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Cursed Twins (3/5)

Artemis was still fuming as she paced around the woodland, distracting herself with tracking an animal she believed to be a deer. Usually the hunt would be swift but right now Hecate's curse had rendered her mortal on top of trapping her in the form of a male. She had to continuously resist the urge to vomit as she tried lightly along the cold ground.

After she'd left her idiot brother she meant to seek out her followers. But after she found the camp she grew too ashamed and humiliated to face them like this and decided to hide out in the trees instead until it wore off. Hopefully Apollo had stumbled into a ditch and knocked himself unconscious being too preoccupied with his own appearance. If not she'll happily do it herself.

As she tracked the deer she tested the skills in this new body. If it was to be permanent she had to be sure she could hunt as well as usual. Thankfully his senses were as sharp as ever and she spotted her target several hundred meters away. Drawing her bow she was suddenly struck with another wave of discomfort in her lower abdomen. She'd been fighting the unfamiliar aching all day and refused to let it distracted her as she let fly an arrow, following after it when she witnessed it fall to the ground. In a few long strides she reached the fresh carcass…only to find two arrows sticking out of its heart.

Another hunter?

Artemis didn't have time to flee before the competition arrived, stepping out of the bushes with her bow drawn. "Who are you?" The black haired girl asked pointing a silver arrow towards the goddess. Artemis froze seeing the familiar sight of her own lieutenant glaring back at her in her grey camouflage clothing. Her blue eyes narrowed as she looked at the strange man wavering before her. "Do I know you?" She asked suspiciously.

"Thalia Grace" Artemis said in greeting, an uncomfortable new twinge erupting in her body as she found herself looking over the young teen girl. For the first time in her life she realized just how attractive the daughter of Zeus was with her dazzling eyes and raven hair and soft curving body… what the hell is wrong with me? Her mind screamed snapping her out of her trance. "It's me, Artemis" she said quickly, deciding it would be simpler to explain the situation rather than avoid it any longer.

Thalia hesitated lowering her bow as she took a step closer to the young man, examining his face more closely. Somehow she saw the goddess in her. "Lady Artemis? How..? What happened to you?"

"My brother" Artemis scowled sighing in relief, though the discomfort only seemed to grow the closer the two girls came together. Ignoring the rising ache in her body the goddess explained "he insulted Hecate and in response she put a curse on him, altering his appearance to that of the opposite sex. I got caught in the curse and now am trapped like this disgusting male."

The lieutenant had seen a lot of things being a demigod but to her credit was able to hold a straight face as she took in the new information. "So you're a guy and Apollo's become a girl?" She clarified. She turned back to Artemis suddenly asking her "he wouldn't happen to be blonde, skinny with big fling eyes would he?"

Artemis looked back quizzically before a thought occurred to her. "Oh no, he hasn't…" she groaned.

"Yeah, I thought there was something weird about that new girl" Thalia sighed. "Phoebe found her this morning and brought her to the camp. She immediately started hitting on everyone and serenading a few of the girls. Should've known."

"I am going to murder him!" Artemis shouted kicking a tree. "I swear, if he has touched any of my girls…" she snarled, the thought churning her stomach. Except when the image of her brother in this new body cavorting with her hunters entered her mind her body opted for a different reaction, suddenly sending the ache in her stomach into a painful throb. "Oh chaos" she groaned doubling over, prompting Thalia to run over and catch her.

"Lady Artemis! What's wrong?" Thalia asked worried, leading her over to a nearby tree to steady her up against.

"I don't know" Artemis gasped, the discomfort unbearable. "It must be Hecate's curse. I've been feeling…uncomfortable all day, but it's just getting worse."

"Where does it hurt?" Her loyal hunter asked, examine the male figure searching for any potential damage or indication. Artemis looked down towards where she believed to source to be, then froze as her gaze fell upon the unmistakable bulge in her pants. Thalia looked down and saw it too, stepping back with uncertainty glancing up to the goddess. "Um… I think I see the problem."

Artemis understood the significance of the discomfort now, humiliation even more unbearable than the tightness of her pants. Why did this have to happen to me? She cursed under her breath averting her gaze from her unsettled follower.

"Is this part of Hecate's curse?" Thalia asked, trying to distract them both from the rather large elephant in the room.

"Maybe. It was designed for Apollo. Whatever it is…urg…it getting rather…um…unpleasant." She groaned again, the discomfort worsening. It felt like her groin was a balloon and was on the verge of bursting but wouldn't. She didn't know what to do. She never had such urges this intense in all her life. "I don't… I can't…"

Thalia didn't know what to do or what to say, only compelled to turn away to give her patron a semblance of privacy. "Okay, what if…" she said hesitantly. She never thought this situation would have ever come up. "What if you just… you know?"

"What if I what?" Artemis asked.

