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Batgirl's Night Out: Part 1

It was approaching midnight as the full moon rose over Burnside of Gotham City. The streets were quiet despite the lights that illuminated the neighbourhood, as if there was a sense of anticipation in the air. There was certainly trepidation between the vigilantes now perched on the rooftops overlooking a large building that housed the museum. The windows were dark confirming the tourist location was closed for the night, the front doors locked and the alarms armed. They knew because Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, gave the security system a once over when they arrived.

Usually she would be coordinating in her chair from the Clocktower as Oracle, but tonight she decided to stretch her legs in her blue and yellow costume, her orange red hair fluttering in the breeze over her bat ears, her diamond mask affixed to her face. Her cape was draped elegantly over her shoulders and behind her back as she stood beside a chimney overlooking the intersection where the museum was based. Down below she could read the banners welcoming visitors to the Gotham Diamonds Extravaganza. “Are you sure the heist is going down tonight?” Barbara checked.

“That’s what my source told me” Stephanie Brown, aka Spoiler, replied crouching on a raised rooftop a few feet away. Her purple and Black costume helped her blend into the shadows a little while her purple cape billowed around her, her hood pulled over her blonde hair as her eyes, the only features not obscured by the face mask, watched the same building just as intently. It was her intel that brought them all here tonight.

“Could your source be lying” Cassandra Cain, aka Orphan, queried from her perch at the edge of batgirls rooftop between them. Unlike her Allie’s, her bat costume was jet black and melded her seamlessly into the darkness. The only colour was some gold stitching to outline the bat symbol on her chest. Her skin and face, even her black hair, was covered by the cowl.

“I don’t think so” Steph said, defending her source. She was sure the intel was accurate. There was a heist planned to steal the diamonds from the exhibit around midnight. Spoiler had spent weeks cultivating this source for information, and now it was about to bear fruit. That being said, Cassandra’s warning did bring a moment of worry in case it was wrong.

“We’ll stay put and wait a while” Batgirl decided, having faith in Spoiler’s intel. “We have time.” The others nodded as they all observed patiently. She looked across to Stephanie, saying “good work getting this lead.”

“Thanks” Steph replied. After a few moments of silence the girls all started fidgeting on their perches, prompting Spoiler to ask out loud “so, what’s everyone been up to the past six months?”

“You mean after we all had sex in the clock tower?” Cass asked. The blunt statement brought stares and blushes from both Batgirl and Spoiler, turning the silent mood suddenly awkward. She wasn’t wrong. The last time the three of them were together in person was Barbara’s attempt at a girls night which ended in the three heroines engaging in a lesbian threesome. Unlike the others, Cass never felt ashamed about any of her sexual acts.

“Yeah, since that happened” Steph nodded with a sigh.

“Not much” Cass replied. “On patrol, beat up some bad guys, worked with Batman… usual stuff.” Cass then shot a glance to Steph, asking “what about you? How was trip to Titans Tower?”

“It was fine” she said with a shrug.

“I didn’t know you went to titans tower” Batgirl said, leaning against the chimney looking at Steph.

“I went to visit Tim. Young Justice decided to hang out with the Teen Titans for a while, so I went to see him. Until he left to visit an old friend of his.”

“But you stayed” Cass noted.

“Yeah. They were cool people. We hung out.”

“Did you have sex with any of them?”

“Cass!” Barbara chided. “Why would you ask that?”

“Social media” she replied, bringing out her phone to show the private feed some of the titans shared. Members of the bat family also got access so Orphan often looked through the feed.

Batgirl took the phone and scrolled through the posts, her eyes widening when she found a few images some of the teams were sharing. Spoiler quickly double checked her feed and suddenly groaned when she saw the post. Particularly Starfire and beast boy. “Shit! They promised they wouldn’t post those” she complained, firing off a few direct messages scolding the titans about leaking their “exploits”.

She sensed Batgirls gaze on her, reluctant to look. “So I take it things with Tim are still complicated?” She said.

“Yeah, I little” she admitted. She finally caught her eye and said “what? It’s not like I planned to revenge fuck his teammates while he was away. Not like I did with Batman.”

Batgirl gave Cass her phone back. She guessed she couldn’t be too mad, as long as she was safe. “As long as the guys treated you right” she said.

Stephanie’s cheeks suddenly turned rosy red. “Actually I didn’t touch any of the guys” she said. She saw Barbara’s eyebrow raise until realization dawned on her. “Hey, it’s your fault” she said. “You encouraged me to start experimenting with girls. Why else would you give me those one of one tutorials?”

“Those were Cassandra’s idea” Batgirl blurted out, turning even redder.

“I offered, but Steph said no” Cass shrugged, not even phased.

The girls returned to awkward silence, their cheeks blushing as they avoided eye contact. After a short while Barbara couldn’t help but ask “so how did it go? The last time we did it, you were still a little nervous.”

