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EXCLUSIVE: Master Cordova's Harem (Star Wars: Jedi Survivor)

Jedi Master Eno Cordova has been to many places across the galaxy. But Jedha was a constant source of amazement to him. It held so many mysteries that could could live out the rest of his days on this desert moon.

He wouldn’t be lost for company either. The Narkis Anchorites were gracious hosts and very helpful in his research. And he helped them rebuild their library in turn, studying as much knowledge they had accumulated as he could. He ensured he was at their disposal around the base, welcoming their insight and their help. And they revered him as an equal also. Some more than others.

He didn’t encourage the attention of some of the younger members of the Narkis, but he also didn’t dissuade them either. Especially the females. He enjoyed the company, both as eager assistants and companions in his private quarters late at night. They would sneak in every couple of days to see if he needed anything, be it something to read, drink, or a warm body to sleep next too. Their vow of anonymity required them to keep their masks on. The rest of their clothes, however, was completely optional. He enjoyed their company during those lonely nights, glad to know he still had it in him to excite his peers.

Most nights he got more than one visitor. At first it was awkward to be caught in bed with one of their fellow Anchorites. But over time the young women grew bold and learnt to share. Tonight he entertained three lovely assistants, all eager to keep him company as they draped themselves over his naked body. Their masks hid their faces, but he saw in the gloom two were of dark skin while the third had a petite pale complexion. Their frames told him none of them were older than twenty-five years of age. They had fine figures, soft breasts, firm bums and long legs. One laid on her side next to him, running her hands over his chest moaning softly while he put his arm around her, hugging her close. Opposite her, her friend was riding one of his hands while he fingered her moist pussy. His third companion was risking it all, lifting her mask enough to show her mouth so she could wrap her lips around his penis and deliver a blowjob. They all kept their gazes averted, lest she slip up and reveal her identity.

“Is there anything else we can do for you, Master Cordova?” The woman on his left asked, rubbing herself against him.

He grinned, stroking her back before reaching down to squeeze her bottom. “Your company is more than adequate” he told her, before slipping a finger into her ass. She gasped in glee, squeezing his finger and purring happily.

“If there is anything we can do, don’t hesitate to ask us Master Jedi” the lovely woman on his right said, leaning down to caress his cheek.

The one sucking his cock removed her mouth, pulling her mask back down before climbing up onto his lap. “Yes. We want to help in any way we can” she whispered, grinding her dripping sex against his length.

Cordova gazed at the three sexy Anchorites and smiled, feeling like a very lucky man.

They were interrupted, however, by Taske, one of the older members of the Narkis. She appeared in the entrance to his quarters, much to everyone’s surprise. “And what might you three be doing up so late?” She asked her fellow members, crossing her arms disapprovingly.

Eno’s three companions all turned and shied away from the older woman. “We were just…” they stammered, until she raised a hand to silence them.

“We have much to do tomorrow. I suggest you return to your rooms and get some rest” she said calmly. The three young women all hurried to collect their clothes and leave the Jedi master’s chamber, avoiding the woman’s gaze as she watched them leave. Then she turned her attention to him “you should not encourage them, Master Cordova” she said.

He sat up in his bed with a sigh. “It felt impolite to discourage such enthusiasm” he smirked. “And what brings you by so late?”

He couldn’t see behind her mask, but he could imagine her smiling as she closed the door and disrobed in front of him. “The same as you young assistance, I’d imagine” she said, strutting forward. “Only unlike the young, I prefer not to share.”

“More’s the pity” he whispered as he watched the attractive mature woman climb up onto his bed and mount his lap. He took her into his arms and guided her onto his waiting erection, which had been warmed up by his lovely assistants. The joys of youth were wonderful, but there was nothing like entering a woman of experience. “I hope I don’t keep you up too late” he whispered, squeezing her breasts with his palms.

“Do not worry. I’m sure our young friend will pick up the slack” she replied, rocking her hips against him and moaning in pleasure. She wanted to take her time with her lover and savor the experience. “Did you have a chance to catch up with your old padawan?” She asked casually.

“Oh yes. Master Junda and I had much to talk about” he replied, lying back and watching the sexy mature woman ride his cock.

“She seems to be more at peace since you arrived” Taske observed. “Your doing, I presume?”

“No. She was able to make peace with herself. All I did was offer some old fashioned training” he mused.

If by training, you mean giving her an outlet to express the dark side she is suppressing, bending her over and having sex with her until she has centered herself, he thought. He discovered he missed those sparring sessions with his padawan. And she confessed she missed him too. They had planned another training session soon. He looked forward to it.

For now, he was happy to entertain his new guest for the night, enjoying her company until duty required their attention.

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