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David Madsen's Punishment (The Misadventures of Super-Max)


"Just chill, okay? I'm changing. I think my bra is stuck!"

It wasn't. In fact Chloe hadn't even gotten undressed. She was still wearing the tight blue jeans and white sleeveless vest, blue beanie hat and dark boots she'd been wearing all day. But her step dad outside didn't know that. Just as he didn't know Max was currently in her room frantically looking for a hiding place.

He can't find you in here, was all Chloe had to say before she was blocking the door to buy her best friend time. Unbeknownst to her, Max had already attempted several options, including jumping out the window, hiding under the covers, behind the door, all resulting in getting caught. Every time she'd used her new time rewind powers to try again. But the effort was getting exhausting, so as a last ditch effort she shifted a heavy hat stand to gain access to the wardrobe.

Thank god! I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Max closed the door in time before David Madsen burst into the room. "Jesus, do you mind?" Chloe said angrily, falling into the ignorant role she played so well. "I'm just trying on clothes. Christ, you are paranoid."

"Yeah, well combat will do that to you" the ex soldier replied, scanning the room.

Max stayed quiet as the two started to bicker and argue going back and forth with harsh tones. Chloe really doesn't like her new stepdad, and David is having none of her dismissive attitude. As Max watched through the slits of the panels, she worried things would escalate between them. Just stay quiet and out of sight. Chloe can handle it.

"Is that grass?" David suddenly barked, marching over to the joint they'd left in the ashtray on the window sill. "Have you been doping up here again?" He asked his step daughter.

"Wow, guns, weed…you really are tripping balls right now" Chloe shot back.

"Enough of the disrespect" he growled menacingly. He held the joint up in front of her accusingly. "Who's stash is this?"

"Nobodies. Certainly not mine."

"Don't lie to me. You know I hate liars."

Max swallowed hard, resisting the urge to jump in and protect her friend, claim the joint was hers and direct his anger onto her. Chloe's got this. Just stay hidden like she told you to.

Chloe cast a brief, subtle glance towards the wardrobe, as if to reassure the silent spectator that she can handle the situation. "Just cut the crap" she replied, stepping into David's personal space, getting in his face. "You have no right to come barging into my room like this. This isn't the army, and I'm not one of your little soldiers. You don't get to give me orders."

David glared at her coldly, matching her gaze like a lion sizing up his rival. He didn't miss a beat as he cleared his throat. "As long as you live in my house, you will follow my instruction."

"This isn't you're house" Chloe growled, her tone darkening. "And you are not my dad! You may be married to his widow, but you will never replace him. You will never live up to who he was." She lowered her gaze down to examine the tall, imposing man standing over her, raising a cocky smile as she returned his gaze to add "and judging from what I'm seeing here…you'll never match his performance in the bedroom, if you catch my drift." David's eyes narrowed as Chloe leaned in closer to whisper faintly into his ear, "little soldier."

The back of his hand flew out faster than anyone could blink, the loud crack of the impact against the side of Chloe's face making Max leap out of her skin. She clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle the crispy of alarm as she watched Chloe stumble back, eyes wide as she nursed a welting cheek with her left hand. David stood motionless, breathing slowly and shallowly as he stared down at the startled teen.

"I have had enough disrespect out of you" he said quietly, a dark shadow falling over his face. Chloe glared back up at him, grit determination etched across her expression, a refusal to look weak in front of the step-douche. But something in the way David was looking at her sent chills down Max's spine, who watched in shock as the broad shouldered man reached forward to grab hold of his stepdaughters wrist. "It's high time you leant respect" he said, his voice full of authority.

With a sharp yank, the Blackwell security guard pulled Chloe by the arm down onto her knees in front of him. She fell forward limply, still in shock from the backhand he gave her to notice when his hands unzipped his trousers. "There was a saying my old commander used to tell my unit whenever one of us started cracking wise in the face of his command…" he said slowly, reaching into his pants to pull out his 8 inch member. Max gasped at the man's penis as he held it out to his step-daughter, who finally looked up to see it hovering inches away from her face. Her mouth fell open as she stared at its size, captivated by how It twitched upwards growing hard in his hand. "Either shut your mouth up…" David continued, ripping the beanie of Chloe's head before grasping her blue hair and pulling her shell-shocked face closer to his waiting cock. She realized what was happening a second too late, her mouth still agape as she fell onto his cock, all while he finished declaring "…or put it to better use."

Max's hand covered her mouth as she watched Chloe take half the 8 inches into her mouth, gagging from reflex as it filled her throat. Her arms flew out to grasp the mans knees, pushing herself off of him to catch her breath. "Fuck!" She coughed, glaring up at him. "Ah you fucking insa…"

He silenced her by shoving himself back down her throat, watching dismissively as her eyes went wide staring back at him. She tried to push back but he held her head in place, two thirds of his cock inside her as he glared down. "Still think I'm not man enough?" He asked her. She grunted in replied, gaged by the dick in her mouth. Her hands were still clawing at his legs, but he didn't pay any notice. Max watched from her hiding place horrified. What the hell do I do?