Oh my god Spoiler thought, realizing this was about to become their second attempt at a girls night. She checked her watch, realizing they still had a few minutes until midnight. She supposed there were worse ways they could be passing the time than a little girl talk. “For the record, I didn’t set out to sleep with any of them when I visited the Titans” she explained. “It just sort of happened, gradually.”

Batgirl was patient as she waited to see if Steph would elaborate, gently asking “was any of it uncomfortable?”

She shook her head, shrugging self consciously. “It was mostly awkward” she said. “Especially with…” her face turned red. She couldn’t believe she was talking about this. “After Tim left to visit his old friend, I went to explore the tower. I ran into Raven in her mediation room after getting completely lost. I always found her a little weird, but Tim explained a lot of it was because of her empath abilities. She was she when we got talking. But I didn’t realize how powerful her empathy thing was until I notices she was acting strange and I realized she was sensing my…frustrations.”

“You were mad about Tim leaving?” Batgirl assumed.

“No, my…we hadn’t had sex in weeks. That’s what she was sensing” Spoiler explained, feeling very hot under the collar. She heard Cass snigger under her mask, flashing her a glare from under her hood. “Look, things just got awkward and we ended up talking. I ended up over sharing and might’ve mentioned our recent…tutor sessions. Turned out Raven was also bi-curious so we ended up…making things more awkward.”

Steph was trying to recall how the conversation she had with the pale skinned young woman with purple hair and a purple cloak turned to them offering to experiment in the middle of that room. She recalled something about Raven showing her how to meditate to try and help the urges. Somewhere after that they ended up sitting cross legged opposite each other with their knees touching, in costume, with their eyes closed while the kissed sensually. Steph recalled how soft Ravens lips were as they met in the middle, the kiss nervous and hesitant on both sides. What she did recall was the nervous laugh Raven made when they finally locked eyes before Spoiler, realizing she was the more experienced all of a sudden, took the initiative to run her hands over the young woman’s body. She also guided Raven's hand as she mirrored her, directing it between her legs so they could both rub each other through the costumes joining in another kiss.

“We must’ve been sitting there for almost an hour” she said, a familiar tingle in her crotch as she remembered how warn the meditation got. “Oddly we never actually came in any of that. It was rather relaxing, and tranquil.”

“You didn’t orgasm at all?” Cass asked. Steph shook her head. “Well that lame. What’s the point?”

“I actually found it rather nice” Steph smiled. “However, it was rather alarming when I open my eyes and realized we were both levitating a few feet above the ground. Raven was rather embarrassed about all of it.”

Batgirl smiled. It sounded rather cute and innocent. “So you didn’t actually have sex with Raven. Just tested the waters?”

“I guess so” she sighed, a hint of disappointment in her words. “We were rather abruptly interrupted before it got any further.”

“By who?”

“By Starfire” she explained, already hating how much she was going to regret telling this story. “She barged in while we were in the middle of it. Raven tried to make an excuse but the alien princess saw right through it. You’d think she was the telepath. When she found out I was up for experimenting she dragged me out into another room to help we out. She was very passionate about helping people, especially in the bedroom.”

“She forced herself on you?” Batgirl asked concerned.

“No, she was just insistent. And excited. I’m told they don’t treat sex the same way us humans do.” She looked over at Batgirl, quietly adding “to be honest, she was a rather good teacher. No offense.”

Barbara burst out laughing. “None taken. I’m glad you got some form of education somewhere else. It’s nice to have other perspectives.” She crossed her arms and leant on the chummy, asking her “so what was she like. As a teacher?”

“Very hands on” Steph giggled, sitting on her rooftop crossed legged, similar to how Raven showed her to sit in that room. “She preferred a practical approach. But unlike you, she was a little…impatient?”

By impatient she meant the orange skinned alien had Spoiler out of her costume before she could blink before throwing her onto the sofa, removing her clothes and jumping on top of her making out with the young blonde feverishly. The princess gave her a lot of suggestions, all from prior engagements with previous lovers she’d learnt. Steph tried to keep up at the woman showed her how she discovered female humans liked to be touched, or licked, where they liked it the most. She got carried away when she got to the part of licking her pussy, and Steph lost interest in listening when her face got buried in her thighs and her tongue started to explore her inner walls. She found herself screaming in ecstasy in minutes, orgasms following orgasms as Starfire started including fingers in her lessons. As a final exam Steph discovered it was possible for a human female to take an entire hand into their pussy, something that delighted her alien teach as well.

Batgirl’s mouth was open when she heard that detail, her expression contorting as she tried to comprehend the visual. Clearly she had never tried anything like that. “How would you even…”

“It’s easy” Cass said, looking up at the confused redhead. “I could show you sometime if you want?” She offered. By the look on Barbara’s face they wondered if she’d have the guts to dare take her up on it.

