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Aphrodite's New Plant: Thalia and the Lake

The waterfall glistened bright white in the moonlight as it roared gracefully into the sparkling lake, which was tucked away within the densely populated woods the Hunters of Artemis were currently camped at. The hunt had been long and exhausting, so the immortal band was taking the night to rest and relax in preparation for the coming dawn, when they'd set off once again. The night was quiet, peaceful, allowing the famed lieutenant Thalia Grace some time to herself in peace.

She rose out of the clear water to greet the chill of the moonlit air, sighing heavily as she combed her hair back with her fingers, the water trickling down her naked body as she rose to her feet, the lake reaching to just below her breasts. She forgot how calming it was at night, without the wild animals and monsters she'd hunt daily. Even so, she always preferred bathing alone, preferring it to the bustle of her sister's together. So quiet, I can hear myself breath again.

She stood there in the water a long while, twisting her black hair dry over her shoulder when her highly attuned senses picked out a rustle in the nearby bushes. Instinctively, she lowered herself into the lake down to her neck, covering her presence and her dignity. Her gaze locked to the bush, worried if it was either a stalking predator or a peeping Tom. Careful not to make a sound, she drifted over to the edge of the lake, closing in on her target, not letting her eyes leave the canopy. Her bow and spear were nearby on the shore, just to the right of the her as she carefully closed the distance.

Before she got within six feet of her weapons, there was a splash behind her. Her head spun immediately, seeing nothing but a circle of ripples a few yards behind her. She froze, looking for any indicators of what made it, finding nothing. She slowly turned back around, coming face to face with something she'd never encountered before.

She gasped in shock as her legs instinctively sprung her body backwards, sending her flying across the lake away from the creature that now studied her. It was long and green, about six inches in diameter, emerging from the water like a serpent. It's head was a narrowed tip, rounded with a small hole or slit, which opened and closed like a fish bobbing its mouth. The creature didn't move to approach the demigod as she slowed to a stop several yards away from it, staring intently at the strange thing.

What the hell are you?

Thalia studied the creature as it studied her, examining its uniqueness, trying to place it among the long list of mythical and modern creatures Artemis had made her read up on, coming up empty. She'd never seen anything like this. She kept herself poised, ready for an attack, but it just waited there, staring at her (if it even could. She couldn't see any eyes on the creature.)

"You're new" she said slowly, keeping her voice low as she took a step closer. It twitched in response, the head drifting closer. "Stay back!" She told it sharply, tensing up.

To her surprise, it did just that, coming to a stop.

Ok, so it understands me? "Can you understand me?" She found herself asking it.

It nodded.

"Are you here to attack me? Eat me?"

It shook its head.

"Then why are you here?" It didn't answer. Maybe it didn't have one, she thought. Not the first beast she talked to that could only answer in yes or no or die. "You're not here to hurt me?"

It shook its head.

"Ok then. No sudden moves." She edged closer, her body rising up as she stood up straight. Thalia was a tall person, and yet this thing towered over her easy. Yet as she came closer, it lowered itself to her eye line, watching her carefully. She cautiously raised her hand towards it, reaching out to touch the creature. It flicked away from her hand. "It's ok" she said assuredly. "I won't hurt you, so long you don't hurt me. Deal?"

It nodded its head, moving closer so her fingers could make contact with the sooth green texture of its skin. It didn't feel like an animal hide, more like the stem of a flower. Her hand slowly drifted up its body to the head, sensing no other features such as eyes, gills, anything. Her fingertips reached the slit at the tip, so small her finger filled it completely, feeling no jaw or teeth. I don't think it's dangerous her gut told her, even as it gently nudged her hand with its head like a pet nuzzling it's owner. "What are you?" She whispered in curiosity.

It continued nuzzling her fingers as she stroked it carefully, the small opening feeling her skin tentatively. She found herself smiling when it pulled her fingertip in with a suction like motion, pulling away with a pop. "Does that mean you like me now?" She asked it.

It nodded.

Did I just make a friend? I just befriended an unknown creature, in a lake, in my birthday suit. A day in the life of a demigod, she mused as the creature began drifting around her. She followed it cautiously, turning on the spot as it circled around her. "You don't talk much, do you?"

It shook its head.

"Can you tell me where you come from?"

It cocked its head, as if confused.

"Do you live in this lake?"

Another shake.

"Are there more of you?"

This time it nodded.

The two of them continued circling, completing a full rotation before Thalia found it cocking it's head as it studied her. "So what are you doing here?" It didn't respond, it's head hovering over her exposed chest as it began circling her again. She glanced down at herself, seeing the rest of her body through the clear water. "Are you checking me out?"

It cocked its head a moment, before nodding.

Thalia cocked an eyebrow as it circled around her, a smirk coming to her face as she decided to remain still, letting it survey her properly. "See anything you like?" She asked it playfully, finding the idea of a snakelike creature ogling her rather pleasing.

