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EXCLUSIVE: Molly Weasley's Early Morning (The Hogwarts Tentacle Creature) [Prelude 2/4]

Set during/before Chamber of Secrets


Molly didn’t usually masturbate in bed, only when her husband was at work, and she almost never fantasized about other men. But every once in a while her imagination would drift to a celebrity or two early in the morning before she had to get up and get the kids ready for school. This particular morning was special however. Today was the day Gilderoy Lockhart would be attending a book signing at Florish and Blotts. She’d been anticipating that day for weeks, vowing she’d get there in time to see him. She had quite the crush on the dashing author (“fancies the pants of him”her children would say), so it wasn’t a surprise to find him creeping into her thoughts as she lazily rubbed one out in her marital bed early that morning.

She pictured the handsome young man standing over her as she presented herself to him, her body several years younger when her hair was long and she was beautiful. His smile dazzled her as he stood before her with his big muscles and perfect hair and those stunning blue eyes. She invited him into her bed, beckoning him willingly laying back to offer herself to him, thanking him for saving her from those awful evil wizards he talked about in his books. When he climbed on top of her his lips were soft, traveling along her neck sending pulses of desire through her senses as his gentle hands caressed her body. She melted into his touch and captured his lips, kissing him lovingly, worshiping her hero.

Of course in reality she couldn’t hope to attract such a man into her bed, but the fantasy was enough to keep her mind wandering as she fingered herself beneath the sheets, careful not to make too much noise that could wake her sleeping children. Her body heated up with arousal as she let her imagination run away with her, the bed to herself while her husband was at work leaving her all the room to spread out and play with herself.

The window was open at the burrow, which meant what sound she did make drifted out to be heard by the handful of animals scurrying through her garden. But it was her arousal that attracted this particular creature as it hunted through the vegetables. It visited the Burrow often, the Weasley home one of the few places close to its lair. It always anticipated the mature woman would be at home. She was a welcome source of nourishment, more enticing than her husband. It sensed her arousal like a scent, drawn towards it climbing the wall with its strong tendrils pulling itself up to the open window. It lifted its eye over the sill and spied the red haired woman in her bed lost in masturbation. It climbed into her bedroom and crawled towards her, it pheromones filling the room to intensify her lust , drawn to her intoxicating scent. She sighed quietly, rubbing herself even faster as the pheromones took effect, her eyes closed focused on her fantasy. It climbed into bed with her and helped her fantasy reach a new level of reality as it’s tentacles wrapped around her.

Molly was caught in her daydream as the creature embraced her with its tentacles. For each touch she felt on her skin her mind conjured an image of Lockhart caressing her. When a tendril stroked her cheek, his hand was brushing her face. When two encircled her breasts, his palms were massaging them. When her legs were wrapped up in slimy limbs, the man was lifting her knees and spreading her legs. When the creature crawled on top of her, it’s fluid body slipping between her thighs and inserting a phallus shaped extension into her pussy, she whimpered as Gilderoy make love to her with his thick cock.

She submitted herself fully to this man, to this creature, buckling her hips against them as they thrusted sensually inside of her. Her hands clutched to the slimy head kissing her stomach, her legs wrapping around its oval body pulling it deeper, encouraging it to go faster. Somewhere in her mind she must’ve realized she wasn’t fucking a human being, but it felt so good she didn’t care enough to open her eyes. She let herself be pleasure, be loved and enjoyed. She felt young again, that horny young witch eagerly fucking whatever dream or being chose her to be it’s lover. It reciprocated her attention by massaging her with its tentacles, stimulating her muscles relaxing her, listening to her muted moans as she fought to remain quiet. She didn’t want her kids to hear her, didn’t want them waking up and walking in on her. It could’ve gaged her with its tendrils, but her quiet moans soothed the creature. It focused on her tits instead, fondling them gently, bringing a pair of tendrils out of its body to suction onto her nipples. Molly purred as it sucked on them, arching her spine as tentacles coiled around her mounds. After some fondling she began lactating, producing milk for the tentacles to drink up. She sighed in content as her breasts were milked, happily feeding her lover picturing her handsome savior sucking her tits with his mouth. She felt a climax approaching, the cock thrusting faster inside of her as she began to tremble. She covered her mouth as she orgasmed, milking the cock for its seed which ejaculated inside her fertile womb. She swooned as Gilderoy gifted her a new child in her mind, his dashing smile thanking her before planting a loving kiss on her cheek and disappearing. In the real world the creature ejaculated into her womb, it’s cum sterile ensuring no chance of pregnancy. It’s sperm seeped into her body however, it’s other properties making her swoon and dizzy while it sucked up her flowing juices, draining the milk from her tits along with a sampling of her magic energy and life force. The pureblooded mother of seven willingly fed the creature what it needed to survive, purring contentedly as it laid in her bed recovering from her orgasm.

By the time it was finished she was waking up from her dream, it’s tentacles leaving her body releasing her sensitive nipples and extracting it’s cock from her moist pussy, climbing off her satisfied body and dropping to the floor. She lifted her head and briefly glimpsed the sight of a red fluid mass slithering under her bed, it’s tendrils shrinking back into her body. Before she could sit up and investigate the thought vanished from her mind, the memory of the last few minutes obliviated thanks to the semen seeping into her system from her womb, leaving only the fantasy of her celebrity crush. She giggled excitedly, looking forward to seeing him at the book signing.

She climbed out of bed and stretched, preparing for her routine to get the kids ready for school. The creature waited and watched from under the bed as the woman got dressed, oblivious to its presence in her house. She tidied up the room before walking through the hall to check on the kids. Percy was in bed, so she stayed silent and closed the door again. They had another hour before she needed them to wake up for breakfast. She checked on Ron next, poking her head quietly into his bedroom, only to find he wasn’t there. “Ron?” She called quietly, careful not to wake her other children. She searched the bedroom and then checked the next room. The twins were gone too. “Fred? George?” She hissed, searching the rest of the burrow. Ginny was fast asleep in her bed, thankfully. She hurried downstairs and tried the kitchen and living room. Then she glanced outside and discovered Arthur’s car was gone. “Those boys, I could throttle the lot of them” she cursed, fuming as she checked the clock in the living room. The three of them were certainly not at home, she had no idea where they were. But she’ll kill them when they show their faces again.

Upstairs the creature drifted through the halls. It could’ve crawled out the way it came in, but it decided to explore a bit first. It listened to the furious mother stomp around downstairs searching for her sons while it crept through the home, poking its head into the neighboring bedrooms. It found Percy stirring in his bed, remembering him from its previous visits. The boy was of age and had brought much sustenance to the creature, just like he brothers brother him. It left him be, already dated for food today. It preferred the mother however, her magic stronger than her sons. But then it found little Ginny and sensed the aura around her. Her magic was potent, holding great potential. She would be very powerful when she was older, a rich source of food for its kind. It slipped inside the room and examined the sleeping girl, a tendril reaching out to stroke her delicate brushing a strand of red hair aside. It felt the magic emitting from her, full of promise and nourishment. But she was still too young, it would need to wait a few more years. It crawled out of her room, leaving her to sleep, casting a final look at the young witch intending to keep an eye on her until she was old enough to be visited again.

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