“The lesson didn’t take as long as our mediation with Raven did” Steph continued. “Because, again, we were interrupted. This time by her sister, Blackfire. She barged in on us looking for Starfire. You can imagine her reaction when she walked in on us to find her younger sister with her arm inside me.”

Steph could hear Cass chuckling under her mask. Barbara was lost for words. “So then what happened?” Cass asked. “Was she mad?”

“No. Like I said, they treated sex differently on their planet. But things got a little weird after that.”

“Weird how?” Barbara reluctantly queried.

Steph shrugged. “They got rather…competitive? Apparently their rivalry was an on and off thing and when she walked in it became on again. Starfire mention how she was teaching me about sex and a Blackfire started going on about how she would be a better teacher. The next thing I know I’m being passed between the two of them while they argue and fight over me.”

“They were fighting over you?” Cass laughed.

“More like I was a plaything they refused to share” Steph pouted. “I mean, Blackfire got undressed and then pulled me away from Starfire so she could make out with me. Then Starfire pulled me back so she could kiss me. Then Blackfire grabbed me again and hand her hands all over me. Starfire too. They kept trying to one up each other.”

“That sounds awful” Barbara said.

“Sounds interesting” Cass objected. “You had two hot alien women fighting over you. Boys would be jealous.”

Steph smiled. “I will admit, it was pretty fun when they stopped spinning me around and started competing on me. Like when they each took one of my boobs to see who could suck my nipple the best. Or who made me cum faster from fingering my clit. Things got carried away when they tried to make me scream the loudest, but by then I think I was just along for the ride.”

Steph vividly remembered the many stages of the competition; the brooding dark haired alien competing with her fiery red haired sister to win the affection of the young blonde girl. Having two orange skinned alien warriors pleasure you was quite the experience, especially when they dropped to their knees and each began lapping one of her holes. Blackfire claimed her dripping pussy while Starfire played with her ass, their tongues fighting to make Stephanie squeal in pleasure. She wasn’t even sure if they were competing anymore or just trying to prove they could make love to her better. All the young human knew was what they were doing was overwhelming, unable to move as she rode both their tongues into orgasm after orgasm, gripping their heads tightly trying to hold on while their arms kept her upright.

She relayed this to both her friends, opening up with more details about it now she’d grown comfortable talking about it. “So who won?” Cass asked. Even Barbara looked curious about the result.

“I guess I did” Steph shrugged. “I didn’t think it was possible to be fucked into a coma before that night. I remember getting dizzy after cumming for the…eight time, my legs becoming wobbly before collapsing onto the sofa struggling to breathe. My body was trembling and everything ached.”

“That’s a good sign” Barbara had to note, recalling some of her toe curling orgasms that made her pass out. “What about your friends? Or lovers, I guess” she asked.

“Oh, they were fine. I don’t think they noticed” Steph replied. “I noticed sometimes while I was still standing their hands pulled away from my legs to grab somewhere else. I was too distracted by the climaxes, either squeezing my boobs or pulling my hair out. My eyes were closed. But the last thing I saw before passing out on that sofa was the two of them hugging each other. I must’ve been hallucinating though because I could’ve sworn I saw them kissing and fucking each other.”

The three of them fell silent, each with their own mental image of the two alien sisters demonstrating the casual nature of sex in their culture. Barabara shuddered when the innocent image of them kissing came into her head while Steph saw flashes of them with their hands groping the others tits or rubbing their pussies. Cassandra, meanwhile, privately indulged in a fantasy of them making out in some steamy lesbian fashion that included eating each other out. She wasn’t averse to a bit of alien incest it seemed.

Barbara checked the museum they were watching. Still no activity. She checked the time. Another few minutes to go. So she scrolled through the social feed again, looking through the photos of Steph with the Titans. “So what happened after that?” Barbara asked, turning her gaze back to Spoiler.

Steph kept her eyes on the museum, counting the minutes to midnight while she talked, welcome for the distraction now. “I woke up the next morning. I was still on the sofa. Starfire and her sister were gone. I had a blanket over me, learnt later it was Raven who loaned it to me. Word got around about the night before, which meant I got teased a lot. But apparently it happens a lot, especially with Starfire. She’s slept with half the team over the years. At first it was mortifying, but then some of the girls pulled me aside and admitted they liked to experiment too. They gave me an open invitation to come to them if I needed anything. So did beast boy, but I didn’t take him up on it.”

She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the feed, finding the picture Wonder Girl took that day. The photo she begged her not to post. It was of the pair of them, half naked on a bed rubbing their pussies together, Steph’s wrists bound by a glowing lasso. It was humiliating but it brought a smile under her mask. “I ended up going to Cassie first. She was nice, very welcoming. And I got the sense she had a lot to teach me. I was right. We made sure we locked the door first, in case we got interrupted. I didn’t want a repeat like the night before. And Cassie didn’t want Beast Boy peeping. We talked a bit, then had sex. She let me show her some of the moves you taught me” she told Batgirl. “Then she showed me some of hers. She liked to use her lasso. It was never rough, at least not as rough as we’re used to on patrol. But it was fun.”

