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Doctor Caitlin Snow aboard the Waverider

“Is that everyone?” Caitlin asked once the last of the legends arrived, working with Gideon to run as many tests as she could, trying to make sense of the symptoms. She narrowed it down to a hybrid of poisons from different time periods. Whoever this ragtag group of heroes were fighting now, they weren’t messing around. It took her an hour to craft the closest thing to an antidote they could manage.

“Yeah, we’re all here” Sara nodded, whipping off her jacket in an effort to cool down. One of the symptoms of the poison was a fever. Everyone had raised body temperature. They had to adjust the air conditioning to keep them cool, even Frost offered to help, but her best suggestion was to wear minimal clothing until her tests were done.

Currently on the team was Sara Lance, the White Canary, Ray Palmer, the Atom, Zari Tomaz, bearer of the Air Totem, Charlie, a shape shifter, Nate Heywood, Steel, Mick Rory, Heatwave and John Constantine, dabbler of the dark arts. They were chasing a time fugitive across the timeline when they got poisoned, which was when Charlie, the only one immune to the effects, took the shuttle to pick up Caitlin and enlist her help.

“How are you all feeling?” Caitlin asked.

“Crap” Mick answered bluntly.

“Dizzy” Ray added.

“I’d call it tipsy” Zari corrected. “What exactly did you just give us?”

“A solution that should neutralize the effects of the poison” she explained, injecting John with the serum after doing the same with the rest. “It might make you feel drugged, but it should be temporary.”

“And this will cure us?” Nate asked optimistically.

“It should, but just one problem” Caitlin said.

“The serum will be able to draw and correlate the poison” Gideon interjected through the ships speakers. “But in order to get it out of their system, they’ll need to excrete it in some fashion. Most likely though the skin.”

“They need to sweat it out?” Charlie laughed.

Caitlin nodded. “The serum will draw out the poison, and heavy exercise should burn it out of your system. But for it to be effective, it has to be cleansed within the hour.”

“I hate exercise” Mick huffed.

“Unfortunately, that’s what’s going to save our lives” Ray said, already stretching his limbs on his way to the gym. “A few minutes on the treadmill should do it.”

“Come on, surly there are better ways to get in shape” Charlie suggested, a devilish look in her eye.

“Like what?” Sara inquired.

She met the woman’s eye, smirking coyly. “You have an hour to clear your system. I bet we could burn some calories in half that time, if we put some effort into it.”

“I don’t get it, what is she talking about?” Zari asked confused.

“I have no idea” Nate shrugged.

“I think I do” Constantine smirked. “I can’t say I disagree” he said, giving Sara a sideways look. “Might as well have some fun, don’t you think luv?”

Sara didn’t say anything, but a playful smile tugged at her lips. Around the group, the pieces started to click together. Some were confused, others nervous, even Mick’s attention perked up. Caitlin was the last to realize what Charlie was suggesting. Fortunately, Frost filled her in by the time she was dragged into the next room.

It only took a few seconds for the orgy to officially begin. Fortunately the captain had a nice big bed for them all to share. Well, some of them to share, Mick was happy to fuck Charlie from behind against the wall. Zari and Nate naturally paired up and we’re having sex on the bed, with Nate on top of her kissing her passionately. Sara was riding John cowgirl style on the other side of the bed, her blonde hair whipped behind her head and her breasts thrust out on display, John holding her hips thrusting into her.

Between the two passionate pairs of lovers, Caitlin fell onto her hands and knees breathing nervously. “I don’t know if this is a good idea” she whispered, feeling Ray positioning himself behind her, his erection probing her pussy. “I really should just leave.”

“Don’t you dare!” Frost hissed, urging her to stay so the handsome man could insert his dick into her vagina. They both moaned, the Atom’s penis larger than average.

“I’m sorry, did you want me to stop?” Ray asked.

Now that he was there, Caitlin changed her mind. With great reluctance, she submitted to the pleasure, convincing herself she was just performing her duty as a doctor and ensuring her patients health. Sex was just as effective as exercise as the gym, as long as it enables them to sweat the poison out.

