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EXCLUSIVE: The Full Moon (Hogwarts Mystery; NSFW Variant)

So, normally I avoid beastiality content because I find it a tiny bit awkward to write (apart from one or two outliers), and since I know Patreon will never allow this kind of content the full short is dropping here.

so beastiality warning incoming, we got werewolves and humans!

(if you go down to the woods today your sure of a Big Sur…of course that had to get stuck in my head!)


Chiara had gotten her routine down to a fine art: once a month she would sneak out into the Forbidden Forest, making sure she wasn’t seen and was safely away from any other students. After being reminded by Lupin to take her Aconite every month she was always in control when she transformed during the full moon, but she was always worried she might hurt someone. The forbidden forest was the best place for a werewolf to roam harmlessly until dawn. She couldn’t hurt anybody out there.

It’s how you knew that’s where she’d be tonight during the full moon. You snuck out of the castle after night fell, a blanket under your armpit, dressed in your casual wear. You were careful not to be seen. Chiara might have a special arrangement with Dumbledore every full moon, but you didn’t. If you were caught breaking curfew again, you’ll be in detention longer that Jae. Luckily spending so much time with your friends taught you how to get around without being seen. You ventured into the forest seeking your girlfriend, pulling your wand out and clutching it tightly as you kept your eyes open. You’d been warned enough times about the dangerous creatures that lurked in here, so finding one werewolf in the dark was going to be difficult.

If Chiara knew you were following her out here she’d tell you it was too dangerous, that you must be mad (wouldn’t be the first time). You knew the dangers, but this was too important. You couldn’t let tonight end on the fight you two had, not like this. You needed her to see that her condition wouldn’t break you two up in the long term. So what if there wasn’t a cure, you loved her anyway. But instead of telling her that you ended up putting your foot in it and let her walk out on the verge of breaking up with you. You needed to fix this before you lost her over a stupid argument, even if it meant risking her life.

You trudged through the forest carefully, resisting the urge to call out for her in case you drew some unwanted attention. You kept your ears open for every sound and growl you heard, listening for werewolves and hoping one of them was your girl. After half an hour you started to wonder if you were lost, or going in circles. You didn’t want to go back to Hogwarts, but the longer you stayed out here the more danger you were in. Your mind flashed back to the sleepwalking curse which would lure students to the cursed vault placed in the middle of an Acomantula lair. It made you think how safe the forest was for Chiara, what if must be like for her out here by herself every month. It’s why you were fighting; you wanted her to be safe but she wanted everyone else to be safe from her. She still sees herself as a monster when she changes. But you’ve seen her in her wolf form, both when she’s taken her Aconite and when she hasn’t, she wasn’t a monster. You just need her to see that, or at least see that’s not how you see her.

Another half hour went by and you finally started to ponder how long you could stay out here for. It was getting cold and you were definitely lost. You finally decided to risk it and called her name. Maybe she was close by. Maybe she was watching you and hiding out of sight, hoping you were turn around. Then you got an idea, something you read in the library about werewolves, how they were always drawn to the call of another wolf. You tried howling inside, as loud as you can before listening. You got a howl in response, coming from a short distance. You took a cautious breath and moved towards it, keeping your eyes peeled for dangers as you weaved through the dark trees. After a few minutes you found a clearing and spotted a lanky shape crawling through the bushes. You ducked behind a tree and watched it a moment until you saw the snout and fur coat. You broke into a smile. “Chiara?” You called quietly, stepping forward carefully towards her.

The animal’s ears perked up to your voice before it turned its head to look at you with a pair of yellow eyes, rising up on its hind legs to full height. You froze the moment you saw it and realized it wasn’t Chiara. Wrong werewolf you thought as the creature snarled at you. You started to back away, raising your hands defensively with your wand in front of you as the beast stepped closer, it’s hungry jaws bared at it glared at you. Maybe this wasn’t such a good ideayou thought as it suddenly snapped and pounced at you.