“That when she took the selfie?” Barbara asked.

“That’s when she took the selfie” Steph nodded, recalling the moment after Cassie gradually introduced her to bondage, tying her hands with the rope before pushing her onto the bed. She made a joke about how she wished it had the same abilities as Wonder Woman’s, instead claiming it made people horny. She doubted it, yet she was really wet by the time Cassie slipped between her legs to scissor the girl. They humped for several minutes, the lasso looped around her arm regularly tugging on Spoiler’s wrists, their eyes fixed on each other. Cassie was still wearing her jacket, her boobs rising and falling within the opening, her bracelets on her wrists, skirt around her waist, trainers on her feet. Spoiler had been stripped to her bra, but they left her cape and hood on. She looked hot, half naked beneath the cloak. She waited until the younger blonde orgasmed, her eyes falling closed moaning loudly as she came against Cassie’s cunt. Wonder girl took the opportunity to snap a photo on her phone just as Steph opened her eyes, her own orgasm following immediately after.

“She promised to delete it. Obviously she lied” Steph pouted.

“More likely beast boy nicked it” Cass deduced, gesturing to the feed. “It was shared from his account.”

Steph double checked the post and read the user, her cheeks turning read. Now she was furious. No doubt the titans are already teaching him a lesson.

Barbara chuckled, scrolling further down the feed. “What about this one?” She asked, holding up a selfie of Spoiler in full costume with Jinny Hex beside her.

Steph looked at it and giggled. “That was a dare” she explained. “What you’re not seeing in that photo is the vibrating dildos and butt plugs under our costumes.”

Barbara laughed, examining the photo again seeing the strain in their smiles now. “Whose idea was that?”

“Mine” she said. “Jinny was showing her this trunk she got from her grandfather, all this stuff he collected over the decades. She started adding some stuff of her own, including these sex toys she nicked from a parallel dimension. We started fooling around and I ended up daring her to use them. She dared me to do the same. We made it a game to see how long we could keep them in. The winner got first crack at this elastic strap on. We took that photo at the last possible second. First time I had something in my ass too” she added. Her bum ached for hours.

“So who won the dare?” Cass inquired.

Stephanie stayed silent, deciding to leave them hiding as she reminisced on the experience. As far as she was concerned they both won because they both ended up in each other’s legs replacing the throbbing futuristic dildos with their tongues. The girls had curled up together, their clothes scattered around the garage where Jinny’s red truck was parked, their naked bodies rocking in the backseat with their hands and feet pressing against the foggy windows. Perspiration dripped over Steph’s face as she pulled her face away from Jinny’s delicious cunt to take a breath, moaning from the pulsing plug still in her anus while the red haired girl sucked on her clit. Refusing to be outdone she grabbed her petite ass and continued to eat her out until the girl climaxed, her scream echoing around the cramped backseat as she threw her arms out for support. When they were both spent they slumped onto the seat untangling themselves and removing the toys. They were lying there for almost two hours, with Jinny lying on top of Steph making out with her, the girls snogging in the backseat until one of the Titans found them and interrupted.

Thankfully, that time didn’t lead to a threesome. The truck door was simply flung open and the two girls was caught in the act with very red faces. “I don’t know who was mortified more. Me, Jinny, or the guys who found us” Steph laughed.

“Sounds like you made a lot of friends over there” Barbara smiled warmly.

She nodded. “The titans were great. We also got a visit from some other consultants, like the JLA team Batman put together? I got to meet the Ray, The Atom, Killer Frost and Vixen. She was awesome.” She turned to Cassandra and added “and before you ask, no I did not have sex with Vixen. Although I’ll admit I sort of wanted too. She was really hot and smart and her powers looked awesome. But she didn’t stay long. Most of them couldn’t. The only one who stayed was Caitlin, Killer Frost.”

“It’s good to know she’s reformed” Batgirl nodded. “Did you become friends too?”

“Eventually” Steph replied. “But we didn’t meet under the best impression.”

“How come?”

Steph turned red as she guiltily told them “I kind of tried to seduce her on the first day.” Before Barbara could make a face she quickly explained “it was a dare. From Cassie of all people. We were still fooling around with Jinny when they arrived and Cassie ended up daring me to try and charm her into a kiss. Then Jinny double dared me to turn that kiss into a quickie. I should’ve said no but I was having fun and they were a bad influence.”

“Worse than Jason or Damien?” Barbara asked.

“Much worse then them” she sighed. “They shoved me into the lab where a frost was working and I introduced myself by basically throwing myself at her. It was embarrassing. She was so shocked she almost froze all the equipment. I just got out of there as fast as possible.”

She heard Cass chuckle while Bargirl crossed her arms. “Did you apologize?”

