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Chloe is sent to the Principle (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

"Chloe! Chloe, I need to tell you some…"

Max's words got caught in her throat as she burst into the bathroom of the boys dormitories. She searched everywhere else after she escaped Nathan Prescott's room, starting at the main entrance where her best friend was supposed to be keeping watch. When she couldn't find her she started moving room to room, including the storeroom, knocking on doors and asking around when she got an answer. Fortunately there weren't many boys hanging around at this time and a few even left their doors unlocked. She found herself seeing Justin and Drew while she was searching, both informing her they spotted Chloe heading for the bathroom.

Must've needed to relieve herself, Max sighed as she ran for the door at the end of the hall, entering without a pause to fear who would see her. All she could think about was what happened with Nathan and her need to talk to Chloe.

She was not ready to find her best friend standing in the middle of the bathroom with her clothes on the floor, dressed in her underwear though the few remaining articles hung from her body haphazardly revealing all of her glory as she bent over forwards, her arms pinned behind her back as the towering figure of Principle Ray wells stood behind her, trousers brunches around his ankles cock deep in Chloe's ass.

"Fuck me harder you fucking animal!" Chloe shouted, her face covered in sweat as her beanie fell off her head, blue hair flying across her vision with each wild toss of her skull. Her boobs swung madly around her chest as the large black man pounded into her smaller body forcefully, his hips colliding with her bum hard enough to slap the already sore red flesh.

"Shit, I'm going to fill you up so much you're going to be wishing you'd stayed on the pill little girl" Wells screamed as he thrusted harder and faster, plowing her with all his strength as he pulled her arms behind her to arch her spine until it was painful for her. His big round bollocks slapped the poor girls cunt with each thrust making Chloe shriek even louder, cummin all over the bathroom floor.

Max was left shellshocked, standing mutely as she watched the school principle fuck her best friend, an ex student, eight feet in front of her. Her wide eyes saw the beads of sweat glinting off the old man's bald head, the wild look on Chloe's face, the cum sprayed round them on the floor and walls… "wowser" as the only response Max was able to give as she heard the door slam shut behind her.

The disturbance caught Chloe's attention first, the blue haired punk looking up to see her partner in crime standing there staring at her. "Max!" She said surprised, her cheeks flushing red as she glanced down at the position she was in. "I can explain…"

"Fuck, here we go!" Wells cried, his grip tightening on Chloe's arms leaving definite bruises as he yanked her against him, shoving his thick long dick deep into her fertile womb as he prepared to impregnate her.

Chloe gasped in shock as she felt his cream her insides, thankful to still actually be on the pill to avoid such an over enthusiastic punter knocking her up. "Just let me… finish up… here" she told the photographer. "Fuck, that feels so… full…" she moaned as he filled her up, so much cum spilling inside it started leaking around his cock to fall onto the floor.

Max found herself entering a state of panic, hyperventilating as she watched her best friend took the principle's seed like a slut, her mind firing wildly as the memories of what Nathan did to her flooded her brain. No, stop, please, no… She knew this wasn't like she thought she was seeing it. Chloe wanted this it was obvious. But Max couldn't differentiate the situation from her assault, her heart threatening to burst from her chest the longer she stood there watching this powerful older man fuck a younger girl into submission.

Max acted on instinct as threw up her hands as if to save Chloe from him, seeing her blue eyes return to her, insisting she was okay. But Max wasn't trying to reach for her, she was trying to stop it completely.

In the breath of a moment everything slowed to a stop, the world freezing around Max as her powers halted the progression of time once again.

The brown haired photographer stared at the frozen image standing in front of her, a crystal clear view of Principle Ray Wells standing proudly as he ejaculated into Chloe Prices ass, holding the semi naked girl up by the arms as her face contorted with escasty. Even in this wavering state Max could smell their sweat from here, nearly gaging as she focused her powers into reversing the flow of time like she'd done so many times before.

