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EXCLUSIVE: Dani's Hallucinations (The Callisto Protocol)

Dani was drifting in and out of consciousness as she was dragged through the corridors by the security unit. Her head was pounding and not just from the concussion it gave her to knock her out. She could feel the infection spreading inside of her. She felt it in her brain, like a voice whispering, clawing at her skull. She tried to open her eyes and look up, her blurry vision seeing the robot dragging her by her ankle. She couldn’t focus, couldn’t figure out where she was. It couldn’t be taking her to the Shu, they had just been there. It was overrun by the biophage, they both saw it.

Jacob! Where have they taken Jacob?

She groaned and tried to fight back. These units were meant to be programmed to return prisoners to their cells. She was thrown in the Shu for causing trouble, hacking the locks. Maybe it’s taking her back where she started.

She reached for her weapons until her head started splitting open again. She screamed and clutched her head, her vision going blurry until she blacked out again. When she opened her eyes she was somewhere else. She had been dropped on the floor by a huge door with turrets. The doors opened and she heard a voice. A woman’s voice. She tried to focus but pain ripped through her skull. Everything started to spin. The voice in her head was getting louder.

What’s happening to me?

She came too and she was back in the prison. She was right; the security unit had returned her to her cell. It dropped her ankle and opened the doors before turning back and reaching down to pick her up. He body was heavy and limb. She felt like a ragdoll as she was hoisted into the air. She tried to muster the strength to fight it, to yank a few wires or something. It’s red light blinded her as she stared up at its faceplate. “Prisoners, return to your cell” it growled mechanically.

The pain hit her again and she became drowsy. Her head flopped forward and she glimpsed something flicking in and out of sight. A new attachment to the unit. A weapon? An upgrade. Her vision was blurry. It was hard to focus. “Let…go…” she slurred, a hand pushing weakly at the arms clutching her.

She lifted her head and there was a flash of pain as her vision went red and then white. Suddenly her perspective changed and she got a close up look of its new attachment as it was shoved down her throat. She choked on its metal phallus, feeling it clogging her airway making it almost impossible to breathe. It was cold and stiff as it scraped the inside of her throat. She tried to scream but her voice was muffled. Why did it have this?

It’s metal hands clutched her elbows tightly as it lifted her up, holding her upside down with her feet dangling in the air. She was lifted until the metal cock was halfway out of her throat before being lowered back down again, her neck bulging as it impaled her again. She gagged in great discomfort, her eyes watering as it was forced deep inside of her. It lifted her and dropped her again several times, roaming her onto its cock like a flashlight. She heard it hum and drone, doubting it was because it felt anything. Some kind of torture protocol she assumed. If prisoners are out of line now it raped the inmates instead. She suddenly whimpered at the thought of it ramming it’s dick into her cunt, or worse her ass. It would rip her in two. She was baffled at how it hadn’t torn her throat open.

She squirmed in its grasp as it continued to force her to suck its dick. Suddenly her head surged in pain again, which made the blowjob even more uncomfortable. She screamed in pain around its attachment until suddenly it was gone. Her eyes blinked open and she found herself in its arms again, the right way up this time, her head rolling from side to side as the unit held her arms by her sides. The cell door opened and she was unceremoniously thrown into the Shu, the iron bars slamming shut behind her before she was plunged into darkness.

It reminded her on when she was first locked up in here. She climbed to her feet and hoisted herself onto the bed, rubbing her head feeling it pounding. She looked down at her body. She was dressed in her inmates uniform again, the environmental suit gone. It was like she never escaped. Right back where I started.

But wait, that’s not possible. We saw the Shu, it was covered in the biophage.

Her cell rattled and shook as she began moving again. A red light flashed warning her she was being taken to the main level to receive visitors. She leapt of the bed and climbed up to a familiar spot beside the door, bracing herself ready for whomever opens the door. The cell came to a stop and the iron bars slide open again. She tensed as a figure stepped into the cell wearing a prisoners uniform just like her. She leapt down and disarmed the figure and grabbed him, preparing to kick him against the wall and dart out of the cell and escape just like last time.

