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Aphrodite's New Plant: the Discipline of Mars

Once again, Ares cums too soon, collapsing onto his bed with a low grunt before he predictably falls asleep before his frustrated lover. "Oh for fucks sake!" Aphrodite shouts angrily, dropping the limp dick in her hands before storming out of the god of war's bed chamber.

Every freaking time, she curses, scolding herself for willingly subjecting herself to this cycle. It was she who had waited for him to return wearing just her violet nightie and matching gown, she pulled him onto the bed and undid his trousers, she who began expertly sucking his massive cock with her warm mouth. However it was him who grabbed her head and rammed his cock down her throat, him who thrusted into her faster than any normal mortal could possible perceive, and him who had to ejaculate into her mouth prematurely. The whole thing had barely lasted five minutes.

"Stupid god and his stupidly massive cock" She grumbled to herself as she stomped through the halls of Olympus barefoot half dress covering herself in her nightgown. It was actually early morning, the sunrise basking the white marble walls and floors warmly while the fuming goddess burst into her bedchambers and fell back into her bed, her long red head spraying around her as she screamed up into the ceiling.

How many times will I have to go with a proper fuck from my favourite lover?

She reconsidered the question. Why was he her favourite. All he did was disappoint her. She sighed, thinking back to a time long, long ago when the God of War could satisfy her in ways no mortal ever could. Ways her own husband couldn't dream of. But now he was snoring in his room leaving her wanting, the memories making her horny, with no dreamy god to quench her thirst.

She glanced over to the wardrobe, where the tell-tale rustling began as the plants within sensed her need. She smiled in their direction, her face upside down from where her head hung over the bed, her arms by her side, her smooth thighs rubbing together casually. "I shouldn't" she sighed to herself. Her little rapevine were by far her greatest creation, but she'd been indulging nearly every night now. Even for the goddess of sex, this was becoming quite the habit she needed to kick. Why turn to a plant when there are thousands of mortals perfectly willing to meet her needs, both men and women. Maybe both.

Nevertheless, Aphrodite rose to her feet and walked over to the wardrobe, brushing a finger along the wood as a slim vine slipped out between the crack in the doors to greet her. One more wont hurt, she told herself.

"I've been looking for you."

She froze in place, bringing her gaze up to the large mirror that sat beside her cabinet on the wall. In the reflection she saw a familiar face, yet distinctly different to the man she'd just left snoring in his bed. Her breath caught in her throat. "Oh lord" the goddess Venus whispered, the Roman personality shifting almost seamlessly over its Greek counterpart.

Just inside the goddesses chambers was a broad, seven foot tall mountain of a man, dressing a an officers uniform with a flat cut haircut and dark black sunglasses across his battle-scared face. He stared back at her with an expressionless demeanour, but Venus could feel the heat behind those shades, so hot her knees were already trembling. "Where have you been?" He asked her, his voice deep and gravely, making her stomach flutter with butterflies.

"Waiting for you, Lord Mars" she replied, delighted to see him slowly marching towards her after carefully locking the door behind him.

He said nothing as he stepped up behind her, placing his large hands on her shoulders as she surveyed her through the mirror, massaging her neck as he hummed in approval. "You look as radiant as ever."

"As do you my love" she replied, her body melting into his touch as his strong fingers relaxed her, loosening her tense and weary muscles. "I've missed you" she told him quietly.

Unlike most other gods in their pantheon, Aphrodite and Venus represented a universal concept, meaning at their core they are literally the same. This meant while right now it was Venus becoming putty in Mars' hands, Aphrodite would remember every moment of this. Unlike Ares, Mars' counterpart, who would remain as blissfully unaware of the Roman gods actions as Mars would of his alters.

This is why he's my favourite, Aphrodite remembered, staring at the Roman god of war in his uniform looking at her longingly. Because somewhere in that thick skull of his, there's this side of him.

And Mars was nothing like Ares.

"Admiring your pets?" Mars asked her, gesturing to her open wardrobe. "You'd rather be frolicking with a house plant?"

"Not when I have a real man to turn to" Venus told him, quickly shutting the door on the disappointed vines, turning back to face the soldier. The memory of her first encounter with her counterparts creation flashed through her mind, remembering the amused look on her lovers face when he stormed in to find her consorting with the vines. It was a sexy afternoon, being fucked by those vines as he stood back and watched silently. "I'm all yours" she told him, reaching up to stroke his rough cheek, feeling the stubble on his chin.

Mars shot an arm out and wrapped it tightly around her waist, pulling her close. "Good" he growled, lunging forward to kiss her on the mouth, driving his tongue down her throat. She moaned into his mouth as she fell into his grasp, her arms looping around his broad neck as she pulled him in deeper, her body pressing into his as she drew up to her toes to reach him. Compared to him she was maybe a foot smaller, but managed to hold him tightly in the embrace was the passion escalated quickly.

