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EXCLUSIVE: Sleepover at the Three Broomsticks (Hogwarts Legacy)

Sirona had never seen Mirabel drink so much in one evening. She finished her fourth butterbeer and she could tell she was considering ordering another. “Tough day at school?” She inquired, wiping down the bar while checking on her close friend.

The red-haired muggle-born witch sighed as she leant against the bar. She was usually a very upbeat and cheerful young woman, but tonight something had soured her personality.

“Want to talk about it?” Sirona asked. “Students becoming a challenge.”

“Oh no. The students are a delight, blossoming like roses” she replied. She pouted in frustration. “I’m afraid it’s one of my colleagues.”

“Ah, let me guess…a certain headmaster?” She assumed, pouring her another butterbeer.

Mirabel lifted her eyes in surprise. “How did you know?”

“You wouldn’t be the first customer to come in here complaining about Proffessor Black” she chuckled. The number of complaints she heard everyday were getting larger now he had canceled Quidditch for the season. She made sure nobody else needed her attention before walking over and joining the former hufflepuff. “What did he do this time?”

“Oh, nothing really. He’s just as stubborn as a…hic!” She covered her mouth in apology, suddenly feeling a little tipsy. “Oh my. I think that last one went straight to my head.”

“I was starting to wonder. You have been knocking them back tonight. Black must’ve really rattled your branches.”

Mirabel looked at the barkeeper and smiled. “Was that a pun? I thought you hated it when I did those?”

“Because yours are terrible” she laughed, picking up some glasses to clean them. She looked at the time and realized how dark it was getting. Most of the customers had already left. “I need to close up soon. You okay to be heading back to the castle?” She asked the professor.

Professor Garlick looked at the empty bar in surprise. “Oh my. I didn’t realize how late it was. I’m glad we had this chat. Busy day tomorrow, provided the headmaster doesn’t…”

She climbed off her stool and suddenly stumbled against the bar. Sirona rushed around to help her onto her feet when she swooned unsteadily. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine” she said. She took a step, however, and her head spun, forcing Sirona to lower her onto the nearest chair. “Ooh, must’ve stood up to fast.”

Sirona found the glasses Mirabel had drunk from and examined them, giving the residue a sniff and a taste. She could detect the difference immediately. “Mirabel, did you leave your drink at any point?”

“I don’t know. Oh wait, I got talking with some charming young third years earlier. They had so many questions about mandrakes. I always love to see curious minds blooming.”

“Well, I’m guessing one of those “blooming minds” slipped one of Zonko’s latest concoctions into your drink while you were distracted” Sirona explained with an air of disapproval. “Can’t have troublemakers spiking people’s drinks” she muttered, vowing to root them out and make sure it doesn’t happen again. She checked Mirabel over. She was definitely showing the signs of intoxication. The butterbeer is nonalcoholic, but this prank was causing her to mimic the symptoms. “You should be fine once you sleep it off. Hopefully it doesn’t include the side effects.”

Mirabel turned red from embarrassment, mortified she had been pranked so easily. “If the headmaster finds out about this…oh dear. I feel so terribly…hic…foolish.”

“Don’t worry about it. Now on your feet. Come on.” She helped the woman up and held her hands to steady her, watching as she attempted to walk a few steps. It was official, she couldn’t let her walk back to the castle in this state. “You’d better stay here for the night. I could send an owl to Proffessor Weasley and explain the situation, if you’d like?”

“Oh no, that’s alright. I’m sure I’ll be perfectly well in the morning” she insisted, not wanting to bother the deputy headmistress at this hour. She waited at a table, sipping from a glass of water while Sirona closed up the Three Broomsticks, before following the woman up the stairs to her living quarters. She swayed from side to side with each step, her head titling on an axis as the symptoms increased. By the time they stumbled through the bedroom door, Mirabel felt perfectly drunk. “Whew. Why is the room spinning?”

“It’s not Proffessor. It just feels like it is” Sirona explained. She lead the woman by the arm to the bed, dancing around her and lowering her onto the mattress. Lucky for her, she was used to handling intoxicated customers. “Is this the first time you’ve been drunk?” She asked, observing the wonder in her pretty face.

