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Aphrodite's New Plant: Reyna takes a Shower

Being the leader of new Rome had its perks, including your own private washroom. It wasn't anything fancy, a small yet roomy space with a basin, bath and separate shower cubicle, along with a rack where you could hang your clothing and towels. It wasn't marble or fine oak, it didn't scream privilege or status, it was practical and private, just how Reyna preferred it.

She carefully stepped into the washroom on shaky legs, reaching out to the nearest wall to support herself as she crossed the threshold barefoot, her cloak grasped over her shoulders barely covering the naked figure hiding underneath it. Her black hair was still braided and hung over her shoulder, but strands hung wildly and tangled over her scalp from where it'd been pulled relentlessly, leaving a tattered mess. She glanced back into her bedroom, where the unconscious figure lay sprawled across the mattress, and allowed herself a genuine smile.

I can't remember the last time I really smiled without putting on an act.

It was a necessity for someone in her position. The praetor couldn't falter, couldn't show weakness, in front of her people. If she was compromised, So was the legion. She had to lead by example, with confidence, even when she doubted her own conviction. She needed to be strong so Rome could be strong, so everyday has an act, playing the part behind a mask. It became her life, so much so she forgot how to just...relax. To let go of the mask and be vulnerable, be weak, be herself.

She let out a long sigh as she walked over to the basin, placing both hands upon it so she could gaze up at herself in the mirror. She looked nothing like the strong, fearless leader the rest of Rome saw. It was refreshing. Tonight she'd been able to cast the mask away and enjoy the moment, truly forget about the legion and her responsibilities and just focus and herself and what she wanted. What she needed.

She examined her sharp features carefully, running her fingers over the red splotched across her cheek, around her right eye, wincing slightly from the tender skin. She lifted her sore chin to see numerous scratches and bite marks across her neck and collarbone, along with more kicks and scratches spreading over her chest and stomach. Her muscles ached as she slowly pulled the cloak off her shoulders, looking down at the yellow and purple bruises scattered over her skin, down her back and around her waist. She let the cloak fall around her feet, dropping past further bruising along her thighs in the shape of finger-marks, deep scratches dug into her flesh. She gazed over her battered boys, brushing her hand over the marks, feeling for further damage. She cringed when she felt a few of her rips might be cracked, stifled a yelp when her fingers skimmed the red tenderized mounds of her butt, and sucked a breath in when she considered checking between her thighs. That area was so raw she could still feel the burning sensation inside and around her entrance, her clit engorged from overstimulation. She rubbed her wrists, examining the red bands around and along her arms from various forms of restraints, yellowing parched dotting around between blackened scorch marks that still tingled. The burns were minor, and she felt other burns across her shoulders and hips from where his fingers pressed into her.

She looked in a state, like she'd come out a a vicious and violent battle with a brutal monster. But when she examined the wounds, she felt calm. Overjoyed. She may have been in a battle, but it wasn't a vicious one. It had been with Jason, all afternoon in her bedroom, pushing the boundaries of their "friendship" to the next level. And while she looked like an abused young woman, it was nothing compared to the sorry state she'd left him in on her bed. He was rough with her, and she returned the favour just as hard, fighting for supremacy in the throws of sex.

And it was Jason currently passed out on her mattress right now.

Reyna smiled as she mentally recounted the joyous evening while she stumbled over to the shower cubicle, turning the water on and undoing her hair while she waited for the water to heat up. Once to temperature she stepped under and gasped at the feeling of hot water running over her aching body, her tense muscles relaxing immediately as she let it run over her naked skin, across her face and down her back.