"You know. Relieved yourself."

The goddess frowned. "Relieved myself?"

Thalia turned red, her ears burning, forcing the words out. "You know… as in… masturbation?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you know what I mean" she stammered quickly, keeping her back to the goddess so he couldn't see the look on her face. "It's clear your just… horny. It's okay, we all feel that most nights. That's why we…" she paused, blushing profoundly with embarrassment. "Look, maybe you need to jerk it off and you'll feel better."

It was Artemis's turn to turn red. The suggestion was ludicrous and humiliating but the discomfort left her little room for alternative ideas. There was just one problem; "I… I don't know how."


"How do I… jerk it off?"

Thalia glanced back in confusion, asking "you don't know? How don't you..?"

Artemis scowled at her. "I'm a Virgin goddess! I swore to never be tied to any man ever. So how am I supposed to know how they… it's not like I spy on my brother during his… WILL YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

"Okay!" Thalia replied shuddering, turning away refusing to let herself witness what she's about to partake in. "This is so fucked up" she whispered under her breath. Taking a long breath she quietly instructed "just… just take your… fuck. Just take your penis out of your pants and hold in in your hand."

Artemis took a deep breath and did as the demigod told her, reaching hesitantly into her pants and taking hold of the erect penis with her fingers. Oh chaos, it feels so big, she thought slowly prying point out of her clothing. As it sprang free she looked down to witness the 8 inch long erection nestled in her palm, the sight making her shiver. "Okay" she said in a shaky voice. "Now what?"

It took all of Thalia's willpower not to look behind her as she continued her lesson. "Right. Now…wrap your fingers around it gently, not too tight just enough to… I don't know, feel good. Then you just slowly rub it down to the base, then back up to the tip."

Artemis followed the instructions, stifling a moan as her hand wrapped around the shaft and slid down to the base before backpedalling to the tip. "Wow" she breathed.

Thalia heard her mumble and took it as a sign she was listening. "Just…keep doing that. Just stroke it over and over."

Thalia kept her back turned as Artemis rubbed herself over and over, groaning with every motion as the new sensations ran up her spine like electricity. She fell back against the tree closing her eyes, focusing on the task at hand. But to discomfort just became more intense making her lose concentration. "I can't…" she said losing her cool, her voice rising in pitch. I can't do this. It's too unbearable.

Thalia sensed the goddess in pain and forced herself to turn around, seeing the figure shudder uncontrollably against the tree with tears in his eyes. The demigod took a shameful moment to admire just how attractive the male body was before reminding herself her patron was the one under the handsome face. Seeing no other recourse to ease her unease Thalia gave in to the burning desire she had from the moment she began instructing the goddess and took matters into her own hands. Literally.

"Lady Artemis, let me" she insisted gently taking hold of the massive cock, her hands appearing small against its length as she pried the young man's gaze up to hers. "I know I took a vow" she quickly said, feeling the need to seek permission for what she was about to do. "I swore never to commit to any man while under your wing. But you…you're not just any man, so I figure this wouldn't count towards your…"

"Thalia!" Artemis gasped silencing her loyal hunter, staring desperately into her eyes. "I need your help. So just do what you need to. Please."

They both took a moment to acknowledge what was about to happen, silently accepting this would never be spoken of to anyone ever. With a curt nod Thalia took her place in front of the goddess, sinking to her knees and swallowing back any hesitation she still had before offering a quick prayer to any god listening. Artemis stared down at her quietly, her cock throbbing in her hand waiting to be relieved.

Here goes nothing.

Without any further delay, Thalia opened her mouth and sank the pulsing cock into her throat in one swift motion.

"Oh chaos!" Artemis cried as the young girls warm lips enveloped her cock, feeling her tongue circle around the shaft as it was suck inside. The sensation was completely alien and yet so gloriously incredible the goddess buckled her hips trying to get more, pushing herself deeper into Thalia's mouth. The hunter saw the reaction and moaned, the sound vibrating around the penis exciting Artemis further. No wonder my brother is always so horny.

Thalia worked wonders upon the archer's new body, sucking the cock slowly and sensually bobbing her head up and down as she pleasured her, stroking the thick thighs comfortingly while she gingerly reached up to cup the fresh swelling pair of balls underneath. Artemis squeaked in a deep manly tone as she played with them, rolling them through her fingers between sucking the throbbing dick in her mouth.

"Oh father help me" Artemis gasped, hoping the lord Zeus wouldn't hear her and look down to witness her like this as she trembled against the tree. "How are you so good at this?" She asked looking down at her talented hunter. How have I never come to you like this before? Her new dirty mind pondered.

