off into any trouble” her father said.

“We’re not going to fight any bad guys” she said. She glanced over to Carol in the pilot’s seat, who overheard and shook her head. “See, completely safe.”

“It’d better be” her mom said curtly. “Now you’d better be home by supper tomorrow, or you will be grounded for life, you hear?” She warned.

“I will” she promised.

The face of her mother got bigger as she peered through the screen. “Are you taking care of yourself? You look peaky.”

Kamala had hoped she wouldn’t notice the grimace of discomfort she was attempting to hide behind a smile. She was forced to take a second to groan under her breath, composing herself before lifting her chin assuring them “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about. I need to go” she said, pretending someone was trying to talk to her. “Love you” she said to her parents.

“Love you too, beta” they replied before she abruptly disconnected the call.

As soon as the call ended Kamala gasped and slumped forward, resting her sweaty brow on the table as she panted heavily. “You okay?” Carol asked from her chair.

Kamala couldn’t quite respond as she waited for the cramping to pass, taking slow breathes like her mentor suggested as she reached down and cradled her swollen tummy. It had been a few hours since their pet Flerken had finished laying his eggs, but the discomfort of carrying them was proving to be torture for the young woman. “I’ve never having kids” she declared pitifully, sure the statement would make her parents proud. She locked eyes with the cat sitting on the chair opposite her, staring daggers at it as it purred in content.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there” Carol said, leaning back in her chair shifting her own uncomfortable weight. Her belly was significantly more inflated than Kamala’s, in large part due to the fact she had eggs filling her woman and stomach. Goose was considerate enough not to force the inexperienced superhero to take on more than she could handle, so she had the smallest share of their new cargo. Of course Carol had to keep her but clenched the whole time to keep any from spilling out of her anus. and her costume wouldn’t fit beyond her hips now, so she piloted the ship topless while Kamala climbed out of her so stump and into a T-shirt and baggy set of pajama bottoms.

Monica, meanwhile, had to carry the most of the baggage. When Goose had finished filling her to capacity, he tentacles and lowered he to the ground in a comatose state. Kamala managed to summon enough energy to use her powers and carry her to the bed in a glowing hand. The black woman hadn’t moved since as she stirred and groaned, mumbling incoherently as her holes dripped with cum and slime and fluids, her belly so bloated she looked like she might burst at any moment. Her hips quivered constantly as her muscles strained to keep the huge load she carried inside. Two eggs had already slipped out onto the seats by her thighs. Ever so often Monica was forced to swallow another creeping up her throat before she threw more up. “Why did I ever agree to this plan” she complained.

“It was either this, or we herd cats” Carol reminded her from the front.

“Next time I’ll take my chances with an army of those things” she said.

Kamala begrudgingly nodded. She never wanted to go through anything like this ever again. “I feel like I need to pee” she whined.

“That’s your uterus pushing on your blabber” Carol chuckled between involuntary contractions. “Be glad you didn’t have one of those tentacles mistake your urethra for your cunt” she added grimacing.

“I’ll be happy when we get to this planet and give birth to these things before they hatch inside of us” Monica mumbled deliriously.

Carol saw Kamala’s eyes widen as she looked between her and Monica frantically. “They won’t” she promised quickly, before she could get carried away by thoughts of chest bursters from one of those alien movies.

Kamala spent the rest of the flight glancing at her stomach nervously, swallowing a new wave of trepidation. She wasn’t sure what scared her more; these eggs hatching inside her and ripping themselves out, giving birth to them when they reached the planet, or her parents somehow discovering she willingly let herself get impregnated by an alien.

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