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EXCLUSIVE: Hidden Herbology Corridor (Hogwarts Legacy)

Professor Garlick considered herself to be the most diligent of the teachers in Hogwarts. At least when it comes to her plants. She would tend to then regular, night or day, whenever they needed. She took pride in being able to care for all of them, no matter how strange or dangerous. After all, every seedling deserves to bloom.

However, there is one plant that she believed even her fellow faculty would look oddly. Which was why she didn’t share its existence with anyone. Of course, rumors of the old Herbology corridor under the greenhouses had spread to the students. Fortunately, none of them were careless enough to venture down there (or so she hopes). She kept the hidden entrance to the corridor sealed, except when she needs to go down herself every couple of weeks to tend to this exotic specimen that had taken root.

Tonight was one such night as the red-haired young woman collected her supplies in a basket and left her room late one evening. She walked through the empty halls to the greenhouse and opened the passage, descending down into the darkness. She used her wand to lit a lantern hanging on the wall and put her basket down. Then, in preparation for what was to come, she removed her clothes and hung them on the wall, including her hat. Her braided hair fell over her shoulders down to her hips, her elegant and petite body on display. She did not wear undergarments either. For her task she would require nothing but her boots and her gardening gloves. It was a condition to protect her clothes more than her body. She picked up her wand, slipping it into her basket before lifting it onto her arm, taking the lantern and walking carefully forward.

She treaded lightly, watching the ground carefully as the dark vines recoiled from the light. Devil’s Snare had taken root and infested this corridor years ago. It’s what makes this place so dangerous. Fortunately the vines have an aversion to light, even from a lantern. But sunlight would be preferable. When it grew thicker and she felt the more resistant fines brush her ankles, she exchanged the lantern into her other hand and pulled her wand from the basket, summoning Lumos to force them to retreat.

She walked deeper until she found the dark room she was looking for. The Devil’s Snare didn’t reach this far, so she lowered her wand and hung the lantern on a hook above her. She gazed up into the large plot of soil by the wall. “Hello. It’s only me. How are we feeling today?” She greeted warmly.

The giant Venomous Tentacula greeted her silently, its massive leaves rustling while its large maw snapped lazily. Thick vines hung over the edge of the pot and laid on the ground, more growing up the wall.

The proffessor lifted her wand and used the light to examine the plant from a safe distance. “I’m glad to see the fertilizer I managed to put in your soil has helped. But you have a few leaves that need trimming. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you” she assured it, putting her basket on the ground and crouching down to find her trimmers.

One of the vines slithered up to her and brushed her hand. She gasped in surprise, looking up at the plant. “I guess you missed me, huh” she joked, rising up and approaching the plant cautiously. She reached up to caress one of the leaves, seeking the sickly parts which she could cultivate. As she reached up on her toes, that vine from earlier crawled up and coiled around her ankle. She felt it climb her leg tentatively, smiling fondly while she did her task. She didn’t pay it any heed until she needed to step to the side and it held her foot in place. “I’ll need you to let go for a moment” she asked gently.

It responded by sending another vine to coil up her other leg.

She sighed, watching the vines coil up her body towards her hips. She gave the plant a look. “You just couldn’t wait, could you?” She tutted, making sure she had a firm grip of her tools and wand in one hand while she petted the vines encircling her waist. “Alright. But make it quick. Those leaves need tending to” she said.

She had discovered this plant some time ago while investigating this corridor. She was concerned the Devils Snare would spread further into the school where it might pose a threat to the students, so she wanted to check on it. She discovered it had crossbred with a Venomous Tentacula and seeded this larger and more exotic hybrid. She didn’t even know such a species was possible and had been fascinated ever since. It shared many of the characteristics of both plants, only she was convinced it had greater sentience than the others. And after some trial and error, she determined it wasn’t as interested in hurting fellow witches as she initially feared. It’s vines could grab her and it’s snapping maws were quite sharp, but she discovered if she demonstrated she didn’t pose a threat it was content to leave her be. Almost.

It appeared this particular species had a very unique means of cooperation, which had taken her by surprise when it first tried to molest her. It’s vines, she learned, liked to seek out moist warm places, possibly to absorb heat or nourishment from dew. So when it discovered she had a moist warm pussy where it could soak up the cum of a witch, it became enraptured by her. It wasn’t greedy, only sampling what it needed. And Maribel discovered she enjoyed getting intimate with the plant. It was a thrilling experience to be fucked by its smooth and powerful vines. The only downside was it had a habit of ripping her clothes apart to get to her body, hence why she’s taken to taking care of it in the nude.

She stood very still as the vines crawled up her body, circling around her feeling up her legs and hips. She sighed softly as they wound up her torso and brushed against her breasts, stroking her back. She was confident the plant was sentient. It seemed to learn more and more about how she liked to be touched with every visit. At the start, it was rough and quick, eager to claim her and grab her. Then over time she sort of trained it to be patient, wait for her to come to it. It didn’t rush in like it used to, but it was still overly eager. But she didn’t resist it as its vines teased her, its vines rubbing against her pussy and between her ass cheeks. She bit her bottom lip excitedly, rocking on her heels rubbing herself against the vines. She reached up and stroked its leaves affectionately. “Okay then, I’m ready” she said.

