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EXCLUSIVE: Halloween Hedge Maze

A short story set during the Hogwarts Mystery Mobile game, featuring a Male MC POV. A fun idea which i had been sitting on for too long. I’ve a few more from the same theme lined up so stay tuned.


The hedge maze was creepy during Halloween. The Hogsmede staff made sure of it, decorating it with cobwebs, tombstones and pumpkins. It was turning late in the afternoon too, so the sun was dipping low casting shadows across the maze. It was enough to creep Penny Haywood out, but she loved it all the same. That’s not taking into account the number of magical creatures that’s been slipped into the maze, targets for the visitors to find and win tickets for prizes. She was currently hunting for a puffskien, amongst other things.

That’s when she found you. Or rather you found her. You heard her yelp from being startled by a skeleton. Two minutes later she turned the corner, where you were waiting for her. The sun cast a shadow across the corner, so you were almost completely obscured. She didn’t see you until you stepped out and caught her by the waist. She screamed in alarm, spinning around frantically relieved to see it’s you. “Not funny” she snapped, slapping your chest as you pulled her into the shadowed corner.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself” you laugh, waiting until she was smiling before kissing her.

Her fright passed and was replaced with relief as she kissed you back, folding into your arms walking into the corner of the hedge maze with you. If she was going to get lost in here, she would rather it be in your arms. “I’m supposed to be looking for a Puffskien” she said between kisses, in no hurry to continue her search now she had found you.

“I’m sure we’ll find it” you reply, running your hands along her back, slipping under her denim jacket along the fabric of her yellow dress. “I’ve already found what I was looking for” you add.

Penny giggled. “And how many tickets do you think finding me would net you?” She joked.

“Enough to win a prize I hope” you chuckle, kissing the magical creature in your arms.

Penny sighed as you kissed along her jaw, running her fingers through your hair, already deciding you deserved a prize for catching her. While you pecked at her neck she glanced over her shoulder, hearing voices through the hedges. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” She asked, worried about being seen with you. Your relationship was still a secret at the moment, hence seeking out these stolen moments in private. The hedge maze was your idea, figuring the winding paths and dead ends would keep everyone busy. But that didn’t mean somebody wouldn’t stumble around the wrong corner. “What if someone sees us?” She asked.

You reluctantly pause with making out with her to cast an eye around the area revealed to you. Nobody was there to see you, but the voices could still be heard through the shrubbery. You counted at least three different students, maybe five. “Don’t worry, I came prepared” you assure her, pulling out your wand and casting Cave incantum across the corner. The spell concealed your presence, obscuring both you and Penny to anyone who might stumble by, provided they didn’t step into your bubble. “They won’t see us, but they can hear us. So be sure to remain silent” you tell her, turning back to the hufflepuff.

Penny bit her bottom lip, her hands moving up your chest as you step forward and put your arms around her waist. “I’ll do my best” she whispered, anticipation growing in her stomach as she began fiddling with you pants, unzipping them. You respond in kind, reaching inside her dress to feel her breast under her bra. You didn’t undress her, just in case the spell failed. It felt more intimate remaining clothed, more daring, more naughty. You both inhaled as you touched each other intimately, stepping back into the corner seeking privacy as your lips met. You made out passionately, hearts racing as your loins heated up. Penny’s leg came up your thigh as you pressed a palm to her back, your other hand leaving her chest to hook under her knee brushing the underside of her thigh lifting her dress. Your penis extended out underneath it, brushing her covered groin making her gasp.

She broke the kiss for a moment, her stomach fluttering as she reached beneath her skirt to push her underwear aside, opening her entrance up for you. It wasn’t the first time you and she had sex. Not the first time you did it in places at risk of being found. Once you had a quickie in the library. Penny was terrified Prince would find you and expel you on the spot. You eased your penis into her slowly, entering her gently gratified to be enveloped in her warmth. She exhaled slowly, falling against you holding to your shoulders, her leg hooked around your hip, her body pressed against you. She looked at you with deep affection as you gently thrust into her slowly, capturing her lips as you made love it her.

You knew you couldn’t afford to stay too long, so you both began fucking steadily making out passionately. The hard part was keeping the sounds you made to a dull whisper. Penny’s moans in particular threatened to get louder the faster you thrust into her pussy. You did your best to muffle the sounds by kissing her, the screams caught in your mouth. It was hot, passionate, and the exposure made it even more exciting even behind the protective barrier. But even so, things got a little real for the young hufflepuff when she opened her eyes and looked over your shoulder. You were too busy enjoying yourself to notice when the girl stiffened, her fingers curling a little tighter as she stared at the third year wandering through the maze in front of her. While you nuzzled her neck, running a hand up her skirt along her thigh, she was frozen watching the student with wide eyes waiting for them to walk on by.

Except they didn’t. They came to a stop a couple of feet from your position. They appeared to be lost, turning around on the spot looking around. She inhaled sharply when they turned in your direction, a young female with red hair. She looked right at the pair of you, but couldn’t see you thanks to your magical ward. That didn’t stop Penny from panicking when the girl stepped closer, still scanning the area trying to gather her bearings.

“Stop!” Penny whispered, her voice squeaking in your ear barely audible, her hands gripping your hair tightly. You hiss as her nails dog into your scalp, her walls tightening around you practically crushing you with tension. You manage to spot the frantic look on her face before you could make anything louder, following her gaze glancing behind to see the student inches away from stumbling through your ward and finding the pair of you. You froze, holding Penny still as she covered her mouth holding her breath, still lodged inside her. You were both afraid to move, as if any disturbance might dissolve the magic and reveal you both.

The girl wandered closer, a hairs breath away from the barrier. Her eyes grazed over the pair of you, a moment away from discovering you and your trist. But at the last moment, a second student sprinted through the maze past the three of you. The girl turned around and followed him back into the maze, leaving you and Penny alone and undisturbed.

You blonde companion let out a sigh of relief as you watched the student disappear around the corner, relaxing against your shoulder shaking a little. “That was close” she whispered, hugging you tightly.

You hugged her back, kissing her cheek in reassurance. The tension in her loins didn’t let up however, and you could tell from her posture she was reluctant to continue. “Do you want to stop?” You asked quietly. She looked at you apologetically before nodding. You nod to, dropping her leg and easing out of her pussy gently. You do up your zipper while she readjusted her underwear and skirt, the moment passed. “I’m sorry” you say, squeezing her shoulders. “I guess this was a terrible idea.”

“No, it was a wonderful idea” she replied, kissing you affectionately on the lips. “But next time, maybe I could choose the venue? Somewhere private, with a lock on the door?”

“And maybe a bed?” You add playfully. She smiled, putting her arms around you kissing you passionately. Your kiss is interrupted this time by a playful chirp from the corner of the hedge, drawing your gazes to a cute golden fuzz ball on the ground with big round eyes. “I guess we had an audience after all” you chuckle.

Penny beamed, leaping down to pick up the Puffskien delighted. “This is the magical creature I was looking for” she proclaimed, happy to win her tickets after all this.

“That’s great” you smile, casting the counter spell for the ward before leading the girl out of the hedge maze. Along with way a brainwave hits you. “New idea for places to meet up in private..” you whisper.

“If it’s the magical creature reserve, I already considered it” Penny interrupted, unable to hide the naughty smirk as she put her arm around her secret boyfriend.

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