There had been a little reluctance from certain members of the group when the unorthodox suggestion came about, mainly from Caitlin, Zari, Nate and Ray. But between Sara and Charlie, all hesitation was quelled by the time everyone was undressed. And Charlie proved very versatile as she circled the group, starting with Sara and John before being claimed by Mick. Nate and Zari quickly jumped into each other’s arms before they could change their minds, leaving Ray and Caitlin to reluctantly and awkwardly joined in a nervous kiss. After that, things simply escalated naturally, with a little help from their naughty shapeshifter.

“Isn’t this more fun than the treadmill?” Charlie asked as she allowed herself to be thrown onto the bed, Mick still pounding her from behind. Thanks to her abilities she could make her cunt as tight as she liked, a perfect fit for the arsonist’s thick cock. And she loved how rough he was with her, his calloused fingers leaving bruises on her flesh.

“I’ll admit, this is one of your better ideas” Sara nodded, holding Johns head as he sucked her tits.

“I still think this is crazy” Nate muttered, flush against his girlfriend who had her legs wrapped around him.

“Yeah, but I don’t see either of you complaining” John smirked. “Any excuse right?”

“Still, not much of an orgy if we all stick to the same partner” Charlie observed, casting an objective eye around the bedroom before crawling suggestively towards Caitlin. “I say we switch things up, swap a few times, give everyone a go.”

“I’m not having sex with Mick” Zari objected instantly.

“Your loss” he grunted in response.

“Plenty more of us to go around luv” Charlie chuckled, catching hold of a nervous Caitlin and pulling her into a deep kiss. She froze in shock, never really been the experimental sort until Frost became a part of her life, but the darker skinned woman/magical fugitive was a really persuasive kisser. And even more persuasive talker as the others started to look at each other.

“Dibs on blondie” Mick declared.

“Fine” Zari sighed, pushing Nate off so she could grab Ray by the arm. “You two get to share. But no funny business” she warned.

Nate and Ray both looked at each other and grinned, until Sara joked that maybe the two best friends could take their relationship to the next level. Then the grins faltered, but gave Zari naughty ideas.

Charlie broke away from Caitlin to move in on John, mounting him to whisper playful suggestions in his ear. Caitlin sat in the middle of the bed watching the legends all fool around with one another, getting more turned on the longer she remained on her own. Even Frost was becoming aroused inside her head, mentally masturbating forcing Caitlin to do the same as they witnessed Zari get spit-roasted by Steel and the Atom. Sara briefly gave Mick a blow job before spotting the doctor all alone, jerking Mick to climax before crawling over to join her. “You look lost” she teased.

“I should go” Caitlin said. “You guys clearly have everything handled here, you don’t need…”

But Sara interrupted her with a kiss, a deep and steamy kiss that melted Caitlin’s resistance until she was putty in the assassins hands. Sara had been trained by the league of assassins, trained how to use her body was a weapon for both pain and pleasure. And she was very good at delivering pleasure. Within moments her expert hands had found all the sensitive weak spots on the young woman’s body, exploiting them as they fell onto the mattress making out passionately. Caitlin may not be as experienced in lesbian sex, but she was a very quick study and very receptive. Especially when Sara’s mouth and fingers moved around her soft breasts and over her ticklish stomach towards her moist pussy. She moaned in shock when the blonde’s tongue inserted itself into her cunt alongside her slender fingers, her thighs shuddering as they clenched around her.

Charlie hopped on John’s lap in a reverse-cowgirl, positioned behind Sara watching the two young women proudly. She decided to have a little fun of her own, reaching her hand out to rub the assassin’s pussy. When she moaned in response, the shapeshifter decided to play a little by melding two of her fingers together and growing them into a phallus and inserting it into Sara’s pussy. “Fuck, what is…” Sara gasped, looking over her shoulder t see the woman smiling before she followed up with a thumb into her anus, expanding into a similar extension. “Oh fuck” Sara moaned, accepting the two new cocks as Caitlin pulled her back to her pussy.