He held her tongue with the strength of...Well, a god, controlling every movement and breath like a general. His firm hands brushed up her sides slowly, dragging his fingers along her rib cage before pushing the gown from her shoulders. She let it fall into a heap around her bare feet, letting the warm heat from his body tingle across her skin. She pressed for the advantage, but he pulled away, looking down at her through those dark sunglasses across his eyes.

Without a hint of warning, Mars grabbed her and spun her around so her back was to him, shoving her into the mirror hard enough to feel it crack from such force. She gasped in alarm until her breath was cut off by his arm pressing against her, pinning her to the wall with his body weight. She strained against him, but he was so strong, her breasts pressed against the glass while her hands clawed to push herself back, the mirror cold against her cheek, fogging up from her ragged breathing.

"Mars.." she cried out, but he hushed her with a soft growl, his other hand brushing along her spine towards the curve of her butt, covered barely by the nightie. He carefully pulled the fabric up to expose her big round ass to him, so vulnerable from this position. "How many others have there been?" He asked her slowly, his mouth so close to her ear she shivered from his molten hot breath. He drew his nails across her skin, the intentions of his interrogation quite clear. "How many have laid claim to your body?"

"I don't know" she replied, a smile dancing on her lips briefly. "There's been so many...I lost count."

He growled once more, his teeth barking as he gently bit down on her ear, making her wince and groan in anticipation. He squeezed her rear briefly, hard enough to get her attention. "Buckle in then" he said coldly, caressing her butt roughly as he held her firmly against the wall, ensure she couldn't move or fight back. "This may take a while."

Despite bracing herself for the inevitable assault, Venus wasn't ready for the sharp slap of his palm against her backside, the force behind it sending shockwaves up her spine so fast she saw stars behind her eyes. She cried out sharply, reacting to the painful sting as anybody would, barely regaining her breath before it was followed by another solid, powerful strike in the same place.

Mars was relentless in his punishment, each strike executed with pinpoint accuracy, impacting the most tender parts of her ass as the goddess whimpered under the assault, trapped by his strong body while he brutalized her. He was a skilled brute, alternating his rhythms by switching cheeks every so often, slowing to steady beats before striking with rapid succession, all the while remaining impossibly silent while his victim turned from a confident young woman to a pitiful girl, tears flowing down her cheeks and rattling moans emanating from her mouth. After countless rounds of torture, Mars finally broke the silence by asking her "is that enough?"

She took the chance to gasp in a few breaths, her ass bright red from the assault as it stung beyond all imagining. Yet despite how much her lover had hurt, she was anxious for more. Without a word, Venus shook her head in answer to his question.

He grunted once, then continued without apology. After several more minutes the god decided enough was enough, ceasing his brutality but only to prepare for the next punishment. Leaving her but be he released his hold across her back, allowing her room to move away from the wall so he could reach around and grasp her chest roughly. "Are you ready for more?"

"Yes" she gasped as he squeezed her, unwilling to fight him as he had his way with her. She was his subject, his slave, to do with as he pleased.

He buried his face in the crook of his neck to inhale her scent, savouring the smell of her hair in his scarred face while his yanked the nightie off her shoulders, revealing her torso to the reflection before them. Venus caught a glance at herself in Mars' arms, smiling at how beautiful they looked together, before he pushed her back against the glass. She felt his hand between her shoulder blades as he drew a deep breath, and she heard the tell-tale sound of a zipper being undone. Her body tensed, excitement overcoming her, making her wet and dripping between her thighs. He caught her hands as them tried to sneak a quick feel of his manhood, pulling them above her head and holding them together. The god of war let out a sharp whistle and then Venus felt something cool around her wrists. She looked up to find vines from her rapevine wrapping around her arms and holding her in place, the bonds tight enough to cut off circulation when she struggled against them. "You didn't think I wouldn't find a way to train them did you?" Mars asked her gloating.

She giggled excitedly, straining to turn her head back to gaze at him. "I do love it when you tie me up" she said delightedly.

He stepped up to her, examining her through the reflection as she stood their cornered and exposed, his large hands massaging her butt cheeks roughly as he pressed against her. She inhaled sharply when a familiar presence rubbed up along her pussy, her juices leaking over it as it pressed against her, teasing her, it's size thicker and longer than she remembered. "Let me show how a real man fucks a lady" Mars growled as his hips withdrew, his huge monster of muscle pulling away till it had let her, leaving her begging to have it back. But then she felt his thumbs pry her ass apart, opening her backdoor up as wide as it could, and she realized the extent of his intent.

He was softening me up, my cum lubricating him so he could claim what rightfully his. Oh chaos...

