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Aphrodite's New Plant: The Hunters and their Prey

The forest was quiet tonight, the stars glinting in the night sky, the moon high above the horizon as the landscape was cloaked in a view of darkness. This was where the wildlife ran rampant, free to hunt, to hide, to survive against the odds. One such wild animal lurked in the shadows, the crimson fur of the fox weaving its way through the trees, seeking its next meal whilst keeping an ear open for danger. It's paws skittered over the cold hard ground, careful not to make a sound as it roamed, free to hunt as it pleased.

It found the clearing with ease, but stayed to the outskirts. It knew open ground left it venerable, so it kept concealed, hidden in the shadows of the trees as it's beady eyes peered out between the branches. Its ears had picked out the strange noises several miles away, drawing it cautiously closer to investigate. Careless noise meant activity, which meant potential food sources. It's was the silent predators it had to fear, not the noisy ones. So it came, and what it found looked strange to its instinctive mind. It couldn't comprehend what it saw, but it knew it wasn't anything it would find useful in its hunt, so it moved on, leaving the camp of the Hunters of Artemis for greener pastures.

In the middle of the clearing, the camp was a scattered collection of tents, camping equipment, weapons and hides, spoils of the hunt. In the centre of the camp sat a fire, glowing brightly as it illuminated the pack of hunters suspended in the air by the green vines growing from the small plant pot sitting beside the fire.

The all hung upside down in various states of undress, forming a large circle as every member of the group was restrained facing outwards, their arms bound behind their backs with their legs parted for all to see. Many of the hunters had been stripped, their bare skin exposed to the elements, coated in sweat glistening in the firelight. Others had held onto their outfits, or at least some of it. Around the circle, grey camo trousers had been bunched up around their ankles or their knees, grey jackets hanging from their shoulders or pulled above their chests, bras hanging loose from elbows and panties wrapped around thighs. A small handful had remained dressed, only for the necessary hole to be tore into the garments to allow access to their private body parts. They were all unarmed, all helpless, and all embroiling in passion.

Among the pack was their leader Thalia Grace, who looked back fondly on the night at the lake where she met the rapevine and lost her virginity. After getting dressed and returning to camp, she hid away in her tent with her new friend and brought in a select few to recount her story. They naturally believed it absurd and disturbing, alarmed that she'd bring the plant back to camp when she voiced her plans to introduce it to the pack. They objected, calling it a blasphemous act against their patron Artemis.

An hour getting to know the rapevine charged their minds.

After that, the process was systematic. Each hunter was brought into the fold one by one, be told everything before introducing them to the plant. Many were hesitant, a few leapt at the opportunity. It was methodically executed, ensuring word didn't get around fast enough to start a panic. By the end of the week, every hunter in the group had met the rapevine and shared its delicious spoils. Since then the plants has prove to be a welcome addition to the camp, offering a relaxing cure for stress after a long hard hunt. They set up a special tent for the plant to do supply its services, the lustful moans and delighted squeals drifting through the camp and bring a smile to their sister's faces.

Tonight was special, however. Tonight they decided they should all share the experience together.

Thalia put it to the vote, coming back unanimous, and retrieved the plant from its tent and placed it beside the fire. She no longer needed to converse with the creature to tell it what they wanted, it instinctively knew as it grew its vines and wrapped around them, interrupting their activities to bring them together over the fire. None objected as it started to pleasure them, helping it remove their clothing as it entered their holes, caressed their breasts and stroked their clits, arms, legs, wherever they needed to release the tension.

Now here they were, suspended in the air, bound and eager as the smooth green vines, their sizes tailored to each girl for maximum enjoyment, thrust into their pussies and asses in perfect sync, squelching against the wet walls as cum and sap leaked out to run down their bodies mixing with their sweat. The sweet sounds of pleasure were muffled by the plant cocks pumping into their mouths, each hunter given a dick to suck and deep throat, a tender vine around their necks to hold their heads in place to comfortably fuck them. Their bouncing boobs weren't left unattended either, blossoming vines cupped their breasts and squeezed them rhythmically, pumping them vigorously as they sucked theirs nipples raw, some hunters even finding themselves milked dry.

The rapevine didn't generalize. Each girl got her own personal touch, know what they liked and what they needed. A couple hunters enjoyed a little pain to they were pounded a little rougher than the others, the occasional snap of a vine across their butt cheeks, their belly, their face heightening their pleasure. One girl loved taking twice as many vines into her holes, so got bonus appendages. Many were blessed with an extra vine to tit fuck them. One young hunter sporting flat chest opted out of the blossoms sucking her small tits to instead have her nipples pinched and twisted, a similar treatment upon her clit also.

Each girl got everything they wanted, succumbing to orgasm within minutes, riding out the climax and immediately following up with another. The climax circled back and forth around the circle, each girl setting off another and vice versa. The vines unloaded its sap into them and random intervals, alternating between filling up their asses and pussies to spraying across their bodies, coming into their mouths for them to drink or pounding into their wombs and cumming until their belly's grew bloated.

The whole pack enjoyed their blissful night together, savouring each taste, slap, pinch, stroke or thrust as if it was their last.

Outside the clearing, hidden in the tree line, two beady eyes watched intently as the young, hot hunters were fucked and pleasured, their gaze drifting over their bodies soaking in every detail. The sound of rapid heaving could be faintly heard as the hidden figure watched silently, careful not to disturb the surrounding wilderness in case he be discovered. The figure stared at them, its face sweating and contorted as it pumped its organ with its hand with a strength and speed that could rival Hermès himself.

The man bit his lower lip as he stifled a groan, his cock exploding in his hand as cum flew from the tip into the bushed masking his presence. He slumped his shoulders, breathing heavily from the climax as he wiped his brow with his other hand. He looked across to a nearby squirrel who was staring at him, shooing it away as he returned his gaze to the orgy in the clearing.

"This is so much better than porn" the god Apollo laughed quietly, his erection already growing hard once more. For the fourth time tonight, he grasped his massive cock in his hand, locked his sight on the show before him, and began pumping.

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