“Eventually” she nodded shamefully. “But not before hiding in my room for the rest of the day. She came to see me, told me the others fessed up about daring me to kiss her. We talked and I said I was sorry. We made up and became friends.”

“Good” Barbara smiled, returning her gaze to the rooftop they were watching.

Of course, Steph didn’t tell her how they made up. Frost also informed her the other explained how Spoiler was in a very experimental phase and they thought the dare would help her confidence. Obviously it backfired. But Frost confessed she understood the impulse, her powers making it difficult to be intimate with people. Even now she can control the hunger for heat she found it hard to interact in that manner. Steph wanted to make up for her blunder and offered to help her if she could. The two ended up having that kiss, using it as a way for Frost to learn better control of her heat absorption.

Steph had never considered how using superpowers in the bedroom would affect their lovemaking, but sharing her body heat with Frost was an exhilarating experience. Frost explained she needed to drain heat to survive, but that she’d gotten to the point she could take small doses through physical contact rather than drain people completely. So whenever a part of her skin brushed against Steph’s she felt a tiny portion of her body heat transfer to Frost, living a temporary chill along her flesh wherever she touched her. It was strange but incredible, the shivers making the young girl’s body tremble. Their lips met and she found her lips cool both warm at the same time, her body pressing against her blue skin as her fingers combed through her white hair. Frost never lost control, empowered by the trust Steph placed in her by giving her whole body to the experience. As a reward Frost used her ice powers to stimulate her sensitive places, her nipples becoming rock hard as ice frosted over her nubs for Frost to suck on. Steph moaned wrapping her arms around her, hugging her tight while the woman’s fingers found her dripping sex. The moment her fingertips touched her moist wetness it turned ice cold, making the girl gasp as ice forced within her pussy.

For a brief moment doubt flashed across her face, pulling away from the villainess afraid she’d frozen her pussy shut. But when her icy blue eyes locked onto hers she asked “do you trust me?” Steph nodded, taking a deep breath as Frost pulled her fingers away bring the ice with her. Steph shivered as the frozen fluid in her pussy moved with her, the glistening shape of an icicle sliding out of her entrance. It was cold and smooth and made completely from Stephanie’s cum, the length four inches. She stared down at it as Frost pulled it free and brought it up to examine. She ran her tongue up it, sighing from the taste before inserting it back into Stephanie’s cunt. The girl moaned as she was fucked with the ice dildo, clutching frost’s shoulders as the woman watched her carefully, using her powers to make the icicle grow when the girl leaked even more fluid. Soon the icicle was twice as big and lodged deep inside the girl, who trembled around the cold toy kissing the reformed villain passionately.

Moments later Frost did the same with her pussy, creating another icicle for Steph to play with while she sucked on the hard nipples of her average breasts. She lay back against the bed, blissfully enjoying the sensations of having a young woman fuck her while also feeding on the excess body heat generated by their love making. She came to the conclusion she would find much better enjoyment surviving on sex rather than killing.

Steph played with her all night, testing her limits and her powers until they had ice cocks rammed in both their holes and were grinding against each other making out wildly. The only time things got risky was the moment Frost orgasmed, her climax triggering an ice shattering explosion that instinctively drew in any nearby heat sources and expelled it in a white mist that chilled the air. Steph came at the same instant, but she felt the temperature plummet at the same instant which left her half frozen as she shuddered next to the worried Villainess. Frost huddled beside the girl covering her in blankets for the rest of the night, holding the pale skinned girl until her lips had turned from blue to pink. She apologized afterwards, but Steph remarked “I guess that makes us even.” They agreed to put further experiments on hold, but Steph left the offer open in case Frost was brave enough to try again.

.it sounds like you made a lot of friends at Titans Tower” Batgirl said, once again prying her gaze from the museum rooftop to her young apprentice with pride. “I’m glad.”

“That I’m making friends or that I’ve widened my circle of lovers from just Tim?” Steph joked.

For once Barbara didn’t blush in embarrassment. Neither did Stephanie. “Both” she chuckled.

“So did anyone else teach you how to have sex?” Cassandra asked, for the first time ripping her gaze away from the museum to look up at the neighbouring roof. “And who was your favourite?”

Steph had to ponder that last question. “Well I didn’t get to sleep with any of the boys whilst I was there” she commented. “Aqua lad offered as a platonic session, but I wanted to stick to learning about other girls. But I guess my best night had to be with Megan, Miss Martian. She became my final exam, in a sense.”

“Your final exam?” Barbara queried.

“And graduation present” Steph smirked. “She came to me one afternoon and offered to be my partner, to put everything the others taught me to use and see how well I impressed her. She said if I passed, I’d get a reward.”

