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Caught in Nathan's Room (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

I almost forgot how this one came out. I feel the need to include a CONTENT WARNING as this is one of the darker chapters I’ve ever written. (I usually delete the bad ones. I wonder why I kept this story up? As a depiction of a concept I have knowledge, that I pray to never have knowledge of? Who knows.) —————————————————————————————————————————

Max quickly realized she'd run out of time when the door to the dorm room swung open and Nathan Prescott entered his room. He stopped suddenly when he looked up and found her staring back at him, his blue eyes suddenly darkening as it turned to a glare. "What the fuck are you doing in my room?" He growled, his voice so edgy Max felt her knees tremble.

Oh crap I'm dead.

Max quickly looked around for inspiration, looking for an excuse to explain why she was snooping around in his dorm room. But she came up empty as she glanced towards the door. Nathan seemed to notice her gaze shift and suddenly spun around slamming the door shut behind him, locking it from the inside.

Shit! Okay, think fast. Why might you be in here? To see Nathan, of course.

"I'm…" Max stammered, her face turning red as she clasped her hands behind her back to stop them shaking. "I'm… waiting for you. I wanted to… see you."

Nathan narrowed his gaze distrustfully, taking a menacing step closer to the nervous and secretly terrified girl. "You wanted to see me?" He echoed, looking around the room making sure everything was where he'd left it. Max's own blue eyes followed him cautiously. She'd been careful in her search and made sure not to disturb anything he'd notice but couldn't guarantee he wouldn't see something out of place. "Why would you want to see me Maxine?" He asked turning his gaze back on her.

The way he used her full name sent an icy chill down her spine as she thought of a response. "To…talk. About… um… your work. Your photos. I saw some of them… in… mr Jefferson's class. They were really… interesting."

More like creepy, bizarre and horrifying.

Nathan took a step closer and Max instinctively backed away, colliding with the boys cluttered desk limiting her ability to escape as he slowly closed the gap. "Interesting?" He queried towering over her.

"Yeah" she nodded, hiding the gulp she swallowed being this close to the boy. She attempted to scoot away but her back was now up against the desk she was practically sitting on it. "Yeah, they were… you have incredible talent. I just wanted to know… how do you get such… vivid shots like that?"

He looked down at her suspiciously, taking in her auburn brown her and freckled nose and petite figure, searching for signs of deception. Max's heartbeat was racing as he examined her with his heated gaze, fighting hard to keep her breathing steady and stop herself from sweating profoundly. He was so close now she could feel his hot breath on her face.

Without saying a word he took a step away and reached over to a tripod where a very expensive camera was stationed. Max watched him turn it to face them and press a button on the top, turning on a flashing red light. For a moment she feared it was recording them, but she recalled the specs she found while searching. It wasn't a video recorder, it was a really high need DSLR. Only capable of taking snapshots.

"I just have a natural talent and a good eye" Nathan finally answered, leaving the camera alone as he turned his attention back to the girl, stepping closer again and placing his hand on the nearby wall bring them face to face, nose to nose. "I can see what others don't want to see. What they don't want to admit even to themselves. Like right now…I see you, and see you didn't come here to talk about my photographs?"

Shit. Max shivered slightly under the rich boy's piercing gaze, glancing once more to the locked door hoping Chloe would come charging in to rescue her. Where is Chloe?

"So why are you here Maxine?" Nathen asked coldly, purposely planting his other hand inches from hers so she could feel him entrapping her on his desk, sealing all methods of escape as he stared into her eyes like a dangerous predator.

Quick Max, think of something. Do something! Anything!

With a sudden burst of desperation and insanity, Max shot forward and kissed Nathan in the lips. The boy jerked away in surprise leaving them both shell shocked.

Anything but that! Why did you do that?

Nathan stared at her for a moment before his face broke into a smile. "Well" he said with a predatory glint in his eye as his hand fell onto her hip. "You should've just said so."

Before Max could object his lips was on hers returning the kiss. She stared wide eyed at the boy as he made his move, her mind going a mile a minute telling her to escape. But when she tried to pull away his hand shot up to grab her by the back of the head, holding her against his face forcing his tongue down her throat. All she could do was claw at his chest, distraught to find him much stronger than her when she heard a faint click.

Her eyes turned to the sound but didn't see anything out the corner of her eye. Never mind. I have a much bigger problem.