“You like that captain?” Charlie laughed, fucking the girl with her hand stretching both her holes while she squeezed John with her pussy, keeping him amused. “You really are a kinky bitch. Maybe we should get together one night and see just how weird we can make things.”

“Why just one night?” Sara replied, thrusting three fingers deep into Caitlin’s cunt making her scream. “With skills like yours, with so many possibilities, we would need to make it a regular thing.”

Charlie liked the sound of that, promising they would discuss it in private at a later date. But first, she insisted on making John cum and driving the blonde to the edge while she brought the good doctor to orgasm. Meanwhile across the bed, Zari was receiving a mouthful of cum from Ray as he squirted down her throat before Nate did the same in her pussy. She slumped in-between them swallowing both their loads, her black hair sticky from sweat, collapsing onto the mattress. The guy looked at each other, panting breathlessly, still rock hard.

Sara caught sight of this once she was finished with Caitlin, crawling up the girls body to make out with her. “That was amazing” Caitlin said, staring at Sara in wonder.

“You weren’t so bad yourself” she replied, kissing her on the lips. She glanced up at the others, suggesting “I think Zari needs saving. Care to join me?”

Before she could respond, Caitlin’s ankle was grabbed yanking her across the bed away from the horny captain, pulled into the embrace of a naked Charlie who planted a possessive kiss on her lips. “Sorry luv, afraid she’s been claimed” she told Sara in apologetically. “Give my regards. Tell her I’ll be there soon enough.”

Sara rolled her eyes as Caitlin was overwhelmed, the dominating woman enveloping her upon the mattress like a serpent, making love to the brunette with reckless abandon. Sara left them too it, crawling across the bed to join Zari’s threesome, distracting the two men so the girl could rest and gather her strength. She gave them equal attention, not bashful at all about fraternizing with her crew mates. She took hold of both their dicks, massaging them expertly while peppering them with kisses, deciding which one she’d like to fuck first.

She chose Nate when he revealed he had a habit of turning his skin to steel when he reached his peak. “This is going to be fun” she smirked, taking a seat in front of him pulling his hips forward, impaling herself on his steel rod. He proceeded to fuck her, his powers making his cock larger and harder as Sara fell back against the bed moaning. He couldn’t believe he was having sex with the captain, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Zari wasn’t happy however, recovering her senses and kneeling over Sara. “That’s my boyfriend” she complained indignity.

“And that’s a cute pussy” Sara commented, looking up at the raven haired girl and grabbing hold of her hips, manoeuvring herself underneath the girl so she could lick and munch on her pussy. Zari was too caught up in the moment, too horny to object, moaning as Sara’s tongue pleasured her. She was good, too good. She had to take hold of the blonde’s torso in order to stay upright, leaning forward arching her back giving her partner a kiss while he fucked their captain. Ray appeared behind the totem bearer, politely asking for her permission before entering her ass. They were surprised she gave it, even more surprised at how easily it slipped in. With Ray’s cock in her ass and Sara’s tongue in her pussy, Zari rode Sara’s face towards orgasm while Nate pounded Sara with a steel cock, a cycle of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Charlie rolled around with Caitlin, making out passionately grinned against her sensitive pussy. Now that she was warmed up, she proved truly energetic, a willing lover. She rolled on top of the dark skinned woman, humping her vigorously. “I knew there was a wild side in there” Charlie grinned, playfully spanking the doctor kneading her flesh with her fingers. Caitlin was too busy kissing her neck to reply. Ever the naughty shape shifter, Charlie deduced to toy with her lovers, her his thrusting upwards as she grew a long thick cock from her crotch to penetrate Caitlin’s pussy.

“Oh shit!” She gasped, tensing around the fresh invader looking between their heaving breasts at the throbbing weapon. It felt alien inside, almost alive as it stretched her opening threatening to pierce her womb. But when it settled it hit every sensitive spot within her walls. She looked down at Charlie, who had a naughty glint in her eye. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“There’s a lot I can do” she replied, pulling her cock halfway out before thrusting back into her, sending shockwaves up Caitlin’s spine rocking her world. Her lips found the human’s nipples, sucking them roughly while she bounced on her lap, her hands squeezing her tits to excite Caitlin further. Caitlin just let the woman have her way with her, submitting to the pleasure riding her throbbing member.

