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EXCLUSIVE: Amit's Stargazing (Hogwarts Legacy)

Amit knew all the best places to look at the stars around Hogwarts. He had spent many late evenings wandering the corridors and climbing every tower to find the perfect vantage point. It became common to see him with his telescope in the evening seeking a new spot, or returning to an old favorite. The astronomy tower was a popular choice, of course, but he found other places which were less crowded with just as good views of the night sky.

Of course, his journey to find the best viewpoint had uncovered other places. Places that may not necessarily give him the best view of the stars, but did offer a view of…other things.


For example, he was standing on a balcony in one of the east towers trying to prep for a return visit that night. Evening was falling and the stars were on their way. But as he set up the tripod he knew this wouldn’t do for his homework. Just as he was packing up he found he was opposite the Gryffindor Tower. And by sheer chance, his scope had drifted in line with the window of one of the girls dormitories.

Now, Amit wasn’t usually the sort to go peeping into the girls bedroom. But he couldn’t help it when he glanced through his eyepiece and spied one of the older Gryffindor girls in her bed with the covers draped over her. They covered her bottom half leaving her naked torso exposed, and he could see her face and the expression of escasty upon it. It was quite a mesmerizing sight. So mesmerizing Amit found himself steadying the telescope and adjusting the zoom and focus so he had a clear image of this girl and her boobs. He knew he could get in trouble for this, but he was a young man. He couldn’t pass up a chance like this. He kept an ear out for anyone walking by, just in case, while he watched from a safe distance.

It got quite a surprise when the covers around the girl’s legs moved and he saw a hand reached out from underneath them to squeeze one of her breasts. The girl seemed to moan at the touch before taking the hand and holding it tight, her knees coming up as he back arched off the bed. Amit blinked in wonder as a second girl emerged from under the sheets, kissing along her roommates stomach to her nipples. The girl on the bed breathed heavily, petting her friend’s hair before pulling her into a kiss. Amit realized he was witnessing two lesbians having sex. Or at least, he assumed they were lesbians. They could just as easily be bisexual. Or maybe they were just friends with benefits? Roommates with benefits. His brain went into a tailspin from the possibilities, all while his groin got uncomfortably hard from watching the two gryffindors make out.

He didn’t get to see much more of them after that. Not only because they both dove under the covers to continue, thus losing sight of them, but because he heard the footsteps of the caretaker and had to hurry to dismantle his set up before he could answer any awkward questions. He didn’t want to get caught peeping on the girls dorm room.

It shamed him that he felt compelled to visit that spot every so often, on the chance he could catch the two girls at it again. But aside from a few lucky instances of spying them cuddling or talking, they either never hooked up while he was there or got smart enough to pull the curtains shut. (A pure coincidence, he hoped.) he lost interest after a few weeks, secretly gratified he wouldn’t be caught perving on the two lesbians. He did, however, happen to pass them a few times in the hallway or spot them across the great hall at meals. He always looked away, terrified they’d see him and know he knew about their little affair.

He never shared what he saw with anyone. Just like he didn’t tell anyone about the other instance of homosexuality he had stumbled across.


That knowledge had come as an accident too. He was trying out one of the astrology tables on the old battlements when he spotted one of the students acting strangely. He couldn’t see very well from where he was, so he took his telescope and hid behind the wall to take a look. He saw a Slytherin boy standing in an alcove on the edge of the courtyard, out of sight of the other students. He kept glancing around as if he was hiding before closing his eyes and leaning against the wall. Amit couldn’t understand what he was doing. But when he lowered his scope, he saw he had his penis out of his trousers and it was rock hard and twitching.

He thought the boy was masturbating, which would explain the odd behavior. But his hands weren’t anywhere near it. He wondered if there was some kind of windless magic at play (making a note to look into researching that later) until he saw the boys robes open up on their own and his shirt to lift up. The boy tensed and yanked the shirt down, snapping angrily at his dick. Amit thought he was crazy. But then he saw the shimmer of light around the figure crouched in front of him. A disillusionment charm, he thought. There was another student giving the boy a blowjob.

