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EXCLUSIVE: Fallout from Sins of Sinister

None of them knew how long they were going to be down here, in the bowls of Krakoa, but it was their most secure prison. Until they can be sure whatever manipulation Sinister had planted inside of them was neutralized, they needed to be somewhere safe from the rest of their nation. It wasn’t going to be a pleasant experience, but it was the only way.

The pit was dark, the deepest hole any mutant could be sentenced too. Krakoa dragged them down into the pitch black void and restrained them with its roots, holding them prisoner in its depths secluded from each other and the rest of the prisoners. Hope Summers, Charles Xavier, Exodus and Emma Frost each resigned themselves to their fate, willing to stay down here for however long it took. It could be days, weeks, maybe years. For all they knew, they may never see the sun again.

Fortunately Krakoa would tend to their needs, it’s roots doing more than simply restraining them. They wrapped around each of their bodies and penetrated their orifices, invading them from every hole to feed them nourishment, keeping them alive and supplying other services. These x-men were aware of what was happening to them, conscious of Krakoa’s actions briefly before their minds faded into a numb fog of white noise. It was a kindness Krakoa bestowed, knowing they weren’t like the other prisoners down here. They didn’t need to be aware of what the living island was doing to them, they didn’t need to see the violations required to keep them alive and in this purgatory. Hope was the only one to panic as the roots violated, the tendrils peeling away at her clothes to invade her body, gagging around the thick vine being shoved down her throat blocking her airway. She felt a nudge in her mind as a root slithered into her ear, her eyes rolling into her skull before her eyelids drooped closed. The pain and discomfort dissolved as she blacked out into unconsciousness, submitting her body and mind to the island.

“Open your eyes dear” a soft voice whispered, drawing the young mutant awake. Hope opened her eyes and found herself staring at Emma Frost, who hovered over her smiling. “Don’t be afraid” she whispered, her mouth not moving, her voice speaking inside her head.

Hope blinked in surprise as she numbly sat up. She felt weird, not normal. She looked down at her body, the sensations alien to her, and blinked in confusion. She was naked, like a new born. So was Emma, the older woman kneeling over her lifting her head as it swam. “Where are we?” Hope asked, looking around at the white void she’d awoken in.

“We’re still inside the pit” Emma explained, speaking normally yet her voice continued to echo inside her head.

Hope nursed her temples, feeling Emma’s telepathy resonating inside of her triggering her mutant abilities to mimic them. “The last thing I remember was…” she muttered, her eyes suddenly widening in horror as she felt her throat and groin. “Krakoa…it was inside me…”

“Yes, a rather unpleasant experience” Emma agreed, soothing the younger woman with her delicate hands. Hope sighed as Emma relaxed her senses, falling into her embrace as the woman explained “our bodies have been taken over by Krakoa’s roots so it can sustain us until we are released. Think of them like a life support machine, a very invasive machine. Thankfully the island has graced us with the opportunity to disconnect our minds from the experience. You might feel the dull ache every so often, but otherwise I’ll feel like a dream.”

Hope looked up at the white haired woman, her radiant eyes sparkling as they gazed down at her. She looked around at the white void, a mental construct she realized. “I thought we weren’t supposed to be able to use our powers down here” she said.

“Another gift, it seems” she smiled. “The four of us are able to link minds and share a telepathic safe room. Charles and Exodus have already settled their minds, and now that you’re here we can simply wait for our friends to free us.”

“How long?” She asked nervously.

“As long as it takes” she shrugged. “Don’t worry, time won’t mean much of anything in this place. With luck we’ll be back in what feels like moments.”

Hope nodded, sitting up feeling much better now she’d adjusted to her condition. She did feel echoes of the roots around her, thick tendrils sliding in and out of her pussy, vines wrapped tightly around her arms, nutrients being force fed down her gullet. The feeling faded as quickly as it came, like a dream as Emma said. She looked up at the empty space. “so how are we going to pass the time?”

“However you wish” she smirked.

Hope looked down at her naked body, and then at Emma’s stunning figure. “Any particular reason I’m also naked in this place?”

“I might’ve indulged a little while I was waking you up” she admitted, running her hands over the young girl. “Don’t act like your shy. I’ve seen how you and the rest of the five relax. And don’t get me started on the rest of your family.”

Hope giggled, not shy at all as she reached up and stroked Emma’s fit body in return. Their hands explored each other intimately, even if it was just a telepathic illusion. It felt real all the same. “If it’s just the four of us, why isn’t the professor and Exodus here with us?”

“They can be if you want” she smiled. “In fact Charles and I are getting accustomed to each other as we speak” she said, unlocking the veil from Hope’s mind so she could see what Emma and Charlie were doing in a separate consciousness. She gasped as Charles pounded the white queen from behind, his cock thrusting into her pussy making her purr in approval. “I thought you’d be less overwhelmed if I was the first to greet you. I know Exodus is eager to see you.”

Hope turned around and found the broad shouldered mutant hovering over her, his adoring gaze raking in her beauty as she turned to greet him. He didn’t waste time before worshiping his messiah, his loyal tongue diving into her mouth in a steamy kiss before licking down her sexy body. Hope moaned as she was pleasured by the zealot, wondering how long the man had waited to please her like this. How many fantasies had he concealed as he seat beside her on the quiet council? His mouth came to her pussy and she gasped in pleasure, her legs shaking as they wrapped around his head. “Fuck! Now I regret not agreeing to fuck him in the real world” she mumbled.

“It’s all he’s been doing since we established the link” Emma told her, cradling her body watching the man devour her cunt. “Only now it’s not a fantasy. Don’t you love telepathic sex? No limits, no consequences, just pure unadulterated passion” she whispered.

Hope felt Exodus’s passion, and his love as he inserted his massive erection into her body. She rocked her hips against him, pulling him into a passionate kiss as he made love to her. If she was going to spend and indeterminant amount of time in the pit, there could be worse ways to pass the time. Emma knelt behind her, still taking Xavier’s dick as he fucked her from behind, his hands massaging her mature breasts. She extended her own pleasure by tilting Hope’s head back, making out with the girl promising more to come.

The four of them indulged with each other in their private telepathic space, time becoming meaningless as they waited for their incarceration to be brought to an end.

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