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Camping at the Lakeshore: Part 1 (Hogwarts Mystery)

They had to wait a few weeks, but the four of the, finally got to camp by the Black Lake. Now that there were no Boggarts running amok to terrorize students, you, Tulip, Barnaby and Penny got permission to spend the night under the stars in the tent Tulip procured. Barnaby brought the snacks and Penny made s’mores while you got everyone organized and did a quick perimeter sweep to check for potential threats. Tulip insisted you were being paranoid, but you didn’t want this camp out to go wrong like last time.

Eventually midnight loomed closer, but the four of you were barely tired as you sat around the campfire. Penny and you were dressed in your casual clothes while Tulip and Barnaby still wore their uniforms. None of you were cold, the fire doing its work warding off the chill of this summer night. “So, anyone got any ghost stories?” You asked.

“I don’t think I’m in the mood for scary Ghost stories” Penny said, rubbing the back of her head as her eyes glanced around. The boggart really shook her the last time, and while she never said it you knew she appreciated your vigilance on keeping everyone safe.

“Why do ghost stories have to be scary?” Barnaby asked confused. “You’d think ghosts would have nice stories to tell.”

“I’m sure they do” Tulip laughed, gulping down the last of the soda water she brought to empty the bottle. “However, I’ve got something else in mind. Who’s up for a game of spin the bottle?” She asked.

“Ooh, I love this game” Penny cheered. “We play it all the time in the Hufflepuff common room.”

“Which version?” You ask.

Her cheeks turn suspiciously red as she mutters “a few.”

“Well I’ve got one version in mind” Tulip grinned, sitting cross legged on the ground and ushering you all closer. You sat on a rock next to Penny on a log while Barnaby scooted closer, the four of you forming a circle with the empty bottle in the middle. “For this game, we take turns and spin. Whoever it lands on has to share a kiss if you.”

You look across at Tulip with a raised eyebrow. “Tulip, if you want to kiss one of us, all you had to do was ask” you tease.

“Do you want to play, or not?”

You couldn’t think of anything more fun, so you agreed. Penny did too, enthusiastically. Barnaby got a bit muddled but you help clarify the rules. “So this game is going to be about kissing each other? How do you win?”

“we’ll get to that part” Tulip smirked. “I’ll go first” she said, reaching forward and twirling the bottle around.

You all watched it spin until it landed on Barnaby, who perked up excitedly. “Does that mean I win?”

The rest of you laugh while Tulip rolls her eyes. “In a fashion. And scoot over here.”

Barnaby turned to her as she shuffled over and pecked him on the lips. You watched to see if there was anything behind it, but she didn’t seem either nervous nor disappointed. If this was a ploy to make out with one of you, it didn’t seem to be Barnaby. “Was that it?” He asked.

“For the moment” she smiled, dropping back into her spot. “Your turn.”

He looked at the bottle and gave it a spin. His brow furrowed when it landed on himself. “So…do I have to kiss myself?” He asked befuddled.

Tulip’s grin got wider. “In my game, if you land on yourself, you have to remove an article of clothing.”

You blinked in surprise staring at the cheeky Ravenclaw. “You’ve talked us into playing strip-spin the bottle?”

“I thought it’d be fun” she smirked. “But if you’re rather stop playing then…”

Her sentence was interrupted when Barnaby’s jumper landed by her feet, drawing everyone’s eyes to him to see he’d accidentally removed his shirt in the process and was now shirtless. “What? Did I do it wrong?” He asked cluelessly.

The three of you stared at his toned muscles giving him an almost Olympian look. No wonder Barnaby was the strongest amongst your friends. “Nope. Not at all” Tulip replied, marveling at him shamelessly.

You turned and saw Penny tearing her eyes away, a bit more awkward about staring at Barnaby’s bare chest. She had also turned pale, the thought of stripping off in front of people making her nervous. You shared her anxiety and asked if she would rather play something else. “No, it’s fine” she said bravely. “We’re among friends.”

You smiled, willing to stay and have fun if the others were up for it. Realizing it was your turn you spun the bottle, watching it fall on Barnaby again. “Is this bottle charmed?” You ask Tulip.

“I swear” she promised, holding her hands up innocently as she laughed.

You turned to Barnaby, the young man looking back at you blushing. “It’s okay if you don’t want to” he muttered. You smirked, reaching over to take his face and plant a kiss on his lips. He kissed back, smiling when you pulled away. “That was nice” he said. You had to agree.

Now it was Penny’s turn. She crouched down and took the bottle nervously. “Please don’t land on me” she whispered under her breath as she flicked her wrist.

She exhaled as it missed her and stopped on Tulip. “Alright. Up for some girl on girl?” Tulip teased. Penny blushed and leaned forward, meeting Tulip’s lips as they shared a kiss. It was brief, but they were both giggling by the end of it. “My turn again” Tulip cheered, spinning it and lifting her eyes as it landed on you. “About time” she whispered, crawling forward to approach you.

You met her halfway and locked lips with her, the kiss lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. “You could’ve asked” you whispered.

