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EXCLUSIVE: Gilderoy Lockhart's Scam (The Hogwarts Tentacle Monster Prelude)

This one got…I usually try to avoid potentially "icky" scenarios, but this one sort of got away from me. I think I crept up to the edge with this one so…minor Content Warning (implied, not explicit…not directly).


Gilderoy Lockhart always locked his office stationed above the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom. He would tell students and faculty it was because he kept many, many dangerous artifacts from his adventures in there when in actual fact it was mostly full of his belongings, his portraits, his fan mail and his “memoirs”. But it also held his secret weapons, one of the only genuine things he found on his adventures.

Actually, that was also a lie. He met a woman during one of his countless “research” trips who told him about this cove under a waterfall which she had explored numerous times but could never retain any memory off. After some convincing she agreed to let him tag along (an uncomfortable journey for the aspiring adventurer), bringing him to the cove to see for himself. After a couple of hours, he too found himself forgetting much of that time as he woke up in the woman’s arms. At first he assumed he’d successfully charmed her out of her pants until the enchanted quill he had following him revealed what had actually transpired upon their arrival. He read through the notes as it narrated their observations of a creature which hibernated inside the cove and comes out to ensnare travelers with its tentacles. He skipped past the dozen pages where the quill scrawled out gibberish (which if you read along sounds a lot like girly screaming) and concluded through these observations (made by his sleeping companion) that the creature is harmless and only seeks to pleasure its visitors, noting how it’s aroma produces arousal and the fact it seems to recognize her indicates she’s encountered this before. Lockhart realized the creature can do naturally what he took many years to master, erase people’s memory. He used his confused companion as bait when she woke up, hiding behind some rocks for the creature to emerge from the water again and watched it ravish the naked woman and feed on her orgasms and magic. He then followed it to its lair and used a binding spell to capture it. One quick use of the memory charm later and his companion had no memory of him or the monster.

Transporting it with him turned out to be easier than he anticipated. It turned out to be quite docile, happy to travel in a suitcase or box provided it was able to feed on a magic user regularly. The hard part was keeping his memories in order as Gilderoy kept losing time only to work out he’d been molested and used by the creature he was carrying. After some quick revisions he managed to devise a charm that protected his memories and discovered being fucked by the tentacle monster was a pleasurable experience. It could stroke him in all the right places, sometimes at the same time, with its arms, it could understand commands and learnt what you liked, and it’s body shifted its shape depending on the needs. He wasn’t a fan of taking a tentacle up the ass or in his mouth, but he throughly enjoyed having his dick sucked by its suckers or inserting his cock into the slimy opening it made for him in its fluid mass. And as long as it could drink his cum and soak up his energy, it was happy to be kept in a box to hibernate.

The opportunities simply fell into the author’s lap after that. He took his pet with him everywhere, using it as his secret weapon on his research. He would interview other adventurers and invite them to a prearranged venue, a hotel room or a private booth at the back of a restaurant, sneakily unzip the bag he was carrying and let the monster dazzle his subjects with its pheromones. He would continue the interview while it did it’s thing, finding many subjects were much more loose lipped in the midst of fucking a pack of tentacles. If he was chatting to an attractive female he’d sometimes join it, take advantage of the situation while his quill recorded their stories. And when he got what he needed, he simply recalled the monster into his bag and let the effects wipe their memories for him. It saved him a lot of hassle, until they found their adventures in his book after which he made sure they weren’t in a capable state to sue him. With his new friend he had quite the scam going. It brought him notoriety. It brought him fame. It brought him respect and an adoring public.

Of course, nobody could know about his little pet. He made sure it was safely locked away at all times, only bringing it out to either feed it or to use to his advantage. He knew it was a risk to bring to Hogwarts but he couldn’t let it out of his sight. Fortunately none of the staff had reason to grow suspicious of the case he brought with him, which he kept in the office at all times. And luckily the creature could live off his cum for a whole week before needing to feed again, but he liked to keep it happy. And it made for a nice distraction after a long and stressful day of teaching. He indulged it’s whines three or four times a week, sometimes more if he had visitors.

