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Dungeon's and Dragons (A Companion's Guide to Smut: Life is Strange)

"Okay heroes, are you ready to enter the domain of the most dangerous monster ever to plague the wild Lands?"

Both Chloe and Mickey regraded each other with a shared sense of confidence and amusement. Steph always enjoyed embellishing her role as the dungeon master in this table top game but that's what made half the fun. "Bring it on" Chloe announced in an accent, fully embracing the role of her character Callamastia.

The three of them sat around the wooden table outside Blackwell playing dungeons and Dragons after school. After the fun of Chloe's previous games she had to admit she was hooked as she sought out the pair for a few more rounds with them. Mickey was happy to oblige and Steph shed more eager to get Chloe talking about her time spent with Rachel Amber. The punk girl didn't mind indulging the queer young girl as they continued on their fantasy journey within the game.

"You come to a fork in the road with two branching paths" Steph narrates looking down at the character models standing before her on the table. Elamon, wizard of the third circle, and Callamastia, Hero of Avanon. On the bench Mickey and Chloe waited patiently for their narrator to set the stage. "The one of the left leads to a dark cavern where the no villagers have ever returned from. It is here they believe the great monster that stalks them in the night resides, luring wary travelers to its lair to devour them whole."

"I thought you said people only disappeared into the cave but were never found?" Mickey asked pushing up his glasses. "How would we know if they were eaten?"

"Are you trying to change the story again Steph?" Chloe quirk brushing a blue strand of hair out of her eyes.

"It's what the scared villagers believed happened to them when they vanished" Steph clarified with a sigh. "Can you just let me do my thing?" The two players nodded with a chuckle, enjoying the brief moment pulling the geek out of her zone. The auburn haired dungeon master took a deep breath and continued. "On your right, a winding path stretched up into the hills where others have seen a creature skulking in the shadows, watching them from afar. Which path will you take? But be warned, for one has a danger far greater than any you have faced before."

"The cave" both heroes replied in unison.

Steph smiled behind her book as she cast her eyes over her notes, knowing what's to come. "The cave is dark and gloomy, with only the entrance to cast a light into the void."

"I cast the spell of illumination to light the way" Mickey said.

"All the better to see the whites of this monsters eyes" Chloe grinned nodding to her partner.

The cavern lights up to reveal a vast space stretching before them, and a long tunnel cutting into the darkness. Out of the black a voice calls out to you, "You were foolish to come here, heroes.""

"You're the one hiding in the dark" Chloe chided. "We're not scared of you."

" "Then come face me, if you dare." The voice replies. Do you brave to venture onwards?"

Chloe scoffed as Mickey puffed out his chest. "There is no evil in this world that Elamon will run from."

Steph glanced over her book at them, her voice lowering in a monotone voice, "as you venture closer to the darkness, a dim light shines from around the corner as a chamber lays within. Within this chamber the evil you seek waits for you."

"I say we charge straight in there" Chloe suggested. "We have the element of surprise if we attack first."

"It's waiting for us, it'll be ready" Mickey countered.

"So we rush it before it has time to react. If we're walking into a trap better to spring it on our terms."

Mickey seemed doubtful, but saw the wisdom in Chloe's plan. With a nod he cast the dice for a surprise attack bonus, rolling a 7. "You both spring out of the darkness, weapons in hand and attack the beast, but the monster is waiting for you" Steph narrates, bringing out the model of their opponent. "But standing before is no ordinary creature, but a succubus."

"A what?" Chloe asked breaking her character looking down at the model of a beautiful demoness with talons for hands, scaly red skin, bat wings and horns growing out of her long dark hair, her naked body perfectly formed, dark fur coating her goat legs with a long pointed tail to complete the look. Chloe had to admire the craftsmanship of the model, she looked hot.

"A succubus!" Mickey said with wide eyes. "I never face one of these before" he explained.

"What are they?"

"They are awesome" Steph explained. "They are creatures who's sole desire is to experience senseless lust, luring all manner of creatures to their lair to make their slaves and bring them pleasure until they are satisfied. But their hunger can never be quenched. Many heroes have fallen to their kind, for who can resist the temptations of the flesh."

