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EXCLUSIVE: Drunk Witches (Hogwarts Legacy)

It had been a chaotic afternoon for the two witches as they weaved around Yokohama Harbor. Chiyo Kogawa and Matilda Weasley laughed until their sides hurt. They’d had a few drinks and things had gotten a little wild today. “Oh dear. I don’t think either of us is going to forget this in a hurry” Matilda chortled.

“I’m not sure what your colleagues are going to think when they find out about this, proffessor” Kogawa teased.

The red haired woman grimaced. She had just been appointed at Hogwarts and was meant to start next week. She would hate for her first impression on the students to be tainted by her deviant behavior on this trip. She grabbed her new friend’s arm tightly, wrenching her around. “Please don’t say anything” she begged.

Kogawa wasn’t about to divulge her secrets, zipping her lips shut. “Keeper’s honor. As long as you don’t mention that earlier incident with my colleagues at the Ministry” she replied.

Weasley promised. “I didn’t think the Japanese could be more uptight then the bigwigs back home. I doubt they’d be impressed with your methods back there.”

“It got us the information we wanted, didn’t it?” She smirked.

“You seemed to get a lot more out of it than just the information” Weasley teased.

Kogawa gave her a sideways glance. “It didn’t stop you from enjoying the show” she noted. Weasley averted her gaze and blushed. “Since we’re going to be keeping what happened here between us, and since we are both clearly drunk and possibly impaired, what’s say we engage in some more deviant behavior?”

Weasley lifted an eyebrow to the Asian woman. “What did you have in mind?” She asked.

Kogawa bit her bottom lip and looked around. She found an empty boat by the dock and grinned. She took the woman’s wrist and dragged her onto it, using her wand to untie the ropes before jumping on. After a moment of hesitation Weasley followed, leaping onto the small wooden yacht while Kogawa used magic to drop the sails and cast them adrift into the harbor. “Can you cast a disillusion charm please?” She asked.

Weasley drew her wand and shrouded them in a bubble that obscured them and the boat from view. “What are you up to Chiyo?” She asked.

She turned around and gasped when Kogawa advanced on her and planted a hot kiss on her lips. “Don’t say you weren’t interested” she whispered before the woman could protest. “I saw your face when I had that woman between my legs. You were curious. And so am I? So…interested in some international diplomacy, proffessor?”

Now that they were invisible, Kogawa began removing her clothes, peeling out of her outfit after dropping her broom onto the floor. Weasley stared in shock as the former quidditch trainee disrobed and revealed her sexy body to the older woman. She gulped as her eyes examined her hastily, her heart racing. She turned her head to check the shore, but none of the people out there could see them. The risk was making her stomach flutter. Such deviance could ruin her career. And yet, Matilda started undressing with her.

Kogawa smiled in excitement as the woman climbed out of her clothes, waiting until she was in her undergarments before stepping forward to help remove them, bringing herself close enough to feel her up and kiss her cheek. “This stays between us” she promised.

“I knew I shouldn’t have had those drinks” Weasley muttered as Kogawa leant in to kiss her lips. She didn’t recoil from it however. Instead she closed her eyes and leaned into it, meeting the woman halfway as they embraced their nakedness. The scandalous act made her feel hot as they explored one another, arousal igniting in their loins.

Kogawa ran her hands over the older woman like an expert, leaving no doubt in the redhead’s mind that she had done this before. “Not bad for a beginner” the Japanese woman complimented, caressing her boobs enjoying how firm they were. “Perhaps I should’ve asked if you had experimented before.”

“It’s been a day for new experiences” Weasley sighed, watching as she crouched lower to suck on her nipples first before kissing down her stomach. She gasped when her lips made contact with her clit and she bit her lip nervously, monitoring her charm out the corner of her eye terrified it could dissolve any moment.

Kogawa ran her tongue along her pussy lips gently, watching her shiver as she introduced her to oral pleasure. “You are very attractive” she said, observing how awkward the woman was being. She kissed her nether lips once more before rising up to cup her face. “Those freckles on your skin make you look very hot.”

“You’re not the first to say that” she remarked with a blush.

“Have you had many lovers?” She inquired.

“That’s none of your concern” Weasley snapped.

Kogawa shrugged, but saw the heat rise in the woman’s cheeks. “They have good taste” she smirked, kissing the freckles over Weasley’s chest. She decided to spice things up by holding her hand over her broom and commanding it up. Weasley eyed it curiously while the Asian woman brought it up and took a seat upon it, facing her and floating a few inches off the floor. She balanced herself perfectly before spreading her legs and presenting her dripping pussy to the woman. “Would you care for a taste?” She offered.

