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EXCLUSIVE: Hogwarts Halloween Date (Hogwarts Mystery)

All-Hallows Eve was a big affair at Hogwarts. It was also one of your favorite holidays. The castle was spooky enough without the decorations, but now there were pumpkins and floating candles and the ghosts would walk the halls more frequently than usual. Even Peeves made more appearances.

Tonight though, you and Penny weren’t hanging out in the Castle. Tonight you had somewhere much spookier to bring her.

She had no idea what you had planned as you guided her though the grounds blindfolded. You helped her watch her step, careful not to let her trip over while she was so vulnerable. “How much farther?” She asked.

“Not far. Just a little further” you said, holding her hand and her shoulder directing her around a bend. You marveled at how much trust the Hufflepuff places in you to keep her safe. You hoped she doesn’t feel like that trust has been betrayed by the end of the night. “Okay, we’re here. You ready?”

“For what? You never said what we were doing out here” she replied.

You remove her blindfold and reveal your surprise. “I thought we’d spend Halloween night with a picnic” you announced.

Penny opened her eyes and gasped as your chosen surroundings. “In a graveyard?” She exclaimed.

Gravestones littered the area as a thick fog drifted through the clearing, the forbidden forest creeping up on the right and the Castle hovering over your left, the lake in the near distance. It was an eerie and creepy place with cobwebs on many of the headstones. The moon hung over the area, not quite full but a few nights away. A picnic blanket was draped over the grass, right next to a large gravestone with faded writing etched across it.

“I thought it’d be appropriate” you say, sitting down on the blanket and inviting her to join you. Penny stared at the morbid set up nervously, jumping when a wolf howled in the distance. You could see she was sufficiently creeped out and reached up to grasp her hand and pull her down. You reach into a small bag next to the headstone and bring out a selection of ginger newts. “Happy Halloween” you smirk.

She gingerly takes one of the biscuits, nibbling on them as she gazes around through the fog covering the graveyard. Her eyes kept darting around expecting ghosts to leap out at the pair of you as you lounge in your uniform. You sometimes forget not all your friends are Gryffindors like you, and thus don’t share the same level of courage. Or in Penny’s case, because you know she’s one of the bravest people you’ve met, she is just really creeped out. Especially when she looks at the headstone you’re leaning against.

“Okay, this place is really freaking me out” she said, shuffling nervously on the blanket jumping at shadows. “Where exactly are we? Because I though Hogwarts didn’t have a graveyard.”

“Sure it does” you say, leaning forward casting Lumos with your wand, holding it under your chin so you cast shadows over your face. “This is the student graveyard” you explain in an eerie voice. “This is the most haunted place in all of Hogwarts. People from all four houses come here, but nobody has ever stayed the night. They tell of horrible things, voices whispering and ghouls roaming the graves all around us.”

You see Penny is hooked on your every word, her breath quickening as she glanced at the gravestone behind you. There’s a gust of wind and a word begins to come into view. “What is this place?” She whispered anxiously.

“This is where hope goes to die” you whisper, clutching her hand tightly feeling her shiver under your intense gaze. “This is where the students who never graduated are buried, to remain at the school forever and ever with no future of escape. All who are buried here suffered the same fate. Do you want to know what that is?”

Penny’s eyes were drawn to the gravestone, the letters coming into view. She shook her head, but you could see the curiosity in her eyes.

You told her anyway. “They all…failed their newts!” You cried.

Penny recoiled as the gravestone revealed the name of the poor student buried here; Penny Haywood. She screamed in horror, terror and disbelief.

The spell was broken when you burst out laughing. You couldn’t help it.

Penny stared at you as you doubled over, taking another look at the grave stone, her logic catching up with her fear. “You ass! None of this is real?” She cried. You shook your head and laughed so hard you had tears streaming down your face. Penny slapped your chest and huffed, white face turning red. “So this isn’t a graveyard?”

“No” you explained, chortling with giggles. “No, it’s not. Hagrid helped me put these together. I wanted a Halloween themed picnic and I thought this would be fun. Beada helped me with the fog. Took us three hours to figure out the right spell. Oh, you should’ve seen the look on your face…” you say, consumed in a giggle fit.

Penny huffed, smacking your arm a few more times like a child, insisting “I wasn’t scared” and “it wasn’t funny” indignantly. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop you from laughing, not even as she wrestled you to the ground of this fake graveyard. You tumbled onto your back in front of her gravestone, where the writing now read here lies PENNY HAYWOOD, scared to death on All-Hallows Eve. “I’m going to get you back for this, I swear” she threatened.