"So we're fighting a slut?" Chloe summarized.

"A very dangerous slut" Steph agreed, quickly snapping back into narration. "As she locks her powerful gaze upon you the air fills with the scent of her intoxicating pheromones. You must quickly roll to discover if your will is strong enough to overcome her musky aura."

Both players rolled the dice, Chloe scored a 16 but Mickey only got a 3. "Crap" he muttered as Steph narrates "the creature's pheromones overcome your senses, turning your legs to jelly as you fall to your knees, eyes transfixed to the beautiful woman in a lust filled haze. "No man can resist my presence" the creature coos stroking your head cupping your chin. You are now in her thrall."

"But I'm not" Chloe reminded her. "So what's to stop me from cutting your head off right now?"

"I could send my new pet to stand against you. Do you have the courage to fight your ally to the death?"

Chloe looked at Mickey, fear of losing his beloved character filling his eyes as he glanced back at her. "Okay, I don't want to fight Elemon" she conceded turning her question to Steph. "Is there any way to break the succubus's hold over him?"

Pondering for a moment Steph tapped her chin. "Well, she is a creature of insatiable hunger for pleasure. She won't give up her thralls willingly, and she could drive them to do anything she asks. You could try to trick her into releasing her hold over him by offering yourself, but you'd need to be really cunning and extremely strong of will to resist her charms."

"That'd take a perfect 20 on the dice" Mickey warned. "You'd have to be the luckiest player in all the kingdom. It's too risky, we'd both be caught."

"Well I'm not about to leave you alone to be…" Chloe suddenly fell silent, a wicked idea coming to mind. "I got it."

"Got what?"

"Trust me" she winked turning back to Steph with a devious grin on her face. "I have an offer to make you" she told her, in character. "Your sole drive is to experience unfashionable pleasure right? So much you hunger for it? What if I could offer you the best experience in your life, enough to start your hunger?"

Steph raising an eyebrow unprepared for this turn of events. "What are you saying?" She asked.

"I offer you my body. If I can satisfy your hunger without you messing with my mind, if I can fuck your brains out to the point you can't stand, then you will release my friend and all the other captives you have in your thrall." Chloe couldn't help but enjoy the look of Steph's face as she stared back at her dumbfounded. Mickey was wide eyes as he sat silently next to her. Chloe waited patiently for a response watching the game masters expression, even rolling the dice for a charisma check.

Steph took a moment to consider the scenario, but Chloe could see the smile tugging at her lips. "An intriguing offer. The creature takes a moment to consider the proposition, ultimately warming to the idea. If you can satisfy me, you and your friend, and all the others, will go free. You have my word. But if you can't, then you'll be mine forever."

"Deal" Chloe held out her hand for Steph to shake it. The two of the stared at each other before bursting into laughter. "Okay, So…How would this work? Do I just roll the dice to decide how awesome in bed I'd be?"

"Honestly, I've never come up with anything like this before" Steph admitted. She looked over the table before biting her bottom lip, looking back up at her contender. "But considering the stakes, we wouldn't want it to be too easy. So how would Callamastia satisfy the succubus?"

Chloe cocked her head curiously before answering, amused at how genuinely interested Steph was yet trying to hide her arousal. "Well" she began, leaning forward in her seat so the young girl could listen closely. "I would start by sauntering over to the hot, sexy monster casting off my weapons and pulling off my clothes, piece by piece until there was nothing left."

"A good start" Steph remarked leaning over the table to listen closely, paying attention to the details. Beside them Mickey watched silently as the two began narrating what would be elemons ultimate fate with an expression of confused wonder. "The succubus lies back in her throne and waits for her new lover to walk towards her staring hungrily at her sexy naked body" Steph continued.

"When I get there, I straddle the creatures lap" Chloe continued, looking directly into Steph's eyes as she told the story. "My warm, dripping pussy would brush against her thighs and I'd grab her face in my faces, pulling her into a powerful kiss."

"She accepts the kiss by dominating your mouth with her tongue, her hands roaming your body to find every soft patch of skin to make you moan. Her pheromones flood the room, enough to make Elemon feel the urge to masturbate as he watched them both."

"Hey!" Mickey objected but the two girls ignored him.

