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Batgirl's Night In

It wasn’t often the three one time batgirls hung out like they did now, but Barbara Gordon, aka oracle, thought it was high time her two protégés got together so they could have some normal girl time. Though she wondered if any of them would be able to act like a normal group of girls when she invited Cassandra Cain, aka orphan, and Stephanie Brown, aka Spoiler, to the clock tower for dinner. For a start, Cass entered through the window and they were both still wearing their costumes.

“When I suggested we have a girls night, I was thinking less in costume” Barbara commented as she reclined in her armchair as far away from her computer as she could get. Stephanie took a seat on the sofa by the coffee table, pulling her hood down so she could drink out of the soda can Barbara offered her. Cass sat cross legged on the floor opposite fiddling with her mask in her lap.

“Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever had a girls night before” Steph said nervously. “Not one that didn’t mean going out of patrol.”

“What is girls night?” Cass queried, her expression blank.

Oracle reminded herself that the young girls hadn’t had the most stable of childhoods. Both had supervillains for parents and one had been trained to be a deadly assassin with no social skills. She took a long swig of her soda and hoped this didn’t end up going horribly. “Basically, a normal girls night is where a group of girlfriends get together and gossip usually” she explained to the clueless Orphan. It usually doesn’t involve beating up criminals either.”

Cassandra looked rather disappointed hearing that, but didn’t voice her emotions as she reluctantly put her mask onto the table. “Gossip about what?” She asked curiously.

“Whatever we want. Things going on in our lives. Boy troubles. Girl troubles.”

“We could compare notes on the bad guys we’ve taken down” Steph offered, knowing Cassie would be both uncomfortable and confused if they discussed anything else. “I took down that drug ring the other week, the one operating out of Burnside. Thanks for the tip by the way.”

“You’re welcome” Barbara nodded, though she was hoping to discuss things other than their vigilante activities. “How are things going with Tim Steph?” She asked, pushing onto more girly talk.

Steph got uncomfortable, shifting on the sofa before replying “I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Why not?” She asked, suddenly concerned. She thought Stephanie and Tim Drake were great.

Before Steph could explain, Cassie chimed in with a very blunt “he found out about her night with Batman.”

“CASS!” Steph cried, turning bright red.

Barbara’s eyes went wide as she darted between them. “Wait, what night with Batman?”

Steph desperately shook her head as Cassandra shrugged. “What? Was it a secret? I thought it was a requirement.”

“Why would you think that?” Steph asked her.

“What?” Barbara shouted, becoming lost. “What’s a requirement?”

“Having sex with Batman” Orphan replied nonchalantly.

Barbara’s eyes were now bulging out of her sockets awhile Steph sank lower into the sofa, growing with embarrassment as Oracle stammered. “Wait, hold on, wait…why would…are you telling me you, both of you…with Bruce? Why?”

“It was a mistake, okay” Steph mumbled, hiding behind a pillow. “Just drop it.”

Barbara wasn’t ready to push it because she was still staring at Cass. “And why would you think it was a requirement?” She asked dumbfounded.

Cassandra shrugged. “Because everyone did it. I thought it was a rule if you wanted to be batgirl.”

“Excuse me?”

“That’s what Jason said” she explained, looking at her alarmed faces. “He said every batgirl had slept with batman at least once, so it was becoming a requirement. Was he wrong?”

“I should hope so” Barbara said, becoming furious at Jason Todd vowing to kick him in the groin the next time she saw him. “It’s not a requirement, now.”

“So you’ve never had sex with batman?” Cassandra asked. Barbara was about to say no, but then she found herself hesitating. She hesitated too long for the girl, who could read body language flawlessly, to notice and remark “I thought so.”

“Wait, you too!” Steph asked, jumping back out from behind her pillow to stare at the older redhead. Barbara averted her gaze as he cheeks blushed bright red. “Holy shit! When? How!”

“You’re right, we should just drop it” she said, now feeling very uncomfortable.

“Hey, you wanted girl talk. Now I want to know about when you and batman hooked up” she said, scooting closer on the sofa fully engaged, her own embarrassment forgotten. Cassandra too seemed curious as she turned in her seat to read her.

Barbara looked at them both and sighed. Tonight had not gone as she’d planned.