Steph recalled the surreal but now casual way she was approached. Megan showed up wearing a T-shirt and shorts and flip flops on her feet, her green skin on show and red hair falling around her shoulders, the freckles dotted along the bridge of her nose. She sat down beside Steph who was out of costume and explained how she was selected by the team to give her her final test. She volunteered, due to being more analytical and detached during sex. Apparently it took a lot of skill and talent to make Miss Martian lose it during sex, so she was the hardest to impress. Steph was given the choice of where, so she chose Megan’s bedroom. She was then offered a choice of what form Megan could take for her, her shapeshifting abilities able to make her any girl she wanted. Steph almost suggested Raven, the only girl she’d failed to find time to fuck. But she ultimately wanted Megan as she was, green skin and all. Megan liked that, laying down on the bed kicking her flip flops away telling Steph to have her way with her.

Being given free riven with a hot young sexy green skinned alien girl was an incredible experience, and spoiler put all her new talents into seducing the girl. She started with a kiss as she slowly undressed both of them, then toyed with her small breasts declining all offers to adjust their size and shape. She was perfect as she was and kept telling her so, which did a lot to comfort and compliment the woman as she kissed her nipples and teased her clit. By the time her mouth made its way down her stomach to her pussy she was dripping wet, her legs opened wide to slide into place and eat out the young superhero.

Megan was taken on a joyride through all manner of pleasure and experiences. She got Steph's tongue inside her pussy exploring her sex, her fingers going deeper pumping rigorously. Then she was flipped over so Steph could eta out her ass while thrusting more fingers into her pussy. Before long she loosened up so much Steph was able to slide her lubricated hand into her cunt. She wondered if Megan secretly used her powers to allow that, but she just enjoyed the experience of a phasing her arm up to her elbow inside another woman. Next she let the girl eat her out, sitting on her face riding her for a moment before folding over to 69 the girl and trigger a cycle of pleasure before grinding against her pussy in a scissor motion.

Megan took all instructions and enjoyed every moment of the afternoon, riding and sucking and licking her lover while she worked tirelessly to wring out every orgasm she could from the green skinned alien. She collapsed onto the bed after her latest and let the pink skinned girl lay on top of her to make out passionately, their hips still moving together spreading their slick moist cum over their pelvis. She couldn’t help but peer into the young woman’s mind to see what she was thinking, and all she found was the desire to make the Martian cum and go numb from pleasure. Just sensing what she wanted from her made Megan cum as the fantasies overwhelmed her. The side effects of fucking a telepath.

“and did you pass?” Cass asked.

Steph smiled broadly. “I must’ve, because I got a reward.”

“What’s more rewarding than fucking a sexy Martian?” Cass asked.

The answer it seemed was fucking a sexy Martian with a thick green cock. Megan congratulated the girl on her skill and once again offered her a choice, her choice of who she wanted to fuck or a more exciting venture. Steph was glad to go with option b as she watched the girl’s clit extend into a large penis using her powers. She took her position on the bed on her hands and knees and presented her self for the Martian, telling her it was her turn to have her way with her. Megan accepted, inserting herself into her dripping pussy and began fucking the girl into the bed. She was careful not to use all her strength, but just enough to drive the human wild as she fell onto the bed moaning in pleasure. She then upped the excitement by growing some extra additions to stimulate the girl, starting with a second cock to slip into her ass and expand from within.

“Oh fuck yes! Fuck me!” Steph cried out after being double penetrated, her legs curling between Megan’s thighs as she lay face down on the bed. Megan’s arms supported her body above her while she made two more limbs to lift Steph’s torso up to fondle her breasts. Steph stared up at her in amazement as a fifth hand hooked under her chin to pull the girl into an upside down kiss while she continued to fuck her. Steph vowed to fuck many more shapeshifters if it meant she could have more than two hands running over her body. She asked for a sixth to play with her clit. Megan laughed as she obliged.

After that it only took Stephanie two more minutes to climax violently. Megan sensed the pleasure through her telepathy and climaxed just as explosively, her cocks pumping her seed into Spoiler’s ass and cunt filling her up until she was overflowing. Once they were done she collapsed next to the human girl, both of them panting hard aching from the sex and shivering from their orgasm. Megan’s body shifted back to her regular humanlike form and they curled up together kissing softly before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Steph thought back to that night with a mix of fondness and anxiety. That was the first time she recalled feeling panic after waking up, rushing to get onto the morning after pill once she took several pregnancy tests. Megan was supportive through the ordeal, though she showed just as much worry once the matter was brought up. Steph was sure to make safe sex a priority from that point forward.

Once all her embarrassing endeavours with the Titans and friends were told the batgirls returned their attention to the museum, which still sat silent under the night sky. They checked the time, Barbara looking at her phone while Steph peered across town to the clock tower. It was five minutes past midnight and still not a sound. She started to feel the doubt creeping into the minds of her friends. “Are you sure your informant had their facts correct?” Cassandra asked.