"I always found public sex hot" Chloe's grinned, earning a giggle from the queer student. "You know what I'd do next? I'd grab the succubus by the horns and pull her off her throne onto her knees and shove her face into my crotch, telling her to make me cum."

Steph raised an eyebrow. "I thought the deal was to satisfy her needs, not the other way around."

"The succubus has been dominating men for centuries" Chloe explained in a sultry voice. "Maybe what she really needs is to let someone take control, make her work for an orgasm, dominate her in the bedroom. Besides, I always come on top."

That last sentence made Steph shiver as she imagined Chloe taking control in the hottest way possible. She was a natural dom so it would make sense no guy would be able to control her. "You'll need a strength check to ensure get her where you want her" she told the punk. She happily obliged and came out in favor. "The succubus is shocked when she's dragged out of her chair and forced to her knees in front of you, staring up into your commanding expression as your hands grab her horns and pull her towards your delicious snatch. She licks her lips as she wraps her tongue around your folds, munching on the beautiful flower that awaits her as she delves between your legs eagerly."

Steph found herself getting flustered as she narrated the scene, her cheeks turning red as Chloe chuckled. "Maybe you should roll a skill check to see if you can satisfy me?" She offered cocky.

"She's a creature of sex" she retorted. "She's a master of pleasure. I would have you screaming my name in seconds" she told her.

"Is that right?" Chloe mused with a smile, making Steph flush even redder. "You're enjoying this" she teased.

"You started it" she replied taking a sharp breath. "So, the sexy creature feast on your pussy until your so close you feel like you'll burst. Your orgasm is imminent."

"I won't scream" Chloe told her, rolling the die to prove it.

Steph hid a smile as she adjusted herself in her seat before narrating "your cum paints her face as she drinks up your orgasm, but grows frustrated when you hold back your voice to deprive her of hears you lose it. I guess I'll have to try harder, she says as she pulls your down to the floor with her."

"Now it's getting interesting" Chloe smiled leaning on her arms.

"Her pheromones intensify bringing you into greater heat, sparking an orgy amongst her captives within the cave" Steph continued trying to keep a straight face.

"I pin the succubus down to make out with her, my body pressing against hers as I grind between her legs" Chloe described.

Steph bit her bottom lip, no doubt picturing the scene of two naked warriors passionately kissing on the floor of the cave. "Something suddenly moves out the corner of your eye. Need a perception check."

"Really?" Chloe whined being broken out of her fantasy. Sighing she rolled the dice, scoring a horribly low number. "Okay, What did I miss?"

Steph smiled as she told her "you turn your head but your reactions are too slow, too preoccupied with the hot naked woman you failed to see her pointed tail whip around from underneath her to position itself behind you. Moving faster than you were expecting the limb shoots forwards plunging deep into your sex, penetrating your vagina in one fluid motion."

"Dude!" Chloe laughed amazed at the creativity, a moan rising up her throat imagining that tail buried inside her. "That is so hot. Fuck my pussy you dirty bitch."

"Are you two still talking about the game?" Mickey queried finding himself rather uncomfortable listening to the pair go back and forth. The girl's didn't seem to hear him, lost in their own lust filled world as they locked each other with intense gazes.

"You like that you devious minx? The succubus asked, her expert tail pounding your entrance bringing you faster to an orgasm" Steph described becoming rather breathless.

Chloe wasn't ready to give up as she added "while I'm loving having my brains fucked out of my skull I came here to please you. So I stick two fingers into your soaking wet entrance and start fingering your clit."

"What makes you so sure the creature is wet? You need to roll a luck check?"

"She's fucking my pussy with her tail after drinking my cum. If that doesn't make somebody dripping wet I don't know what will."

Steph giggled, shifting her own thighs underneath the table falling silent as she accepted the argument. "Your fingers dig into her entrance pounding furiously in time with the limb in your pussy, curling up seeking her most sensitive spot. You want to chance finding it…" Chloe nodded picking up the dice, but as she did she heard the game master mutter a brief prayer under her breath that made her grin. Please find it.