“Okay, fine” she said, taking a big gulp of her soda wishing it was something stronger. “It was a few years ago while I was still running as batgirl. Early years of my career. Bruce was still training me. Anyway, to cut a long and boring story short, we were on a case that was proving…difficult. Then one night we were on a rooftop after the bad guys got away and I was…emotional. Bruce was there and I was mad and frustrated and…” she paused, trying to recall exactly how things escalated so far on that night. But to be honest, it was a bit of a blur. “I don’t know why I kissed him. It was impulsive, and stupid. But then he didn’t stop me, so I guess I kept kissing him. Next thing I knew, he was on the ground and I was on top of him removing my costume, removing his costume…”

The younger vigilantes stared as Barbara became red faced, replaying the memory of that night in vague and embarrassing detail. For some reason she could recall the exact order of which her costume was removed, starting with her cape, then her cowl, her top, her gloves, her boots, her belt, her bra, her pants and then her underwear. But she could recall exactly made her chose then to act on such impulsive behaviour. More to the point, she couldn’t recall why Bruce allowed her to go through with it, why he allowed her to undress him and ride his naked muscular body atop that rooftop all night. Sometimes she still remembered the feeling of his penis moving inside her pussy, how his chest felt against her palms as she pushed against them, the way his hands would grip her slim waist as she bounced on top of him. Thinking about it now brought a sense of nostalgia to the redhead, along with deep shame.

“And then what happened?” Steph asked, transfixed by her story.

Barbara broke out of her nostalgia, deciding Steph was too young for the steamy details of her night with Bruce Wayne. “I don’t know. I woke up the next morning with my costume next to me and my cape draped over my body. Bruce was gone. We never spoke of that night again.”

“Ever?” Cass asked.

Barbara shook her head. She figured Bruce realized it was a mistake too and thought it would be easier to forget it ever happened. It was part of the reason she decided to quit being batgirl a few weeks later, until the joker paralyzed her and she came back as Oracle.

“That’s sad” Steph said, disappointed with how it ended.

“It was a mistake” Barbara reiterated. “And I’ll appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone else about it.” The two girls silently promised to keep her secret. “So, you’ve heard mine. Now” she said, turning to Stephanie. “You tell me yours. When did you sleep with batman?”

Steph groaned, sinking back onto the sofa. “Do I have to?”

“Yes!” She insisted, putting on her motherly voice. “I thought you and Tim were great. What happened? And how did Bruce get involved?”

Stephanie took a long moment sitting on the sofa, reluctant to talk under the gaze of both her mentor and best friend. But after a few minutes she finally caved and let out a frustrated huff. “We had a fight, me and Tim. It was just a stupid argument about…this” she gestured to the costumes. “Things got loud and messy, and of course Robin was just…” she crossed her arm and huffed, acting like a child. Exactly what Tim had said in that argument to make her storm off in the middle of patrol.

“So you had a fight with Tim” Barbara summarized patiently. “Then what?”

“I stormed off.”

“So how did Bruce come into it?”

She stared up at the ceiling as she slowly recounted “I went to the bat cave that night. I just wanted to be away from Tim for a while. I didn’t think anyone was going to be there. But Batman was at the bat computer. He wasn’t even in costume. He had bandages on his chest and legs, like he’d been in a fight. He asked what was wrong and I just vented at him. He told me Tim would calm down and then I should talk to him.”

Barbara listened, resting her chin on her palm while Cassie sipped her soda looking bored. “And then what?”

Now Steph stared at her lap, her face turned red. “You have to understand, I was angry. At Tim. I just wanted to hurt him, do something to get back at him, something I knew he’d hate.”

“So you slept with batman?”

“No!” She said shaking her head. But then she added quietly “I just gave him a blowjob.” She caught the shock and judgement in oracles eyes and sighed. “I didn’t plan it, and I hated myself for it afterwards. But he was right there and he wasn’t wearing his costume. Any of it.”

“Wait, Bruce was already naked?” Barbara interrupted.

“Often worked naked” Cassie nodded. This was news to Oracle, but it fit with who she knew Bruce was.

“So yeah, I saw it and it was…huge. I guess I don’t need to tell you how large he is” she chuckled, looking at Barbara. She returned the chuckle, now that she’d shared her embarrassing story. “I just came out and asked him if it was always so big, and he said he didn’t notice. He suggested I work out my frustration while he worked on his case. I don’t know exactly what I meant, but in that moment I just… I reached down just to touch it. He didn’t seem to mind. In fact he made some room for me to sit under the desk so I could suck him while he worked.”

“Seriously?” Barbara asked, her eyes wide as Steph buried her face in her hands. Cassie giggled, amused by her embarrassment. Barbara suddenly had the image of Steph under the bat computer sucking Bruce’s cock while he crossed referenced evidence. She was ashamed to say it made her wet thinking about it. “Didn’t someone catch you?”

“No” she replied. But then she thought about it and said “almost. By Alfred.”

“Alfred!” She blurted, covering her mouth.