Thalia paused in her blowjob, releasing the head with a pop, before looking up at her patron sheepishly. "I might have… I wasn't a virgin when you recruited me" she explained, massaging the dick in her hand while she talked keeping the blood pumping. "When we were on our way to rescue you from Atlas me and a certain boy got to talking… it was a tough day and we were there for each other. We weren't sure if we would survive the quest and I realized I didn't want to die a virgin, so we just…hooked up for the night. I guess you could say I got some practice for this moment."

"Wherever you learnt it…whoever taught you…I am grateful" Artemis replied stroking Thalia's hair with affection. The girl smiled continuing to pump the throbbing member. The pleasure took a new form in the goddess' brain, compelling her to tighten her grip on her head encouraging her to bring her mouth back to her. Thalia was happy to accommodate, taking the growing length into her mouth once more, at least until Artemis grew suddenly impatient clutching the hunters scalp and shoving her face onto her groin plunging deeper down her throat. "Forgive me" Artemis gasped as Thalia gagged, "but I feel… close. I need… fuck!"

Artemis is lost her mind as her body took control, slamming the hapless girl onto her cock over and over, harder and harder , ramming her prick into her throat fucking her raw as she choked and gaged, nailing digging into her thighs for purchase as rough calloused finger clutched her skull. Luckily for the helpless demigod Artemis didn't have the strength to last long as her first real orgasm ripped through her body, sending a jet of pure unbridled pleasure into her waiting mouth with a loud strangled cry. Thalia was yanked forward hilting the cock at her mouth, the white hot cum pumping down her throat struggling to breath until Artemis' grip lessened. Taking the opportunity the daughter of Zeus pushed herself away, pulling the dick out of her mouth trying to gasp for air. Instead she just inhaled more seamen as it continued to ejaculate, splurging all over her face painting her white and staining her hair as she coughed up more through her nose.

"Fuck" she choked after Artemis finally finished showering her head and shoulders, the cock twitching meekly in front of her face. She glanced up at the ragged young man towering over her, wiping cum out of her eyes to see the embarrassed red face staring down at her. "I guess you finally popped your cherry" she tried to quip, but her voice cracked still drawing in oxygen.

"I'm sorry" Artemis apologized, slumping against the tree regaining her own breath. "I couldn't help it. I've never… I've never felt anything like that before. It was… incredible."

"Orgasms usually are" she replied. She carefully pulled herself up to be standing (nearly) eye to eye with the young man offering a small smile. "I'm glad you liked it."

Artemis looked back with a new appreciation for her lieutenant, returning the smile and feeling a strong need to return the favour someday. Before they could discuss it the familiar ache in Artemis' body returned, drawing her attention back to her throbbing penis. She groaned as it stood back rock hard, but even more uncomfortable. "Oh my…" she winced, taking the member into her own hands jerking it hard following the lessons Thalia had taught her.

The hunter looked down and saw the pulsing cock as the goddess pumped furiously. "Holy shit! I guess that answers the question about your refractory period. "She commented as she watched her masturbate faster thanks she thought possible. "Are you okay?"

"It's not working" Artemis replied in frustration, looking back to Thalia for support. "I need you!" She pleaded, reaching out for her delicate face.

Thalia quickly swatted her hand away, her throat still sore from the last favour. "I'm sorry, but I can't" she said harshly. Seeing the pained look in the young man's eyes made the guilty demigod waver before she looked around. "I know. Let's get you back to the camp. Maybe we can figure out a solution there, or one of the other girls could…"

"I can't wait that long" Artemis whispered as Thalia started walking in the direction of the campsite. A muscular arm shot out to catch the girl and spin her around to face the goddess, slamming her against the tree pinning her to the bark but the shoulders as the young hunter stared back uncertainly. She witnessed a powerful, hungry glint in the young man's eyes as a faint growl rose from his throat before he lunged forward, snatching away her breath in a strong lustful kiss.

Thalia tensed up as Artemis sucked the lingering cum from her mouth along with her oxygen, bringing her arms between them to forcefully shove the strong figure away breaking the kiss abruptly. Artemis glared at her briefly until sense returned to her, seeing the hesitation and unwillingness and realizing what she was doing. But in the span of time it took Artemis to come to her senses Thalia was able to compose her response, and before the goddess to apologize for her actions the demigod had taken the young man's face in her hands and pulled him back to kiss him passionately.

A quiet moment of acceptance sparked between the two figures and the made out vigorously against the tree as Artemis pressed her handsome body up against Thalia's sexy form, her hands exploring the curves and limbs while the girl unfastened her trousers hastily sliding them down her thighs. Either she didn't like foreplay for she could sense how desperate her patron was behind the kiss, but Thalia paused long enough to whisper in her ear "fuck me, lady Artemis."