As she stood there she thought about Jason, and where things stood with her and him now. She was under no illusions, she was the rebound girl from his break up with Piper. He needed a companion and she let herself be what he needed her to be, even if it was a fuck toy. But that was just for tonight. What about after? She thought about all the time she and Jason spent serving the legion side by side, leading Rome together. She always admired his skill as a leader, his power as the son of Jupiter, and respected him as a partner. But deep down, she always wanted something more from them. To strengthen their partnership, become more than comrades. If it hadn't been for Juno interfering and swapping him with Percy a year ago, things could've been different. Reyna wouldn't say it out loud, but she hated their patron for stealing that chance away from her. But fate had a funny way of playing things out, and now she maybe had a second chance. She didn't know if Jason would be so open to it this time round, but she'd be damned if she was going to let this chance go a second time.

You should get to be happy too, she told herself, leaning against the wall to let the water flow down her back, her head lolling forward as she released a deep sigh. Tomorrow's problem. Just enjoy the moment.

Reyna was so used to keeping her guard up she was completely unprepared now she had lowered her barriers, leaving her at her most vulnerable as the presence entered her washroom without her knowledge.

Rising from the drain just next to her bare feet, several smooth free arms glided up through the opening to find the relaxed Praetor towering above them. They sense her presence and began to carefully climb her long smooth legs, slowly slithering up her body hidden by the running water. Reyna failed to notice as two appendages slid up her legs toward her core where a third circled around her waist to seek out her bust, while a fourth followed the curve of her spine and disappeared under her hair. Behind her several more arms rose, hovering above her waiting patiently.

Somehow Reyna felt the presence of something in the shower with her, her heavy eyes opening slowly as her body tensed. "Jason?" She asked cautiously. Who else could it be?

She turned her head to look behind her when something shot across her vision, covering her eyes and blindfolding her firmly. She cried out in shock and panic, reaching up to pry the blindfold off when two of the arms shot out to grab her wrists, pulling them behind her and tying them behind her back. She found herself immobile as the tendrils wrapped around her legs and body held her in place, restrained by a force she couldn't see.

"Jason! Is that you?" She called out, straining against the restraints. They were tight, and strong, felt like rope. "If you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask nicely." She stood there defiantly, waiting for a response, still worried it might not be her lover behind her. But she relaxed when she felt something brush over her left breast, twirling her nipple in a circle. Whoever it was, they weren't here to hurt her. And her quarters were locked, so there was only one other person it could be.

"You don't like to give up, do you?" She asked him, sighing at the pleasure his touch was bringing her. She felt something slither along her neck, feeling like a tongue as it ran along her bite marks teasingly. "The blindfolds a nice touch" she commented, trying not to show too much as he toyed with her. He got pleasure from breaking his lovers. She got hers from defying them. But even her façade couldn't hold up when that tongue moved up to her ear and wormed its way inside, tickling the praetor as it pushed into her head. She broke out into giggles as it messed about in there, the feeling completely weird but exciting, making her body heat up with arousal.

That drew in the others as they carefully began massaging her body, which again she failed to register under the sensation of running water over her skin. That and she was too distracted by the tendril playing inside her ear.

"Ok, stop it. Stop it!" She ordered between her rasping giggles. The appendage relented its assault reluctantly, retreating back to her neckline to soothe her. As good as the feeling was, it had been burrowing so deep Reyna was briefly worried it would burst her eardrum and invade her skull. Now that it was gone she could turn her attention to the arm holding her breast as it gently squeezed and caressed her mound, plucking her nipple occasionally. "Quit teasing Jason. Just fuck me already!"

"Jason" decided to continue teasing her, first by striking her bottom with a tendril, making the captive girl yelp as her red cheeks strung from the impact. It whipped her a few more times, alternating cheeks and sometimes purposely missing to hit the back of her thighs or back. After about a dozen or so Reyna felt close to tears, but she held them back, drawing a deep controlled breath, ignoring how hot her bum was burning. "Are you finished?" She asked indignantly.

She got no verbal answer. Instead she sucked in a breath when she felt something slip between her legs and lift up to her pussy, rubbing her lips and catching her clit. She deduced it must've been his cock, but it felt bigger. She'd spent all evening with Jason's dick penetrating every hole she had, she knew how big he was. But now he felt almost twice that, and three times thicker. "Holy shit" she gasped under her breath, careful not to let him hear her awe. You are in control.