She let out an objective moan as Nathan ground his mouth upon hers, trying to break his hold when she felt his hand leave her neck to drop down to her boob. "Wait!" Max cried out as he groped her through the shirt, her face turning red as she finally broke away from him.

Nathan reacted too fast, his hand promptly leaving her chest to latch around her neck. "This is what you wanted, right?" He asked with a growl, his tone making Max's knees tremble again. "Isn't this why you came here Maxine?"

"I…" Max choked, looking panicked as his gaze burned through her menacingly. She couldn't tell him why she was really here, but she couldn't picture a way of rejecting his advances that wouldn't lead to him hurting her. He has a gun somewhere, she reminded herself. Maybe I could use my powers, but it's kinda hard to concentrate when I can barely breath. "I… just think we're moving too… fast."

"I don't think we're moving fast enough" Nathan replied, squeezing her neck a little tighter, leaning in to force another kiss upon her. "You wouldn't want to disappoint me Maxine. Now… I want you to do something for me."

Max struggled for air, grabbing at his vice grip fighting back the tears in her eyes. She couldn't show him how scared she really was, she got the feeling that's what turned him on. She could feel his erection against her thigh growing larger the more she struggled. She quickly nodded, hoping he wasn't going to be too creepy and let go soon.

"I want you to take your pants off, slowly" Nathan ordered.

Oh god, please let go soon. I can't use my powers like this.

Reluctantly, Max Caulfield released his hands and reached down to fiddle with the waistband of her jeans, undoing the buttons and pulling down the zip. With the cocky rich boys eagle eyes watching her she pushed her jeans down her legs as far as she was able, which was as far as her knees. "I… can't…" she gasped, his grip still around her neck.

Nathan just smiled, nodding approvingly. He's humiliating me. Shit, this is sick. "Now undo my trousers. It's getting rather uncomfortable down there."

With great hesitation she reached out with trembling fingers and unclasped his belt buckle, feeling sick in her stomach as she looked down to carefully pull his trousers over his large bulge. Once again she couldn't lower them far, but that's not what he'd intended. Sensing his next request she closed her eyes and carefully pulled his underwear down, feeling his erect cock spring up into her palm.

"You like that?" He asked her mockingly as she cringed, instinctively wrapping her fingers around him. This is so gross. Fuck. "Just wait till I put it somewhere special."

In a blur of movement Nathan hand let Max go, leaving her gasping for breath and coughing furiously while he hastily pulled off his jacket and shirt. When she looked up again she found herself staring at a bare chested young man with evil intention towards her. Before she had a chance to react once again his hands were on her, clasping her shoulders and pulling her in to kiss her neck roughly. She cried out when she feel him bite her soft flesh, leaving hickeys as he dug into her collarbone.

She heard the click again. In fact she thought she'd heard it two more times while she was undressing them both. With her head free she took the chance to look again at the source of the clicks. Her eyes found the camera Nathan had set up earlier, realizing what was happening. "Oh fuck" she whispered. He'd set the camera to a timer, recording everything they were doing frame by frame. A pornographic slideshow. That's so creepy. Max hated being the subject of anything ever, and never really liked the idea off recording herself doing it with anyone. She may have taken a few selfies here and there (in another life even sneaked one while she and Chloe were sharing her bed), but would never do anything like this.

"Nathan!" She tried to talk between being molested by the rich boy, crying out again when his teeth suddenly clamped down on her shoulder. That's not a hickey, he just literally bit me. And it hurt! "Nathan! I… We… we can't do this. We shouldn't…"

"Don't tell me what we shouldn't do!" He snarled whirling his eyes back on hers, his hands flying down her arms to pin her wrists behind her back.

He pulled her arms back so hard she felt them nearly pop out of her shoulders. "Nathan, please" Max pleaded, her eyes welling up from the discomfort. "Ow, your hurting me."

"Shut up!" He snapped. "I can do whatever I want. You don't know who I am, what I'm capable of. I own you now." He adjusted his hold over her until her wrists were held using one hand, leaving his other hand free to yank her shirt over her chest revealing her pink bra. With red tear streaked cheeks Max grimaced as his hand slipped under her undergarments and groped her body purposefully, harshly. "I can do anything I want to you."

