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The limo was waiting for them outside the community hall, the driver sitting patiently behind the wheel for his passengers. The limo had been booked for the night by a group of young schoolgirls to take them to and from prom. But only two students got inside for the return journey. The young man was dressed in a black suit with tails and a bow tie, with a waistcoat and everything. He looked like he had come straight out of the 30s. The only discrepancy was the hat. Instead of a traditional top hat he wore a modernized fedora with a wide rim, his own personal addition. He stepped inside first, slumping angrily into the back seat rubbing the bridge of his nosed just beneath his glasses. Close behind him was a young woman a few inches shorter than him with short straight dark hair, wearing a flourished pink and white dress over black stockings and heels, a silver chain of pearls around her slender neck, carrying a white purse in her hands.

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