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EXCLUSIVE: Playing in the Park (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire) 1/4

Phoebe reset the chessboard while she waited for Lucy to materialize. She had started looking forward to these nightly visits in the park. It was less intimidating than when she appeared in her bedroom. As soon as she moved her white pawn to initiate the first move, the opposing black pawn moved on its own. She couldn’t help but smile as the sixteen year old girl came into view, glowing a faint tortoise color in her ghostly form. Lucy smiled back, excited to see her mortal friend again, and they started their game.

It didn’t take long for Lucy to begin getting the upper hand in their game. All those years haunting the park had been helpful in growing her skills. Phoebe wasn’t going to give up without a fight, however. “You asked me once what the worst thing about being a ghost was” Lucy remarked after a few minutes. Phoebe raised an eyebrow curiously. “I’ve thought about it. Apart from the not aging and being alone, not being able to pass on and whatnot, I suppose the worst thing is not being able to interact with other people properly.”

“You can interact with me” she pointed out, putting her into check.

Lucy got her king out of harms way easily, resting on her elbows. “What I mean is, I haven’t been able to really be with anyone. We can talk, sure. But we can’t touch. I’m not really here. I exist on another dimension, or plane of existence, like you said.”

Phoebe looked at the sad expression on her face. She always looked sad, but this seemed different. “Is that something you want?” She asked. “To touch someone? Like, to hold their hand, or something?”

Lucy shrugged, her eyes falling onto Phoebe’s hand resting by their board. She reached out and placed her own hand over hers. Ghosts could interact with the physical world. But with living people, it was limited. Phoebe could feel her touch, but as a coldness against her skin. When she turned her hand to try and wrap her fingers around her wrist, they passed through like she was made of vapor. “Maybe it’s not touching someone I want. More I want to be touched” Lucy whispered.

Phoebe gazed at the young woman, feeling a heat rise in her cheeks as she examined her pretty face and delicate arms. She wished she could touch her, to know what it was like to be like her. She had an idea of how she might do it, but it was dangerous and she needed to be sure it could work. But she couldn’t imagine what it must be like, to be alone for all these years, existing like this.

Lucy’s hand suddenly left Phoebe’s so she could pluck her rook with her queen and put her back on the defensive. “Check” she smirked.

Phoebe looked at the board and scowled. “I should’ve seen that move coming” she muttered.

“You must’ve been distracted.”

“Well, you are very distracting” she chuckled. Then she caught what she said and her cheeks flushed red. Lucy blushed while Phoebe awkwardly averted her eyes. She maneuvered out of trouble and focused on the game again. “I’m sorry again about what happened at the diner the other day” she said.

Lucy shrugged. “I appreciate you not shooting me with your laser gun” she replied.

“It’s not a laser. It’s a proton pack. It would’ve just restrained you.”

“Until you locked me up in that tank under the fire station?”

Phoebe bristled at the tone. They hadn’t come up with anything more humane or better to do with the ghosts they capture yet. “Most of the ghosts we lock up are dangerous” she said.

“Do you think I’m dangerous?” Lucy asked.

Phoebe looked up and saw a peculiar look on the ghost’s face, as if she was genuinely concerned about what the mortal thought. “No” she replied honestly. A smile tugged at her lips before she looked down. Phoebe shifted awkwardly before nervously adding “I like you.”

She looked back and fiddled with one of the chess pieces. “I like you too” she confessed. “I haven’t had many friends over the years. Not since I died.”

“If it’s any consolation, I haven’t had many friends since I’ve been alive” the girl admitted.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?”

Once upon a time, she might’ve retorted it didn’t matter. But now she realized she liked having friends, even if they were a select few. She pushed her rook forward and waited for her friends response. While she did, the gazed at her across the table again. “Can I ask a personal question?”

“Depends how personal you want to be” she replied politely.

Phoebe played with her captured pieces a moment before cautiously asking “what were your friends like before? You know, when you were alive?”

Lucy pondered it a moment. “I can’t recall” she said. “It was so long ago.” She turned her gaze back to her after making her move. “Can I ask you a personal question?”


“Have you ever kissed someone?”