The next thing she felt was something wrapping around her right breast, encasing her nipple completely before sucking it. Reyna sighed as he sucked his nipple, but again, it was different to last time. Softer, more consistent. She didn't feel Jason's sharp teeth cutting into her skin or pinching her this time. A part of her was kind of disappointed.

"Jason? Are you okay? You're being...we've already established you can't hurt me. Well, not too much. You don't have to be gentle. Just fuck me." She waited for an answer, which she didn't get. "Jason, this silent act was cool before, but just say something. It's starting to irritate me." She waited, still nothing. "Jason, either say something or I'm walking out this shower and you can kiss my ass goodbye!"

This time when she paused, she strained to hear anything from her lover. Again, she didn't hear him talk. But she couldn't hear him breathing either. In fact, when she focused properly, she couldn't hear anything resembling a human being. "Jason?" She whispered, her body tensing up. Something wasn't right. She closed her eyes behind her blindfold and did a mental stock check.

Jason was on the bed when you left him, that's a fact. It's also fact I locked the door to my quarters. Nobody else can get in. So that means whoever blindfolded me had to have already been in the room. So it has to be Jason. But I can't feel him or hear him. All I feel is these ropes around my wrists and body...which are moving. How are they moving. And hang on, if he's sucking my tits, then what's licking across my neck. And how can his dick be...

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She cried in alarm, fighting to break free from the bounds of whatever was holding her, understanding now this wasn't the son of Jupiter holding her, playing with her, about to... "oh no! Let go of me! Whatever you are, don't you..."

Too late.

The feeling this creature was subjecting her too were too good. Her pussy was dripping wet and begging to be enter, her legs widening in their restraints to give the dick access. Reyna saw the mistake too late, the tendril had already slipped inside.

"Oh fuck!" She gasped, feeling it moving about within her, even as she tried to slam her legs together and trap the intruder using her inner muscles. The arm just wriggled in her grasp, which stimulated her further. "Oh shit! Stop! Stop fucking me!"

Her words were those of a leader, with an air of defiance and control. But her body and mind were screaming something else, something the tendrils appeared to be listening to. She was enjoying this ordeal, turned on and horny for more, to be fucked by these arms. If it wanted, the appendages could take her right now, fuck her brains out, rape her, and she couldn't stop them.

But to her shock, it froze. It stopped, just like she asked it to.

She waited for a minute, her breath coming out rapidly as she waited for it to continue, but instead she moment her inner walls gave it left her, exiting her core and hovering several inches away from her, patient and silent. She took the time to control her nerves, trying to get a sense of what creature she was in the grasp of. It was nothing she'd encountered before, or heard of from other tales or stories. Without seeing it, she couldn't be sure of anything. Not knowing worried her.

But it hadn't hurt her. Violated her sure, but it did stop when she asked it to. As if it only sought to...

A lightbulb switched on in her mind, one that sparked a suddenly, primal urge in her lions. She'd heard whispers through the camp about a new plant that had been making the rounds amongst demigods, particularly at Camp half-blood over in Long Island. There were even rumours her co leader Frank had such a creature in his possession. She didn't like to put any stock in gossip, she preferred facts. But by all accounts, this plant had only one bring pleasure.

And be honest, the thought of indulging with a multi armed plant always got you a little excited.

Reyna bit her lip and considered her options. He was blindfolded, not gaged, so she could call for help. She'd be able to wake Jason and he'd free her and they could deal with this creature. Or, if this was that plant she'd been hearing about, and so far it's done nothing actually harmful to her...

She swallowed back her trepidation as she made her decision. "Okay" she said aloud, her voice trembling but confident. Her plan was simple, test the waters. The second it did something she didn't like she'd scream as loud as possible. If she was right, then she wouldn't be harmed. "Okay" she repeated, reopening her thighs. "Fuck me."