Mirabel thought about it. “I don’t know? Does it count when you’re legs feel wobbly and you feel a little dizzy? Because that’s how I feel right now. But also very…very…very…” She lost her train of thought and looked up at the woman. “You’re very pretty” she said warmly.

“You’re drunk” she chuckled. She crouched down to help her out of her shoes so she could climb into bed.

Mirabel continued to stare at her while the woman helped her under the covers. “Can I tell you a secret?” She asked, giggling like a schoolgirl.

Sirona sat down beside her and smiled. “Of course.”

“I used to have a crush on you” she confessed, her cheeks turning red. “After we first met, when I was a first year. I thought you were really amazing. You gave me confidence in myself. And I liked you. Really liked you.”

“Oh” Sirona gasped caught off guard a little. She turned away and blushed a little. She felt flattered. But then she thought about what she was like as a seventh year and a knot formed in her gut. She hadn’t gone through her transition at that stage. “Oh, I see” she whispered.

“You do?” Mirabel asked, seeing her expression change.

“Because of how I looked. That’s why you liked me” Sirona assumed.

She narrowed her eyes in confusion until her brain caught up with the answer. “You mean because you were a boy back then?” She laughed and shook her head, crawling forward to fumble for her friend. She cupped the Trans witch’s face and turned it towards her. “It wasn’t what you looked like on the outside that made you attractive. It was who you were on the inside I had a crush on. The confident, kind, strong woman you are.”

Sirona looked at the young woman, reading deep affection in her eyes. “So…you had a crush on me, but not because I was a boy? Are you saying…?”

Mirabel’s cheeks turned red. “I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m really drunk apparently” she stammered. She fixed her soft eyes on Sirona, however, leaning in close. “I do like you though. I like you very much. You could be a boy or girl or venomous tentula, I will still like you.”

In a spontaneous move, the younger witch leaned forward to kiss her cheek. She fumbled, however, and ended up pecking her lips instead. Both women blushed and giggled. “Sorry” Mirabel blushed.

“No, don’t be” Sirona smiled. “It was very flattering. I like you too. But in a very platonic sense, just so we are clear” she found herself saying.

Mirabel nodded. “Absolutely. I’m not…what’s the word? Coming out? I’m not doing that. I do like men. Fit, strong, kind men” she explained.

“So do I” Sirona smirked.

“You’d make a great girlfriend” Mirabel blurted out. “I can tell from the way you…hic…take care of people. You take care of me…”

Sirona patted the woman’s arm and took care of her some more by urging her to lie down. “You’d make a great girlfriend too” she replied politely.

Mirabel looked at the bed and suddenly had a thought. “Wait, if I’m sleeping here, where are you sleeping?”

“Oh, I’ll be taking the sofa over there” she replied.

“Oh no. Don’t do that. I don’t want to steal your bed.”

“Well what do you suggest? You sleep on the floor?”

Mirabel considered the puzzle before suggesting “we could share it. Just as two, platon…platon…hic…two straight friends sharing a bed.”

Sirona shook her head in bemusement. She cast an eye over the sofa she knew was going to be uncomfortable and considered the offer. “Okay. I’ll sleep on top of the covers though” she said, shuffling over to lie beside the proffessor.

They laid down and snuggled up together, Sirona on top of the covers and Mirabel beneath them. The red haired young woman shuffled closer and gazed at her old friend. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bother tonight.”

“You haven’t been a bother at all” she promised. “Truth be told, I’ve enjoyed your company this evening. It’s good to see you let your hair down.”

“I didn’t make things weird by admitting I had a crush on you, did I?” She asked, worried about their friendship.

Sirona shook her head. “Not at all. I found it flattering. I didn’t realize you’d be quite a chatty drunk though.”

“Me neither” Mirabel remarked. “I usually only talk like this to my plants. They are very good conversationalists, you know. If you know how to listen to them, they can tell you exactly what they need. I’ve had so many to care for since I came to Hogwarts. You wouldn’t believe the behaviors of a certain devil’s snare in this old Herbology corridor. And there’s this huge Venomous Tentula down there that…”

“Mirabel, perhaps we should try and get some sleep” Sirona suggested, calming the excitable witch by stroking her shoulder.

