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Aphrodite's New Plant: Tree of Persephone

Persephone had planted the sapling earlier that day by the foreboding black tree she hated so much, the very tree where she'd taken the bite out of that pomegranate that cursed her to spend a third of her time in the underworld as Hades' wife. She thought growing the plant beneath the looming shadow would at least brighten up the place, especially given the nature of the little plant she'd introduced it to.

That being said, she wasn't expecting results quite so soon.

She'd discovered the rapevine yesterday while gathering some herbs from her mother's greenhouse. Demeter always let her favourite daughter come and go as she pleased but lately she'd been rather cagey about allowing her into the greenhouse without her supervision. Persephone was rather embarrassed at the idea of needing a chaperone just to select a few flowers every once in a while and quickly got irritated enough that this day she simply went about retrieving her ingredients without telling her mother. A few minutes alone in the garden and the goddess of spring quickly discovered why Demeter was so protective.

Initially the young goddess was horrified, realizing her mother was concerned for her safety as the vines assaulted her. But when the shock wore off and the pleasure ignited her burning loins she deduced the goddess of harvest wasn't protecting her from this plant, she was hiding it away for herself. Now she wasn't here Persephone was free to experience a delightful afternoon of ass fucking that her husband could only dream of giving her. Every insatiable urge and lust was fed as the goddess rode and humped and begged the vines to fuck her every way imaginable, leaving the goddess spent and grinning in a puddle of her own cum, sweat and pride as the green appendages drenched her in sap.

Now the young goddess looked up at the black tree she'd planted the cutting underneath, taken from the plant in the green house before she left avoiding the disapproving glare of her mother. She planted it by the roots as an experiment to see if the plant could grown in a rather hostile environment. To her surprise the rapevine did indeed grow, weaving its way around the tree trunk and branches turning the grey bark a dull green with pink flowers dotting the leaves. Persephone gazed up at the pretty little blossoms as a thin layer of pink mist enveloped her, the spores drifting around the tree like an aura heightening her senses her and her hormones. Unbeknownst to her they were also sapping her strength and godly powers making her more vulnerable and obtainable.

The goddess reached out a hand to greet a slithering vine lowering down from the overhanging branches, the tendril coiling around her palm gently inviting her closer. Her feet took several soft steps closer, her eyes transfixed on the curious arm tickling her forearm failing to notice many more dropping from the branches to survey her, reaching down to stroke her hair and skin teasing under her dress. The goddess giggled as the dozen or so tendrils caressed her, their touch like a sizzling fire along her body exciting her core making her wet and horny. She let the few brave arms wrap around her slowly, coiling up her ankles and wrists and around her waist and torso.

"Fuck me" was all the permission they needed before yanking her off her feet.

Mere seconds later her dress had fallen to the ground as Persephone hung upside down with her arms tied behind her back held up by two strong vines. More held up her waist and thighs leaving her feet dangling in the air sending all the blood rushing to her head, at least what wasn't being drawn to her throbbing pussy as three very thick, very powerful vines thrusted into her snatch like a team of jackhammers. Two more stretched her arsehole past her limits and fucked her backdoor, abusing her sore buttocks as she was slapped and whipped across the cheeks. She wanted to scream, either from pain or absolute pleasure, but she was silenced when three large vines intertwined around one another to form a huge green member to ram up her throat choking her cries. Her breasts weren't off limits either, twin vines wrapping around them tightly squeezing them roughly until her nipples were enlarged and hard. Once they were two small vines toyed with the sensitive nubs before forcing themselves inside her nipples entering her breasts. Persephone's toes curled at the bizarre but welcome intrusion, her groans turning to shrieks as the vines expanded until her tits were being penetrated by cock the same size as those fucking her pussy, pumping her tits hard as the plant milked them harder.

Every part of the goddess felt like it was on fire, a dazzling pit of pleasure erupting like a volcano with one orgasm following another. Her eyes watered struggling to keep her breath as the giant cock deep throated her bulging mouth, fucking her so raw she wouldn't be able to talk for days. The two vines in her ass burrowed deeper, twirling together into one drill forcing its way through her intestines deeper and deeper into her body despite her muffled protests. The vines in her pussy pummelled her in a brutal symphony pounding her cervix trying to batter their way into her womb.

It wasn't only luck she wasn't disturbed as she succumbed to her latest explosive climax, her core bursting into white hot pain as the rapevine fucked her through the orgasm by ejaculating into her mouth with its triple headed cock. Sap flooded her airway bursting at the seeps, her choking sobs muffled by the pumping organ until it dragged itself free of her sore mouth. She vomited cum onto the floor below her hanging head, her hair a tattered mess across her sweating brow as it clung to her face. With sap still dripping from her mouth she moaned through a strained and pathetic voice "fuck me! Fill me up! Make me pregnant!"

Whether the rapevine decided to grant the goddess her wish or had every intention of doing so anyway was of no consequence, the plant did indeed dump its load into the young goddess. And what a load it was. The vines up her bum exploded with cum intent on cleaning out her insides and jetting her stomach, earning an un-ceremonial belch from the goddess followed by another wave of vomiting sap. The vines in her pussy were less forgiving, ploughing into her womb with one violent punch to unleash their seed inside her, blocking the entryway leaving her body no option but to expand to accommodate the volume of sap and cum. Persephone's belly grew to three, four times its size straining to hold onto the load without her godly powers to help her body adjust. Her immortal body could take a beating but she wasn't ready to test whether her stomach could still burst from overfilling. Even her breasts were filled with substance, which promptly poured out of her nipples once the vines pulled away and milked her dry. Eventually the vines had their fill and retreated from her bruised vagina to shower her naked body with the remains of its sap. Her muscles immediately clenched the second the plant left her body, trapping the huge mass of fluid inside her as she was lowered to the ground in a heap on her back heaving.

Persephone stared up at the tree in bewilderment, having never experienced anything like what she'd just partaken in before. Her hand rubbed her swollen belly, the bulging mass wobbling as the sap sloshed around inside her. It hurt to move, too heavy to even lift her head. She couldn't stay like this, it was too uncomfortable. So easing awkwardly around her stomach she sought out her clit with her fingers, dipping them down to poke at her tight clamped cunt. Steeling her resolve she forced two fingers into her pussy and pried the lips apart. Cum leaked out the tiny opening easing a little of the pressure, that is until her thumb pressed against her throbbing clit.

The goddess screamed out as the orgasm she triggered forced open her gates, the captured sap flooding out of her body like a tidal wave covering the ground around her and gushing around the tree before her. Her eyes rolled into her skull as she spammed from the onslaught, forced to let the whole thing unfold before she could so much as breath again. When it was finally over her belly was returned to its normal size and her legs were soaking wet and sticky as she collapsed onto the floor passing out entirely.

Persephone slept soundlessly for many hours under the watchful eye of the black and green tree infested by the rapevine. It didn't seek to wake her, letting her rest and dream while it quietly settled into its new home, spreading its roots beneath the grounds of the underworld while she slept.

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