It took a few seconds for the tendrils to respond. In that time she waited in tense silence, fearing she'd made an error in judgement. Then she felt the dick enter her again, and she gasped at its size. When she made to clench shut again it hesitated, waited until she relaxed, then continued, sliding effortlessly into her pussy deeper than before. Once it stopped it paused so she could get comfortable with it, then began pumping. Thrusting in and out slowly, then faster, then harder. Reyna didn't scream, she moaned.

Her voice triggered the rest of the tendrils holding her as they resumed their ministrations, fondling her breasts and massaging her clit, her limbs, stroking her neck. The mouth sucking her nipple started up again, making her sigh as she felt the suction around her hard nipple. The intensity doubled when a mirroring mouth latched onto her other nipple and began sucking that alongside it.

Now with both her breasts being pumped Reyna arched her back, allowing herself a quiet orgasm that leaked out all over the arm inside her. She sighed disheartened as it left her pussy, leaving it empty and wanting as it disappeared. Fortunately though, a few moments later she felt something else press against her lips. Something bigger, almost like a fist. "Oh fuck! What is..." she tried to say, but words couldn't describe the feeling of its scale against her small opening.

Oh gods, it's not going to fit, was all she could think as it pressed up against her, the arms around her waist pulling her down to squeeze her around it's massive girth. She shook her head violently, trying to indicate her reluctance and also loosen the blindfold to see the monstrosity between her legs. "Please! I can't... it won't..." she pleaded, her eyes watering as the giant dick-like thing forced its way into her body, shoving her walls aside aggressively before ploughing into her entrance like a bulldozer.

She wanted to scream, but the air left her lungs in a startled gaps, leaving her crying out silently as she was used like a flesh light for this huge cock. Were she not a formidable Roman warrior demigod, the daughter of Bellona, she might've blacked out from such turmoil. But instead, she held strong, gritting her teeth and drawing in a deep breath through her nose, clenching her bound fists as she braced herself against the member. "Come on then" she spat, a fierce glare hidden behind the blindfold as she stood defiantly. "Give me your best shot."

It dragged itself out of her slowly, drawing out a long hissing sound from her mouth as she felt it pull back out of her stretched entrance, her wrists straining from their bonds as she cringed in discomfort. But she held firm, refusing to give it the satisfaction of seeing her falter. Once it was almost complete pulled out it stopped, then shoved itself back in. But this time its length twisted, like a corkscrew, sending fresh shocks of stimulated pain and pleasure through her system. She yelled as it screwed into her, pulling itself back out again before repeating the motion, causing another yelp. Her stomach bulged as it buried up deep into her womb, breaching her cervix violently. Her eyes watered as she stood her ground, willing her voice to silence itself as she took it bravely, the thrusts building up a steady rhythm as the massive dick screwed her. Her toes curled as her pussy burned.

Fuck, it's so big. I've never been fucked by anything so huge in my life. And yet it feels...god, I'm turned on by this cock. Whatever manner of creature this is...I want it! I want more of it! Fuck me, I must be crazy for enjoying this.

Reyna fought the urge to moan as the discomfort evaporated to be replaced by pleasure, her body adjusting to the massive member stretching her wide open, her juices flowing to ease its powerful strokes. She breathed rapidly through her nose, not willing to let her mouth open lest she scream, or moan, or beg. She didn't want to beg for more, despite how must her body was craving it.

The tendrils somehow sensed her need, however, when the arm that had previously occupied her vagina, still soaked in her femcum, slid up and around her stinging arse leaving a moist trial from its touch. She inhaled sharply, her lips still sealed shut, as she waited for its next move, predicting its actions. She felt it slid between her round cheeks gently, teasing her backdoor while two new arms pulled them apart to give it access.

While this was happening, Reyna felt another appendage slithering up between her breasts to loop around her slender neck, the tip stroking her cheek and running along her bottom lip. She clammed up. She won't give up so easily, not even when the tendril covering her eyes pulled her head back so she'd be facing the shower head, water pouring over her face as the tendril brushed her nose patiently.

