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EXCLUSIVE: Mosey's Hunting Trip (Star Wars: Jedi Survivor)

So, you want to hear about the beast I hunted in the swamp, huh?

Well, truth is, it wasn’t much of a hunt as an ambush.

See, I was out hunting a Nekko that had run off into the swamp. Tracked it all the way out into the marsh. No idea why it ran that far out. Figured it got spooked or something. Night starts falling and I’m hearing all these sounds that’s starting to make me uneasy. When I finally find the Nekko, it was hiding behind this tree. Proper scared too. I wondered what had startled it so much.

I didn’t have to wonder too long. It came out of the water directly behind me. I had my rifle and my spear, but this thing was big. It’s maw was wide and it’s head extended from it’s body to snap at me. I dove out of the way and this thing splashed through the water so fast. I couldn’t even tell you what it’s body was like. Most of it stayed submerged in the mud and swamp. It had two big claws, like pincers, which I managed to avoid at the expense of dropping my rifle. But the real struggle come from the tentacles, which grew out of it’s back like fur. They were long and could stretch out to grab it’s prey. I know because it grabbed me, tried to drag me into the swamp with it.

I got it with my spear but it’s hide was thick. I couldn’t get an opening. I had to climb onto it’s back just to keep my head above water, stabbing at it with my spear. Those tentacles man, they got everywhere. Before I knew it they had be wrapped up until I couldn’t move. They ripped at my clothes, felt me up in places I wouldn’t let most people see. I kept my arms moving, tearing as many of them off as I could before they could strangle me or whatever. One did end up in my mouth though. Disgusting taste, let me tell you. I don’t know if it was trying to suffocate me or worm into my brain, I was able to cut it with my spear before I choked. But they were relentless and they were everywhere. And with my clothes torn up…

Well, let’s just say riding the back of a swarming mass of slimy tentacles wasn’t the most unpleasant experience. I sometimes lay in bed at night and wake up humping my pillow while dreaming of that squirming mattress. I’ll admit, I got a little aroused. Especially when some of those things found their way into my…ahem…delicates. Most meat I ever had down there. Got a few in my ass too. I had to walk funny for a few days after that. Riding a saddle was uncomfortable too.

I wonder if the core worlds had something tame that might offer the same experience? Minus the near death part…

Right, sorry, getting off topic.

So, aside from the impromptu gang bang with tentacles on this things back, I finally remembered something my mother told me about turning the beast into the weapon. So when one of those things lunged for my mouth again, which I baited by opening wide, I dropped my spear and caught it. Then I wrapped it around it’s neck and yanked on it until it stopped squirming. And whew boy, could it squirm.

Fuck, I can still remember the orgasm I got from having all those tentacles thrashing about in my delicates.


Mosey trailed off with a lustful expression on her face, biting her bottom lip while her palm rubbed her groin. The droid beeped again, snapping her attention back to the table. “Sorry. I get carried away when I start reminiscing sometimes” she laughed. She leant forward as BD-1 asked her to continue.

“What’s there to tell?” She shrugged. “I killed the beast, rode the Nekko back to the ranch…got a lot of funny looks from the locals when they saw me riding in half naked covered in dirt. My brother met me on the road and asked what happened. I told him the story, sparing no details. He nodded and told me I should take a shower before mama heard about it. We went out to the swamp later to see if there were any more of those things, be we never found one. Either the one I killed was the only one of its kind or the rest chose to stay hidden. As long as they don’t bother anyone, we never had any reason to hunt them down.”

BD beeped, as if the ask “so you never looked for more of them?

“Well, that doesn’t mean I don’t take a walk through the swamp every so often in my bathing suit, just in case” Mosey smirked.

Her gaze drifted off again, biting her bottom lip. I bet the core worlds have places where one could fuck some tentacles, she thought wistfully.

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