"Please… Nathan, I don't want…" Max pleaded onto deaf ears as he grabbed her hips and lifted her onto his desk, forcefully spreading her legs and positioning himself between them. Max scrambled for purchase amidst the clutter trying to dislodge him until his hand clamped around her throat again, pinning her back against the wall while his curled finger pulled her panties aside to show her small pussy entrance. "No, please… Nathan! Don't…AHH!"

The penetration was rough and violet, giving her no time to adjust or prepare as his thick rob thrust into her tight walls forcefully, tearing her open with a painful scream. "Fuck, that's so tight" he muttered grabbing her thigh and plowing into her as hard as he could. He gave no consideration for the girl as he fucked her roughly, ignoring her pleas and screams as he pumped his dick into her tiny vagina.

All Max could feel was pain and discomfort, her body going limp as Nathan Prescott raped her teen body against her will. She wanted to cry but couldn't bring herself to do so, refocusing her brain to think about anything but what was happening to her. She thought about Chloe and Rachel and Kate and Warren and her powers and the "Everyday heroes" project. And through it all she cloud hear the camera taking picture after picture of the violent act. Just let it happen. It'll be over soon.

She got no pleasure at all from the ordeal, but that didn't stop Nathan from getting off on the crime. The bright side was his stamina was terrible. No sooner than 90 seconds had pasted before he was groaning and buckling. "Oh fuck, yes. I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum inside this sweet virgin cunt!"

Max's eyes opened in alarm. Oh no. I can't let him cum inside me. I'm not on the pill. He's not wearing protection. What if I get pregnant from this. I can't let that happen. He can't… Panic started to set back in, but the young woman managed to get her bearing long enough to focus her attention on the situation. Nathan was seconds away from painting her insides white, but his thrusts were getting erratic and his grip on her body was loosening. Especially the hand around her throat. The moment she was able she gulped down as much air as she could, steadying her breathing even while in the middle of being fucked hard enough to split the desk in two. "Oh shit!" Nathan grunted, releasing the girl to steady himself against the wall as Max glanced up at his contorted expression, happy to see his eyes pried shut.

"Take this you snooping little bitch!" Nathan cried as he ejaculated a second later, suddenly slumping forwards finding himself firing his load into nothing but air.

His eyes snapped open as he looked down to find his victim had vanished, his white cum spraying all over his photos on the desk in front of him. He stared down at them in disbelief, spinning his head around looking for the girl. But he was left alone in his room with his trousers around his ankles, not a single other person in sight. "Fuck!" He screamed, pulling his pants up quickly still searching for her. There was no way for her to just disappear, but she had. What if she never existed?

Nathan screamed again, hearing the mocking and the taunting from is so called peers. They wouldn't believe him, but she was here! He stormed up to the camera, bringing up the saved images. I even have proof she was…

The only image he had saved was one of himself slumped against his desk ejaculating over his photographs.

"Fuck!" He screamed in frustration, throwing the camera against the wall smashing it to pieces.

Max panted outside in the hallway, hiding around the corner from Nathan Prescott's room huddled on the floor with her arms wrapped round herself. Her jeans were still bunched around her knees and her shirt stuck loosely above her bra, her hair matted from the sweat across her face. Her cheeks were stained with tears as he strained to listen for sounds of Nathan perusing her. She heard the loud crash of something impacting the wall, making her jump out of her skin, but no footsteps.

I'm safe.

She slowly began to calm down, relaxing her shoulders and leaned against the wall with a shaky sigh of relief. She checked the blood running from her nose, thankful it had nearly stopped. She only had a moment to use her powers and freeze time around her before Nathan had violated her in the worst possible way. Holding the moment was the most terrifying and difficult thing she'd ever done, dislodging herself from Nathan's frozen cock and prying her body out from under him while holding back a waterfall…she didn't even know if she could do that. But now she was out and Nathan was left alone in his room

Max shuddered, covering her mouth with her palm to stop herself from screaming as fresh tears came forth. She felt dirty and wrong and…holy shit that still happened. She took a deep breath and released another trembling breath, calming her nerves slightly, the panic attack subsiding. She looked in her hand, finding the memory card from the camera that had the only evidence of her assault. She had the nerve during her escape to remove the card and set up one final picture for Nathan to enjoy before she left. She didn't know what she would do with it, but felt the need to hold on to it.

After finally gathering her composure she wiped her face and pulled her clothes back on, slowly returning to her feet and straightening herself out before quickly jogging down the hall to look for Chloe.

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