“They were sure” Steph insisted. “The heist was set to go off exactly at midnight.” She scanned the streets below, but was disappointed to find them empty. She checked the windows. No sign of forced entry. Now even she was starting to fear her source might’ve been mistaken.

“How well do you trust this source?” Cass asked giving Steph a sideways glance.

She shrugged sheepishly. “Not very. But I’ve been working really hard to gain their trust. I don’t think they would’ve lied to me.”

“Who is your source?” Barbara asked.

“I can’t say.”

“But you believe them?” Cass asked again.

“We’ve been developing a…rapport” she explained. “Cultivating an understanding, so to speak. They gave me good intel before. They’re reliable.”

“Is it possible they were simply wrong?” Barbara asked.

Steph didn’t have an answer she was comfortable with. She hoped her source wasn’t wrong. She’d spent too much time and energy to get that intel. She needed to be right.

That being said, she wasn’t about to admit that her secret informant was a known supervillain called Poison Ivy. She knew the moment she told Barbara about her she’d warn her off and shut her down, but Steph was left empowered after leaving Titans Tower and chanced into finding Ivy while on patrol. The green skinned green thumbed woman wasn’t bothering anyone at this time, instead laying low at the botanical gardens. Spoiler found her and ended up striking a deal; if Ivy didn’t cause any trouble in Gotham and occasionally gave her information about other crimes in the city, she would keep her location a secret and leave her be. Ivy surprised her by agreeing to the terms, though the gathering intel part took some persuasion. Fortunately Steph found her time with the Titans had prepared her well for convincing the woman to talk, her new interrogation techniques rewarding her with actionable and legitimate intelligence.

It turned out when you treated Ivy well and got on her good side, she was a great ally. And nothing pleased her more than being insatiably pleased sexually. Steph made regular trips to the gardens to visit Ivy where she traded some of her new skills in sex for anything she had to share. Ivy was coy with her knowledge, often making Steph work really hard to get her reward. But the more they met, the more Steph learnt how to work the villain and soon she was the one making Ivy beg for her reward. Dominating a supervillain in ways other than punching was quite the experience, one Steph thoroughly enjoyed as she fucked Ivy well after week.

On their last occasion, Steph caught wind of another criminal on the loose and came to Ivy to confirm her suspicions. She found the woman in her garden sitting upon her bed of leaves and vines as per usual, seemingly expecting the visit. She confirmed who was on the prowl and teased she had a place and time for their impending heist. Steph played hard to get before submitting to the usual tricks, undressing out of her costume while Ivy allowed the leaves she usually wore upon her body to fall away. Several minutes later and Stephanie was face first between Poison Ivy’s heavenly thighs licking her pink little pussy watching the redhead close her eyes and moan.

She was still seated on her bed of vines but her composure was faltering from her confident elegance. She always seemed to underestimate the girl whenever she visited and always became surprised at how quickly she was able to get her trembling. Steph grinned within the woman’s folds, her fingers inserting into her cunt to stimulate her further. She could see her green chest rising and falling as her breathing turned to panting, her dark nibbles as hard as pebbles when she groped them with her palms.

While Ivy was being pleasured by the blonde girl, Stephanie was also being pleasured as more vines slithered over her pink flesh, coiling up her legs and waist to circle her chest. Steph giggled as she felt them brush against her sex, the smooth texture dragging against her clit as leaves tickled her skin. More vines encircled Ivy’s limbs and body as she panted more and more, her plants responding to her instinctive cues pleasuring their mistress. Steph smirked. She discovered she could predict how Ivy was feeling depending on how her plants reacted. And right now they were telling her Ivy was totally turned on by the superhero.

That’s when she chose her risky gamble by rising up from between the redhead’s legs, despite the woman’s protests as she tried to push her back down with her hand. “I need to know the location of the heist and when they plan to strike” Steph told her, hovering over the villain with one knee up on her seat and her hand still rubbing her clit. Ivy didn’t reply, her face displaying resolve. Spoiler broke it by circling her thumb against her clit while two fingers curled inside her pussy at just the right spot, Cassandra’s training helping her find the g-spot inside of Ivy. The woman gasped, her back arching about to climax until Steph pulled out at the last moment. “A friend of mine taught me a trick that prolongs the split second before an orgasm” Steph explained, holding her fingertip at the entrance of Ivy’s pussy. “Something about holding the anticipation. Not gone but not there. I don’t understand how but I do know when she uses it on me, the need for release becomes almost agony.”

“Fuck” Ivy whimpered, her sex quivering as her hips jerked up trying to achieve the release. Steph held her position, the vines around her body squeezing her as the woman became tense and desperate. She realized she got it right and now Ivy was trapped on the edge and at her mercy. But this was were the risk came in because Ivy did not like to be played with and she lashed out when she got desperate. Her green eyes glared at the girl as her lips curled into a snarl. “Finish it!” She demanded.

“When you tell me about the heist” she replied coldly.