See, it wasn’t just research that he abused it for. It helped him take advantage of many, many charming young ladies over his career, particularly his adoring fans. Of course, someone like him could get into a lot of trouble consorting with a various celebrities or woman he took a fancy too and would probably draw much ire from the parents of his more doting fan club, but which his pet on hand to sedate his conquests and open the doors for him to seize the day before making them forget everything, he was free to live his best life. He gotten to share the company of many lovely ladies over the years, many of his adoring fans leaping at the chance to share his bed, sometimes even two at a time. And his pet loved the attention too, it’s pheromones alluring them to its tentacles as it fucked them into a sexual high and drank from their fluids. Sometimes when he had his eye on one girl but couldn’t shake her friend, he let it distract the friend so he could enjoy his conquest, letting her share the tales of his manliness to her confused friend afterward. Book signings were the best place to meet new fans, getting to know them and their names and arranging to meet a select few privately to gift them a gift they would never (but most likely) forget. Just recently he got the opportunity to meet a red haired mother of seven who had a huge crush on him. Sadly she wasn’t his type, but one quickie in the back room with his friend soon shook her off while keeping the hungry beast sated. It slept through the whole train ride to Hogwarts after her.

When he got here he was delighted to find even more of his avid fans gushing over him from their desks, catching their eye across the great hall. So many lovely girls, attractive girls. They would come to his classroom for an autograph and he’d invite them to his office so he could get a pen he already had. If they were receptive to his charm, he would lock the door and let the creatures pheromones do the work. He’d have his wicked way, allow the monster to sample the young witch, then quickly clean her up and send her on her way with an autograph and no memory of how she got it. He didn’t intend to sleep through the whole school, just indulge every once in a while when he needed some love and care and fucking the creature himself wasn’t on his agenda. It wasn’t a flawless system. Sometimes they brought a friend who was cautious enough not to let a fan into his office alone, or call his bluff about needing to go up there. Sometimes he had to end his fun halfway because someone knocked on the door, a student or worse, a staff member. He was convinced Snape was spying on his when he caught the man loitering outside his classroom following a detention with a female student. The most frustrating inconvenience was when he had to abandon his plans because the beast in his box wouldn’t cooperate for some of the younger students, which left the man in a foul mood for the rest of the week. More than once he wondered if he should’ve bothered to learn more about the creature he was abusing for personal gain, but he’d always shrug it off and return to business as normal. And business was very good.

At least until all this business with the Chamber of Secrets. He knew he should’ve just kept his mouth shut but he couldn’t help but showboat and flaunt his talents about the school. He was just finishing up a private session with his monster, ejaculating into its hungry mouth as it sucked his cock, when he heard McGonagal calling for all members of staff. He shoved the creature back into its box and went to see what the commotion was about. Then he saw the writing, then Snape called his bluff about knowing where the entrance to the Chamber was and suddenly he was tasked with finding the monster and killing it. He knew he couldn’t stay any longer. If he wasn’t found out as a fake then he could just spin a story about failing to save that Weasley girl. He rushed back to his office to pack his things and quickly as he could. If Harry and Ron hadn’t interrupted him, he would’ve gotten away.

In the commotion of his packing, the box holding the magical creature he’d been holding captive for many years was left unlocked. It stayed out of sight as Harry confronted the teacher, waiting until they left before crawling out of the office they left open. After all this time it was finally able to flee the self-absorbed wizard, the docile creature slithering unseen using its camouflage to hide from the other faculty as it crawled through a window and onto the grounds. It disappeared into the forbidden forest to seek out a new home for itself that wasn’t as cramped as its previous prison. It didn’t give a second thought to the fraudulent author.

Fortunately, after a mishap with a failed memory charm, Gilderoy Lockhart forgot all about the creature (and everything else).

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