Moments later, the charm faded and Amit gasped when he saw a Hufflepuff boy was crouched in front of the Slytherin. The young man turned red and yelled at him, his head jerking side to side frantically. He was clear.y terrified of anyone seeing them together. Amit knew he should look away, but he was fascinated by the exchange. The Hufflepuff seemed to be offended at the cold remarks, but he agreed to cast the charm once more before returning to their blowjob.

Amit had never considered seeing two guys having any form of sexual intercourse to be an arousing sight. He glanced down at his groin to check for an erection. He found none. He shrugged his shoulders, watching purely for curiosity rather than pleasure now. He was safe here. The Slytherin couldn’t see him.

He knew the show was over when he saw the Slytherin open his eyes and jerk to the side, quickly shoving his invisible companion away and shoving his dick back into his trousers before a trio of students walked by. He ran off before anyone could notice him. Amit lingered on the alcove long enough to see two of the students trip over the invisible Hufflepuff, who must’ve scampered away without revealing himself because the trio were left confused and befuddled. Amit put his telescope away and swore a vow of secrecy. He wasn’t one to gossip, after all.


After catching two pairs of students in the act, Amit thought his luck in that department had run out. It turned out he had just begun.

While he was roaming the hallways one evening, charting the stars preparing for an upcoming class where they were meant to be witnessing a comet in a few nights, Amit noticed another student was sneaking out into the grounds. He recognized this boy. He was a Ravenclaw like him so he had seen him in the common room. They had never spoken before and he didn’t know their name. He found his strange behavior curious, however, and so sought out a window he knew could give him a perfect view of the gardens. He reached the window and looked down to see the young man was meeting someone, a young woman in Slytherin robes. The girl seemed to give the boy a cold greeting, but Amit observed a familiarity between them that was usually uncommon between Slytherins and the rest of the houses.

That familiarity turned to friendly when the two of them shared a kiss behind one of the dragon sculptures. Amit watched the Ravenclaw took off his robe and laid it on the ground for the pair of them while the girl kept lookout. Then, once the boy had laid down on the ground, she climbed on top of him and mounted his lap. Not wanting to risk missing anything, Amit took out his scope and used it to get a closer look at the girl, who had lifted her skirt so she could guide the boy into her pussy and sit on his lap.

He got a perfect view of the girl riding his housemate’s dick, her face a façade of sternness pretending she wasn’t enjoying this exchange. He could tell she was, however. And so could her lover, who tried to cop a feel of her breasts. She swatted his hands away and stopped moving, leading to exchange of words between the pair. Amit couldn’t tell what they were saying, but the girl’s expression seemed to soften after some frustrated looks before she removed her robes and unbuttoned her blouse. The boy got to see her bra, but she refused to let him touch her. She did point to her neck, however, tilting her head back so the boy could kiss along it tenderly. Amit got hard seeing the look of pleasure on her pretty face. She was gorgeous. Whoever she was, the Ravenclaw was punching well above his weight. After a few minutes she shoved him back to ground to resume riding him, her mouth falling open while her hips garaged against him. Amit could almost imagine the noises she might be making, his trousers growing very constrictive. Oh, what he would give to be the Ravenclaw underneath such a gorgeous woman, he thought.

The pair fucked for a few minutes, with the girl on top until she seemed to have been satisfied. She arched her back and lifted her head, moaning into the sky while the boy rubbed her knees. When she was done she looked down at the boy with an expression that seemed to be both grateful and dismissive. Amit knew the boy had done a good job, however, because she lifted her bra for a few seconds to reward him with a look at her boobs. And from his vantage point. Amit got a clear look at her nipples too. They were as gorgeous as she was. He gasped in wonder and practically ejaculated in his trousers at the sight. Then the sight was gone, just as he was committing them to memory. The girl buttoned up her blouse and extracted herself from her secret boyfriend. The boy got up and dressed along with her. There was a brief exchange between them, the girl shaking her head and preparing to walk away. The boy caught her wrist and spoke softly, brushing her head behind her ear. She turned red and looked around nervously before reaching up on her toes to kiss him, immediately racing off afterwards.