Mirabel managed to stop her mouth from running off and nodded, closing her eyes and putting her head down on the pillow. “Goodnight Sirona.”

“Goodnight Mirabel” Sirona replied, lying on her back and closing her eyes.


Less than an hour had past before Mirabel opened her eyes again. She found Sirona sitting on the edge of the bed facing a mirror. She was still clothed and rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Can’t sleep either?” Mirabel asked, sitting up in bed. Sirona shook her head. “Are you okay?” She asked, watching her in the reflection.

“I’m fine. I think I got up too fast. Feel a little lightheaded.”

Mirabel shuffled closer and put her palm against Sirona’s forehead to check for a fever. “Why can’t you sleep?” She asked.

“Just thinking about school. You got me thinking about how rough it was back then. I’m sorry I assumed you only liked me because of…you know…”

“I’m sorry I brought up uncomfortable feelings for you. Is there anything I can…hic…do?”

Sirona looked through the mirror at her and shook her head. “It’s fine. I sometimes get reminders about who I was before the transition. I helps me realize how far I’ve come since. I wouldn’t change it. It made me who I am. I’m glad we became friends” she said, turning back to look at her.

Mirabel grinned. “So am I” she said, squeezing her hand.

Sirona gazed at her, her eyes struggling to focus for a moment. Then, in a surprising move, she leant forward to kiss her cheek. Only she fumbled and caught her lips instead.

Mirabel gasped in surprise, staring at the older woman. “What was that?”

“I…I don’t know. I’m sorry” Sirona blushed, turning away in shock and embarrassment.

Mirabel looked at her reflection and narrowed her eyes. “Sirona…are you…?”

Sirona rubbed her temples. She was lightheaded and a little dizzy. And there was a mild buzz she finally recognized. She laughed. She only tasted a drop from that glass. “That concoction from Zonko’s must be pretty potent. I think I’m a little bit tipsy” she replied.

Mirabel giggled, struggling to contain her laughter while Sirona turned red from embarrassment. “I’ve never seen you drunk before” the proffessor commented.

“I’m not drunk” she corrected. “Trust me, you’d know if I was drunk. I’m a lot more raunchy when I’m drunk?”


“I have a bad habit of hitting on guys when I’ve had too much to drink” she confessed. “Could make quite a spectacle of myself..

Mirabel laughed until her sides hurt. “We should go on a proper girls night sometime during the summer. We’d probably have a lot of fun.”

“You chat up the men and I seduce them? Merlin help them” Sirona giggled.

They laughed for a few minutes until they fell back into a comfortable silence. “I’ve never had a sleepover before” Mirabel said out of the blue. “I’ve always wanted a girlfriend to hang like this with.”

Sirona gazed at their reflection and smiled. “Me too.”

They sat in bed for a long while until Mirabel awkwardly shuffled closer, slipping behind the older woman caressing her neck as she brushed her dark hair aside. Sirona closed her eyes and sighed, enjoying the soft touch of her fingers. Their eyes met through the mirror and Sirona saw Mirabel bite her bottom lip before leaning down to kiss the back of her neck. She moaned softly, voicing no objections as the woman gently kissed her neck. Her hand stroked her shoulders, massaging her affectionately, soothing her muscles and encouraging her to relax.

“Do you still have that crush on me?” Sirona asked her quietly.

Mirabel blushed in her reflection. “Maybe” she whispered.

Sirona bit her bottom lip and began unbuttoning her blouse. Mirabel helped ease the shirt over her shoulders, exposing her skin and her bra, before kissing along her shoulder blades. Sirona watched through the mirror, butterflies in her stomach when the red haired woman leant forward to kiss her cheek. She tilted her head back so their lips could meet, following the unspoken cues from each other as they began undressing before falling onto the bed.

Sirona wasn’t sure if it was the intoxicating effects of the spiked drink that was making Mirabel make love to her like this. But she looked so happy to be making her happy she didn’t want to interrupt her as she kissed her stomach tenderly. And she was enjoying having her naked body pressing against hers. Their legs intertwined and their hands caressed each other. When their eyes met there was a spark of affection that had existed since they met. The younger woman shuffled up to kiss her lips, her hand slipping down between Sirona’s legs to finger her pussy. Sirona gasped when she rubbed her clit, moaning softly, writhing on the bed in pleasure. Her hips rocked against her palm while she played her like an instrument, bringing such pleasure with her green fingers. She had a talent for lesbian sex, she thought.