“He brought a tray of food for Bruce, came right up to the desk. But he didn’t see me. I just froze with his massive dick in my mouth, pulling my hood over my face. Honestly, I was terrified. If Tim had found me, that would’ve been one thing. But Alfred, he wouldn’t had a heart attack. Thankfully he left and I was able to finish things off. He never caught me.”

“He knew” Cassie said, out of the blue. Both the girls looked at her, confused and alarmed. “He’s smart. He always knows.”

Barbara wanted to disagree, but Cassandra had a point. Alfred was smart. Smarter than Batman sometimes. She turned back to Steph, asking her “did he say anything after?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m sure he didn’t…” she suddenly paused, her expression turning thoughtful. “Wait, he did say something odd. I found him in the kitchen later. He gave me a glass of orange juice. “To cleanse the palate” he said. And then he just walked away.” She turned to Barbara, who was already stifling a chuckle. “What did he mean?”

“Maybe he thought you’d swallowed something you’d find distasteful” she smirked. Steph took on a confused expression for a long while. But eventually her face changed and alarm sprung into her features, followed by blushing red cheeks as she covered her face again. The others burst into giggles. “So how was it?” Barbara asked the girl when she come back out of hiding. “It wasn’t horrible I hope.”

“What? The blowjob?” She shrugged. “It was okay. I could fit all of it in my mouth. But…” for a moment she considered stopping. But after listening to batgirls steamy adventure she asked the redhead “can I ask, when you and Batman did it on the rooftop…how long did it last before he…”

“Cum?” She closed her eyes and called upon her eidetic memory, her head tilting in bemusement. “Huh, I’m not sure. A while, at least. Why?”

Steph shuffled a little closer to the young woman, saying “I was under there for over an hour, and I don’t think he even noticed. Maybe I didn’t do it right, but Tim…he always came after five minutes, especially if I play with his testicles.” She caught Cassie listening closely, realizing she was getting into more personal girl talk now she’d opened up. “But with Bruce, he just sat there. He never made a sound, and his cock was stiff the whole time.”

“But he must’ve ejaculated eventually” Barbara said.

“He did” she nodded. “But only when he found something on the bat computer. It took me by surprise, I couldn’t keep it in my mouth. Some of it even got in my hair. Then he abruptly got up and went to get his costume on and left. He didn’t even say goodbye.”

Barbara sat back in her chair, a curious expression on his face. “He got a lead and then came on you?” She checked. Steph shrugged. She clearly doubted it was anything she’d done. “Did he already have an erection when you started?” She asked.

“Yeah” she nodded after thinking about it. “It’s why I noticed it.” Her eyes widened and she asked “you don’t suppose gets horny investigating crimes do you?”

The thought had occurred to Oracle and now both girls started chuckling. The idea of Batman jerking off to crime stats and evidence recordings was too absurd to be ridicules. They started to wonder if he climaxed every time a criminal was arrested. “Oh god, this is too funny” Barbara laughed, wiping a tear from her face. She turned to Cassandra, quietly sitting across from them. “What do you think? You think Batman get off on putting bad guys away?”

She shrugged, tapping the table with her fingers absent mindedly. “Your turn now Cass” Steph said, turning in her seat to face the quiet young vigilante. “You’ve dragged our dirty little secrets out of us, so now it’s only fair we hear one of yours.”

“It’s not a secret” she rebuffed bluntly. “Batman and I had sex just the once” she explained plainly, with much less embarrassment than the others. “Hunting scarecrow. Got poisoned. Antidote in the car, but needed high adrenaline. Not time, no bag guys to fight. So we fucked, on bonnet. It was rough, from behind. Hurt, but good hurt. Didn’t last long, only did it until poison cleared my system. Never reached orgasm.”

She lifted her head when she finished abruptly, meeting their shocked and perplexed stares. “That’s it?” Steph asked. Cass shrugged.

Not one for details Barbara thought. “You stripped in the middle of a street to have sex?”

“No. Costumes stayed on. Dark alley, not street” Cassandra clarified. Barbara blinked, her imagination picturing the scene filling the blanks. She had no way of knowing if that was Cassandra’s first time, but if it was then it wasn’t the most romantic or inviting scenario for the young girl.

“And you never came?” Steph asked. Cass shook her head. She didn’t seem bothered by the result. “That’s a shame. And so is the story. I hoping for something more entertaining.”

“It was a means to an end” she shrugged.

“I’m starting to see a pattern about Batman and sex” Barbara observed, taking a sip from her drink.

The three of them all fell silent now that they’d traded scandalous stories. The awkwardness hung in the air until Steph asked “so, what else do girls do on these nights in?”