He gave her no time to prepare, taking careful aim and spearing her tight ring with absolute precision. Venus screamed as he penetrated her, the thick member punching through her like a battering ram, lodging itself as far as it could go, the burn bringing fresh tears to her eyes. It wasn't enough though. The cock had only gone in a few inches, her ass was too tight. So with a grunt Mars pulled out of her, his penis pulling out with a pop. Venus gasped for air as her ass burned, suddenly releasing a howl of pain as he thrust back inside with even greater force, driving himself deeper, stretching her even further. Oh chaos it hurts! It's too big. Too big I'm going to... She cried out as he cursed, his cock buried in her butt.

It still wasn't enough.

Even with how deep in the goddess Mars was, his cock still had at least four more inches left to spare. So he made to pull out once more, his penis grinding against her tight walls, making her scream from the friction and pain. Unable to release himself, the god of war opted for a stronger offense. Grasping her hips firming with both hands, Mars hurled his hips forward while simultaneously yanking her back onto his cock, finally hitting himself at the base, fully submerged in her ass.

Venus went into shock, her mouth wide but no sound leaving. Her brain went blank as the pain fried her nerve endings, leaving nothing but a hot buzz deep inside her body. None of that stopped her juices from spraying the mirror in climax, the cum staining the glass and pooling around her feet. Her arms ached from where she was hanging from the vines, her fingers turning blue. If she had been mortal, Mars' penetration would've killed her. But being immortal, she survived the brutal assault. Which meant all that was left was pleasure.

Once her body adjusted to him, Venus was ready for his pounding, his thrusts and fucking. He pounded her ass like a piston, the burn becoming escasty, the pain becoming pleasure, her wails becoming moans and cries of joy. He was rough, so rough even her godly skin bruised, be that's what she loved about him.

It wasn't long until he grew bored of staring at her back and pulled out of her, spinning her around to face him, pressing his lips to hers as she was pushed against the glass, cracking the mirror beneath their weight. She moaned meekly into his mouth as he reached down and brought her thighs up, a fresh pair of vines heeding their master's signal and hooking under her knees, suspending her in the air waiting for her lover. She gazed down, finally seeing the monstrous cock pultruding from the opening in his camo-pants, throbbing against her groin where her pussy trembled impatiently. Seeing the sheer size made her gulp, forgetting the level of volume she'd just had inside her ass mere seconds ago. It won't fit, her mind panicked before all thoughts were swept away by the gods forceful, controlling kiss.

He didn't say anything as he adjusted his stance, hands clutching her waist, cock aligned to her dripping thrust was all he took, and she screamed. His dick punched between her folds and through her cervix and stretched her wide open, a large bulge appearing on her stomach from where it's head pushed against the roof of her uterus. She stared down at it, her eyes wide and watering. "Oh fuck" she moaned, her inner walls squeezing his organ protesting against the intrusion, too much for them to hold.

He stood there holding her tight, letting them both readjust to the sensation of him wearing her like a glove, before slowly shifting his body to grind into hers, easing into what was sure to be a rough, savage beating of her vagina. "Try not to scream" he warned her, wrapping one of his hands around her throat. He didn't finish the threat, or command, but she'd had enough rough sex to get the gist of what he had planned, confirmed when his fingers contracted following his first proper thrust into her, the motion making her cry out before he cut of her air to stifle the sound. It wasn't constant, quickly releasing her neck to let her breath, simply incentive to keep her quiet.

But she could not stay quiet. It felt like having a twenty ton jackhammer thundering between her legs, a pounding lethal to to all who weren't immortal. Having a dick the width of someone's fist punching into your womb was not the kind of thing one could grit their teeth to, each strike against her cervix causing the goddess to whip her head back and scream to the heavens in pain and pleasure. But each time Mars was quick enough to choke the words from her mouth, his hand almost constantly holding her neck in a vice grip, leaving her no room to move, no room to breath, and with her hands bound uncomfortably above her head and her legs by her side, Venus was helpless as he fucked her mercilessly until he came deep into her womb, filling her insides with red hot seamen that burned her inside out.

The god of war grunted as he emptied his load into her, letting go of her neck to leave her to roll forward, on the verge of passing out. He dislodged his huge cock from her pussy, his trousers drenched in her cum from her multiple orgasms, stepping back to admire the pitiful state she was in. He whistled softly and the vines holding her legs released her, her feet left to dangle inches from the ground, her arms weak and her hands turning purple from the lack of circulation through her wrists. He leaned closer, cupping her chin with his hand to examine her sleepy face, her eyes drifting closed.

She woke up from the swift smack of his palm across her cheek, leaving a red welt the shape of a handprint on her skin. She gasped in shock, then coughed violently when her burning lungs remembered they needed air. Once he had her attention he stepped up and glared other. "You enjoy that?" He asked her coldly.