She wasn't against being appreciated for her good looks, but being a hunter meant she could never be bound by certain proclivities, such as love. Which meant she could never be with any man who might enjoy her company, the hunters of Artemis being a strict "girls only" club. The rule of relationships extended to girls too, all love prohibited, but lately Artemis has allowed the term "relationship" to be a little flexible when within the pack. Many of the girls have, in stressful times, comforted each other in other ways. As long as nothing was serious and it was all totally beneficial to their role as hunters, Artemis turned the other cheek to their creative relaxation methods.

Not that I made a habit of said practices. Being the leader I have to set an example. But some of my sisters are hot and I'm usually under a lot of stress.

Her wandering thoughts distracted her as the creature came back around to face her, its head closer now almost brushing her cheek. Her electric blue eyes found it as her body felt something shifting in the water around her. She looked down in time to see the rest of its body wrapped around her, binding her legs together as it caught her in its coil.

The sneaky little bastard!

Her face looked back up to it, a smirk edging at her mouth as she cocked her head to the creature. "You sly little bugger" she said with a low, coy voice, silently amazed and slightly turned on at being duped. " that you have me, what are you going to do with me?"

The creature regarded her silently as its body slowly constricted, squeezing her gently before releasing again. It started a pattern, massaging her whole body in a slow, relaxing motion. "Wow, this is weird" Thalia said, closing her eyes as she relaxed her muscles, enjoying it. The creatures head stroked her cheek, where she felt it's mouth sucking her skin briefly, giving her a quick kiss. It made her smile as she felt it trace down her neck, giving her more kisses as it drifted over her chest, which was rising more briskly as her breathing drew heavier. She gasped as it kissed its way towards her hardening nipple, sucking the nub in its mouth briefly, making her moan.

This feels so weird, but so good, she thought as it kissed down her belly underwater towards her navel. She caught her breath suddenly when she realized it destination. "Wait!" She cried, reaching down to grab it before it could reach her pussy, which was beginning to throb with anticipating desire. The creature reappeared out of the water, cocking its head at her as she turned red. "Sorry, that was nice. But I've...never had know...down in there. I mean, I've had people touch me there, but they were only...a few girls fingered me, licked my pussy. Sorry, I'm trying to say...I'm still a virgin." She let out an embarrassed breath, looking down into the water apologetically as the creature hovered there. It drifted closer, lifting up her chin so she could look at it. "So, what I'm trying to say gentle with me? I've never done this before."

With a boy or a strange lake creature.

It nodded slowly, quickly pecking the tip of her nose, making her giggle. She stared at it was an affectionate smile, leaning forward to kiss it back. It leant in to kiss her bottom lip, running along it softly. Thalia closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of it as it caressed her lips, kissing it often, moving to its shaft occasionally. Their steamy kissing got her really hot, her thighs rubbing together to starve the fire igniting in her groin. Her lips found its tip again, kissing passionately as it nuzzled into it, nudging its way into her mouth. Thalia didn't object as she took it it, her mouth wrapping around the creature, licking its head as it explored her, moaning softly.

Was she stood there lost in the creatures embrace, several new shapes began emerging from the lake bed around her feet, rising up to the surface, resisting the urge to touch the naked demigod as the broke past the water level to ogle her.

She faintly felt the ripples on her skin, her eyes falling open to gaze around her. She saw that dozens other tentacle like creatures had emerged from the lake and had surrounded her, watching silently as she sucked the head of the thing in her mouth. She gaged in alarm, causing the creature to pull out, disheartened at the premature exit. She nodded to the other tentacles. "Friends of yours?"

It nodded.

"What do they want" she swallowed, glancing around at them wildly. Not from fear, but excitement.

Confirming her suspicions, the creature pointed at her body, lessening it's grip on her till it's body was coiled around her waist, leaving the rest of her limbs available.

She looked at each of the tentacles carefully, seeing they were all similar in shape and colour to the one she'd been making love to, but varied in size. Some were as thin as a pencil, others almost as big as the first. None shared the firsts sucker opening, none that she saw. But they all looked equally appeaseable. She smiled broadly, whipping her hair back as it announced to the assembled party "come and get me then!"

The tentacles swarmed her almost instantly, wrapping around her limbs and body so fast she nearly got whiplash. Most remained below the water level, hidden in the lake, leaving Thalia's head, neck and shoulders untouched, along with her big boobs which just touched the water. But what they were doing to her below them, that was indescribable. Every muscle was massaged, each patch of skin was stroked and caressed, every pleasure spot she knew of was found and toyed with, sending an overload of sensations she couldn't begin to handle. A few cheeky tentacles squeezed and slapped her ass, making her jerk and moan, enjoying the attention. Her wet entrance was, for now, left alone with the exception of a teasing stroke across her folds every so often, just to keep her on her toes.