Weasley appraised her pussy and found it very alluring. So was the image of the could’ve-been quidditch star sitting naked on her broom. This had the makings of an indecent photo opportunity. She stepped forward and kissed the woman, hesitantly moving down her body towards her lap. Kogawa made it easy by floating a few feet higher until she was level with her face. “You are far too comfortable in this situation” she muttered while kissing up her thighs.

“I’ve spent most of my youth on a broom” she said, watching her keenly as she approached her cunt. “I know how to ride them, in many ways.”

Weasley arched an eyebrow at her. “Was that a euphemism?”

“What happens in the quidditch locker room, stays in the locker room” she grinned.

“With boys or girls?”

“Why not both?”

The comment brought a redness to Weasley’s face, which she hid between Kogawa’s legs while she kissed her pussy, giving it some experimental licks. She must clearly be drunk. Her judgement must be impaired, because she was eating out another woman. And wow, she tastes so nice.

Kogawa moaned in response. “Not bad for a beginner” she complicated, gripping the broom for balance while Weasley ate her out. She cast her eye out over the harbor, scanning the faces of people unaware of what was happening. “Shame they can’t see us” she said.

Weasley glanced at the charm, satisfied it was still holding. “You have a thing for having sex in public?”

Kogawa grinned and nodded. “Nothing gets me off quite like it” she admitted. “Me and a friend of mine once played a quidditch friendly with enchanted brooms, on which we installed a…specialized seat, you might call it. It was a little uncomfortable after half an hour, but it vibrated every time we scored a goal, or when I saved one. I couldn’t sit on a broom properly for a week afterwards, but my friend swears we had never played better. I doubt she’d play a professional game with one of those toys stuffed up her Fanny now though.”

All this talk of dildos and public spectacle made Weasley lose her momentum with her tongue as her cheeks got very warm. She pulled away apologetically, fixing her glasses while Kogawa floated down to kiss her passionately. “Quite a life you lead” she said humbly.

“I’m sure you have your own scandalous stories, professor” she replied. Wrapped her legs around the woman and looped her arms around her neck, kissing her deeply. “Would you like to ride my broom. We could do a few laps around the harbor. I doubt anyone would see us.”

Weasley shuddered at the thought of flying naked over everyone’s heads. She cast her eye over the younger woman and then at the boat they were standing on. “I have a more comfortable idea” she said, reaching over to the pile of clothes and retrieving her wand from the bundle. Kogawa watched curiously as she gave it a flick over her shoulder, eyeing the woman suspiciously. Weasley smiled broadly before shoving the woman off her broom and onto the queen size bed she conjured behind her. “Call me old fashioned, but I prefer to have sex on a comfortable mattress” she said, climbing onto the bed with her.

Kogawa had no complaints as she welcomed the woman into a passionate embrace, rolling her onto her back so she could be on top. “As long as you don’t hide this gorgeous body under the covers” she said, crawling down making love to the redhead’s attractive freckles.

Weasley became intoxicated by the woman’s touch when she kissed her way down her body, slipping between her legs to devour her pussy. She moaned lustfully and rocked her hips, arousal peaking to new heights. She couldn’t say she wasn’t as experienced in lesbian sex as Kogawa clearly was, but it wasn’t the first time she had a lover eat her out before. First time she had done this on a boat, however, under a dusky sky. She obeyed her friend’s wishes to stay above the covers. It was the most public she’d ever been during sex, even if it was under a disillusionment charm.

Kogawa’s hands felt up her legs while her tongue licked at her pussy, bringing waves of pleasure to the older woman while she buried her nose in her red bush. She watched her lose it when she was brought to an orgasm, her hips buckling against her mouth. She licked her lips and savored the taste on her tongue. “We definitely have good taste” she complimented, crawling up to share a sensual kiss with the woman. Weasley kissed her passionately, breathing heavily, feeling so hot she could melt. She stared up at the Asian woman in astonishment, the buzz lingering as she came down from her pleasurable high. “You okay?” Kogawa asked once she caught her breath.

Matilda nodded. “Wow” she gasped.

“Must’ve been a while, huh?”

“Maybe” she conceded, exhaling slowly. “Your friends must love you” she remarked.

“I’ve got skills beyond the broom” Kogawa smirked, kissing Matilda’s breasts.