Phoebe froze in surprise. She hadn’t been expecting that. She shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks turning red. “No. I haven’t. Have you?”

Lucy’s translucent skin turned darker as she blushed. “No. I died before I got to try that. I was curious what it might’ve been like.”


Lucy bit her bottom lip and gazed back at Phoebe. “Because I like you. And I would’ve liked to kiss you, if I was still alive.”

Phoebe’s heart skipped a beat and she stared at her. This conversation had taken an unexpected turn. But then she surprised herself by acknowledging “I like you too. I would’ve liked to kiss you as well.” Their eyes met and they shared a nervous giggle over the chess board. “It’s a shame there’s a dimensional plane or two separating us.”

“Maybe not” Lucy said, staring at her pretty face. She waited until Phoebe was staring back before rising up and leaning over the table. Phoebe nervously mirrored her, mimicking her movements as their faces came closer together. There was a moment of hesitation before Lucy leaned forward to bring her lips to Phoebe’s, who closed her eyes as her ghostly mouth made contact with hers. It lasted only a second, but it sent a shiver down the girl’s spine. “Could you feel that?” Lucy asked.

“Yes” she replied, butterflies in her stomach when she opened her eyes. Lucy smiled, asking if she could do it again. Phoebe nodded, her heart racing. The ghost passed through the table to get closer, placing her hands around the girl’s face this time. Phoebe shivered as her cold touch caressed her skin, slowly slipping back onto her chair. Lucy followed her, dropping onto her lap before planting her lips on hers again.

It was a strange kiss. It was part physical, part not. Phoebe couldn’t do anything more than let her friend initiate the process. If she tried to kiss her back, or bring her hands up to take hold of her waist, she would just pass through her. And Lucy’s hands would occasionally pass through Phoebe too, meaning she had to concentrate. But the result was strangely erotic for their first kiss.

After a minute of making out with her, Phoebe pulled away and nervously opened her eyes to check the park. “Afraid of being seen with me?” Lucy teased. “I could make myself invisible if you’d prefer.” Her ghostly form vanished from sight, but she could still feel her touch on her neck.

“It’s not that” she stammered. She wasn’t ashamed of being seen kissing another girl. She was just worried it might look weird kissing a ghost. Fortunately there wasn’t anybody around to see them.

Lucy made herself visible again, wrapping her arms around her neck. “A ghost and a ghostbuster. I’m sure the tabloids will love it” she joked.

Phoebe laughed, adjusting her glasses. “I doubt they’d believe it.” She looked up at the ghostly woman, biting her bottom lip. “I didn’t know that ghosts could feel pleasure.”

“Of course we do. We feel a lot of things” she replied, pecking her cheek and kissing along her jaw. She rolled her head back, feeling the cold sensation along her neck. Lucy’s hands moved down the front of her top, spreading the coldness along her body. She shivered from her touch. “What do you feel?” Lucy asked her.

“Cold” she whispered. She opened her eyes and met her friends, a flutter in her stomach. “But nice” she added. Lucy smiled, caressing her cheek. “Are ghosts able to have sex?” She asked spontaneously.

Lucy blinked in surprise. “Damn. Feeling frisky already?”

“Sorry” Phoebe blushed. “Sometimes my mouth runs away with me. Weird things fascinate me.”

Lucy admired her living friend. She looked so cute when she was flustered. She sat on Phoebe’s lap, pondering her question. “To my knowledge, we very much can. With other ghosts, that is. I’ve never become desperate enough to want to. Slime and tentacles aren’t my thing. I mostly masturbate when I take my fancy” she explained. She saw Phoebe’s cheeks redden and smirked. “Benefit about being a ghost is I can do it whenever I want, wherever I want. Out here in the park. In someone’s house. In your bed” she whispered, leaving the insinuation open.

Phoebe read between the lines and got aroused at the thought of Lucy masturbating in her room. Maybe even watching her masturbate. The idea didn’t terrify her as much as thrill her. She licked her lips and glanced down her body, trying to picture her without her dress. “You’ve never tried it with someone living before?”