Mirabel watched the older woman intently while she fucked her. She only wanted to make her feel good. She wanted to repay her for all the kindness she showed since that first day at Hogwarts. She wanted to make Sirona feel special, feel like a woman, and feel loved. When she made her cum and turned her face back to look into her eyes, she saw the love in them and kissed her passionately. Sirona kissed her back, embracing her into her arms, making out with deep affection and adoration.


It was early morning when Mirabel stirred awake. She rubbed her eyes and opened them to find Sirona lying next to her, laid out on the bed with an arm draped over her midriff. She looked down and blushed when she found the covers bunched around her waist, her breasts on display. The sun was creeping through the window and she checked the time. She wouldn’t have long until she would be needed back at the school.

Sirona awoke when the proffessor attempted to slip out without disturbing her. “Good morning” she said, startling the embarrassed young woman, watching her pull the covers up to her neck. She sat up and combed her fingers through her dark hair. She wasn’t bashful about letting the covers fall around her lap. “How are you feeling?” She asked.

“I’m feeling fine” she replied awkwardly. “A little embarrassed. I don’t know what came over me last night.”

“Any headaches? Aches? No feelings of death warmed over?”

“No? Why?”

“Then you don’t have a hangover” Sirona laughed. “All the effects of being drunk without the downsides. Maybe I should pay Zonko’s a visit and see what those kids put in your drink. Might be able to slip it into the menu.”

Mirabel smiled, happy to see the funny side. But she still averted her eyes when she glanced at Sirona’s naked body.

Sirona looked down at herself and blushed. “So…last night happened” she said.

Mirabel hesitantly lifted the covers and peeked at her own naked body. “I guess so” she squeaked. She looked nervously at the older woman. “Are we still friends? Or did what we did just ruin it?”

Sirona turned to the anxious woman and laughed. “Of course not. We’ll always be friends” she said. She sat up against the headboard and sighed. “What happened was fun. I had fun. But it doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian. It hasn’t changed who I am. What about you? Do you feel different?”

Mirabel considered it carefully before shaking her head, shuffling closer to the woman. “No. I don’t feel different.”

“Do you still have a crush on me?”

She turned her head to look at the attractive woman. But this time she only saw her close friend. She blushed. “No. Is that weird?”

“No” she replied. “It means we’re two platonic straight women how had a lot of fun last night.” She leaned over and kissed Mirabel’s cheek, making sure to avoid her lips this time.

Mirabel beamed, relieved she hadn’t lost a friend in her drunken madness. She kissed the woman back, pecking the edge of her mouth. With one last playful look, the two woman shared a quick peck on the lips, where they confirmed they didn’t feel anything sexual in the action. They giggled and reclined together on the bed for a few minutes, Sirona looping an arm around Mirabel’s shoulders.

“I hope I wasn’t too embarrassing last night” the proffessor said.

“I found it quite illuminating” Sirona grinned. “We should have a proper girls night sometime and see how you handle being drunk for real. I bet you’d make quite the chatterbox.”

Mirabel grimaced, not looking forward to that at all. Her only hope was she didn’t make a fool of herself in front of the students. She looked at the time again and gasped. “I should go. I’ve got classes today and the greenhouse needs tending too.”

Sirona watched the woman race out of bed before sighing. “Yeah, I should probably get up too” she whined, begrudgingly rolling off the mattress.

Mirabel picked up her clothes and hurried to get dressed. “We should catch up again soon” she suggested.

“Yes, we should” Sirona agreed, shooting the redhead a curious look. “Then you can tell me more about this venomous tentula and Devil’s snare you mentioned? Something about it having curious needs, I believe?”

The way her cheeks turned red and her eyes averted her gaze told the bar-woman there was a juicy story behind those plants the herbologist was eager to keep to herself. She grinned, eager to coax the story out of her.

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