“Sorry to butt in luv” John interrupted, shuffling up behind Caitlin grabbing her by the hips lining up his erection. She looked back at watched as he inserted his prick into her tight anus, crying out in shock and alarm when the warlock started brutally thumping her. “Hope you don’t mind” he said, taking hold of her shoulder to increase his thrusts until his hips were moving like pistons.

Caitlin didn’t get much choice other than to receive both cocks at once, her fingers curling into the bedsheets gripping them tightly as she was DP’d. Charlie continued to play with her breasts, even when John reach around to try them, fighting over the mounds while their dicks alternated and filled her holes. She was moaning and screaming constantly now, cascading into orgasm after orgasm, each climax making her body squeeze and crunch the throbbing members only for them to continue fucking her. And then suddenly Caitlin saw a large shape crawl next to her, casting a dark shadow over her face as two large hands took hold of her head and yanked her onto a third thick cock. “I’m bored” Mick grunted as he forced the girl onto his cock, filling her mouth until his tip hit the back of her throat, where he proceeded to pummel her with excessive force. Caitlin’s eyes watered as she was face fucked, ass fucked and pussy fucked all at the same time, her first instance of triple penetration. Frost was loving the sensations, cheering her alter on was she spiralled into a rollercoaster of orgasms, each sending stars over her spotty vision.

After a minute of relentless fucking from the three of them, Caitlin’s whirlwind ended in an explosive finale and Mick and John both ejaculated in a sweaty mess, filling her ass and mouth, choking her on semen until she was coughing it from her nose. Once the guys were down with her, Charlie finished with a built up eruption through her cock, squirting directly into Caitlin’s womb. She had been saving all the rewards of her climax to fill the young human woman, pumping her full of cum until her belly started to expand, practically drowning any fertile eggs she might’ve had. Not that she had anything to worry about being impregnated. One of the shapeshifters benefits is she’s immortality infertile, thus unable to get anyone pregnant.

Caitlin sluggishly pulled herself free of all the cocks, her eyes heavy as she collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion, cum spilling from every orifice when she blacked out abruptly.

When she woke up, the orgy was over and almost all the legends were gone. “Hey sleepily head. You’re finally awake” Zari greeted, carrying a cup of coffee in her hands.

Caitlin pushed herself up on shaky arms, feeling everything aching. She was sitting in a sticky pool of cum on the bed, some still leaking from her deflated stomach. “Where is everyone” she asked?

“Gone to finish the mission” Zari explained, sitting beside her offering the drink. “Your antidote worked. We’re all fine, so thanks for that. And sorry about last night. Things got rather…crazy after you passed out.”

“I’m just glad everyone is okay” Caitlin replied. “I should be getting back to Star labs though.”

“Yeah, sure. Just, figured you’d want to take a shower first. I’ll fly you back when you’re done” Zari offered. Caitlin accepted, climbing off the bed and limping to the bathroom to rinse herself up. When she was refreshed she got dressed and followed Zari to the jump ship, where the totem bearer flew her through the time stream back home.

When the ship landed, Caitlin gave Zari a grateful smile. “Thanks again” Zari said.

“You’re welcome” Caitlin replied. After a pause she said “don’t tell anyone this, but I had a lot of fun with you guys.”

Zari laughed. “Yeah, the guys are like that. And for what it’s worth, we had fun with you too” she replied. “Well, not all of us. I never got to pair up with you, being unconscious and all” she added.

Caitlin chuckled. “That is a shame” she smiled. They both looked at each other, sitting awkwardly inside the time machine. She looked out the window, the exact same time she left. “You know, it might be a few minutes before anyone notices I’m gone” Caitlin said, giving Zari a side-line look. “Maybe even half an hour.”

Zari nodded, before locking the door and turning the radio off so they could hop into each other’s embrace in private, making love with passionate vigour on the cold steel floor. Half an hour was more than enough time for the totem bearer to showcase her ability to bend the air in creative ways, and for Frost to make her icy presence known.

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