Thalia succumbed to a stream of moans, overwhelmed by the sensory output. Her knees were begging it shake and were it not for the tentacles holding her up she'd have buckled by now. The initial creature stayed out the water, caressing her face and neck, extending its embrace as she mewled like a kitten.

This is so hot, her body sighed, not caring whether this was a good or bad idea. She hadn't been pleasured like this in forever, and was finding it more relaxing than anything a bath could do. As her head rolled forward with a sigh she found herself greeted by a new appendage, this one with a small flower bud on its tip. As she looked at it, it opened up to reveal a bright pink blossom of petals. It looked beautiful. "That's amazing" she said, lost for words.

The flower lowered back down and this time approached her heaving chest, zeroing in on one of her rolling mounds. The petals closed around the breast, encasing it within the blossom as she felt suction from the centre of the flower, focused on her sensitive nipple. Her back arched as she moaned loudly, her head falling back as it sucked her boob vigorously. "That is amazing!" She cried, her eyes rolling into her skull as her inner walls opened up as she came into the lake. The climax felt like a great weight was lifting as she began slumping deeper into the tentacles embrace, reaching up to stroke the head of the first creature watching over her, sliming gratefully.

The tentacles underwater finally stopped teasing her and moved in on her throbbing entrance, eager to take this to the next level. She felt them open her up, her muscles instinctively tensing. Wait! Her mind screamed. I don't know if I'm ready.

Her body said different, loosening her hips and pushing her legs further apart, her fresh pussy greeting the new studs. They took the invite seriously, aligning them selves at her lower regions carefully. The lead prodded her sex carefully, preparing her for the main event.

The creature watching her nudged her cheek questioningly as she breathed rapidly, bracing herself. "Do it" she told them.

A second later, the tentacle shot into her vagina in one swift motion, penetrating her hard and diving deep inside her tight virgin core.

Thalia screamed in shock at the intrusion, barely registering the pain of her hymen breaking, too stunned at realizing she was really going to get fucked after all this time. She bit her lip, holding back the cries as tears ran down her face, controlling her breathing. She could feel it inside her, wriggling around, like something alien trying to break free. It felt so weird, so full, but also so good. After a few minutes the discomfort was replaced by pleasure, her cries becoming moans, and only then was she humping the tentacle with her hips as it thrust inside her, fucking her.

Her first fuck. She was going to enjoy it.

The pleasures the tentacles were subjecting her to intensified, more arriving to rub her clit, wrap around her free breast to tease her nipple, snap her ass harder just to make her shriek. It was unlike anything Thalia could've prepared for, clutching the appendages as she jerked her hips against the pounding thing inside her, her voice bouncing across the lake eliminating all semblance of peace and quiet.

The tentacles took it up a gear by bringing a second tentacle up between her legs, this thing aiming for her back entrance. She felt it prodding at her hole and nearly fainted. There too! It didn't wait for permission before pushing between her butt cheeks, poking its head inside her tight ring as she screamed, trying to relax to let it in. It pushed harder, twisting inside as it's brethren pulled her onto it, bring her eyes to tears. It's too big, she cried wordlessly. It won't fit!

It took several uncomfortable minutes before it was deep enough in to begin thrusting into her rectum, matching pace with the one in her pussy. Thalia hollered loudly as she was penetrated in both her holes, turning it into a hat trick when the first creature came back and she eagerly pulled it into her mouth, lifting her head back to let it slip down her throat and begin fucking her just as hard.

All pain, fear and concern left the demigods body. All that remained was pleasure. Endless, unadulterated heat, passion, pure bliss. The tentacles claimed her, all of her, every hole, every limb, everything they wanted they could have. She let them use her, abuse her, cause she didn't care. All that mattered was the pleasure as orgasm followed orgasm, climax after climax.

After an eternity, the pounding ended, slowing to a crawl as the tentacle in her mouth, which she been sucking like a baby, released something down her throat. Thalia's eyes drifted open, apparently having briefly falling unconscious during their lust fuelled session, tasted the sweet, sticky substance falling into her stomach as the tentacles left her, detaching from her breasts and pulling out of her body, leaving her empty.

The creature slipped out from between her lips and looked down at her as she sighed, swallowing the stuff it left behind. "Holy shit" she breathed, her chest heaving out of the water. She glanced up at the creature with a satisfied smile, her blue eyes glinting in the moonlight. "That was amazing. Beyond amazing. Thank you."

The creature pecked her nose once more, making her giggle as a new, larger tentacle, began wrapping around her body, pinning her arms to her chest as the old ones left. She looked down at it, then back up with a cocked eyebrow. "You're not finished yet, are you?"