After their last topic, Barbara wasn’t sure what they could discuss. “Is there anything either of you want to talk about?” She asked. The girls looked at each other and shrugged awkwardly. Barbara took another sip. “Not much of a girls night, is it?” She said glumly.

“I don’t know. It’s better than any girls night I’ve had” Steph replied optimistically. “Then again, I’ve never had a girls night.”

“Me neither” Cass nodded.

“Well” Barbara said, holding out her drink. “Here’s to us, and hopefully more time we could spend together” she said. The others smiled and clinked their drinks. “Maybe next time we can discuss something other than sex” she suggested.

“Or next time we can discuss nothing but sex” Steph countered with a giggle. “You have to admit, it was fun sharing. And Batman has an enormous cock.”

“Steph!” Barbara cried.

“I’ve seen bigger” Cass smirked, earning stares from both Oracle and Spoiler.

They sat and talked for the rest of the evening, giggle and laughing as they finally opened up and got into the spirit of the night. Steph complained Barbara wouldn’t give them any alcohol, but Oracle was steadfast in her mother impulses. “So here’s an idea” Steph said holding up a finger. “Since we finished comparing Bruce’s package to all the other robins, how about we share some stories with other people outside the family.”

“Like what?” Barbara asked.

“Like…have you ever done it with one of batman’s villains?” She queried.

Barbara gave her a coy smirk. “That I’ll have to save until next time.”

“You mean you have? Which one?” She beamed. “Two face? Penguin? Poison Ivy? Not Harley Quinn, surely?”

Barbara laughed, saying no more on the topic. She filed the particular fond memory of one of her encounters with Miss Quinzel for their next evening, figuring Steph would enjoy it. “Tell you what. Next time we have a girls night, we can trade lesbian stories instead” she suggested.

The enthusiasm fell away from Steph’s face at that idea as she slumped into her seat. “Yeah, I guess. But…I don’t have any. I’ve never done it with a girl.”

“No?” Cassandra said, raising an eyebrow. “What about Harper? Bluebird?”

“We fooled around, but it never got past a peck on the cheek. I was a little scared to experiment.”

Barbara nodded, telling her there was no shame in that. “It’s okay if you never want to experiment. It just means you know your own mind.”

“That’s just it, I always wanted to” Steph confessed, looking rather sheepish. “I just never got the chance.”

Barbara and Cassandra both looked at each other, a curious and thoughtful shrug passing between them. Barbara turned to her young friend and smiled. She felt it was her duty as her mentor to help however she could. And seemed willing to help too. “Do you feel like experimenting now?” She asked the young blonde teenager.


It took a bit of convincing but Barbara was able to impart some of her teachings onto the young superhero in a way neither of them anticipated. Nor could they anticipate the willingness Cassandra showed in being a study aid, offering both her talents and body for Stephanie to practice on. With the same mixture of nerves and excitement she had when going up against villains like killer croc, Steph followed her mentors guidance as she shared her first kiss with the black haired teen, the lesson becoming more intimate as the evening progressed.

It was a surreal lesson, but Barbara proved to be a great teacher as she led the blonde girl through everything she knew about pleasing a woman. Cass helped her out of costume and helped show her all the right places to focus on, demonstrating by making the girl gasp and shiver beneath her touch. Oracle tried not to consider where a girl Cassandra’s age leant lesbian sex as she too undressed and taught Steph how to kiss more intimately. Steph followed along very well, trying to pay close attention when the others coaxed her legs apart to show her the best way to tease a pussy. It got harder when Cass lay between her legs to demonstrate using a tongue, so Barbara sat behind her wrapping her arms snuggling around her waist to support her. Steph fell against her breasts as she gasped and whimpered, her fingers griping oracles thighs as she stared down at orphan’s confident expression while she suckled on her clit.

“There, that’s it. Don’t fight it” Barbara whispered when Spoiler was met with her first orgasm, her body shuddering around Cassandra’s mouth leaving her heaving for breath. She tilted her head back to look at her red face. “How was it?” She asked.

“Holy shit!” She whispered. “Not even Tim could make me cum like that.”

“And now you have a lesbian story to share next time” she chuckled, kissing the girl on the lips. She looked down at Cass, who was already crawling up to join them. “You were a very good tutor” Barbara said to her, hooking her chin to give her a kiss too. “Think our student is ready to try it for herself?”

“Yes” Cass nodded, turning her gaze to a nervous Stephanie who look eager to please them. “But I’d like to offer my help.”

“Of course you do” Oracle smiled as she watched the two girls make our on her lap, gazing upon them proudly before shuffling up on the sofa to let them move into position between her waiting thighs to show their mentor how much they’ve learnt.

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