The boy lingered, and so did Amit. The voyeur contemplated seeking the boy out to ask him about what he saw. But he decided against it. Not only was it none of his business, he didn’t want to admit to being a peeping Tom. He waited until the boy left the garden before he too made himself scarce.


If he thought that would be the only time he’d see students having sex in a public place, he would be mistaken. A week later he was outside Hogwarts, attending another astronomy table, and found another couple making out. This time there was nothing secret about what they were doing. He recognized them too. They were a confirmed couple, out and proud. They sixth years could be seen holding hands between classes and eating meals together. When he found them they were sharing a picnic just outside the forbidden forest. He thought they made a cute couple. They were certainly adorable lying on the blanket together kissing and fondling each other.

Things took an erotic turn when they started undressing, however. Amit was on a cliff top and didn’t need his telescope to see everything. But judging by the audacious attitude of the pair, it didn’t look like they cared if they were seen. They were naked in minutes and fooling about in seconds. Hands explored their bodies intimately and soon their moans carried on the wind. Amit crouched behind the stone table he was working at and watched as the boy rolled his girlfriend onto her back and kissed her breasts gently, spreading her legs to insert his large manhood into her box slowly. She welcomed him with open arms and legs, embracing her boyfriend with a passionate kiss. They made love in the warm sunlight, completely unashamed of being seen.

And Amit could tell it was love from the way they looked at each other, the intimacy and affection. It was arousing, erotic, and a little intimidating. Amit felt rather jealous of them. They had something he’d yet to find for himself. He hoped one day he would meet a girl who would share his interest in the stars.but until then, he had to be content to watch others share their happiness. He got so awkward about watching this particular couple have sex he fumbled around for his stuff, preparing to leave them too it. But just as he was stealing one last look at them, the pair caught him watching. He froze like a deer in headlights, turning bright red. But they just smiled and giggled, giving him a polite wave before resuming what they were doing. He raced off before he could become any more embarrassed.

Thankfully, that was the only time he ever got caught spying on someone (so far).


There had been a few close calls though. But none as close as the time he was using his telescope in one of the towers and realized he was directly in line with the teachers rooms across the courtyard. Recalling a rumor he heard, he turned his telescope around to scan the windows for their divination proffessor’s room. Rumor was she and their Charms professor would sometimes meet in her room for “tea”. Amit figured he could either confirm or deny that rumor, if only for his own curiosity. Unfortunately, both their windows at the curtains drawn so he couldn’t see inside.

Proffessor Garlick’s, however, we’re wide open. And he saw the young woman tending to her plants through the window. The sight drew his attention immediately because she was also naked, like he was getting ready for bed. Amit’s eye widened when he gazed at her fit body and fair skin, her round breasts on proud display between her braids. Her hips swayed from side to side and he looked like she was singing to the plants. Amit adjusted the focus on his lens and got a view of her bubbly bum which made him rock hard. He had always harbored a small crush on the proffessor (most of the boys did). But never in his life did he believe he would get a chance to see the woman nude. Not wanting to miss his chance, he glanced around the tower to ensure he was alone before fixing his eye to the scope to commit the sight to memory.