The world started moving around her, a dull hum filling her ears as everything slowly began shifting in the opposite direction. The muted figures before her screamed wordlessly as Well's cum was pulled back into his dick as he fucked her tiny pussy vigorously, emptying her once more fertile womb while soaking up her imminent orgasm into her body. Max watched Chloe's breasts sway in the air as she rocked in his grasp, willing the momentum to pick up rewinding faster. The hum got louder.

Her nose didn't start bleeding until she reached the point before Wells grabbed Chloe's arms to arch her spine, the punk girl slumping forward then back as he pulled out of her and roughly spun her back to face him. Max saw Chloe's determined gaze on him with that cocky smile as her eyes suddenly glazed over, their bodies melding back together lifting her into the air in a strong kiss. One of the many puddles of cum around them suddenly erupted flying into the air and returning to their source as Well's cock penetrated Chloe again into what Max realize was their previous position.

"Shit" she winced, her brain suddenly spiking to a painful level, bringing her rewind to an abrupt halt. She stumbled back a step bringing her hand to her face, wiping the blood from her nose as the hum lessened, time beginning to move forward.

"Fuck, you're so tight" principle Wells groaned, bouncing Chloe on his hard prick while she clung on to his broad shoulders, moaning softly into his ear pressing her breasts into his chest. Her legs hung over his elbows with his hands cupping her backside, holding her up and rhythmically letting her fall onto his cock with each thrust. This wasn't as rough as it was going to be, their bodies moving slowly and calmly, enjoying the feeling of mutual sexual relations between one another.

"Maybe you could take my ass?" Chloe asked him, a drink twinkle in her eye.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "You think you can take it in there?" He asked. His tone suggestion this was more of a taunt, a brag, rather than concern.

She smirked at his confidence, grabbing the back of his bald head and pulling his face in for a passionate kiss. "Fuck my ass headmaster" she said mockingly.

The tall man chuckled as he lifted her off him, his huge black cock glistening with her juices. Max let out an involuntary gasp when she saw how big he was, her first good look at his girth. She stared in horror as he lined Chloe's asshole up with his tip, spreading her cheeks and telling her to brace herself.

No, no no no, it's too big it'll tear her apart, Max mentally screamed grabbing at the time-stream again before her best friend could be dropped onto his monster cock, leaving her hovering centimeters from being ripped in two.

With a heavy strain Max pulled herself back in time again, the scene reversing rapidly whining with a piercing sound in her ears. She pushed past the discomfort and increasing pain in her skull as she rewound faster, the image of her best friend a blur as she rode the big black man before finally falling back on her feet but quickly sinking onto her knees before him.

"Fuck!" Max cried out, the pain turning hot like an iron inside her brain forcing her to stop again. She reluctantly released her grip on the space time continuum to fall against the bathroom door, struggling to hold herself up against the wall as her legs shook, gasping for air as blood started falling more freely from her nose. I'm pushing myself too hard. I can't take much more of this.

She daren't look up for fear of what she might see, yet her ears could still hear her best friend as she let out a muffled groan that she could tell was an orgasm. Forcing her eyes to look, she was relieved to see Chloe was at least half dressed. She was kneeling on the floor wearing her boots with her jeans bunched halfway down her thighs, her round bum on display to the photographer behind her. Her bare back was too her, her shirt and jacket lying beside her on the floor, her bra mercilessly still on her body though Max couldn't tell if it was covering her breasts. Judging from how Chloe was massaging herself she assumed no.

Wells towered over the ex student with his hair holding her blue hair tightly, still dressed in his suit but with his trousers still around his ankles as the disobedient girl's head bobbed on his cock sucking it like a popsicle. "Fuck" he grunted, jerking his hips forward shoving himself down her throat. "I'm almost done… keep sucking that black dick you slut!"

Max couldn't believe the language coming from the principle, but Chloe was eating it up as she dutifully increased her pace, slurping loudly deepthroating his dick hard enough to nearly chew the thing clean off. Wells' hand reached around her head and grabbed a tight fist of her hair, pulling her faster against his crotch. In response Chloe reached around with the hand not pleasuring her mounds and groped the principles ass cheeks until her fingers found the hole between them.