She blinked as she realized she was repeating herself, dejavu making her dizzy. She looked down and saw Jacob whirling to look at her. Recognition crossed his face. He remembered her from his ship, from the crash. No, this already happened.

“Dani!” He gasped in relief.

And exhale escaped her mouth. She thought she was going crazy, but he recognized her. He knew her name. This wasn’t the same. She leapt into his arms and hugged him. He found her, he got away. “What happened” she asked.

“I’m here to get you out” he said, clutching her shoulders and looking at her.

She smiled in relief and planted a kiss on his lips. Her eyes widened in shock. Why did I do that? He was shocked too, but his eyes told her he wasn’t put off. He pulled her into another kiss and they made out passionately, releasing the sexual tension they didn’t realize they were carrying.

The kiss grew intense as they fumbled out of the prison uniforms. Dani felt the cold sturdy bars of her cell press against her back as Jacob pushed her up against them. She panted heavily as she whipped her vest over her head, exposing her breasts for him to grope and kiss and molest to his hearts content. She reached down and wrestled his pants down his legs so she could get her hands on his dick, the man grunting as she gave him a handjob to perk him up while he pulled the waistband of her pants down. His hands grasped her hips and she lifted her knees, grabbing hold of the bars for support as he opened her legs and impaled her cunt with his penis. She gasped in pleasure as he fucked her, hard and fast, like every second could be their last.

Wait! What are we doing? We should be escaping, not fucking!

Common sense seemed to evaporate as they had sex in her cell. Hot steamy passionate sex against the bars of her door. She twisted her head to check the way out was clear, except the cell was locked. They were trapped. Jacob turned her face back and gave her a lusty kiss. Suddenly being locked in a room with him was what she wanted. Nobody to stop them or interrupt them. She pushed him onto the bed and mounted his dick, riding him vigorously moaning loudly, loving how his hands molested her as she bounced on his cock. Spending her sentence at BlackIron felt more enjoyable with this pilot as her cellmate. She climaxed on his cock and milked him for his seed.

She collapsed against his chest with a disorientated sigh. That last orgasm made her dizzy and lightheaded. Something didn’t feel right. Her body was limp as Jacob rolled her onto her back, his hips still thrusting into her pussy while she moaned and rubbed her temples. There’s something in my head she thought.

Pain shot up her spine and she grimaced, reaching out for Jacob for support. But she gasped when her hands grabbed someone else, someone slimy and mutated. She opened her eyes and wished she hadn’t. It was Jacob, but he was one of those things now. He was infected, his skin misshapen with huge swollen tumors over his body and face. He snarled in her face, his penis still inside her as he pinned her to the bed. She screamed and tried to push him off, but he was too strong. His mutated dick thrusted into her tight cunt violently. It had doubled in size. She felt like he was going to rip her apart.

“Stop! Get off me! Please!” She begged, pummeling the infected monster that was once her friend, gritting her teeth as it raped her. She felt it’s cock swell inside of her and suddenly it ejaculated it’s disgusting semen. It was hot and burned her uterus, causing her to clutch her stomach writhing in agony. It’s infect spread up through her body. She could feel it under her skin, traveling through her veins like poison. Her head ached with pain and she screamed some more. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” She bellowed, shoving at the monster sending them both toppling off the bed.

She tumbled through the floor of her cell, falling through empty space head over heels losing all sense of direction. She waved her arms wildly, her voice lost into the void of space as she fell faster and faster. Suddenly she stopped and she grunted as she found herself in another room. She recognized this room. She couldn’t place where at first. It came back to her when she felt the clamps lock her arms in place, outstretched either side of her. She was bent over a chair strapped down to a harness, a machine hanging over her head. The female Doctor in a lab coat emerged from the shadows. “I’m Doctor Caitlin Marla, and as of article 412 of the UGC Penial code, you will now be fitted with a core device” she explained plainly, just like she had the first time Dani met her.