She looked over the teenager, biting her bottom lip. “Not really. Not like this” she said. She got a twinkle in her eye, however, when she ran her hands over Phoebe’s chest. “I might’ve haunted a few people over the years, however” she said, vanishing from sight again.

Phoebe narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean by that?” She wondered.

Lucy appeared again, this time behind her to trace her fingers over her body. “I mean it’s not just moving chess pieces I used to do” she replied. “Sometimes, if I’m in the mood, I give them the chills in a more pleasurable way.”

She demonstrated by cupping Phoebe’s young boobs with her palms, bringing a soft gasp from her friend as her nipples grew hard from the cold. “I don’t understand” she stammered.

“One of the benefits about being a ghost. Clothes count for nothing around us” she smirked, her fingers passing through Phoebe’s top to tease her nipples. She moved her hand down and did the same with her groin, which made the teenager Yelp and attempt to close her legs, only for her hand to pass through her thighs just as easily. She saw the girl’s shocked expression and chuckled. “Don’t look so surprised. Not all of us want to hurt people. It’s actually a common form of entertainment for us horny ghosts. It’s quite funny to see people get scared and aroused at the same time. Some of them don’t even get scared. I had a few victims over the years who were quite happy with my haunting presence. I’ve fingered people on this bench or groped joggers on their run. I once stumbled across a lesbian couple having a picnic a few yards from here. They were having sex themselves and I joined in halfway through. That one was really erotic. I should tell you about it sometime” she whispered.

Phoebe struggled to listen to her while her cold hands were teasing her body. They rubbed against her clit and nipples but also passed through them at the same time, sending shivers up her spine. She panted rapidly, her face flushed red. She was very aroused and a little embarrassed about it. She glanced around the park before turning her head to her lover. “What kind of things have you done with these people?”

Lucy dipped her finger into her pussy, watching her inhale sharply. “Touched them in places they like. Their breasts. Their pussies. Sometimes I’ve put my hand up their butt, or into their womb. Being intangible has its advantages. We can reach places most people can’t” she said, moving her fingers into her chest to send an ice cold chill through her boob.

Phoebe moaned and brought a hand up to that breast, squeezing it in her palm. Lucy’s hand pulled out to gently fall on top of hers, her fingers falling between hers. “What about boys? Do you play with them too?”

Lucy shook her head. “I only target women. Young women. Mostly teenagers my age.”


She leaned closer knowingly. “Because Ive never been interested in boys” she replied.

Phoebe caught her eye and blushed. They shared an intimate moment where Lucy demonstrated more ways she pleasured her female victims. “This feels nice” she whispered, unsure how to describe what she was feeling.

“I’m glad you like it. We could do this whenever you want” Lucy promised, leaning in to peck her lips again.

Phoebe found herself leaning in, attempting to kiss her, disappointed when her lips passed through her face. She sat back on the bench and moaned, her hands gripping the seat tightly. Her knees parted however, inviting Lucy to cup her crotch and send a cold chill over her pussy until it felt numb. “I wish I could touch you” she muttered, her breath coming out in vapors.

“Me too” Lucy confessed. Her eyes lifted to the chess board and she leant forward to move her piece. “Checkmate in five moves.”

“What?” She blinked, leaning forward to look at the game.

“Maybe. Maybe not” she shrugged. “We could keep playing and find out. Or I could continue to be distracting by showing you how I can reach a certain spot with my fingers” she teased, moving her hand through Phoebe’s stomach towards her vagina.

Phoebe bit her bottom lip as her cold hand passed through her, reaching out to take hold of her king preparing to make her move. But then those fingers found her g-spot and she discovered how it felt to have an ice cold orgasm in public. She pressed her thighs together and exhaled heavily, her king falling onto its side conceding defeat. “Holy shit” she gasped, curling up into a ball as she shivered.

Lucy disappeared again, leaving Phoebe to recover from her climax. Once she had caught her breath, she looked around for her. She didn’t see her, but she heard her laugh before a pair of cold lips kissed her one last time before bidding her goodnight. She went home on wobbly legs, her body still trembling from the chills. She went to bed with a million thoughts racing through her mind while her heart raced.

The next time she masturbated, she made sure to keep an ice pack close by.

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