"Now here's the deal" David say slowly, locking eyes with his step-daughter. "You can either stay on your knees and suck my dick until you can't speak anymore of your trash, or I can let you go and you apologize for your disrespectful behavior." Chloe stared at him as his grip on her head loosened, narrowing her gaze while he cocked an eyebrow. "What's it going to be?"

There was a long, drawn out pause as the two rivals watched each other silently, weighing their options. Chloe looked down at the dick in her mouth, carefully sliding it out of her mouth. But before she reached the top she stopped, casting another glare at the security guard. He narrowed his eyes back at her. Then, after hooking her hands around the back of his knees, she relaxed her jaw and slide back down his thick shaft, not stopping until her nose touched his navel, his entire length now sliding down her throat.

Holy shit! Max stared in shock as her best friend began giving David a blow job, bobbing her head up and down on his cock tantalizingly slowly, her gaze fixed on the man watching her like a furious hawk. She really hates him that much? Max thought as she looked uncomfortably around the cramped wardrobe she was standing in. Moments ago she was considering bursting out of the wardrobe to save her, but chickened out when he got his junk out terrified of what he might do with it. What he might do to her. Now she was trapped here while this was happening. She couldn't leave without getting them both into even bigger trouble. But if she stayed…

Her gaze drifted back to the scene unfolding before her. She shouldn't be watching this, but something compelled her not to avert her gaze. I should make sure he doesn't hurt Chloe, she told herself, none having the slightest clue what she'd do if it turned sinister. Nevertheless, Max's eyes were glued to the live show while she attempted to ignore the growing dampness forming between her thighs.

David Madsen stared down at his stepdaughter as she continued to suck on his dick. He wasn't expecting this outcome at all, assuming she'd be naturally disgusted by the idea and give in to his demands. "Very well" he grumbled, unwavering in his commitment to his threat. "If that's your decision.."

He reached down once again and grabbed Chloe around the back of her skull, pressing her down onto his cock with greater force. She made to resist at first, but then decided to just let him take control as he thrust his hips into her face, pounding his dick further into her throat. She moaned around his shaft as his balls slapped her chin repeatedly, staring up at the grunting man, watching him as he fucked her mouth with his dirty dick. you like that asshole? You like fucking girls half your age, you dirty old man?

She doubted he could read her mind and understand the insults she was mentally sending him, but that didn't stop him from grabbing her head with both hands and force himself upon her harder, so hard she started choking on his length. He fucked her throat raw until he finally groaned loudly, ejaculating into her mouth without so much as a warning. Her cheeks puffed out as the seamen leaked out from under her lips, unable to hold onto it all. She may have had the determination to give her stepdouche a blowjob, but there was no way she'd ever consider swallowing his cum. But the sheer amount was affecting her gag reflex and she had to strain against the impulse to swallow, her eyes watering from discomfort.

After an agonizing minute of waiting for David to calm down from his orgasm, he pulled himself out of Chloe's mouth to witness her spit out his seed onto the floor beneath them, nearly vomiting as she heaved for air. "Not as pleasant as you were hoping?" He queried.

She gave him a sharp, cold glare. "You're disgusting."

"And you're a brat" he replied, stepping back to look down at her. "Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Bite me" Chloe retorted, spitting the last of his cum onto his shoes.

He looked down at the spit, releasing a deep breath to cool his temper. It'll take a little more discipline. "Stand up" He order, reaching down to unlatch his belt.

Chloe cocked her head, slowing rising to her feet. "What next? You going to beat me?"

"In a fashion" he growled, pulling his belt out and looping it around his hand. Max watched from the wardrobe terrified he was about to attack her. But to their fortune, he merely grabbed her arm and spun her around so her back was to him. "Since you proved to be so receptive to a particular "punishment"" he said quietly as he grasped both her arms and yanked them behind her back. She winced as he took the belt and wrapped it tightly around her wrists, locking the buckle as tight as it would go. Chloe bit her tongue as the belt cut off any circulation to her hands, refusing to show her discomfort to her enemy.

Now restrained, Chloe was powerless to stop David as he reached around her waist and begin undoing her tight jeans. "Get off me you pervert!" Chloe screamed at him, but he clamped a hand around her throat, squeezing roughly to silence her.

"If you want this to stop, then you just need to apologize" he told her, hissing in her ear. She turned her head around to look into his eyes, her cold stare locking with his. She didn't say anything, holding her tongue. He growled. Fine.