She gasped when the first vine inserted itself into her pussy. It pushed deep, lifting her up onto her toes breifly until she came back down with a sigh. A pair of vines wrapped around her large breasts and squeezed them, getting a lustful moan while it fucked her gently. “I’ve missed you too” she smiled, watching a vine coil up her arm to her hand where she gave it a kiss. It played with her tongue when she extended it, swirling around it and brushing her lips excitedly. She giggled like a teenager before opening her mouth and accepting the vine into it, sucking on it in a sultry manner. She felt another vine rub between her breasts, nudging her chin eager for some attention too. She reached down and petted it, thrusting her chest out so it she could squeeze her tits around it. She wasn’t sure if the plant was capable of feeling pleasure during any of this, but it was loads of fun for her.

Her first orgasm came and went with little fanfare. She moaned and leaked her fluids onto the vine penetrating it. It soaked it up and retreated, disappearing back into the potted soil. She panted softly, stroking the vines holding her affectionately. Then a large vine emerged from beneath the leaves and rose up her body to circle around her. She inhaled on instinct. It was too big to attempt penetrating her. A vine that huge would rip her in half. Fortunately this one was only interested in looping around her legs and waist so it could lift her off her feet and into the air, hoisting her up so she could reach the branches she was seeking. “Thank you” she said, stroking and kissing the plant in gratitude.

It was part of their routine now. She would take care of the plant, fertilize it and trim the sick stems and leaves, and in return it would give her pleasure, knowing her cum would contribute to its care. It was certainly healthier than when she found it. She couldn’t be sure her bodily fluids were helping with that, but it was a logical assumption. In the end it proved to be a satisfactory trade. Everyone was satisfied and had fun.

Maribel continued her work while the vines held her up, the thick vine adjusting her into a comfortable sitting position which also let its friends play with and fuck her from below. Carried on her work with them had their fun, content to let them play with her as long as she got to look after it. It helped her along, shifting her back and forth to where she needed, even holding her basket so she could use both hands. She looked at the plant slyly. “You’re much smarter than you let on, aren’t you” she smirked.

It didn’t respond in any meaningful way. Expect to seek permission to enter her ass. She paused in her work to help spread her cheeks, moaning when a thick vine penetrated her ass and filled her up. She laughed as both vines started to fuck her in tandem, her concentration faltering a little forcing her to cling to a vine hanging over her head. “Slow down. I’m almost…done…fuck” she gasped, pleasure shooting up her spine. She tried to focus, reaching for the last stem she wanted to trim. But her hand was snared by a sneaky vine from above, the plant tying up her wrist. She felt another catch her other arm, the vines tilting her back and spreading her knees apart. She sighed. “Alright, I can take a hint” she laughed, dropping her scissors into the basket hovering next to her and reclining against the vines. “I could use a break, I suppose” she smiled.

Suspended in the air, Proffessor Garlick was brought to rapturous ecstasy as the vines took turns to fuck her. She moaned each time they thrust into her pussy and anus, sliding so deep they stirred up her insides to one orgasm after another. She gushed each time she climaxed, watering the leaves and soil with her cum. She fell in love with how they teased her body, fondling her breasts and stroking her calves. Her head rolled back with her mouth hanging open, inviting a vine looping around her neck to slide over her tongue and into her throat. She sucked the vine lustfully, moaning around it in pleasure.

Things only got weird for the witch when she felt one of the smaller vines circle around her hips to tease her clit before slipping down to find a vacant hole or fill. She squeaked in alarm when it found her urethra instead of her pussy, yanking the vine out of her mouth to Yelp. “No no, not that one” she gasped, wresting her wrist free of her restraints to grab at the vine penetrating her pee hole. She inhaled when it slid further and probed her bladder, her knees slamming together as her body clenched, feeling an intense release of pressure that could almost be mistaken for an orgasm. She pulled the vine out of her urethra and she screamed as urine shot out onto the floor. She panted heavily afterwards, mortified and embarrassed. She had never wet herself during sex before. But then nobody had thought to try and fuck her urethra before. “Don’t…do that…ever…” she heaved, looking at the plant. She had no way to know if it understood her, praying it wouldn’t try invading anywhere else it shouldn’t. After that she got nervous whenever a vine drifted close to her nose or ears.

After a few minutes of sex, Maribel had to convince it to slow down so she could finish her work. She stretched out over the thick vine supporting her body to trim the last few leaves, giggling before sucking vines as a pair of leaves tickled her feet. Eventually she managed to finish up and let herself be cradled and played with until the plant was satisfied. She laid on a hammock of leaves stroking all the vines that came to play, moaning when twin maw latched onto her breasts to milk her for more food. She let herself get lost in the moment, feeling like she could stay here all night.

She couldn’t though. She had to get back to her duties in the school. So when she felt like she’d had enough, she pried herself from her hammock and took hold of her wand. “Lumos Solem” she said, casting a ball of light into the room. The vines retreated, but they were more resistant than devil’s snare. The light made them loosen their grip on her all the same, allowing her to climb down to her unsteady feet and shuffle out of the room with her basket. She reached her clothes and got dressed, blowing the plant an affectionate kiss. “Until next time” she promised.

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