With a roll of the die, the high score prompted the young strawberry blonde to lean forward and whisper to her friend "my fingers curl as they find the creatures G-Spot, making it scream as I stretch her pussy wider with two more fingers while pressing my thumb against her Sebastian clit." She paused as Steph released a shaky breath, asking "how close are you to cumming, I'd ask whispering in her ear."

"Close" Steph whined. Her eyes flew open and she flushed red, staring back at Chloe's teasing expression. "Your… your fingers are driving the succubus wild, her body thrashing underneath you driving the tail harder against your cervix, driving you to the edge."

"Still don't scream" Chloe taunted, making Steph laugh weakly when she rolled in favor. "I won't give you the satisfaction until I make you gush all over me, I'd tell her before crawling down her sweating body, my soft lips pressing against her toned skin dragging across her hard nipples and smooth belly until I join my fingers at her pussy."

"Oh fuck" Steph breathed trembling against the table, her body heating up as her mind concocted the scenario in crisp detail.

"You okay Steph?" Mickey asked her starting to look worried.

She quickly composed herself and nodded at him, turning her attention back to Chloe. "Your lips…fuck… your lips wrap around her sensitive clit sucking her hard as your fingers continued to… you keep fucking her with your hand as your tongue swirls around her… around her…"

"My tongue slides into her folds to lap up her juices and send tremors up her spine" Chloe narrated giving the game master a chance to catch her breath. Her loins were burning now, the mental image of Callamastia and the succubus having hot steamy kinky sex filling her mind and turning her on. But in Chloe's mind the elf was her and the monster was Steph as she ate out her pussy ravenously, the girl's tail pounding her ass trying to keep up. "I fuck you so, so hard and so fast you have no choice but to finally cum." She held up the dice, catching Steph's gaze as she smiled. "Ready to see I how awesome I am?"

Steph nodded silently, watching the punk girl release the die rolling it along the table until it settled between the pair of them, their excited gazes witnessing it fall on a perfect 20. Yes, they both exclaimed simultaneously under their breath.

"The succubus screams in pure unbridled escasty, her walls opening up to release a flood of juice and cum over Callamastia face, drowning her in her pleasure as her body shook wildly on the floor. Her tail falls limply out of her pussy unable to move as she collapsed in a sweaty, satisfied heap."

Steph sighed as the tale ended, her eyes falling closed as Chloe clapped her hands together. "And just like that, the sexy warrior elf wins the contest. Nobody fucks like Callamastia."

"Oh, is it over?" Mickey asked raising his head off the table. He didn't even noticed he was on the verge of nodding off waiting for the two girls to finish but now he perked up immediately. "Can we leave the cave now?"

Steph nodded wiping her brow. "Your… your extraordinary skill has done what no man nor woman has ever accomplished in centuries. You satisfied the intense endless hunger of the succubus. As per your deal she releases Elamon and the villages from her thrall, allowing you all to leave in peace." She sits back on the bench staring at the game, sad to find the quest over. "Wow, that was…"

"Hardcore" Chloe finished with a satisfied smirk.

"Well, I'm glad you two had fun" Mickey huffed getting out of his seat. "It's getting late now so I'd better be getting home."

"Yeah, I guess it's late" Chloe agreed checking her phone. Steph checked her watch and began packing up the game while Mickey headed off waving them goodbye. Chloe gathered up her stuff and bid them both farewell as she began walking in the other direction. Steph was left alone to bow up the game, ignoring the rather uncomfortable ache between her legs as she gathered up the pieces.

Just as she placed the lip on the box Chloe Price materialized behind her wrapping her arms around her waist. "Whoa, Chloe! What are you still doing here?"

"Just needed to check something" she explained, giving the young girl a devilish wink before slipping her hand between the girl's thighs. Steph yelped as her palm pressed against her damp crotch, confirming how soaking wet the girl had become during the steamy pice of fiction they'd just put together. "I knew you were enjoying that" Chloe chuckled as Steph's cheeks flushed red of embarrassment. She leaned closer to whisper in her ear "Maybe Callamastia should return to the cave sometime for a repeat performance."

Steph's breath hitched as Chloe gave her a gentle squeeze before releasing her, turning her head to watch the taunting young punk saunter away swaying her hips to entire time.

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