You ducked as a second shape suddenly leapt out of the bushes behind you and jumped over your head to collide with the werewolf, the two animals tumbling across the ground landing in a tussle. You watched as they both bare their teeth and claws, fighting each other wildly until the larger one knocked the smaller creature to the floor. You saw the second creature was another werewolf, this one with silvery white fur and blue eyes. Chiara! She must’ve been following you after all.

She snapped at the larger werewolf and swung at it with her claws, but it snapped back more aggressively and threw her to the ground, pinning her down with its strong arms. You leapt forward to help, whipping your wand out at the beast barking “flipendo!” Sending it flying into a nearby tree. It shook its head and snarled, barking at you angrily. Chiara leapt to her feet and jumped in front of you, snarling protectively back at the beast while you raised your wand ready to back her up. The werewolf looked at the two of you and growled, deciding you weren’t worth the hassle and retreated back into the forest. You exhaled a sigh of relief as it ran off. You wasn’t sure you had the energy to fight another werewolf.

Chiara growled and fell onto all fours, turning to look at you silently. “Hi” you say warmly, relieved to see her. But when you took a cautious step towards her she backed off and snarled before leaping back into the trees. “No, wait, don’t go! Chiara!” You cry, picking up the blanket your dropped and chasing after her. You managed to follow her tracks through the trees until you reach a small lake where you find her panting and whining by a tree. You stop a few yards away when she sees you and snaps at you, growling menacingly. “Whoa, easy…it’s me. Chiara, it’s me, remember” you say, putting your wand away and holding up your hands. You stand in front of her as she continued to snarl. You’re sure she took her aconite this month so she should recognize you. It wouldn’t be the first time she tried to scare you off in her wolf form. “I’m not going anywhere” you tell her, taking a careful step closer.

Chiara saw you weren’t bluffing and barked at you. When you refused to leave she tried to scare you by darting forward and swinging her claws. You flinched back but the claws missed by several feet. She wasn’t trying to hurt you. But when she stepped forward her leg buckled and you saw she was injured from the fight. That’s why she stopped her, she couldn’t run very far, the werewolf cut her leg. You looked at the wound and took another step forward, begging her to let you help. She growled briefly before finally accepting you were going to leave her, her snarl vanishing as she slumped against the tree whining. You took another cautious step forward and examined the wound. You weren’t as versed in first aid as she was but you knew one spell that could help her. You pulled out your wand and carefully approached her, keeping your eye on her cautiously even though you could see she wasn’t going to do anything. Her eyes followed you as you knelt down and waved your wand over her wound. “Episky” you whisper, the magic healing her cut painlessly. You lifted your head and smiled as Chiara examined her leg, sniffing at it before flexing the knee. She let out a satisfied grunt before shaking her fur happily.

You stood in front of her in relief, glad she was alright. You saw her eyes flicker to the forest, preparing to dart away again. Your hold your hands up desperately to stop her, begging her not to run. “Please, just listen to me” you ask. She stared back at your, a low howl escaping her mouth as she pinned for you to go. “I know you want me to leave because you think it’s too dangerous to be around your when you’re like this, but I’m not leaving you” you tell her. “I know it’s going to be hard, but we’ll make it work. I’ve known what I’m getting into ever since we started dating, I know you may never be cured. I don’t care Chiara, I don’t care. I love you. I will love you whether you are human or werewolf. You don’t have to be afraid to be yourself with me. This condition will break us up, I won’t let it. So tonight I’m staying with you” you tell her, showing her the blanket you brought, the one you gave her the first morning after you found her the first night you saw her transform. “I’m staying with you, tonight and every other night” you promised, reaching out to stroke her furry head. “I love you” you repeated, wishing you had said this earlier.

She stared back at you with her soft eyes, her animal throat humming with a delicate whine. You could almost hear her say the words back: I love you too. You smiled, cautiously leaning forward to kiss her snout. She responded by nuzzling your cheek with her nose and licking your face. You laugh hysterically, ruffling her fur and hugging the werewolf affectionately as she sat down under the tree. She chose not to run off and you chose to stay. Tonight you both spent this full moon together.