Ivy strained to keep from screaming, her vines moving around them torn between molesting them and crushing them. One vine suddenly looped around Stephanie’s throat and threatened to strangle her. “Finish it. Finish me…fuck…” Ivy growled.

Steph knew she could crush her windpipe if she wanted to, the vines squeezing tighter around her neck, breasts and waist. But the vines below her sex suddenly did something else, violently penetrate her. She grunted as two vines entered her pussy and ass at once, the thick growths burrowing deep into her body. She fixed her eyes on Ivy, understanding a part of her was still horny and willing to fuck the girl senseless whether she killed her or not. So she called her bluff, holding her gaze even as the vines started to pound her. Ivy grit her teeth, desperation burning in her loins as her nails dug into flesh and bark, her mind frantically darting between fury and desire as she toyed with fucking or choking the hero.

But eventually her desire for release won and she relented, giving Spoiler the name of the museum and the time. “Now please” she begged, tears forming in her eyes.

Steph could barely breath with how tight the vine around her throat had become, or how hard the vines pumping in her holes were moving, but the girl finally pressed her thumb against Ivy’s clit and watched as the powerful supervillain became powerless to the young girl screaming in orgasm. It lasted a long time, her body shuddering violently as she soaked the girls hand. In response the plants around her excreted or squirted all manner of fluids, sap and juice leaking from their orifices. Steph moaned as the vines in her body suddenly started pumping her full of said sap and juices before pulling out of her dripping holes. It was the first time Steph learnt they could do that leaving her with a bull full of completely natural plant food.

Once the pair of them came down from their high they were able to embrace and regain their breath. The plants shifted with them, wrapping around their sticky bodies gently guiding Ivy on top of Steph who was positioned on a chair of petals with vines holding her waist and thighs up, leaves growing behind her back letting her recline with their trembling mistress upon her. More vines held onto her green body until they were both comfortably lounging and making out in the garden’s embrace. “You’re lucky my plants like you so much” Ivy muttered between kisses.

Steph hummed, her lips kissing along her jaw and neck. “Remember our deal” she whispered in her ear. “If your intel is good, then you’ll be rewarded and we leave you alone.”

“I remember” she purred, gently teasing Steph’s earlobe. “My information is good. I promise.”

Steph took her at her word. She sat back and looked at the sexy young woman, her hands running over her chest massaging the full breasts playfully. “I have another hour left on my patrol” she noted, even as the vines started to wrap around her hips to form a large sturdy phallus for her to guide Poison Ivy onto. “And I still need to pay you back for your last tip” she recalled.

Ivy smiled as the thick cock grown from Spoiler’s crotch slid into her waiting pussy, letting her plants assist the heroine in fucking her. “I would never lie to you” she said as she began to ride the blonde girl. “Not as long as you continue to please me.” Steph took note of that, pulling Ivy’s nipples into her mouth as the woman bounced on her lap, the plants cocooning them for an hour of steamy sex that would leave both women immensely satisfied. Stephanie would leave with the in for she asked for along with a stomach full of sap.

“They’ll be here” Steph whispered, her eyes fixed on the museum.

After a few moments of tense waiting, it was Cassandra who finally noticed the inconsistency. She pointed to a dark corner of the rooftop where something appeared off. Barbara pulled out her binoculars and found a window under the skylight. She lowered the binoculars with a sigh. “When did we all take our eyes off the museum?” She asked.

The girls both glanced at each other, pulling out their own scopes to find the even circle cut into the glass. They both sighed in relief and embarrassment. Spoiler’s series of erotic tales managed to distract everyone giving their thieves time to enter the museum under their noses. “Are they still in there?” Steph asked.

Batgirl whipped out her pocket computer and brought up the security feed from inside. Some of the cameras were dark, but the silent alarm Barbara looked up hadn’t been tripped yet. She flipped through the screens and found two figures leisurely robbing the diamond exhibit unaware they were being watched. “They’re still here” she reported, looking at Steph. “Your intel was right.”

Steph suppressed the grin of pride as they all prepared to jump in. “So what do we do?” She asked.

“Wait for them to leave and pounce on them before they can escape” Barbara replied. “We don’t want to damage anything inside the museum.

The girls nodded, waiting on their mentors cue. It only took another minute for the thieves to exit the museum the same way they came in. On the moonlight they could all see the familiar outfits of two old friends, Harley Quinn’s red and black costume and blonde hair flashing against the dark rooftop while the grey and purple suit of Catwoman cloaked her into the shadows. The masked cat burglar was carrying a duffel bag of their loot while Harley spun a mallet through her hands and over her shoulder. They both scanned the rooftops keeping an eye out for pursuers, aware of the bat signal shining above everyone’s head.

At Barbara’s signal, the batgirls all leapt from their rooftop using their capes and grappling hooks to spring into action and apprehend the villains below.

To be continued…

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