Artemis accepted the invitation willingly. It didn't matter that she was in a foreign body unlike her own or that she'd never practiced such intimacy before, fear and logic vanished from her mind replaced with instinct as she rocked her hips up against her loyal hunter, the huge erection prodding between her thighs searching for a place to impale her. Thalia locked lips with her patron hungrily, her breasts crushed against the large well oiled machine of a torso as she awkwardly reached down between her legs to align the impatient dick with her dripping pussy, allowing herself to be penetrated forcefully. She thanked the gods she wasn't a virgin or else the force of the intrusion would've shattered her hymen and proved uncomfortably painful. Instead the young woman only gasped in shock as Artemis impaled her cock inside her tight walls with a desperate moan.

"Oh father forgive me" Artemis whispered as Thalia's insides clamped around her swelling member, the moist tightness more desirable than she could ever imagine. She dragged her cock out to the entrance before plunging it back inside its warm centre, earning a raspy cry from its owner as she shook against her chest. "You're body is so warm, so tight, so amazing" she told the raven haired beauty , smashing her lips against hers as she started humping her more forcefully.

Thalia fought back against the invading tongue in her mouth while clinging to the strong shoulders pressed against her, her thighs lifted awkwardly up to offer better access to her entrance while still wrapped up in her trousers. Artemis hooked a palm underneath her backside to hold her up while her other hand flew to the bark behind her, clinging to the tree for purchase and she drove her hips against the sweating young woman. Thalia moaned wildly as the goddess grunted and puffed, thrusting harder and faster crushing the demigod sandwiched between her powerful body and the shuddering tree trunk. Even without her godly strength Artemis feared she might break the mortal girl, but all that mattered at that moment was the mindless act of sex. Thalia didn't seem too concerned about her welfare either as she begged for her to go harder, bashing her against the tree so hard stars were dancing in her vision. She clawed at her lovers back scratching red marks across his tough skin, even skiing her teeth into his flesh to muffle a scream as she came under the onslaught, which Artemis ploughed through sending her spiralling into a second, then a third.

Artemis had no idea this was she'd been missing all these eons. So much pleasure, so much excitement, it was driving her mad. She dug her heels into the ground for maximum purchase, thundering her hips faster than a bullet, fucking the literally daylights out of the screaming demigod, pushing herself to the limit of her new body's stamina so hard she felt like she might collapse. After what seemed like an eternity of pleasure her balls started constricting, signalling the impending climax of their session. "Fuck" she grunted between thrusts, increasing her pace slamming Thalia harder against the bark until she heard it cracking beneath the force. "Fuck, I'm…gonna…cum…"

Thalia could barely get a word out, alternating between whimpers and gasps and moans and shrieks uncontrollably as tears fell down her red cheeks, sweat coating her forehead and soaking through her shirt and jacket as her juices leaked over both their legs forming a puddle below. Artemis had to strain her ears just to hear the girls voice praying in a choked breath "make me cum, make me cum, make me cum, make me cum…"

Thalia continued her mantra all the way to their combined explosive finale, two sets of orgasms ripping through their bodies simultaneously igniting the passion generated between the two lovers into one powerful thunderous display. Artemis groaned loudly crushing Thalia beneath her weight as she buried her cock deep inside her pussy firing her seed into the young girls fertile womb, filling up her insides until they could take no more. It didn't stop the goddess pumping more and more into her new cum dumpster, her swollen balls finally emptying their cargo even if some escaped to drip down into the puddle below. Thalia screamed wordlessly as she shook violently against the tree, her cum spraying everywhere in an endless orgasm. She felt the goddess pumping her cum inside her and shuddered, clenching her inner walls tightly squeezing the throbbing prick and milking her dry. By the time the climax was over the daughter of Zeus was rolling her eyes into the back of her head and falling out of consciousness.

Eventually Artemis calmed down from her moment of madness and let out a deep breath os satisfaction. I should've done this centuries ago, she thought looking down at the mess she'd made of her hunter. Instead she discovered the limp demigod unconscious in her arms as she stepped back to try and grant her some room to breath, only to watch her collapse lifelessly onto the ground in a sweaty heap. Oh no, she panicked falling to her knees examining the cum soaked girl, terrified she'd hurt her or worse. Thankfully Thalia was still breathing and there was a tiny hint of a smile on her face, indicating (she hoped) that everything was ok.

Thank Chaos.

She quickly scanned their surroundings to check if anybody had witnessed them together, seeing no one hiding in the bushes. Breathing a sigh of relief now she could think straight again Artemis took a moment to compose herself, cleaning both her and her lieutenant up as best she could. She was happy to find her penis flaccid beneath her loincloth and the discomfort gone, whatever urges that was distracting her satisfied. This was good, because the goddess would need all her attention on what she needed to do next.

Taking the unconscious demigod in her arms Artemis made her way back to the camp, carrying the sleeping hero careful not to disturb her. As she walked, Artemis planned her next conversation very carefully.

Time to have a talk with my brother.

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