"Fucking bitch" he growled as her fingertips dig into him, his hips buckling harder ready to explode.

Max didn't want to see what was about to happen, her mind starting to play tricks from the buzzing dizziness from pulling two consecutive time jumps. Her eyes got foggy as the image of Wells transformed into that of Nathan Prescott with his sinister smirk and piercing eyes staring down at Chloe as he pounded her mouth mercilessly. "No" Max cried weakly, unknowing her voice was badly a whisper, lifting up her hand again to rewind again. Her head fired a bolt of white hot pain the moment she tried, forcing her to her knees.

In front of her Wells reached his final peak, groaning loudly as he ejaculated into Chloe's waiting mouth, slamming her face into his body shoving his cock down her throat. She slackened her jaw quickly to hold the full length of his dick inside her as he came, grabbing his thighs for support while his pumped his seed into her mouth. Closing her eyes she swallowed the load filling her airway, then swallowing again as he pumped more. The bathroom was filled with the sounds of her gulping down all of his cum, drinking it like a thirsty young survivor whose been stranded in the desert, not stopping until every last drop had traveled down her gullet.

Only once it was over did the principle release his grip on her hair, allowing her to pull herself off his limp dick and wipe her mouth. "Jesus, You sure know how to cum" she laughed, looking up at the bald man. "You ready to try that with my tight little puss…."

Her words faded away as Max finally managed to get her powers to work, pushing through the agonizing storm ripping through her head and pouring blood from her nose as time reversed its course. This time she was adamant not to stop until Chloe was safely out of the older man's hands.

The weakening photographer watched as Chloe performed a reverse blow job on Wells before standing up and redressing herself while he pulled his trousers back up. The two turned around and stood looking at each other with Chloe leaning against the nearby sink, handing Wells a wad of cash. Max chose not to worry about the weird payment as she pushed forward (or backwards), her brain now on fire with more blood dripping onto the floor, falling onto her hands and knees but keeping the flow of time running back.

She watched as the two figures talked briefly while black shots started dancing in front of her eyes, the edges turning into a red haze. Just a little longer. Eventually the shape of Wells began walking backwards while the image of Chloe shifted, her hand falling to her crotch and her head falling back. Max couldn't see anymore, her vision blurring and her head throbbing like her skull was about to burst. After another second Max's strength finally gave out, losing her grip on reality and collapsing into a heap on the floor.

But the sink Chloe was panting slowly, groping her breast through the T-shirt while her other hand was tucked into the unzipped jeans beneath her underwear, teasing her clit and preparing to slid her first finger into her wet pussy. She figured she'd have a few minutes before Max got back from snooping and maybe an hour before any of the boys came in here, so this little moment to relieve herself was a calculated risk. She pictured Max kneeling before her with her mouth on her crotch nervously licking her sweat lips between her legs. "Fuck me Max" she whispered just as she heard a thud off to her left.

She leapt out of her skin in surprise as Max materialized in the bathroom, falling forward into a heap on the floor. "Max?" Chloe called out, hastily pulling her hand out and running over to her best friend to find her sweating and her face covered in blood. "Holy shit max! What happened?"

The brunette could only groan as she was lifted of the floor by the punk girl, hoisted onto her shoulder and carried slowly out of the bathroom. "Chloe…" her small voice tried to speak and Chloe strained to hear her.

"Don't worry Max, I have you." Chloe said reassuringly, kicking open the door to the corridor and carrying her towards the exit. She wondered where Max had come from and deduced she was using her powers to get to such a state. Then her haze snapped down to her unzipped crotch and blushed. "Um, Max…" she asked looking at her semi-unconcious friend next to her. "I wasn't… I mean, you didn't happen to see me… I only stepped off my lookout duties for a minute. I'm sorry." She didn't hear Max reply, silently cursing herself for masturbating on official business. "Did something happen?" She asked her instead.

Max could barely stay conscious long enough to answer her, thankful to have managed to save her from whatever it was she was saving her from. Putting both Nathan Prescott and Principle Wells out of her mind, Max just let herself black out on Chloe's shoulder.

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