“Still worth it” you chuckled, putting up a lot of resistance as she assaulted you. Your bruises would heal.

Her anger faded after a short while and she finally started smiling again, seeing the humor in your prank. “Sometimes you make it hard for a girl to have a crush on you” she muttered.

You gaze up at her and give her a charming smirk. “But not impossible?” You ask optimistically. She rolled her eyes and kissed you on the lips. “Does this mean you forgive me?”

“You’re lucky Puffs are very forgiving” she sighed, lying on top of you kissing your some more. You kissed her back, wrapping her arms around her gently.

You made out with your date for the evening until she broke it off. “Nope, I can’t” she said, rising back to her knees. “Fake or not, it’s too weird to be doing it in a graveyard” she said.

You sat up and looked around at the foggy scenery and gravestones. “Yeah, you might have a point” you agree. It was romantic in your head. But now it just felt morbid, making out on someone’s grave. “Should we at least finish the picnic?” You suggest. She looked at the small meal you’d prepared (sandwiches courtesy of Kim) and shrugged. All the wrestling worked up an appetite.

You take a seat with her and share the sandwiches, enjoying your date in the gloomy fog. “Next year, we’re doing something less morbid for our date” Penny declared. “Drinks at the Three Broomsticks. Maybe the Hogs Head.”

“You think we’ll still be dating next year?” You ask her, surprised by her pertinence.

She shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Maybe we’ll be exclusive by then” she smirked.

You laughed. “Maybe. Not sure what my other dates would have to say about that though” you mutter.

“Well I don’t mind sharing you, for now” she said. Penny had surprised you at being amongst the more open minded of your dates. As long as you didn’t gossip about her or the others, she was okay with being one of many intimate friends. You knew you might have to make a choice one day, but for now it was fun to have options.

“You know Tonks wanted to drop by too” you explained to her. “She pitched the idea of scaring you by changing into a werewolf. I talked her out of it.”

She physically shivered at the thought of seeing a werewolf creeping up from behind one of the gravestones. “I appreciate that” she whispered. That would’ve pushed it too far. She was still deathly afraid of them. “I mean, could you imagine if there was a real werewolf at Hogwarts?”

You bit your tongue, averting your eyes thinking about one of your friends who had a secret you swore to protect. If Penny found out about Chiara, another one of your dates, you feared how either of them would react. “They’re not monsters, you know” you muttered anyway.

“I know, but…you know” she sighed. She knows it’s unfair, they can’t help it, but she couldn’t shake that irrational fear. She looked at the graveyard and grimaced. “I’m surprised you wanted to do…this” you said. “Given what happened to Rowan.”

You looked around and nodded. “Hagrid said the same. But I’m okay. It’s fake, after all.” She reached over and took you hand when your eyes hovered a little too long over the fake graveyard, sensing the sorrow in your voice. You squeeze her hand and smile. “Maybe we should go back to the castle” you say. She nodded eagerly.

Just as you were about to leave, a chill runs through both of you as the fog seems to thicken. Penny shivers as a wind cuts through the graveyard out of nowhere. “What was that?” She asked.

You weren’t sure. But as you climbed to your feet you scan the graveyard and gasp as you see a figure standing amongst the gravestones. The fog obscured the details but this figure seemed to be dressed in old school robes and had a pumpkin for a head. It turned towards you and you instinctively dropped down to the ground, pulling Penny behind her gravestone with you.

“What’s wrong?” Penny whispered, following your lead as you hide behind the headstone.

“Pumpkin Johnny” you whisper.

Her eyes widened. And then they narrowed in confusion. “I thought Pumpkin Jonny was just a story Hagrid made up?”

“So did I” you said, your words sounding uncertain. “But there was a…I saw him, last Halloween. I thought it was Ben wearing the costume, but he was playing the games at the time. I thought I had imagined it, or been mistaken…”

Penny carefully drew her wand and poked her head around to scan the graveyard. After a few seconds she gasped and dived back. “I saw something” she whispered.

Okay, not imagining things you gulp, drawing your wand. She places her hand on your knee as you tilt to the side and peek back at the spot you saw him. She leans over with you, both your wands gripped tightly as you attempt to get eyes on the mysterious figure.

But this time, neither of you see anything.