She had no protection as the dripping tendril pressed into her anal passage, her slick cum lubricating its penetration. She grit her teeth.

Then it started spinning, twirling like a power drill, into her arsehole as it shot up her system like a rocket.

She couldn't hold it. Her jaw flung open as she cried out, water raining into her exposed opening, followed swiftly by the tendril waiting for her. It plunged into her throat before she could stop it, diving deep, her neck bulging as she choked, her lungs begging for air.

Once the two new dicks had settling inside her they adjusted somewhat to let her cope. She relaxed her throat muscles so she could breath out her nose, no longer panicking about suffocation. Her bum on the other hand...unlike its counterpart in her pussy it didn't thrust, just twirled, spinning around like a drill set to max, setting her already red hot backside on fire. She moaned loudly as the dick in her mouth began thrusting, fucking her face hard and fast, forcing her to suck its length. She didn't have a choice. Her defences were gone.

She let it have its way with her.

Reyna hopped on the balls of her feet frantically as her body was abused, all her senses bursting into overdrive due to the loss of her sight, heightening all the sensations she could feel. Between the arms massaging her limbs, the tendril plunging into her gurgling mouth, the appendage drilling into her numb asshole, the suction pads painfully failing to milk her tits dry and the humongous dick pounding into her womb, it was a miracle Reyna could stay conscious, even following the four consecutive orgasms that ripped through her body, which the tendrils ignored to continue fucking her. She cried out a muffled scream with each climax, everything burning inside her as they churned her insides to mush.

Lord patrons, oh gods, please let this end.

She would never had imagined a vile creature like this would break her formidable will, but here she was praying to her gods, to her mother for strength and a quick resolution.

After the fifth soul-tearing climax she felt the arms stiffen as they finished inside her, jettisoning a substance deep into her holes. She felt her bowels shift and her stomach fill to capacity, till it felt like all her organs were going to explode. It was the dick in her womb that expelled the most. She felt her body protest as her belly swelled around it, the bloated aftermath really uncomfortable and heavy. She gagged on the substance as it erupted up her throat when the tendril pulled out of her mouth, leaving her coughing up the sticky sweat cum. Seconds later the other arms followed suit, unplugging her holes and letting the cum spill out of her body to be washed away by the shower.

She hung their in its grasp as she deflated, her head sagging as her breath came out in raspy gasps. Cum ran between her thighs like a waterfall, her womb emptying as her muscles flushed it out desperately. Once she was finished being drained the arms released her hands so she could lean against the wall, allowing for her breasts to be released and her support to let go. With nothing to hold her up she sank to her knees in the running water, collapsing to her back against the wall.

The last tendril to let go of her was the blindfold, her black eyes blinking rapidly as the readjusted to the light of her washroom. She whirled her head around to try and catch sight of the creature who'd bested her, but all she saw was a blurry glimpse of something green disappearing into the drain.

Reyna sat there for a long while, the water raining over her aching body as she struggled to stay awake. Once the initial shock wore off she forced herself to her feet, catching herself before her legs could give out again so she could turn the water off. All traces of the creatures cum had been washed away now. She reached out an took a towel and slowly dried herself off, flinching every time she touched a sensitive spot, such as her boobs which were bright red, or her ass which was glowing. When she pressed against her flat belly she almost threw up, still feeling remnants of its cum inside her.

I hope I don't get pregnant from this, she briefly panicked, the thought of being impregnated making her sick.

When she was finally dry enough to leave the room she stumbled out to her bed, rolling into the sheets besides her unconscious roommate. She saddled up to him and wrapped her arms around him, craving his body heat, needing to feel a human figure pressed to hers. She pressed her face between his large shoulder blades, her damp hair sticking to his skin as she snuggled up behind him. As an afterthought, she reached down and carefully wrapped her fingers around his member, not to grope him, just to hold him close in reassurance.

That thing was defiantly bigger, she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep, hoping to pick Jason's brain about this creature when they woke up.

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