He finished unhooking her jeans and shoved her onto her bed, where she fell face first into the mattress. Her head struck the pillow with a startled grunt, struggling to roll onto her side with her hand bound behind her. She didn't managed to to move anywhere, David's hand upon her within seconds of the landing, yanking her jeans roughly down until they were halfway down her thighs. Once that was done he dug his fingernails into the fabric of her panties, where she heard a ripping sound as he toured a hole into them, exposing her wet pussy.

"Last chance to apologize" he warned, kneeling behind the tied up young woman, the head of his cock pressing against her entrance. Max was on the edge in that wardrobe, her eyes transfixed upon the scene she was watching while a guilty hand slipped under the helm of her leggings into her underwear, seeking out the aching clit too uncomfortable to ignore. She clamped a hand over her mouth as her fingers found her slit, muffling the moan escaping her mouth as she masturbated to the sight of her best friend being forced.

Chloe gritted her teeth as she strained to look back at the security guard. "Fuck you" she snarled quietly.

David grimaced, disappointed in her reply. He took her hips in both his hands, lined himself up with her crotch, inhaled slowly, then penetrated her in one swift, powerful thrust.

Chloe's scream ripped through the room in an ear piercing wail as David's cock sinned down to the hilt, her tight walls squeezing him like a vice. "Fuck!" She hissed gritting her teeth as he began to pump into her, hard and fast as deep as he could go. Her legs kicked out fruitlessly as he hoisted her hips up till she was on her knees, slumped over with her head planted in the mattress, forced to moan into the bed sheets with the support of her arms. David gripped her waist tightly as he pounded into her, his fingers leaving bruises on her exposed skin. He was still fully clothed, meaning every time he buried his dick into her pussy the cold metal of his open zipper would aggravate her clit, making Chloe squirm even more.

I can't believe this is happening, Max thought as she drove a second finger into her entrance, pumping furiously as she watched the Blackwell security guard fuck his step daughter. She hated what he was doing to Chloe, but she hated herself more for actually sitting by and enjoying the show. She'd even thrown caution to the wind and I zipped her jeans to give herself better access to herself, her core so wet not she could hear the slapping noises her fingers were making. She kept her free hand clamped tight over her mouth to muffle her moans of pleasure, fearing either would hear her masturbating in here. What would David do if he found me? What would Chloe do if she knew I was doing this?

Max didn't have time to guess at the answer as her impending climax surged forward, just in time join David as he grunted more harshly, his breathing becoming labored. He was getting close. He let go of Chloe's hips and pushed her forwards, laying on top of her as he humped her back gripping the bed sheets.

With Chloe pinned under his weight, laying flat on her stomach as his hips jerked against her backside more forcefully, all the blue haired girl could do was submit and wait for him to cum, trying to ignore his hot breath on the back of her neck or his grunts in her ear. "You wanted this bitch?" He growled, behind her, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back, making her wince in discomfort as her neck was bent backwards to stare at the ceiling, arching her back against the broad chest of her abuser. "Is this what you wanted?" He asked her coldly, plowing into her even harder than before, so hard it felt like her cervix was about to shatter. "All you had to do was apologize" he told her quietly, hissing in her ear between groans. "Now I have no choice."

Chloe's eyes watered as she took the beating to her core, her body growing tired from the strain of being assaulted as such. Her breath had been knocked out of her a while ago, leaving her speechless as he thrust into her one last time, his cock breaking through her cervix and opening up her womb for him as he finally came. He ejaculated inside her with a long and exhasburated grunt, crushing her body under his weight. Chloe's body spammed involuntarily and she closed her eyes, unable to stop the reluctant orgasm that crept up on her, letting out a slow and erotic moan. Max couldn't hold on any longer, using both hands to catch the exploding juices from her crotch, her mouth hanging open in a wordless, silent howl as she climaxed alongside them, slumping to the floor of the wardrobe with a pleasurable sigh.

The three of them sat in silence as they waited for their orgasms to run its course, before David eventually pushed himself off the lifeless form of his step daughter. "Fuck" he cursed to himself, doing up his zipper before uniting Chloe's hands to retrieve his belt. "Fucking bitch made me…" He took a deep breath to compose himself, looking down at Chloe's body sprawled over the bed. After a long minute she managed to turn her head to eye the towering figure, lazily dipping him the finger before collapsing back against the mattress. He shook his head, leaving in a huff before slamming the door shut behind him.

Max sat on her knees watching him leave, a tiny pool of her cum forming between her legs, breathing in short, rapid pants, still coming down from her orgasmic high. She wiped her face in shame for getting off on the whole ordeal, only to be even more embarrassed to find her fingers covered in her cum. With a heavy heart she sucked her fingers clean, savoring the taste as she looked out at Chloe's immobile figure, worried if she was okay.

A closer examination put her mind at rest when she saw her best friend smiling.

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