The machine shifted her arms forward and held her head in place as she stepped behind her and brought the machine down from above her. Dani started to panic. The last time she had this installed it was painful. She struggled in the restraints and tried to turn her head. This can’t be real. This can’t be happening. She looked up in front of her and inhaled as Ferris stood there, advancing towards in with his smug grin and arrogant posture. “Nobody escapes on my watch” he said proudly, stun baton in his hand.

“Try not to move, or it will only make things worse” the Doctor advised, standing behind her.

Suddenly there was a pain in her neck and Dani screamed as her core was installed into the back of her neck. She knew it was a memory inside a nightmare, but the pain felt real.

And so did the cock as Ferris grabbed her head and plunged into her wide open mouth. She choked on it as it rammed down her throat. She tried to bite down, but the pain from her core being installed locked up her jaw. She had to fight the agony of the procedure while also suffering having the man’s cock forced down her throat. Her only relief was the pain overwhelmed her to the point she started to go delirious. Something similar happened the last time. It felt like she was dying from shock. Her vision went blurry and the last image she saw was Ferris staring down at her as he face fucked her.

“Miss Nakamura! I need you to stay with me” Doctor Marla said from somewhere far away. She tried to force her eyes open but she felt adrift. There was pain and agony, so much so she craved this bliss of the void. She wanted to die. “You have to keep fighting” the doctor said, her vague shape appearing in her vision as she leant over her on an operating table. She brought a syringe and she felt it stab into her neck before she passed out again. “Keep fighting” her voice insisted.

Dani was suddenly gasping awake in the installation room, just like she had the first time. The doctor gave her a healing injector to wake her back up. As soon as she did the pain came back. In her neck, in her head, everywhere. No! Please let me die!

The pain got worse as she felt something force itself into her ass. She screamed in anguish, pulling against her metal restraints helplessly. Then she realized if she could scream, then Ferris was no longer forcing her to suck his cock. But that meant he was behind her, forcing himself into her, raping her from behind.

Knowing she’d regret it, she forced herself to look. She twisted her neck to look over her shoulder. She gasped as she saw Ferris, but this time as he was when she last saw him. Mutated and pale, twice the size and strong. He locked his eyes on her and laughed. “I told you you’ll be joining us soon” he growled, his large hands wrapping around her slim waist and slamming his thick penis deeper into her anus.

She howled in pain as she was stretched beyond her limits, black spots dancing over her eyes as she was rocked violently against the chair. Motion drew her gaze up to see Doctor Marla again, but this time her hands were covered in blood. Dani opened her mouth in an attempt to plead for help, but she grabbed the woman by the hair and shoved her cunt in her face. Dani was overpowered by the Doctor as she licked her pussy, tasting the blood dripping down her front from her overalls. Why is this happening? She asked desperately.

“Evolution” the Warden answered her, appearing to them in holographic form beside her. Her eyes darted angrily to the flickering image of the tall black man as he watched the three of them coldly. “Mankind cannot evolve in a lab. Evolution must occur out here, in the wild” he proclaimed, as if her suffering was all part of some Devine plan.

He stiffened as Ferris growled behind her, feeling his cock swell as he slammed into her as hard as he could. She screamed into the doctor’s cunt. His cock felt like it had punctured her stomach as he pumped his sperm into her. She felt it crawl inside her belly, like it was alive. It crawled up her throat and she started to gag, suffocating between Doctor Marla’s legs.

Her eyes watered as she choked and coughed, blinking once and finding herself someone where else. She stumbled against a wall and heaved, her breathing ventilated by a gas mask. She looked down and found she was no longer in a prison uniform. She looked up and gasped in horror as she realized where she was. Europa, at the site of the first outbreak.

She ran through the streets, following a familiar path as she skirted around dead bodies everywhere. She knew where she was going. She knew what she was going to find. Please, no! I don’t want to see her again! She found her body on the ground, rushing to her side. Lily, her younger sister. She was gone. She cradled her in her arms and wept on the floor. She couldn’t save her. I should’ve been here.

“You should have” Lily whispered, shocking Dani as she stared down to see her lifeless face turn towards her. “But you can’t save me now. You can save anyone” she said.