You scan the fog a moment, casting Lumos to illuminate the area. Penny is gripping your knee as she shivers behind you, the chill in the air growing colder. You survey the area for a full minute before pulling back. Whatever it was, it was gone now.

You both move back to exhale slowly, turning around to find Pumpkin Johnny staring at you both from behind the gravestone.

You both scream and fall backwards, scrambling to get away from the pumpkin headed former student as it stands over you. It raises its wand towards you and you instinctivly crawl in front of Penny, holding your wand up but too terrified to use it. But she clutched your robes as you tensed, closing your eyes, prepared to have your head turned into a pumpkin.

You opened them to the sound of laughter as Pumpkin Johnny doubled over hysterically. You and Penny both froze in uncertainty until he reached up and removed the pumpkin mask. “Merlin’s Beard, you two are just too gullible” Merula cackled.

You race turned red as you glared at the Slytherin girl. “Merula? That wasn’t funny!”

“It most certainly was!” She laughed. “You should’ve seen your faces. You’re both as white as the house ghosts.”

You huff and turn back to Penny, making sure she was alright. She was indeed pale but just as embarrassed at being fooled as you were. “What are you even doing out here?” You asked, climbing to your feet. You were still clutching your wand, this time feeling much more inclined to use it.

“I overheard from your friend Jae that you were going to be out here, planning a date but not inviting me” she added, sounding a little disappointed. She tilted her head to Haywood, smirking “I was going to dress up as a werewolf, but I still had this costume sitting in my dorm room. And I knew you’d both be scared to death by it.”

“That wasn’t very nice” Penny pouted, climbing to her feet brushing herself off.

“Maybe not, but it was funny as hell” Merula laughed.

You glared at her intently. You were no stranger to being pranked, but this felt more like revenge than fun. You looked at her curiously, recalling how disappointed she sounded when she remarked overhearing you were planning a date. "Is this because I asked Penny out instead of you?” You challenged.

“Don’t be ridicules” she scoffed. But the faint blush in her cheeks helped you see you were on the money.

You and Merula had been on a few dates, just like you and Penny had, and some of your friends. Most knew you were seeing other people, and some preferred your dates to be secret. Merula was one of the latter, but lately she seemed to be acting weird whenever you were hanging out with someone else in the courtyard, or the tea shop. You hadn’t realized Merula could get jealous.

“If you wanted to go out with me this Halloween, you should’ve said something” you tell her.

She turned her nose up at you. “Please, like I’d stoop so low to beg. Besides, why wouldn’t you chose the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts?”

Her pink eyes flashed jealously at Penny, who you had chosen to be your date instead. Penny blushed and brushed her blonde hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry your feelings got hurt Merula” she said apologetically.

“Yeah, me too” you agree, suddenly feeling a little sorry for her. “If I had known, I might’ve asked you to join us.”

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Join you? What, like a…what?”

Penny giggled. “Sure. It could’ve been a three person date. Or just call it a threesome.”

“Urg, not that is absurd” she recoiled.

You flash a mischievous grin as you take a step towards her. “That’s not a bad idea. In fact, I insist you join us.”

Before Merula could open her mouth and reply, you snapped your wand up and cast Melofors on her. She gasped as the Jinx hit her and summoned a pumpkin around her head. You and Penny laugh as you both grab her and drag her back to the picnic blanket and manhandle her onto the ground. “Let me go! What do you think you are doing?”

“Getting some revenge for you scaring us like that” you tell her. You let her writhe on the ground for a moment before putting your hand on her chest. She shivered as your palm gropes her breast and Penny slips a hand down her thigh under her skirt. You can feel her start to tremble as her muffled breathing grows heavy. “Do you want us to stop?” You ask her.

She struggles for a moment, but she doesn’t answer until a very quiet and resigned voice whispers “no.”

You nod at Penny and grin. You work with her to help the girl out of her costume, and her uniform. She shivers as your cold hands touch her skin, caressing her flesh as you peeled her out of her clothes. Penny giggles as she starts taking her clothes off too, looking at you whispering “I’ve always wanted to have a double date.”

“Wouldn’t we need another person for that” you remark quietly.

She shrugged. “Next time we’ll invite Ben. He’s really good with his hands too.” You raise your eyebrow at her, but she cuts off any questions with a kiss and helps you get naked too. She glanced as Merula as her chest begins to heave, worriedly suggestion “maybe we should get that pumpkin off her before she suffocates?”