Weasley purred and reclined while Kogawa made love to her breasts, stroking her hair and threading her fingers through her ponytail. The mention of the broom brought the redhead’s eyes to the object still floating nearby. Her intoxicated mind got a deviant idea and she picked up her wand again. While Kogawa busied herself with sucking one of her nipples, the older woman twirled her wand and silently called the broom to float behind the younger woman.

Kogawa had been bent over, palming her firm breasts, with her ass in the air which Weasley had her broom hone in on. She bit her bottom lip, twisting her wand to tilt the wooden handle towards her snatch. Kogawa clocked the activity out the corner of her eye and snuck a peek over her shoulder. Weasley realized she’d been caught and froze. Kogawa, however, grinned and presented her backside, spreading her legs making her goal more accessible. “Do it” she dared.

Matilda hesitated. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve had plenty of toys up there” she winked. “Do it.”

Inhaling sharply, Weasley flicked her wrist and sent the broom swooping towards Kogawa’s ass. The woman braced and even assisted in bringing the blunt end of her broom to her cunt, where it speared her forcefully. She hissed and grunted as it pushed its way into her body, but her pussy stretched around it and enveloped the handle until it sank inside. She moaned on all fours, her broom stuffed in her pussy, hovering over Matilda’s naked body. “Does it hurt?” Weasley asked in concern.

Kogawa nodded, but she showed no discomfort. “I like a bit of pain” she said, breathing carefully as she adjusted to having her cunt stretched so wide. When she was ready, she rotated her hips and began moving back and forth on the broom. Then Weasley tapped her finger on her wand and the broom started thrusting on its own. Kogawa gasped and slumped forward, her belly bulging as it moved deeper into her womb. “Now this is what I call riding a broom” she laughed.

“This is so mad” Weasley muttered, wondering how she could’ve let herself get into this. Being drunk wasn’t an excuse anymore. This sort of scandal could ruin her career. And yet it made her so hot she brought her hand to her own pussy and fingered herself while she watched Kogawa ride her broom, sweat dripping over her freckles as the Japanese woman moaned louder. Her eyes fell to her breasts swaying in front of her, so she reached up and fondled them, taking her nipples into her mouth making the woman moan.

There was a good chance the broom was rearranging her insides, reshaping her womb and causing untold damage. She certainly wouldn’t be able to ride a broom the same way again. But Kogawa didn’t care. This was the naughtiest thing she had ever done, and she had gotten up to a lot in her youth. Fuck, this is so hot, she thought. She locked eyes with Matilda and grinned. She couldn’t move to kiss her, so she stared at her face instead, fantasizing of all the ways she wanted to fuck her. She screamed when a powerful orgasm hit her, the pain mixing with the pleasure until it nearly made her black out. Her arms gave way and she colapsed on top of the woman. “Take it out” she gasped, reaching her limit.

Weasley hurried to use her wand to pull her broom free of the vice grip her pussy had on it. Kogawa whimpered when it was finally extracted, her cunt gaping and ass aching. She rolled onto her side and lay against the naked woman, blown away by the experience while she recovered. “Do you need a doctor?” Weasley checked.

Kogawa reached behind to rub her backside, checking for blood. “No, I don’t think so” she replied. I’ll get myself checked out, just in case, she thought. Doubt it’ll be the strangest case they’ve had.

They laid on the bed for a moment, catching their breath, enjoying each other’s company as their hands caressed each other. Matilda’s mind raced with the understanding of what she had done, which no longer brought the dread she expected. It was a thrilling experience. But it was one she could never let become public knowledge. Especially around Hogwarts. “Chiyo…”

“Your secret is safe with me” she promised, reading her mind. She rose up and rested her chin on her breast. “Nobody will know about this scandalous affair.”

“Not technically an affair” she argued.

“But certainly scandalous.”

She smirked, hooking her finger under the woman’s chin and lifting her into a kiss. “If you ever come to Hogwarts, we should get a drink.”

“Absolutely” she agreed, believing she had made a good friend for life.

But this affair wasn’t over yet as now it was Kogawa’s turn to retrieve her wand and use some magic. With a flick of her wrist, Matilda found her wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts, her wide eyes staring at her in shock. “You’re not the only one adept at transfiguration” Kogawa told her, drawing her wand tip up her slender neck under her chin. She dragged it up and with another flick she conjured a ball gag in the redhead’s mouth. Her eyes widened. “What happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room” she whispered, tracing her wand over her naked body towards her cunt, the tip humming with magic to stimulate her nerves and make the older woman scream into her gag.

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