You laid the blanket down on the ground beside the lake underneath the tree, settling in the for night as Chiara curled up beside you. It was like sleeping next to a large dog, her fur sofa and comfortable as you rested your head against her side. She hummed softly as you stroked her mane, cautious about how you petted her. You weren’t sure if werewolves liked to be petted like dogs or be treated like humans. She seemed to respond very well when your hand reached over and experimentally scratched behind her ear, which made you laugh as she turned her head into your palm. You laid against her and stroked her affectionately, listening to her calm heartbeat through her rib cage. She looked up at your like a doting puppy, which melted your heart. You leaned in to kiss her forehead, rubbing under her chin. She pouted and licked your cheek, her eyes conveying a glimpse of disappointment. You read her mind with Legimancy: she wished she could kiss you and make love to you. You wished you could too.

But then a thought crossed your mind. Why can’t you? You sat up and looked down at her, wondering how risky it could be. Chiara perked up as she watched you, as if reading your mind. “We could be careful” you said as she whined worriedly, stroking her head assuringly. “I love you” you said again, pecking the tip of her nose with your lips. She looked up at you adoringly, her pupils dilating in what was either hunger or arousal, before she licked your mouth in response. You giggle, stroking her snout peppering it with kisses, your hands stroking her in the places she liked while she lapped at your face with her tongue. You brought her face up to look at you as you experimentally pecked her on the mouth, your lips kissing hers. She closed her eyes and licked your back, her tongue slipping inside your mouth to meet your tongue. You closed your eyes as you kissed the werewolf, your tongues licking each other as your lips pressed together, both careful not to graze the teeth. It was a weird experience, but an intimate one.

The kiss seemed to awaken something wild in both of you, as if the door had been opened and you both stepped through it willingly. You rose to your knees and climbed out of your clothes slowly, your top coming off to reveal your chest which Chiara was quick to lick. You gasped as her tongue lapped at your nipples, the rough texture grazing your skin making your growl. You petted her approvingly while she took hold of your waist, careful not to scratch you as you shuffled back against the tree trunk. Your eyes met before falling to your crotch, your groin tenting outwards in anticipation. You bit your bottom lip as she took a step back excitedly, watching you undo your trousers and push them down your legs. Your underwear went next, falling to your knees revealing your cock and balls to the young werewolf. You tensed nervously as her nose approached to sniff at them, nudging your penis with her snout. Then her tongue licked at them and you gasped as how strange it felt having a wet tongue lick at your privates. She got into licking your balls, lapping at them like an eager puppy making you moan and lean against the tree. You watched in fascination, adoration and caution as she played with your cock and balls, the cock extending till it was fully erect in front of her. She licked it with her tongue like it was a lollipop, her eyes gazing at it hungrily as she briefly licked her lips. She looked up at you, as if asking permission. You shrugged nervously and nodded, curious to see what it would feel like. She carefully opened her jaw and lowered her mouth onto your lap, closing her lips around your dick to suck on it. You held yourself perfectly still as she gave you a blowjob, able to feel her tongue lap the underside of your shaft and her teeth either side of it. You closed your eyes and groaned, enjoying how exciting and pleasurable it was. The added risk made it even hotter and you could feel your balls clenching in climax. You reached down and patted her head, both in approval and warning. She removed her mouth and watched you grasp your unharmed dick and masturbate the rest of the way, grunting as you ejaculated all over yourself and your girlfriend. She barked in joy as you showered her, eagerly cleaning up the semen from her fur and your skin while you regained your breath. You slumped to the ground and laughed, looking up at her affectionately as she kissed your body. You kissed her back, a hunger making your pupils dilate as your cock spring back to life. She looked down at it excitedly, your eyes meeting, both thinking the same thing.

In for a Penny, in for a pound.

You stripped completely naked and laid down on the blanket, lying on your back watching as Chiara climbed on top of your, her hips hovering over your stiff erection. You stared up at her as she positioned herself so she was crouching above you, lowering her wolf entrance down onto your human penis. You gasped as it slid inside of her, her furry walls wrapping tightly around your cock feeling more constrictive than when she was human. She growled as she sank lower onto your lap, her claws digging into the soil either side of your head as pleasure shot up her curved spine. You both took a moment to adjust to the surreal position, your chests rising and falling as you panted with arousal. You reached up to run your fingers through the fur on her chest, gazing at her magnificent body as it sat upon you. She looked down silently, her eyes conveying the lust and the affection she had for you. You shared an intimate kiss before taking hold of her hips and thrusting up into her. She growled and bounced on your cock, riding you slowly swallowing your dick with each plunge.

