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Aphrodite's New Plant: Sharing a Dream

Cohabiting a bedroom was usually a prohibited luxury in camp Jupiter, but being the praetor has its privileges. Who better to break the rule when you are the one in charge of enforcing them. At least, that's what Frank always argued whenever he convinced his girlfriend Hazel to sleepover in his quarters. She didn't protest to strongly, happy to get more time with him. If that meant she'd get the occasional scowl from their fellow centurions the next morning, so be it. After all, Frank was the most handsome son of Mars she'd even met, and it was a privilege to be sleeping with him.

That's why the two young lovers were now spooning in Franks large bed in the late hours of the night, the only illuminating from the bright moonlight casting through the open window. They both slept soundly, the younger, shorter African American demigod snuggled against the taller, more imposing frame of her boyfriend as he wrapped his arms protectively around her, his face relaxed as he breathed in the scent of her curly cinnamon brown hair, his own black military cut style glowing in the moonlight. Her head was nestled comfortably in the crook of his thick arm, using his muscular bicep as a pillow as his other hand rested just beneath her breasts, their legs intertwined with the bedsheets covering them up to their waist. Neither were wearing any pyjamas or undergarments, such articles of clothing were discarded hours ago, left scattered across the floor. Hazel preferred it this way, the feel of Franks toned warm skin against hers gave her a sense of protective comfort, assuring her of her safety. The same went for him too, her body heat relaxing his warlike senses to let him drift peacefully to sleep.

It was moments like these that made all the wars, battles and tragedies they've suffered worthwhile.

As the two of them slumbered in Franks bed, a new presence manifested out of the moonlight, silently walking over to the bed and standing at the end like a watchful predator. But there was no malice in the big black eyes that watched the young demigods in their sleep.

"How sweet" the goddess mused, placing the small present she'd brought with her down on the floor at the base of the bed before carefully walking around to examine her favourite young student more closely. Hecate always admired the determination and talent of the young miss Levesque, essentially teaching her the ways of manipulating the mist. She was fierce, loyal, brave...all qualities that made her special in the goddess of Magic's eyes. It only seemed right that such talent should be rewarded, and so she brought her a gift to share with her partner, recently acquired from Olympus in a rather...unorthodox fashion.

But in order for them to enjoy the gift, it'll need a little encouragement.

Hecate lowered down till she was looking at Hazel from her level, kneeling beside the bed to carefully comb a stand of her curl hair behind her ear. The girl had her golden eyes closed, fast asleep and unaware of the goddess' presence. She smiled softly, thinking back on the many times she'd considered casting her illusion spell to take the son of mars form to spend some quality time with Hazel. Though she needn't bother; the two demigods were a rare couple who had opted to an open relationship, leaving both parties free to consort with others. Alas, the goddess had yet to make a move, but that couldn't stop her from testing the waters.

Careful not to disturb her protective lover, Hecate leaned in to gently kiss the daughter of Pluto on her lovely little mouth, her lips so soft against hers. She took a few quick pecks before holding for a longer one, the demigod absently returning the favour with a moan in her sleep. Hecate slowly began making out passionately with the sleeping girl, their kiss Devine as the goddess savoured her coca flavour. When she finally pulled back, Hazel whined softly, her head shifting against Franks arm in disappointment. "So pretty" Hecate whispered, casting a glance at her gift as it started to come to life, sensing the state of arousal she'd triggered in the demigod. "Maybe next time, my dear" she promised, kissing the demigod once more before she left her to be spoiled by her new plant.

It didn't take long for the rapevine to grow sufficiently for the best approach, taking into account the presence of two fresh potential lovers for it to embrace. Ordinarily it would simple hone in on the person generating the hormones and just have its way with them, but with each love making session the plant underwent it subtly evolved, gaining experience and learn how to please its partners, like a sixth sense telling it what they'd most respond to and how they'd like to be fucked. That's why it took its time as it crept towards the sleeping teenagers, slowly slipping into the sheets silently to slither towards their naked forms. It may have been the girl that awoke it, but as she began to stir against her boyfriend his body was reacting to hers, his large member hardening slowly against her back. All the vines needed to do was wait for a few more seconds and it would have two horny demigods to play with.

Frank could feel Hazels body heat change despite being fast asleep. It sparked his body into squeezing her slightly tighter as he breathed in the scent of her hair, his crotch rubbing against her backside insistently. She responded positively, snuggling in closer to be embraced by him as he cupped her boob, lacing her fingers through his as she pressed herself against his stiffening dick as it poked between her thighs. "I love you" she mumbled in her sleep, quietly sighing as she felt him feel her up.

"I love chocolate" he mumbled under his breath in reply, his hips beginning to hump her like a puppy. His cock rubbed between her legs slowly, hard enough now to stimulate her pussy as it rubbed against it. She moaned softly, her lips curling into a smile as they sleep-humped each other, unaware of the smooth green vines now slithering over their tangled legs under the bedsheets.

The vines drifted over their bodies silently until they reached their hips, where they split off the begin pleasuring their respective targets. One circled around Hazel to approach her clit, pressing it gently as Franks cock rubbed her pussy, making her breath catch in her throat before moaning softly as a second vine slithered up to wrap around her free breast under Franks arm. It started to carefully squeeze and caress her soft mound even while her boyfriends thumb casually rubbed her nipple in his sleep, balancing the sensation of her clit being teased further down. Hazel moaned slightly louder, her breath coming out ragged and heavy as her body rocked against her lovers embrace, her left hand drifting down towards her crotch before a sneaky vine wrapped up her arm to stop her from interfering.