Dani recoiled from her as Lily rose up from the ground, her dead body moving like a puppet. More corpses rose up, each with black veins spreading over their skin. She scrambled away from them as they stared at her hauntingly. The pain erupted in her head and she slipped on a puddle of blood, falling backwards onto the ground.

Except the ground wasn’t pavement like she expected as she landed onto something slimy and vile. She gasped as she found herself trapped in the webbing of the biophage which had spread across the prison, cocooning all those dead bodies to the walls and ceiling and floor. She looked around and found hundreds of them everywhere, all in various states of decay or mutation. She screamed and tried to break out, but her body was stuck in the substance. And then the mass came alive, tendrils extending towards her as she squirmed, wrapping around her arms and legs and body. She fought against them but they coiled tightly around her wrists and ankles, slithering under her protective suit which dissolved from the acids, burning away her clothes and blistering her skin. She wailed in pain as it hurt, the tentacles wrapping around her body trapping her, cocooning her, molesting her. She felt them wrapping around her thighs, her waist, her breasts, her neck, squeezing and burning, plunging into her pussy, her ass, her belly button, her nipples, invading her body, infecting it. She gasped as a small one pictured her ear, whimpering as her head burned and the pain she’d been feeling erupted worse than before.

What’s happening to me?

“It’s no use fighting” a voice said, drawing her watering eyes ahead of her as a figure weaved through the piles of dead bodies surrounding her. The face on the figure kept changing. First it was Lily, then Jacob, then Ferris, then the Warden, then Doctor Marlo, then Elijah, then others she’d watched die. She shook her head trying to dislodge the tendril messing with her head, but more looped around her cull and pinned her in place, scalding her scalp and melting chunks of her hair away. The figure reached out with its mutated hand, caressing her cheek watching her whimper in fear and pain. It was Lily who stared at her with dead eyes. “It’s already too late” she said bluntly.

Dani opened her mouth to speak, maybe to plead for her sisters life or to beg for it to kill her. Lily suddenly grabbed Dani by the face and dove in to plant a forceful kiss on her lips. Dani gasped as Lily’s mouth forced hers open so her tongue, or rather something replacing her tongue, could push down into her throat and pump more of the infection into her body. Dani struggled helplessly as she was forced to gulp down the biomatter, feeling it burning her throat as it filled her stomach and entered her blood, spreading through her like a virus or a parasite.

The traumatic ordeal triggered the memory she had been suppressing, one of the creatures leaping onto her face and latching onto her, its tendrils squirming into her eyes and nose and ears while its biggest one forced itself down her throat. She struggled to get it off, but she felt it inject its poison into her mouth and make her swallow. Jacob was there to save her, but it was already too late.

The tube pulled itself out of her mouth and Dani was yanked forward heaving and gasping, bile falling from her lips as she gulped for air. Her throat burned and she she could feel the infection spreading already. Tears fell down her cheeks as she looked up, inhaling in horror as she found herself staring at a mirror image of herself, her naked body standing in front of her showing her the mutating flesh and black veins spreading under her skin. “You’re going to die” she told herself, her bloodshot eyes staring directly into Dani’s soul.

Dani’s eyes snapped open and she gasped awake. “She’s waking” Doctor Marlow’s voice said from somewhere as she woke up in a lab she didn’t recognize. Her head was pounding as she sat up on a metal table, vaguely understanding what the voices nearby were saying to each other. She rubbed her head and looked up, relieved to see a familiar face. “It’s you!” She said upon seeing Jacob, somehow knowing she was no longer dreaming. She looked around anxiously. “What happened? Where am I?”

“It doesn’t matter” he said, helping her onto her feet. “We got what we need. Now let’s go finish this.”

She stood unsteadily on the floor. Her head was clear but she could feel the infection tickling the back of her mind. She rubbed her throat, remembering how it burned. The hallucinations lingered, but whatever the doctor gave her was working. Jacob explained there was a cure, but they’d have to confront the Warden to get it.

She turned her gaze forward and exhaled. If she was about to die today, the last thing she’ll do is make that man pay.

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