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Cursed Twins (1/5)

The first thing either of them saw as they opened their eyes was the bright blue sky hanging overhead alongside the blinding sunlight. The first thing their heard was the chirping of birds as they fluttered between the trees around them as they shielded their eyes. The first thing they felt was a dull ache all over their bodies.

"What the hell did Hecate put in that drink?" Apollo asked with a groan, immediately regretting challenging the goddess of magic to a drinking contest.

"It wasn't the drink" his twin sister grumbled rubbing her eyes behind him. "You kept throwing insults at her. Why else would she snap a curse at us?"

"Oh right, that's what happened" Apollo remembered. "She cheated. I knew I could drink her under the table!"

"As I recall you were trying to get you both "under that table" as you put it." The twins pushed themselves off the ground into sitting positions, each rubbing their temples trying to shake the throbbing headaches inflicted upon them. Artemis cursed in Greek as she scowled. "You were the one she was mad at, why did I have to suffer alongside you?"

"I think you leapt to my rescue" Apollo recalled stretching his slender neck as he peered around to face his sister. "Which, by the way, I'm extremely grateful fo…"

His words stopped short as he found himself staring at someone who wasn't his sister. Instead he was lean, muscular, handsome young man with stark red hair, a maroon leather quiver strapped across his toned back with a matching belt and blue loin cloth covering his waist, matching maroon boots completing the light and agile look. His bow lay beside his callused hands as he rolled his broad shoulders, turning on the spot to face the god of music with a face of sharp features and powerful blue eyes.

Apollo felt butterflies flutter in his stomach as a rush of blood went straight to his groin. This dude is hot as hell. Any other day he'd immediately start hitting on the handsome mortal before him but he had other priorities to focus on. He's not Artemis.

The young man locked eyes with the god and reared back in shock, surprised to find him sitting their. "Who are you?" He asked leaping to his feet, drawing the bow string aiming a silver arrow at his face.

"Who am I?" He asked indignantly, gob-smacked that the guy wouldn't recognize him. "Who am I? Who are you? Where's Artemis? Who am I? How do you not know who I am?"

"I've never seen you before in my life!" The man shouted angrily, tightening the bow string. "Now tell me who you are! Where's my brother!"

"Dude, Who should know who I am" Apollo repeated, unwilling to believe the mortal can't recognize someone as famous as him. "The music maestro? Sun chariot? I play karaoke every night in every club in the world." He looked up to see the man's gaze wavering, snapping his fingers as he decided "I know. A haiku that'll jog your memory. A handsome man, draped in Sunlight, oh how my heart…"

"Apollo?" The handsome stranger interrupted narrowing his gaze. He sighed in relief. Thank chaos, thought I was going crazy, he thought picking himself up off the floor. The man continued to stare lowering his bow, his expression one of disbelief. "How… How are you...? What the Hades…?"

"Relax, I get it a lot" Apollo smiled broadly. "One can't be too famous without getting so much attention and it gets to the point people are just in awe of seeing me. And may I just say, you look like a really strapping young man but I don't really have time to get acquainted…"

"Wait, What?" The stranger blinked, suddenly looking down at himself as if seeing his body for the first time. His eyes bulged out of their socket as he saw the muscles and the posture, his breath becoming sharp and fast. "Oh no. No no no no no, this can't be happening!" He cried running over to a nearby stream a few feet away. He peered into the water and gasped staring at his own reflection. "Oh chaos no, this CANNOT BE HAPPENEING!"

Apollo was surprised by the strangers reaction, his blow furrowing as he watched him examine himself in abject horror. "Dude" she called out calmly. "You look great. Believe me, if I didn't have to find my sister I'd be all over this right now."

"Apollo, it me!" The man screamed turning back to face him. "I'm Artemis!"

The god paused, about to dismiss the claim until he saw a familiar look in the young man's eyes. The same look his sister would always shoot him when he was larking around she wanted him to pay attention for once in his life. "Sis?" He asked, peering closer at the new face discovering more and more striking similarities the more he stared. "You look…different. How did…?"

Artemis, now in this new male body, paced the clearing frantically on the verge of hyperventilating. "What the hell did she do? What the Hades did Hecate do to us?"

"Us? I'm perfectly fine" Apollo told her before he caught his own reflection in the stream. Staring back at him was a sharp pointed face with big round eyes and long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail, a feminine body with a perfectly toned stomach and slim arms and thighs, pale white skirt and fabric covering her breasts looped around the back of her neck with golden bracelets and thigh high boots. The young woman looked absolutely stunning as Apollo realized she was in fact him. "Damn, I look better than fine" he complimented himself, smiling in admiration at Hecate's work.

Artemis examined the muscular body he was now inhabiting, his fists clenching as he tried to will himself back to normal. "Crap! The magic must've made us mortal too. I can't change back. Oh chaos, I cannot be stuck in this…disgusting form!"

"Chill out sis" Apollo said still admiring her figure, running her hands along her curves and through her hair, her tough hot against her pale skin. Do all women feel like this? She thought. Her body seemed more sensitive than she was used to. It was like she was… already hyped up on hormones. Holy crap I'm turning myself on? That is so…hot!

"Apollo! Focus!" Artemis shouted snapping him out of his inner thoughts.

"Jesus, sorry. It's not my fault you can't appreciate the handsome form you've scored. Seriously, you look so delicious if you weren't my sister I'd be eating you up like it was thanksgiving. And then have myself for dessert. Damn, Remind me to thank Hecate for whatever curse she threw on us."

"She did this to punish you, Jackass!" He reminded her, frustrated at how irritating this female Apollo was being. He picked up his bow and stormed out into the woods in a huff. "Forget it. I'm going to find my hunters. This clearing shouldn't be very far from the camp we set up. We'll regroup and figure out how to reverse it."

Apollo rolled her eyes as she watched the tall figure stomp away, sitting back on a rock. "Relax, this is Hecate we're talking about. Yeah, the spell was meant for me, meant to teach me a lesson, which means all we have to do is wait a day or two and it'll wear off on its own. This isn't my first time in a bra." She glanced down at her busty chest, cocking a smile. "Well, at least this time they aren't wrinkled and sagging." She shuddered at the unpleasant memory.

Artemis paused looking back, resisting the urge to ask so many questions before deciding against it and soldiering on. "Fuck this. Do what you want. But if I'm not back to my normal self by the end of the week there will be hell to pay!"

The two gods parted ways, the hunter disappearing into the bushes while the musician reclined in the clearing enjoying the beautiful day they were having. After a few minutes of peaceful silence Apollo was greeted by the arrival of another young woman emerging from the overgrowth. "Oh, hello" the girl in a silver grey jacket and camo pants said, startled to find anybody out in these woods. "Who are you?"

Apollo stared back at the attractive young woman, recognizing her as part of his sisters hunters. She was about to introduce herself as the god Apollo when a sly thought suddenly struck her. "I'm…lost" she told her, putting on a convincing act of the damsel in distress. "I don't know where I am. I just went for a walk and then got chased by this…monster."

"It okay" the girl told her shouldering her bow. "I'm phoebe. We have a camp a mile or so back this way. If you'd like you could come with me. We can keep you safe until you figure out where you're going?"

"Oh, that would be wonderful" Apollo replied beaming, leaping to her feet to follow the huntress into the woods eager to join their camp. She cast an eye around looking out for their fearless leader all the way, knowing she'd get into so much trouble the moment Artemis realizes her brother had finally after all these years successfully infiltrated her little posse.

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