You nod, picking up your wand again and holding Merula steady. “I should thank you for jinxing all of us with this last year” you tell her as you wave your wand. “If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been so obsessed to learn the counter spell from Madame Pomfrey. Now hold still.”

You tap the wand against the pumpkin and it cracks open, releasing Merula from the darkness. She sits up coughing, her face and hair covered in pumpkin juice as she blinks against the moonlight. You make a note you should get her checked out just to be safe when you return to the castle, but she shakes off the disorientation just fine. “I’m going to get you back for that” she scowled.

“I’d say we’re even” you argue, putting down your wand and swiping some of the gunk from her cheek. You put it on your tongue to taste, and found it rather sweet. She then reach over and pull Merula into a kiss while Penny kisses her neck, licking up more juice.

Merula stiffens for a moment until you pull away, her eyes fixed on you as she whispers “I didn’t say stop.”

Penny giggles, taking over the kiss while you remove Merula’s underwear. Now all three of you were naked on the picnic blanket in the middle of the graveyard, and the excitement between you was building.

Merula broke the kiss to glare at both you and Penny. “If either of you tell anyone about this…” she threatened.

“I know, I know” you say, rolling your eyes. “Now shut up and lie back” you instruct, pushing her against Penny’s chest as she sits down behind her. Merula falls back and gasps as the Hufflepuff coaxes her thighs open with her feet. You lower down between her legs and kiss the inside of her thighs. The Slytherin girl moans as you move to her clit and then lick her pussy. Penny’s hands massage her chest and she kisses her earlobe until her head rolls back against her shoulder. “Good girl. If you play nice, Penny will let you ride her tongue. And it’s a good tongue, trust me” you whisper. Penny blushed at the compliment, eager to play with your favorite frenemy and forgetting how uncomfortable this setting made the two of you.

Merula soon softened to your advances, especially after a few orgasms. She tried to monopolize your attention at first but Penny proved just as tenacious as her. She made out with her and had a lot of fun with you, both of you teaming up to make her squeal as loud as she had made you scream. She fought back, of course, doing everything she could to prove she was the best in the bedroom as well as in Hogwarts. She took great delight in finger banging Penny from behind, ordering her to eat you out while fixing you with a dominant glare. You were met with her retaliation as she scissored your into a climax that had your legs shaking. But you gave as good in return, and Penny used her tongue to make her squirt many times. The three of you made love long into the evening until you were all spent and exhausted and sprawled across the graveyard. It didn’t even seem creepy anymore, not with the post orgasmic haze almost as thick as the fog drifting over your heads.

You roll onto your back when you were officially too tired to move. It felt like you had fucked all night. Penny and Merula seemed to feel the same as they crawled either side of you and snuggled against your body. You knew you should probably get back to the castle soon. You’ll surely get in trouble if you’re caught out past curfew, and it’s getting cold. But the three of you decided you could risk another five minutes to rest.

Even so, you were fighting fatigue as your eyelids dropped lower. You lift your head and gaze across at the forest through the fog. You suddenly narrow your eyes as you spy another figure watching you, standing on the edge of the graveyard silently, his head the shape of a pumpkin tilting to the side curiously.

“Hey, are you listening?” Merula repeated, nudging your shoulder.

“Huh” you muttered, blinking away the drowsiness and sitting up. “What?”

“I said we should get going. It’s getting cold and dark and I’m not getting detention because of you two” she said, pulling on her clothes.

Penny stretched her neck as she sat up beside you. “This was fun though. We should get together more often” she said politely to Merula.

The girl scoff. “Don’t get any funny ideas Haywood” she warned. “this was a moment of madness. Nothing more. So don’t even look at me when we get back.”

She rolled her eyes and smirked. She turned to you, but you were staring across the graveyard. “Everything okay?” She asked.

“I thought I saw…” you start. But you couldn’t see the figure you caught watching the three of you. You shook your head dismissively. You were probably day dreaming. You could feel a yawn creeping up your throat and covered your mouth to stifle it. “Never-mind. This was fun.”

“Yeah, it was” she agreed, pecking you on the cheek. “Next time though, we’re having our date somewhere comfortable."

"There won’t be a next time” Merula insisted.

Penny bounced up to her feet and stole a kiss from the girls lips. “We’ll see” she teased, winking at you and retrieving her clothes.

You laugh at your fortune, getting dressed and following the two girls back to the castle. You cast one last look at the graveyard and the tree line, feeling an uneasy sense that you’re being watched.

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