It shook its head, sliding into the water as it unravelled itself from around her waist. Thalia shivered as it shank lower, falling between her thighs and lining up as her well used, recently opened entrance. Thalia knew what was coming, sucking in a nervous breath. The creature was twice as big as the tentacle that had just taken her virginity. It was larger, wider, than the first. The daughter of Zeus opened her legs wider and waited for it to enter her, releasing a groan of pleasure as she felt it slide up through her vagina, deep into her core all the way to her cervix. It poked it roughly, eliciting a yelp as it pulled almost all the way out. Then it ploughed back up, hitting the small opening like a battering ram, the sting of pain shooting up her spine and registering a shock in her brain.

"Holy shit!" Thalia yelped, the sudden surge of desire masking any discomfort as she rode the creature between her legs like a cowgirl, bouncing on it rapidly, encouraging it to go harder, faster, her pleas becoming moans, then screams. It pounded into her as hard as it could, pushing to breach her cervix and enter her deeper, as far as it could. Thalia wanted that too, egging it on, begging it to penetrate her.

Finally, its head breached her opening with an audible pop, triggering an ear shattering scream from the young girl as she climaxed, the orgasm rocking her body wildly in the tentacles grip. It followed suit, the creature shooting its much anticipated load deep into her fertile womb, the sticky substance filling her up till there was nowhere left to go. Thalia's walls clamped tight around the tentacle, blocking all escape as the creature continued cumming, her womb expanding as it blew her up like a balloon, her belly growing until she felt like she was going to burst.

Thalia stared down at her own body in wonder, too high on her orgasm to be concerned as it finished unloading inside her, leaving her looking almost eight months pregnant as it carefully left her body, her cervix and vagina shutting tight, holding its cum inside as she fell backwards, released by the tentacles to drift on her back, floating on the lake staring up into the night sky.

Thalia lay there, exhausted and bloated, gazing up at the moon with awestruck eyes, her crest heaving as she casually stroked her swollen belly. Holy shit, she kept thinking. The only thing she could comprehend. Beside her, the creatures head materialized from the water, nuzzling her cheek. "Hey" she smiled, turning her head to gaze at it. "You were amazing." The two stared at each other a long moment in blissful silence, until she heard raised voices from the woods. Her fellow hunters were calling after her. She sighed, "I need to be getting back. We have a long day ahead of us." She looked down at her body, shaking her head. "I can't go back looking like this."

The creature looked across to her stomach, cocking it's head before disappearing underwater. Seconds later, it came back and wrapped itself around her body again, looping twice over her belly. Them, to Thalia's amazement, it squeezed, forcing her tight walls to open up as its cum was forced out of her, gushing into the lake like hose. Thalia arched her back as she was squeezed like an orange, expecting a scream but instead releasing a long groan as her womb was emptied, the lake water churning around her legs as her toes curled with one like orgasm, her cum mixing with what was leaving her. Once it was finished, her body fell limp, her belly as flat as when it started.

Thalia let herself be carried over to the shore as the creature deposited her at the edge of the lake, giving her one final peck on the cheek. "Thank you" she said breathlessly. She quickly kissed it back, before glancing around. "If I ever want another round, how do I find you? Should I come back here?"

The creature shook its head, instead pointing to the bushes behind her, Thalia looked back, seeing the same bush which she'd heard a disturbance from before this thing showed up. She looked back at it. "In there? What's back there?" She asked it, but it just sank back to the lake, disappearing out of sight.

Thalia stared at the lake a short moment, lost in the memory of the last hour, before turning back to the tree line. She went to stand, but her legs gave out, her body aching all of a sudden. Wow! They really did a number on me. Unable to stand, the demigod crawled over to the bush her new friend had pointed to, coming up to the pile of leaves and twigs and pulling them aside to look within.

Hidden within the bush was a single, isolated object. A small plant pot containing a mass of green vines a rounded by bright pink petals. These vines had grown over the rim of the pot and burrowed into the ground around it. Thalia stared at the strange plant, watching the vines pull out of the ground and retract back to its small size, becoming dormant.

Thalia's head whirled over her shoulder to the lake behind her before spinning back to the plant, the pieces falling into place. She assumed she'd just met some kind of lake creature, but that wasn't the case. The thing she'd met, the thing that had fucked her was this small plant. The tentacles were it's vines, growing under the ground and coming out through the lake. The realization chilled her slightly, but then excited her. Sure there were questions, like who left this here and where did it come from, but more importantly what happened needn't be a once off. She could take it with her, study it, and maybe experiment with it even more. Gods, I should like one of those horny children of Aphrodite, she thought, not carding as she picked up the plant.

She sat there in the bushes, naked in the moonlight as she examined her new playmate in her hands. Her fellow hunters called her name again, indicating it was time to return to the camp. She glanced at the woods, cocking her brow with a suggestive smirk. "I wonder if they'll like you as much as I do" She asked the plant.

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