Frank was getting a similarly pleasurable experience. One vine had circled around and started stroking his nice toned butt, occasionally prodding teasingly between his ass cheeks testing the waters of his back passage. But another was circling the tip of his cock as it rubbed between his girlfriends thighs, now at his maximum 13 inch length from all the stimulation. As it stroked and caressed the throbbing member it pulled back the foreskin to expose the crown, before letting a third thinner vine stroke its urethra. Franks breath grew more labored as he was fondled, suddenly groaning as it poked inside his hole to enter his giant penis, sounding him to make it twitch and throb even more.

As the vines continued to pleasure them, Hazel licked her lips, her dreams shifting the feeling of that kiss that almost stirred her awake. She imagined who could've been on her lips, recognizing it as not Franks as she could tell his taste blindfolded. Her sleepily brain conjured up images of Leo, the only other boy she'd kissed in a long time. Though both she and Frank didn't consider themselves as exclusive, they did set a few rules. One, they told each other of any other lovers. And two, they had to be agreeable to sharing with each other. As yet, Leo was the only other person they'd included, his childish demeanour doing nothing to hide the crazy sexed teenager he was once they got his kit off. That was a fun afternoon. Hazel wouldn't mind getting into his pants again, but she wanted something else, a new experience. One with another girl, but she hadn't found anyone she'd willingly ask yet (or rather not had the guts to ask them).

While she was brooding on this thought, the plant sensed her desire and grew her a unique fresh vine, the appendage drifting out from the bed to approach her blissful face. The head blossomed into a small pink flowery head, the petals opening up like a makeshift mouth to gently peck her cheek. She giggled as it "kissed" her, nuzzling her nose against it as it pressed towards her lips. She kissed it back, sighing quietly as it's petals opened slowly to slip over her mouth and jaw, her tongue drifting out to explore like it had a mind of its own. She moaned softly as she licked the new feature covering her mouth, its insides moist with a sweet taste to them, imagining if this was what a girls pussy tasted like. Then a small vine materialized within the blossom, touching her tongue and tangling with it inside her mouth. She danced with it a while before closing her lips around it to suck the vine with her mouth, the petals still holding her jaw in its grasp likening it's inner blossom tickle her face under her nose, muffling her sighs and moans while the plant made its move on her boyfriend.

Underneath the bedsheets the vines were caressing Franks well toned butt, rubbing between his ass cheeks contemplating of violating his virgin hole before his body decided for them. His hips rolled as his shoulders suddenly slipped away, his arms releasing Hazel as he stretched in his sleep. The plant quickly pulled one of her legs away by the knee to allow him to roll free, making her own shoulders slump forward so her face got buried within the crook of his elbow. Now on his back the vines had complete access to his massive erection, worshiping it as he groaned sleepily, fresh vines blossoming to suck on his round nipples across his broad chest.

"Oh fuck yes" he muttered dreamily as the plant stroked his hard penis, the tip leaking precum as another blossom rose up to encase his cock slowly, drawing in a little at a time, the tight wetness stimulating his glans until his dick was throbbing. His breath was ragged and uneven, his chest rising sharply with each exasperated gasp, opening up an entrance for a eager little vine to plunge into his throat. Frank had never taken another dick into his mouth in his life, but in his deep slumber he found himself sucking the foreign object like a lollipop, much the the plants enjoyment.

Hazel found herself in her own kind of heaven, sucking on a tongue like entity around her mouth as her vulnerable little ass was slowly being violated, the accommodatingly small vine carefully twisting its way deeper between her butt cheeks, recognizing an unprepared hole when it saw one. With nothing to act as lubricant it worked slowly, hoping to avoid any unnecessary discomfort that could awaken the sleeping girl and make her experience a painful one. Fortunately it only took a few minutes to open her up enough to be properly fucked anally, her dreamy cries caught by the blossom over her mouth as she humped the bed gently, silently climaxing against the sheets prematurely.

She sighed softly, the vines now rolling her body over onto her back, her sweat drenched face falling against her boyfriends thick chest, who was still deep asleep in the throws of passion with the plant, his cock now fully encased while his balls were fondled roughly. She moaned in disappointment when the blossom around her jaw released her, the inner vine slipping out of her mouth and drifting down between her thighs, where two vines coiled around her legs to gently pry them apart, exposing her small, beautiful pink pussy. The blossom latched onto her crotch and the wet vine inserted itself inside her, like a plug entering a socket perfectly. She moaned desperately as it claimed her, her breasts bouncing against the vines holding them as she was fucked, the vine thrusting deep into her groin and finding her g-spot almost immediately. Unlike her boyfriend the plant let her voice flow freely, savouring her soft little cries of pleasure.

The two demigods slept through the whole experience, but their minds conjured up images of potential sexual encounters, different positions they could be making love in, the various people or creatures that could have snuck in to breed them, the gods who chose to have their way with them, so many options it was hard to chose a favourite. But needless to say, by the time the rapevine swallowed up all the cum and juices the two lovers could produce through their shared orgasm, the pair were well and truly exhausted. Hazels fingers brushed through her hair in a haze as she sighed in content, the vines leaving her body as the other did the same for Frank, his arms finding her again to hold her close as the two heroes snuggled up together, enjoying their silent state of escasty while the plant returned to wait at the end of the bed.

As it waited, the question hovered over the room; if the sex was that good while they were asleep, imagine how mind blowing it'll be once they wake up?

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