The scene got even sexier when the proffessor put her watering can down and stroked one of the plants. Amit wasn’t that great at Herbology so he couldn’t identify the plant itself. It excreted a gallop of sap into the woman’s palm when she stroked it, which she used to rub onto her skin. Her hands rubbed along her breasts and soon they glistened as her nipples stood out prominently. It was so erotic Amit couldn’t take in anymore, unzipping his trousers to pull out his erection. He made sure he was alone again and considered casting a disillusionment charm. The charm wouldn’t hide the telescope, however, so he risked it. He watched Garlick rub the oily substance all over her naked body while he jerked himself off, getting more aroused the closeted her hands got to her womanhood. He couldn’t suppress the groan when she inserted her fingers into her pussy and began masturbating in view of the window. She leaned back against her wardrobe, where the vines of a flitterbloom slithered down to rub her neck and shoulders where the sap had been rubbed in. She tilted her head back and smiled, giving the vines a kiss while she fingered herself. One of the vines teased her bottom lip and Amit saw a look in the proffessor’s eye as her mouth opened up, her tongue extending to lick the tip of the vine. Visions of her sucking the vine like a cock assaulted his imagination and his dick got as stiff as a plank when he clutched it tighter.

It didn’t take the young boy long to ejaculate, his semen splattering the window in front of him and smearing the glass in front of his lens. It obscured his view, forcing him to look away from Garlick pleasuring herself to wipe his cum from the glass. By the time he got his telescope trained on her window again, she had pulled the curtains closed and gone to bed. Whether she had finished herself off or was going to resume masturbating, Amit had no way of knowing. He brought his stuff back to his dorm room and hid under the covers the rest of the night, masturbating furiously to the memory of the proffessor’s naked body.

Needless to say he couldn’t look the teacher in the eye the next time they had Herbology. Nor could he stop his trousers from tenting outwards when he did look at her with the memory fresh in his mind. A simple crush had turned into a full blown fantasy now as Amit caught himself watching her hips as they swayed from side to side, daydreaming about rubbing that sap onto her ass before bending her over and fucking her from behind.


The idea of having sex with teachers lost its appeal when he almost accidentally walked in on two of them doing exactly that.

It was the strangest pairing too. He on his way to Madam Kogawa’s office, as instructed by her owl, and arrived a little early to discover she had a visitor before him. He climbed the steps and was about to knock when he heard moans coming from inside. The door was slightly ajar so he peeked inside to see who Kogawa was with. His eyes bulged out of his sockets when he found Proffessor Weasley leaning against the desk clutching it tightly while their flying instructor had her hand up the deputy headmistress’s dress.

The older woman was panting heavily, her cheeks flushed as she stared at the Japanese witch intently. The woman bit her lip while she fingered her, driving the woman towards and orgasm. “Are you enjoying your visit, proffessor?” Kogawa asked seductively. Weasley moaned erotically before nodding her head. “When I’m done, I want you to return the favor. Only I want your mouth between my legs instead of your hands.”

“Chiyo! Not during school hours” she gasped. She looked at the hand up her skirt and blushed. “I shouldn’t even be doing this here.”

Kogawa pursed her lips and slowed her hand motions. Weasley whimpered briefly, prompting the younger woman to smirk and resume fucking her. “You love it. The thrill of being caught. Maybe I should bend you over and spank that mature piece of ass next time. See if you can keep from squealing” she teased.

Amit pulled himself away before he could see anymore. He never expected Proffessor Weasley and Madam Kogawa to be a couple or anything. The thought would mess with his head for a while afterwards. But right now he was meant to be keeping an appointment. So he hurried down the steps and waited a few minutes, pacing nervously before awkwardly approaching the door and loudly knocking. "Enter!" Kogawa called.

For a moment, Amit hesitated, afraid of what he might walk into. But when he stepped inside the room, he found the deputy headmistress standing by the desk perfectly composed. So composed he wondered if he had actually seen what he thought he saw. “Thank you, Miss Kogawa. I will speak with you later” Professor Weasley said before politely excusing herself. Amit smiled, averting his eyes nervously. But when he looked up, any suspicion that he had been mistaken evaporated when he spied Kogawa watching the professor leave the room with a sly smirk on her lips.

Of course, the teachers never mentioned anything about what he might’ve seen. Nor did he bring it up with anyone. Amit had become very, very good and keep secrets in Hogwarts.

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