Over time the sex turned from anxious bouncing to vigorous fucking. Chiara lost a bit of control of herself as she started humping you more roughly, riding your cock like an animal. You moaned clutching her fur roughly, your body rocking as she laid on top of you and fucked your human body wildly. It was the roughest sex you and her had ever had, and it was so hot you couldn’t stop. You dug your heels into the dirt to thrust up into her, driving as far as you could while she panted and growled desperately. She fucked you until he climaxed, her orgasm making her howl to the moon arching her back like a wolf as she clutched your dick. You groaned at how hard it squeezed, forced to pull out in case her walls ripped it off. She whimpered from the loss, looking at you desperate for more. You caught your breath quickly and leapt up to resume, lustfully expressing your wish into her ear. She growled in approval, turning around and presenting her backside to you ready for penetration on all fours. You mounted her from behind, reentering her with much more control and proceeded to pound her like a dog. She panted heavily as she took your cock as deep as it would go, rutting against you as you grabbed her fur and humped her back, plunging harder and faster into her. You growled and grunted, letting out your inner animal as you mated with the werewolf, your body tensing until you howled alongside her unleashing your cum into her womb. You remembered the story about how werewolf’s can give birth to wolf cubs if they mate with another werewolf. You wondered what the offspring of a human and a werewolf would look like. Not that either of you needed to worry, Hogwarts students were very well protected in regards to safe sex. You finished inside of your werewolf girlfriend and collapsed in the dirt, breathless and exhausted as Chiara curled up with you and fell asleep next to you. You pulled the blanket over you both and dozed off beside her, dreaming of a future you hoped to share with the young woman.


Morning came and you woke to feel the sun on your face reflected off the lake. You rub your eyes and twist your body around, looking down to find Chiara had reverted back to her human form as she nestled against you under the blanket, a delicate smile on her face as she snored softly against your shoulder. You smiled and kissed the top of her head, cradling her naked body against you as you rested your eyes for a little while longer. You’ll probably get in trouble if you stayed out here much longer, but neither of you cared as you slept under the tree beside the lake happily.

After a few more minutes she stirred awake, blinking against the sun before looking up at you and smiling. “Hi” she whispered shakily.

“Hey. How was your night?” You asked her, brushing a strand of silver hair out of her face. “Do you remember anything?”

She looked down at your naked body and blushed, “I remember everything” she replied awkwardly. Your cheeks turned red as you averted your gaze. She leant in and kissed you on the lips. “It was the best full moon I’ve ever had” she said, staring at you with adoration. “I can’t believe you came after me like that. I can’t believe last night we…” she muttered in shock.

“Neither can I” you replied, equally stunned not at all ashamed. You cupped her cheek telling her “I love you. I don’t care if you’re human or werewolf, I love you and I want to be with you.” She welled ups it’s joy as you pulled her into a passionate kiss, showing her how much you love her. She kissed you back and hugged you tightly, feeling happy and safe for the first time in so long. After a while you looked up at the rising sun and suggested “we should probably be heading back to the castle, before someone notices.”

Chiara looked around and smirked. “We’ve got another hour, trust me” she said, shifting under the blanket to mount you. “The wolf in me is still a little horny” she whispered, letting out a tiny growl as she licked your cheek. You look at the playful witch and grin, taking hold of her and roll her onto her back instead. She laughed as you made love to her, claiming her human form just like you did in her werewolf form, unleashing your wild side to make her howl into the Dawn.

An hour later Chiara had led you to the tree she kept her clothes in during the night, hurriedly getting dressed and sneaking back into the castle. It turned out she was right as you both reached the great hall before the breakfast feast, holding hands all through the corridors with naughty grins on your faces and a new lease of life in your relationship.

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