"Oh yes" she replied, her voice strained, her throat dry and raw. She was getting feeling back to her body, but it began to ache and burn everywhere, while her fingertips tingled. She can't feel her fingers.

He grunted with a smile, reaching out to hook his hand under her arms as the vines let her go and she collapsed into his hold. Holding her under her armpits, he hoisted her up like a doll, gently kissing her on the forehead. "Don't go back to sleep" he ordered, turning around and hurling her across the room onto her bed, the impact making it buckle and creak as she lay spread eagled like a rag doll, too weak to move. He slowly made his way towards her, undoing his shirt and belt buckle as he advanced, carefully dropping articles of clothing to the ground as he undressed. "We are just getting started" he told her, showing the first signs of enjoyment as he finished by removing his sunglasses, the two glowing rods of fire in his eye sockets burning brightly as he stood over her beautiful, broken form, his erection standing to attention.

Venus could barely muster the strength to cry out when he grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her down the bed into a long and vicious night of passion and sex.

It was nearly 18 hours before the god of war finally finished up with her. He got dressed in his officers attire and replaced his sunglasses before he strode out of her bedchambers, bidding her one last farewell. "Be sure to keep it warm for me" he told her as he gave her a salute, closing the door behind him.

Venus lay on the crumpled bed in a sweating, gasping heap, her skin caked and covered in bodily fluids of both parties, the bed sheets strewn all over the room discarded, the mattress askew after the bed gave way hours ago. Their were cracks on the walls from where the two of them had collided with such force, furniture knocked over or shattered. The goddess herself hadn't remain unscathed either, her skin blotchy with blue, black and purple bruises and red welts everywhere, her hair a tangled mess, whatever makeup left smeared over her face where tears had stained her features. She stared at the ceiling with bloodshot eyes, her burning lungs straining to draw in oxygen she doubted she'd need ever again. Now that the action was over, the Roman personality drifted back into the recess of her being to be replaced by her Greek counterpart, but the memories remained as Aphrodite groaned from the aching buzz of her muscles and sex.

Now that's how you get fucked.

Despite the discomfort and pain she was in, the goddess pushed herself up to her elbows to look around the room, replaying the last 18 hours and remembering every detail, every position they were in and every sound they two of them made together. When her gaze fell onto the wardrobe in front of her with the doors open, she was bombarded with the images of the dozens of ways Mars had controlled her using the rapevine, how they had bound her her and exposed her and humiliated her instead of simply fucking her. Only he could fuck her, only he could claim her body... it was such a turn on thinking about it made the pain in her pussy grow in intensity as it ached.

Rolling over the side of her bed Aphrodite picked herself up and pushed herself onto her feet, quickly regretting it when her shaking legs gave way and she fell face first onto the floor. "Ow" she whimpered, her muscles screaming at her has she dragged herself to the wardrobe, managing to rise to her knees unsteadily before reaching out to close the doors.

Before she could, a small teasing vine stroked the welt on her cheek, drawing her attention to the plants within. "Not tonight" she sighed, pushing them away as she closed the door on her plants. "Mommy's had enough" she said under her breath. She was exhausted, aching from abuse, her womb and ass were so full she could feel Mars' cum boiling inside her. Everything hurt, and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and pass out.

And yet she smiled. It was everything I needed and more. Why can't Ares be like Mars. Why can't Mars stay with me forever? With him in my bed, I wouldn't need the rapevine anymore. I wouldn't need any man anymore.

She sighed heavily, knowing her wish couldn't be granted as she dragged herself back to her bed. If she was going to sleep, it was going to be in relative comfort. Pulling herself onto the mattress, she managed to get onto her hands and knees before she felt a familiar tendril brushing over the red skin of her ass.

"No. I said I can't Toni..." she was interrupted mid sentence when the vine shoved itself into her pussy, the force sending her forward onto her front where she collapsed into the mattress. She moaned weakly into the bedsheet as the vine started pumping into her abused hole, ignoring her wishes and having its way with her. She was in so state to fight it, instead leaving it be as she closed her heavy eyelids, sighing dreamily as it somehow managed to stimulate her spot and trigger another orgasm, the goddess barely feeling the burn as she fell unconscious, leaving the vine to soak up her cum as it continued to fuck her in her sleep.

Had she glanced back she'd have seen this vine wasn't smooth or green like her fellow plants, but rather soot black, it's texture uneven and rough. More over, she'd had realized it didn't lead back to the wardrobe where she kept them, but instead under the dresser where a mass of tangled roots lay against the marble floor in the shadows, withering silently as it absorbed the goddesses juices into itself, bringing a bit of colour to its flesh.

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