“This was more fun” she smirked, settling back into her seat. “Your turn Barnaby.”

Barnaby’s spin landed on Penny, and he was nervous to approach her commenting he didn’t want her to feel awkward. “We’re all past awkward Barnaby” she said, shuffling forward to share a soft kiss with him. She stayed on her knees while you took your turn, delighted when it landed on her again so she could kiss you next. By your count you had all kissed each other at least once, meaning the game was going to be easier from here on out.

That was until Penny’s spin landed on herself. She hesitated as Tulip reminded her “one article of clothing. Unless you’d rather strip off now like Barnaby did.” She shook her head and eased her jacket off, leaving it at that and praying she wouldn’t have to go any further.

The game went on the next hour, each spin earning a playful kiss between friends. It became less uncomfortable after the first few kisses to the point they were lasting longer and getting more intimate. You kissed Penny four more times, Tulip twice and Barnaby three. But every once in a while the bottle would land on the spinner, leading to another piece of clothing removed which raised the stakes a piece. Penny got away with the least, convincing Tulip her shoes and sock counted leaving her barefoot in her yellow dress. You were unlucky, brought down to your boxers after an hour. Barnaby was close behind, his green tie still around his neck marking him up from you. Tulip wasn’t as bashful, stripping down to her underwear with just her skirt left of her uniform. When the next spin landed on herself, she flashed a mischievous grin to the group and reached beneath it to remove her panties next, which got a gulp from both you and Penny. “I like this game” she said, tossing her underwear at Penny to catch.

She recoiled and dropped them onto the increasing pile of clothes nearby. She rubbed her bare arms As she looked around the circle nervously. “It’s getting late. Maybe we should be getting to bed” she suggested.

You looked up at the clear night sky. It was late yet nobody had shown any signs of tiring. The campfire still cackled nearby, warding off the chill casting a soft haze around them. “We have been playing for a while. Perhaps we could call it a night?” You said.

Barnaby shrugged, willing to stay up or go to sleep.

“Not until we get Haywood out of her dress, at least” Tulip said, looking determinedly at the anxious Hufflepuff. “It’s only like we should all be half naked. Of course I was hoping to play until one of us was completely naked” she added mischievously.

“Why?” Penny squeaked.

“Because it’d be fun. Duh.”

You watch the playful redhead curiously, like you had been all night, and finally decide you’ve figured out her game. “I think we was hoping for us to have more fun out here than just kissing.”

Barnaby looked between you and Tulip blankly. “What? Like…hugging?”

“More like fucking” Tulip revealed. She saw the shocked stares from her friends and rolled her eyes. “Come on. You can’t tell me you haven’t been looking at each other and thinking about it. We’re in our underwear, on our own, away from the castle and the professors prying eyes. It must’ve crossed your minds. Even yours” she said, winking at Penny making her blush.

“If you wanted to fool around, you could’ve just asked” you repeat to her, quite willing to play with her if she had wanted.

“But this would be more fun. And chaotic” she explained. “I’ve never been part of an orgy before. Thought this would be the night. But if you’re too much of a prude…”

“Isn’t an orgy meant to have more than six people?” Barnaby asked.

She shrugged. “Well I couldn’t get anyone else to come, so four will have to do.”

“I don’t agree to anything like that” Penny muttered.

“Are you saying you don’t want to take part?” Tulip asked her. “Because considering how much you enjoyed kissing us, I figure you’d be into it.”

“That’s not the point” she mumbled, shifting uncomfortably. “I don’t…this was just supposed to be a game.”

“I think your plan has freaked us out a little” you say cautiously. “You could’ve just been upfront about it.”

“I was trying not to scare anyone off” she whined. She saw how uncomfortably it was making you and Penny and sighed. “Okay, if you don’t want to have an orgy, fine. How about a compromise? Next spin of the bottle decides who we hook up with, and we go from there. If we want to change partners, we spin again. Sound fair?”

“So now you want us to take turns having sex?” You laugh.

She shrugged. “Or doing whatever they feel comfortable with. A kiss, a blowjob, an orgasm…just as long as we all get a turn.”

You look at Penny, who is still apprehensive about the turn this was taking. “We don’t have to play if you don’t want to” you say, telling the same to Barnaby.

Barnaby shrugged his shoulders. “I’d be okay having sex with you guys” he said, taking you by surprised. “I like you, and you’re my friends. Plus…my groin has been really uncomfortable for the last hour. I think because of all the kissing.”

His proclamation got a chuckle out of you as you turn back to Penny. She fiddled with her braid as she thought about it. You prepared yourself to hear her decline and excuse herself to the tent. But instead she took a deep breath and steeled her nerves. “Alright. I’ll play” she said bravely. She’d make one hell of a Gryffindor you think.

“Brilliant!” Tulip cheered, her dreams coming true.

She reached for the bottle only for you to slap her hand away. “If we’re still playing, then it’s Barnaby’s turn” you point out. She looked over at the young Slytherin and pouted, sinking back into her seat. Barnaby’s eyes lit up and he reached over to spin the bottle. The tension rose to a new level as the four of you waited to see who he was going to play with first.

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